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Косоножкина Л.В., Кочарян А.С., Меликян А.А.


Методические указания и контрольные задания

по дисциплине

«Практическая грамматика английского языка»

для студентов заочной формы обучения

по направлению: 45.03.02 Лингвистика



I курс

(2 семестр)








Методические указания и контрольные задания по английскому языку для студентов - заочников по дисциплине ” Практическая грамматика английского языка ” - Ростов н/Д: Издательский центр ДГТУ, 2016.-15с



Печатается по решению методической комиссии факультета

“Социально - гуманитарный факультет”



Составители: к.ф.н., доц. Л.В.Косоножкина, ст. преп. А.С.Кочарян, к.ф.н., доц. А.А.Меликян


Рецензент:.ф.н., доц. С.В.Невольникова


© Издательский центр ДГТУ, 2016

Общие требования к выполнению контрольной работы

Памятка студенту


Контрольная работа предназначена для студентов заочной формы обучения направления 45.03.02 Лингвистика, а также может быть использована для студентов сокращенной формы обучения.

Контрольное задание предлагается в четырех вариантах. Номер варианта определяется по последней цифре номера зачетной книжки студента:

1, 2, 3 – 1-й вариант;

4, 5, 6 – 2-й вариант;

7, 8 – 3-й вариант;

9, 0 – 4-й вариант.


Контрольная работа должна быть выполнена в отдельной тетради. На обложке тетради необходимо указать следующие данные: факультет, курс, номер группы, фамилию, имя и отчество, дату, номер контрольного задания и вариант.

Первую страницу необходимо оставить чистой для замечаний и рецензии преподавателя.

Все предлагаемые к выполнению задания (включая текст заданий на английском языке) переписываются на левой стороне разворота тетради, а выполняются на правой.

Контрольная работа должна быть написана четким подчерком, для замечаний преподавателя следует оставить поля.

Контрольная работа, выполненная не полностью или не отвечающая вышеприведенным требованиям, не проверяется и не засчитывается.

Проверенная контрольная работа должна быть переработана студентом (та часть ее, где содержатся ошибки и неточности перевода или неправильное выполнение заданий) в соответствии с замечаниями и методическими указаниями преподавателя. В той же тетради следует выполнить «Работу над ошибками», представив ее на защите контрольной работы.

Четыре варианта контрольной работы имеют одинаковую структуру. Все задания должны быть выполнены в письменной форме.



1. Пассивный залог.

2. Использование предлогов.

3. Местоимения.

4. Типы вопросов.


Вариант 1.

Rewrite the following passage in the passive.

Yesterday afternoon, the school held a sports day. John's teacher entered him for the 100m race because people thought John was the fastest runner in the school. John's teacher blew the whistle and the race started. Loud cheers filled the air as John's friends cheered him on. John overtook all the other runners and, as people had expected, John won the race. The headmaster gave him a trophy as a prize.


Rewrite the sentences in the active.

1. Her excuse may not be believed by her parents.

2. The painting has been valued by an expert.

3. He likes being given presents.

4. The bill must be paid immediately.

5. Hot water is provided by the hotel 24 hours a day.

6. Our newspaper is delivered by a boy every morning.

7. Her wedding dress will be made by a designer in Paris.

8. The meeting was attended by several important art critics.

9. Preparations are being made by the event organisers.

10. An interesting book has been published by the company.


Put the verb into the correct form, active or passive.

1. It's a big factory. Five hundred people ……… (employ).

2. ……. (somebody / clean) this room yesterday?

3. Water …….. (cover) most of the earth's surface.

4. How much of the earth's surface ……. (cover) by water?

5. The park gates ……… (lock) at 6.30 p.m. every evening.

6. The letter …….. (post) a week ago and it ……. (arrive) yesterday.

7. The boat hit a rock and ……… (sink) quickly. Fortunately everybody ……… (rescue).

8. There's somebody behind us. I think we ……. (follow).

9. This room looks different, ……. you …… (paint) the walls?

10. Richard's parents ……. (die) when he was very young. He and his sister …….. (bring up) by their grandparents.


Fill in the correct prepositions.

1. Catherine was absent …....school yesterday.

2. Mr King received fifty letters in answer ……. his advertisement.

3. She was amazed ……. the fantastic view.

4. He is very attached …….. his parents.

5. She isn't accustomed ……. drinking champagne.

6. She decided to apply ……. Jones Ltd ……. the job advertised in the local paper.

7. She accused her son ……. taking some money from her purse.

8. My doctor doesn't approve ……. smoking.

9. He argues ……. his wife ……. everything.

10. Do you believe …….. ghosts?

11. He was angry ……. Ann ……. her behaviour.

12. The antique dealer took advantage ……. the customer's ignorance and sold him a fake.

13. She was very anxious ……. him to arrive.

14. She was so anxious ……. her exams that she couldn't sleep.

15. He agreed ……. his boss that the office needed reorganising and agreed …… do it himself.

16. Her latest novel is based ……. the life of Joan Collins.

17. I can see no basis ……. changing our plans now.

18. He enjoys betting ……. the horses.

19. They congratulated him ……. getting his degree.

20. The airport was crowded ……. holidaymakers.

21. She keeps boasting ……. her new house.

22. The Prime Minister refused to comment ……. the rumours about his resignation.

23. He's very clever …….. solving crosswords.

24. She's capable …….. answering all the questions herself.

25. The cause ……. the fire was never discovered.


Fill in the correct variant.

1.There is ____ to go and nothing to do in this town.

1) somewhere

2) anywhere

3) nowhere

2.I didn't know about the meeting. ____ told me about it.

1) somebody

2) anybody

3) nobody

3.Jenny hasn't got ____ to play with.

1) somebody

2) anybody

3) nobody

4.Kelly hasn't got ____ to write on.

1) something

2) anything

3) nothing

5.I don't want ____ to help me. I can very well do it myself.

1) somebody

2) anybody

3) nobody

6. Mitchell is very popular. ____ likes him.

1) everybody

2) somebody

3) anybody

7. Do you know ____ in London? - Yes, a few people.

1) somebody

2) anybody

3) nobody

8. Has ____ in this group got a dictionary?

1) somebody

2) anybody

3) everybody

9. ____ left a magazine in our classroom yesterday.

1) somebody

2) anybody

3) nobody

10. The question was so difficult that ____ could answer it.

1) anybody

2) nobody

3) everybody

11. I am afraid I shan't be able to find ____ in the office now: it is too late.

1) somebody

2) anybody

3) nobody

12. ____ knows that water is necessary for life.

1) somebody

2) anybody

3) everybody

13. Is there ____ here who knows French?

1) somebody

2) anybody

3) everybody

14. You must find ____ who can help you.

1) somebody

2) anybody

3) everybody

Fill in the sentences. Follow the model given.

Model: She gave them her book and they gave her theirs.

1. You gave ………….. book and he gave ……………..
2. I gave ……………. book and he gave ……………..
3. You gave ……………. book and I gave ……………..
4. He gave ……………. book and I gave ……………..
5. I gave ……………. book and she gave ……………..
6. He gave ……………. book and she gave ……………..
7. You gave ……………. book and she gave ……………..
8. He gave ……………. book and we gave ……………..
9. You gave ……………. book and they gave ……………..
10. They gave ……………. book and we gave ……………..
11. He gave ……………. book and they gave ……………..
12. She gave ……………. book and I gave ……………..


Add the appropriate question tag.

1. Ella misses her mother, ………….?

2. Our receptionist isn’t friendly, ………….?

3. These skyscrapers were built before the war, ………….?

4. He will run a private hospital, ………….?

5. You don’t respect your boss, ………….?

6. She has made a final decision, ………….?


Ask general questions to the following sentences.

1. Mary grows beautiful flowers in the garden.

2. John was tired after work.

3. We live in a small town.

4. Summer has started at last.

5. They have already left.


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