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Read and learn the following words.

a coal miner - шахтар

a trainer - тренер

a physician – лікар-терапевт

an architect - архітектор

a gardener - садівник

an instructor - інструктор

a university professor – професор університету

a pianist - піаніст

an actor - актор

an engineer - інженер

a teacher - вчитель

a garbage man - сміттяр

a mathematician - математик

a beautician - косметолог

a dancer - танцівник

a student - студент

a kindergarten teacher – вихователь дитячого садочка

a baker - пекар

a physicist - фізик

a programmer - програміст

an operator - оператор

an ecologist - еколог

a shop-girl - продавщиця

a carpenter - тесля

a loader - вантажник

a housewife - домогосподарка

a dentist - зубний лікар

a tailor - чоловічий кравець

an air-hostess - стюардеса

a vendor – постачальник, фармацевт

a sailor - моряк

a cook - кухар

a nurse – нянька, доглядальниця, медична сестра

a barber - перукар, цирульник

a farmer - фермер

an artist - художник

a Zoo keeper – о глядальник зоопарку

an optician - оптик

a tourist guide – туристичний гід

a bricklayer - муляр

a geologist - геолог

a chemist - хімік

a footballer - футболіст

a botanist - ботанік

a technician - технік

a worker - робочий

a Xerox operator – оператор ксероксу

a lawyer - юрист, адвокат

a cleaner - прибиральник

a janitor - двірник

a painter - художник

a yachtsman - яхтсмен

an acrobat – акробат

a newsreader - диктор на радіо або телебаченні

a civil servant – державний службовець

a scientist - науковець

a musician - музикант

a veterinary surgeon - ветеринар-хірург

a registrar – реєстратор,секретар навчального закладу

a designer - дизайнер

a language teacher – вчитель мови

a salesman - продавець

an inspector - інспектор

a stockbroker – біржовий маклер

an estate agent – агент у справах продажу нерухомості

an accountant - бухгалтер

a pilot - пілот

a manager - менеджер

a clerk – клерк,конторський службовець

a dress-maker – швачка, кравчиня

a reporter - репортер


2. Try and sort out the jobs given above according to one of the following principles.

* Necessity of higher education

* Manual or intellectual jobs

* On-door or out-door jobs

* Jobs demanding a special uniform

* Working more with people or working more with things

* Enjoying high salary and social prestige

3. D o the crossword


4. Read the text below:

Less than fifty per cent of the working population in Britain has a full-time, long term job with a permanent employment contract. People have become attracted to or forced into part-time work, self-employment, and temporary employment, job sharing and freelance contracts. And this is happening all over Europe.

The “job for life” is dead. Our parents and grandparents may have walked into jobs which offered them security and a regular salary, but the whole economic climate has changed. Natasha Jacoby,unemployed,gave up on her teaching career and tells us about her new job:

“I’ve always enjoyed photography and it is something where you learn a lot from experience. I graduated in English and French but I couldn’t find a job as a teacher. I was feeling very frustrated and depressed. Some of my friends told me that my pictures were good and encouraged me to try and make a living at it. I started in October and I’m building up confidence and contacts. I’ve also had work assisting other photographers, which is a good way to learn. I’ve done various commissions regularly but at the moment I’m developing my portfolio so that I can get work doing album covers and magazine photography. I like doing portraits and I enjoy black and white photography, but what I really like best is colour work.”

5. Mark the statements T (true), F (false) or NM (not mentioned) according to paragraph 1 and 2 of the text.

1- Most of the British population has a permanent job. ___

2- Job insecurity also happens in the rest of Europe.___

3- Jobs for life are a thing of the past. ___

4- The numbers of working teenagers are increasing. ___

5- The economic situation is the same as in our parents’ and grandparents’ time. ___

6- Natasha didn’t find work as a teacher. ___

6. Match the sentence halves according to first part of the text:


The “job for life” concept     is not the same as in the past.
The changes in employment are happening both     didn’t have to worry about keeping their jobs.
Our parents and grandparents     in Britain and in the rest of Europe.
The economic climate     has been eliminated.

7. Answer the questions below according to paragraph 3 of the text:

a) What did Natasha study to be?

b) Is that her present job? Why?

c) How did she feel when she was unemployed?

d) How did she decide to become a photographer?

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