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CFI - Cost, Freight, and Insurance

CFL - Canadian Football League

CFO - Chief Financial Officer

CG - Coast Guard

CG - Commanding General

CG&E - Cincinnati Gas & Electric

CGA - Color Graphics Adapter

CGCT - Compagnie Generale de Constructions Telephoniques

CGE - Compagnie Generale d'Electricite

CH - Cardboard Heroes

CH - ClearingHouse

CH - CourtHouse

CH - Customs House

CHA - Champions

CHAP - CHAnnel Processor

CHI - Chill: Adventures into the Unknown

CHOTS - Corporate Headquarters Office Technology System

CHP - California Highway Patrol

CI - Cubic Inches

CIA - Central Intelligence Agency

CICA - Competition in Contracting Act

CICS - Customer Information Control System

CID - Central Institute for the Deaf

CID - Charge Injection Device (see CCD)

CID - Computer Integrated Design

CIDIN - Common Icao Data Interchange Network

CIM - Computer Integrated Manufacturing

CIO - Chief Information Officer

CISC - Complex Instruction Set Computer

CIT - California Institute of Technology

CIT - Case Institute of Technology (part of CWRU, Cleveland, OH)

CLASP - Comprehensive Logistics Automated Support Program

CLI - Command Line Interpreter

CLR - Combined Line and Recording

CLRC - Circuit Layout Record Card

CLU - Chartered Life Underwriter

CLUT - Color LookUp Table

CM - Congregation of the Mission

CMC - Communication Machinery Corp.

CMD - Centralized Message Distribution

CML - Current Model Logic

CMMU - Cache/Memory Management Unit

CMOS - Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor (see MOS)

CMRR - Common Mode Rejection Ratio

CMS - Circuit Maintenance System

CMSgt - Chief Master Sergeant

CMU - Carnegie-Mellon University

CMYK - Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, blacK

CN - Canadian National (railways)

CN/A - Customer Name / Address

CNN - Cable News Network

CNO - Chief of Naval Operations

CNR - Canadian National Railways

CNR - Carrier to Noise Ratio

CNS - Central Nervous System

CO - Cash Order

CO - Central Office

CO - Central Office (telephony)

CO - Colorado

CO - Commanding Officer

CO - Conscientious Objector

COB - Close Of Business

COBOL - COmmon Business Oriented Language

COC - Call of Cthulhu

COD - Collect On Delivery; Cash On Delivery

CODEC - COder-DECoder

COER - Central Office Equipment Report

COLA - Cost-Of-Living Allowance

COMAS - Central Office Maintenance and Administration System

COMPACT - COMmercial Product ACquisition Team

CONS - Connection-Oriented Networking Session

CORE - COntrolled Requirement Expression

CORN - COmputer Resource Nucleus

COS - Corporation for Open Systems

COSMIC - COmmon System Main InterConnecting frame

COSMIC - COmputer Software Management and Information Center

COSMOS - COmputer System for Mainframe OperationS

CP - Canadian Pacific

CP - Chemically Pure

CP - CoPy

CP - Command Post

CP - Command Processor

CP - the Canadian Press

CPA - Certified Public Accountant

CPFF - Cost Plus Fixed Fee

CPI - Characters Per Inch

CPI - Common Programming Interface

CPL - Combined Programming Language

CPM - Control Program for Microcomputers (sometimes CP/M)

CPO - Chief Petty Officer

CPO - Chief Post Office

CPO - Customer Premises Equipment

CPR - Canadian Pacific Railway

CPS - Characters Per Second

CPSR - Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility

CPT - CaPTain

CPU - Central Processor Unit

CPW - Certified Public Weigher

CQ - Change of Quarters

CQ - Charge of Quarters

CR - Carriage Return (ASCII 15 octal)

CRAM - Card Random Access Memory

CRC - Chemical Rubber Company

CRC - Cyclical Redundancy Character

CREG - Concentrated Range Extension with Gain

CRT - Cathode Ray Tube (also generic reference to a terminal)

CRTC - Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission

CS - Civil Servant

CS - Computer Science; Computing Science

CS - County Seat

CSA - Confederate States of America

CSAB - Computing Sciences Accreditation Board

CSACS - Centralized Status, Alarm and Control System

CSC - Computer Sciences Corporation

CSDC - Circuit Switched Digital Capability

CSF - Critical Success Factor

CSI - Commercial Systems Integration

CSIS - Canadian Security and Intelligence Service

CSL - Coin Supervising Link

CSM - Command Sergeant Major

CSMA/CD - Carrier Sense Multiple Access/Collision Detection

CSO - Central Services Organization

CSOC - Consolidated Space Operations Center (at Colorado Springs)

CSP - Control Switching Point

CSR - Control and Status Register

CSRG - Computer Systems Research Group

CSRS - civil Service Retirement System

CSS - Customer Switching System

CST - Central Standard Time

CT - Central Time

CT - Connecticut

CTC - Canadian Transport Commission

CTC - Centralized Traffic Control (railways)

CTD - Computing and Telecommunications Division

CTIO - Cerro Tololo Inter-american Observatory

CTNE - Compania Telefonica Nacional de Espana

CTS - Compatible Timesharing System

CTV - Canadian TeleVision network

CU - Close-Up

CUA - Common User Access

CV - Curriculum Vitae

CW - Car Wars

CW - Chemical Warfare

CW - Child Welfare

CW - Churchwarden

CW - Continuous Wave

CWO - Cash With Order

CWO - Chief Warrant Officer

CWRU - Case Western Reserve University

CXI - Common X-windows Interface

CY - Calendar Year

CYO - Catholic Youth Organization

CZ - Canal Zone

D - Depth

D&D - Dungeons & Dragons

D/A - Digital to Analog converter

D/F - Direction Finding

DA - Days after Acceptance

DA - Department of Agriculture

DA - Deposit Account

DA - Directory Assistance (/C = computerized, /M = Microfilm)

DA - District Attorney

DA - Don't Answer

DAC - Digital to Analog Converter

DACCS - Digital Access Cross Connect System

DAD - Draft ADdendum

DAR - Daughters of the American Revolution

DARPA - Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency

DASD - Direct Access Storage Device

DAT - Digital Audio Tape

DATA - Defense Air Transport Administration

DAV - Disabled American Veterans

DB - DataBase

DB - DeciBels

DBF - DBase Format

DBME - DataBase Managment Environment

DBMS - DataBase Management System (rdbms for Relational...)

DBRAD - Data Base Relational Application Directory

DC - Direct Current (dc, see also AC)

DC - District of Columbia

DCA - Defense Communications Agency

DCA - Distributed Communication Architecture

DCA - Document Content Architecture

DCC - Descriptive Cataloging Committee

DCCO - Defense Commercial Communications Office

DCE - Data Communication Equipment

DCL - Digital Command Language

DCP - Distributed Communications Processor

DCTS - Dimension Custom Telephone Service

DD - Daredevils

DD - Data Dictionary

DD - Days after Date

DD - Demand Draft

DD - Dishonorable Discharge

DD - Disk Drive

DD - Doctor of Divinity

DDC - Digital Data Converter

DDD - Direct Distance Dial(ing)

DDL - Document Description Language

DDN - Defense Data Network

DDP - Distributed Data Processing

DDS - Doctor of Dental Science

DDS - Doctor of Dental Surgery

DE - Delaware

DEA - Drug Enforcement Agency

DEAR - Department of Energy Acquisition Regulation

DEC - Digital Equipment Corporation

DES - Data Encryption Standard

DEW - Distant Early Warning (as in DEW Line)

DF - Damage Free

DF - Direction Finding

DFC - Distinguished Flying Cross

DFD - Data Flow Diagram

DFE - Data Flow Editor

DFM - Distinguished Flying Medal

DFS - Depth-First Search

DFW - Dallas-Ft.Worth (regional airport)

DG - Dei Gratia (by the grace of God)

DG - Director General

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