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Skin the text and select the terms connected with hydroenergetics.


Text 8.

1. Read the text and summarize the main idea of it in one sentence:

After an official completion of the first stage reconstruction is going on at the cost of the company' s own resources.

New pollution-free turbines are installed at Kyiv, Kakhovka and Dnieprodzerzhyns'k HPS, which practically exclude drying oil ingress into the river water. It stands for sure, such turbines grade up purity of water.

In 2002 it was introduced "Hydro-engineering structures computer-aided safety control system" at Kyiv HPS for the first time in Ukraine and countries of CIS. In 2004 such system was introduced at Kremenchuk HPS.

430 units of up-to-date import equipment and control and protection systems were mounted and put into service at all HPS to the tune of 139,4 million UAH.

After reconstruction of the hydroelectric generating sets their rated capacity were increased. For instance, the capacity of the hydroelectric generating sets numbers 1-4 was increased by 5,7 MW of each one at Kyiv HPS, another – by 3,5 MW.

An analysis of efficiency of the first stage of the reconstruction project displayed a considerable positive effect.

In addition to quantitative assessment there are other qualitative indices, including: • extension of inter-repair period, reduction of repair works volume; • upturn of HPS and Ukrainian integrated grid reliability operation on the whole; • upgrading of hydroelectric generating units condition and dam security control level; • personnel labor conditions improvement; • ecological equipment parameters betterment.


2. Look through the text again and find English equivalents for the following Ukrainian ones:

за власні кошти компанії, екологічно чисті турбіни, чистота води, „Автоматизована система контролю безпеки гідротехнічних споруд”, імпортне обладнання, системи захисту і керування, реконструкція гідроагрегатів, номінальна потужність, кількісна оцінка, якісні показники, міжнародний період, підвищення надійності роботи, рівень контролю безпеки гребель, покращення екологічних параметрів обладнання.


Abstract writing. Pair work. Write 6-8 sentence abstracts of three texts that you have already read. Summarize all the principal information. Present your summaries to the class and choose the summary that is the best.

Text 9.

1. Read the texts below and find the answers to the following questions:

– Where is Kyiv waterworks facility located?

– What has been introduced for the first time there?

– What is the total length of the reinforced concrete construction and embankment dams?

– Where is the hydroelectric pumped storage plant built?

– What are the core constructions of Kyiv HPSP?

– How many hydroelectric generating sets are there in the construction of the electric power plant?

– What are the generators connected to transformers via?

Kyiv HPS

Kyiv waterworks facility is located on the Dniepro River higher than the Desna River channel. For the first time it has been introduced capsule horizontal hydroelectric generating sets which made possible to project a building of the hydroelectric power station connected with spillway and reject construction of the separate overflow dam at Kyiv hydroelectric power station.

The reinforced concrete construction and embankment dams (the total length – 70 kilometers) belong to waterworks facility.

It is carried out a block electrical network and 5 blocks at the hydroelectric power station. The block is 4 generators-transformer.



The hydroelectric pumped storage plant is built up on the right bank of Kyiv reservoir at the distance of 2,5 kilometers from Kyiv hydroelectric power station. The core constructions of the hydroelectric pumped storage plant are the following, viz: a building of the electric power station, head conduits, upper pumped storage, open distribution device of 110 kilovolt. The lower reservoir of the hydroelectric pumped storage plant is water storage of Kyiv hydroelectric power station. The upper reservoir has a complete volume of 4,2 million m3.

It is situated 70 m above Kyiv water storage facility.

There are 6 hydroelectric generating sets in the construction of the electric power plant. There are 3 reverse sets (turbine pumps) among them, which are able to operate under turbine and pump operation conditions.

Each 3 hydro generators are connected to one transformer.

The block (3 generators-transformer) is connected to 110-kilovolt lines via 110-kilovolt breakers. The number of the blocks equals 2. The generators are connected to transformers via 10,5 kilovolt generating-station circuit breakers.


2. Look through the text again and find English equivalents for the following Ukrainian ones:

гідровузол, капсульні горизонтальні гідроагрегати, водоскид, водозливна гребля, земляна гребля, блочна електрична схема, водосховище, напірний трубопровід, гідроакумулюючий басейн, відкритий розподільний пристрій, гідроагрегат, генераторний вимикач.


Brainstorming. In small groups of 3 or 4 students discuss formulated answers to the questions.

Text 10.

Kyiv HPS Role in the Economy and Ecology of the Region and State.

1. Read the text below and find the answers to the following questions:

– What does Kyiv HPS assure?

– Does it improve fisheries and irrigation development?

– It maintains established ecology balance, doesn’t it?

– Is Kyiv HPS the real school for many generations of specialists in waterpower disposal?

– What were computerized systems introduces for?


Kyiv HPS – as the Dnieper HPS coordinated hydro­electric system as a whole – is a concurrent hydro-engine­ering structure. Besides, it is a controller during peak loads in the United Energy System of Ukraine, Kyiv HPS assures fail safe functioning of water-carriage and drinking water supply systems, it empowers fisheries and irrigation develo­pment, it maintains established ecology balance.

Kyiv HPS means considerable contribution in crea­ting and development of new direction in the hydro-en­ergetics of this country. Kyiv HPS is the real school for many generations of specialists in waterpower disposal. The experience, attained here, is learnt in many countries of the world.

At the same time, Kyiv HPS is a living body, which own structural and upgrading development is not finished. Kyiv HPS, as the first in CIS, introduced new computerized systems for controlling and protecting technological equipment and a centralized system for data accumulation and handling. Rehabilitation progress of the station is going on.


2. Look through the texts again and find English equivalents for the following Ukrainian ones:

каскад Дніпровських гідроелектростанцій, комплексне значення, регулятор пікових навантажень, об’єднана енергосистема України, системи водопостачання, зрошення земель сільськогосподарського використання, рибне господарство, екологічна рівновага, високотехнологічний організм, комп’ютерна система управління та захисту технологічного обладнання, автоматична централізована система збору і обробки даних, безпека гідротехнічних споруд.


Interview each other in pairs. Get ready to present this information and to answer questions about it.

Text 11.

Конфликты в семейной жизни. Как это изменить? Редкий брак и взаимоотношения существуют без конфликтов и напряженности. Через это проходят все...

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