Сдам Сам



My complaint about the asur who recruited Ram

And then one day, one really beautiful and wonderful day I went to dig in my front garden. At the same time, as usual, I listened to the songs on my phone with headphones. I was loosening the ground, weeding the flowers and listening to songs, and when it came to one song from my playlist, I began to come to different thoughts about me and my life. It was a composition of Yaroslav Klimanov from the cycle about Shtirlitz «The answer of center to Shtirlitz».

Don't look down on people.

Their appearance is only a disguise.

After all, everyone who went into Special Forces,

All have special mission and special training.

If someone offers you a cup of tea,

Cleverly scattering courtesy to you,

Be careful, be alert:

Every moment there is recruitment.

Someone is feeding us the crumbs from the hands,

But don't act like a stupid bird.

We will remain servants of servants.

The whole question is at whom we feed from.

Accepting, always give back

And don't think you're insured,

Otherwise, you will understand

That you’re in debt, you're already hooked.

Being pure is tedious work.

To the heart stick the money, the fame.

We are always carefully grazed

Those and these, and from left, and right.

Give your soul only to God.

Do not be seduced by good deeds,

Otherwise, you will understand

That you’re already recruited, by others.

Need to get in touch regularly,

Remembering Krishna is for the good of all people,

And need to serve without fear.

Let you not leave courage.

This burden is not easy:

Every day you are on the sights of fate.

You yourself chose Special Forces,

By agreeing to serve in this your body.

I listened to these words, and so many thoughts were swapping through my mind…

Don't look down on people.

Their appearance is only a disguise.

After all, everyone who went into Special Forces,

All have special mission and special training.

And I was thinking I have a special mission and special training. I was thinking that my appearance, my behavior is just pieces of the overall mosaic. Why do we need such an appearance, such a life, nobody knows. Maybe this is to mislead the one who should get into this snare? Maybe everything in our life is necessary for us to fulfill some goal, which we do not even guess. And I was thinking: because many live in such a disguise, not even knowing that their path is a part of some general special task and that they have special training.

If someone offers you a cup of tea,

Cleverly scattering courtesy to you,

Be careful, be alert:

Every moment there is recruitment.

And I was remembering how Shri Ram in summer 2016 deceit was luring me to their initiation, saying that he wanted to be with me, but needed this initiation, without which I would not be able to endure his energy. But in fact, he wanted to install on to me their asuric programs, so I became some kind of monster in the human body. As in the TV series «Sita and Rama» asuras wanted to give Sita an asuric potion. They expected that when Sita drank this potion, she would become the same as them, the asuras.

But instead of Sita that potion drank crocodile and turned into horrible insane Godzilla, who was spewing fire and killing everyone left and right. And Shri Ram was so deftly singing to me about his love and his dream to reunite with me, although then he had another woman in real life, much better than me. He refused me and already wanted to marry that good woman. He gave me for fun to asuras from his asuric organization, deceiving me that we are husband and wife and that he really misses me…

Someone is feeding us the crumbs from the hands,

But don't act like a stupid bird.

We will remain servants of servants.

The whole question is at whom we feed from.

And I was thinking that, as we all are mistaken, thinking that what we think about is our thoughts. But asuras can manipulate of consciousness, completely imperceptibly to us, when you think that what you think it is your thoughts, that you are such. But in fact, they just drove these thoughts into your mind, threw it into your thinking system, in order to you accept these thoughts, in order to you thought it is you think. But alas. These thoughts that revolve in your mind may not be yours. You're just a small screw who imagines it is unclear what.

Accepting, always give back

And don't think you're insured,

Otherwise, you will understand

That you’re in debt, you're already hooked.

And I was thinking that through our usual speech, we gives someone the necessary them information in an allegorical language. Of us it is possible to extract our consent to anything what we will not hear, but what we will be asked about at the mental level. And we, answering someone to trivial questions, will lay out allegorically everything about ourselves, the whole story. We can give our consent to anything, just by picking up a business card, a piece of paper with a phone, a piece with necessary or unnecessary information, or approving someone’s request to add them to you as a friend in social networks. We do not even know about this plan of existence, but it's all there.

Being pure is tedious work.

To the heart stick the money, the fame.

We are always carefully grazed

Those and these, and from left, and right.

And I thought that we see only the outside of what's going on, but what's really going on, we can't see. We can poke at someone with a finger, thinking that he is fallen, but he, maybe, carries out a special task because he has special training and because of his disguise depends, how you, who are about nothing guesses, who are sleeping, will live and go the way chosen by you.

Give your soul only to God.

Do not be seduced by good deeds,

Otherwise, you will understand

That you’re already recruited, by others.

And I thought we couldn't see anything from our little angle here. And we don't really know who works for whom. Who are we really? And in order not to be on anyone's side, it is necessary to surrender to God every moment, because otherwise there is no hope, because there are such layers of interaction on which everything happens, but which are inaccessible to us. And you don't have to choose sides. We must get out of the material world into the spiritual world, permanently, to escape from here. Do not be seduced by good deeds.

Need to get in touch regularly,

Remembering Krishna is for the good of all people,

And need to serve without fear.

Let you not leave courage.

And I was thinking about the time when Shri Ram activated the force methods at me, how he wanted to throw me to a lower level of consciousness so that I become not a woman, not a person, but just a female, who wants only sex. It's possible. This happens all the time. We just don't know that. And if this happened to someone, then this person doesn’t care about anything at all, since he cannot do anything about his condition and he is like a straw in a mad whirlpool. And I was remembering about how I boiled with rage and I thought I am a woman and I have the right to defend my feminine dignity. And I am a mother, and I have the right to protect my motherhood and the safety and well-being of my children, their right to live with their mother, who is protected and can give them her time and give them her love.

And I remembered how I threw my complaint to the overlords of Moriya somewhere in the Universe. Where did I send the complaint, to which authority? But then I thought there was someone in the Universe who was supposed to protect people like me. And me helped then. And then the signs of the Universe came to me that I had to chant the mantra Hare Krishna. I began to chant Hare Krishna, and it was really helping me, when I was under such strong pressure of asuras. And even when I began to chant Hare Krishna for Shri Ram, someone from his companions-asuras threatened me for it death. Well this mantra is powerful! Because only because of one circle of Hare Krishna mantra for Shri Ram his asuras have gathered a large the meeting at which they were deciding how to neutralize me, to force me to refuse to chant the mantra for him. And I thought: you need to get in touch regularly. Need to chant Hare Krishna mantra. This mantra is strong, it’s efficient. Even if we do not understand it, and do not feel it, and do not see those spheres with our material eyes.

This burden is not easy:

Every day you are on the sights of fate.

You yourself chose Special Forces,

By agreeing to serve in this your body.

And I thought: I was living so many years an ordinary life, I wanted some happiness and even now I want happiness, but it turned out that I was born many times just to kill. I was born many times just to frame myself, cause fire on myself, and then coolly and ruthlessly destroy the one who fell for my provocation in the form of my whole life. Although I thought I was just living. But I've had so many lives in which I was born, just to kill. I was killing the strongest asuras, then some creepy creatures in some worlds. Who am I? Who are we? And how many test drives were conducted, when I was provoking someone who, seeing how I live and who I am, succumbed to temptation and abused my trust? I thought that I was an ordinary woman, and I turned out to be a professional provocateur, a ruthless killer of criminals who violated the universal laws. How many of them have I exposed? How many of them, succumbing to my provocation, went according to the worst scenario, chose the wrong path and was destroyed by me? Don't trust your eyes. Appearance is just a disguise.

And when I listened to these words and these thoughts raced through my mind, I thought about these words that every moment there is recruitment. And I thought that there was a beginning of this chain somewhere, when my Shri Ram became asur, that there was someone who was the cause of Shri Ram's conversion to asuras. I thought: my Ram was converted to asuras, he was recruited. And there was someone who recruited him. And because of these words of Yaroslav Klimanov in the song «The answer of center to Shtirlitz» I formed a clear feeling and confidence that many, many lives ago someone had tricked my Ram, deftly scattering in front of him courtesy.

This thought turned out to be so heavy that it spoiled my mood a lot. I thought that I had already destroyed so many asuras, but this asur went unpunished, that he somewhere thrives and lives, but I'm alone. When he made my husband asura, he did not think then how I would live without him, without my eternal husband. And I thought it was unfair that I've been alone for so many lives, I've been a woman without protection. I thought that this asur had no right to do it without weighing the pros and cons and not taking my interests into account.

Yes, I should be humble and understand that all these troubles and misfortunes are karma, the consequences of our own actions, but when I was finishing with Balt Eustace Old Riga, Krishna showed me in the screenshot that I should show my humility in a very different way. I must humbly to intensifying, deepening, expanding my sense of offense, deprivation, sense of injustice. I must humbly to spinning my grievances, bringing it to the peak and then destroying the one who needs to be destroyed. And I began to spread my resentment at that asur, who was at the very beginning of that chain of events with the conversion of my eternal husband, Shri Ram, to the asur. I began to spread my resentment to the one who, so to speak, recruited him.

I thought that he was left not covered, that we don't have a file on him, but he was in the very beginning and it is unlikely that he acted honestly. Most likely, he used trick and deception. Maybe he was keeping silent about something, was distorting the facts to seduce my Ram to such a step, because of which I was alone, and then even began to be born in the asuric worlds and kill the strongest asuras, and after that began to kill the rest of the creatures in the different worlds, became such a weapons, blow that no one can stand.

I thought I needed to get my act together right now. I need intentionally to remember and represent the bad that could be then and what could happen to me as a result of this. I need intentionally to raise from my memory the bad thing that happened to me because of the recruiter recruited my eternal husband in some distant past life. I need to plunge myself into a state of complete inconsolability and hopelessness, so that the complaint against the recruiter for all the bad things that happened to me came out of me. I thought that I have to do all this so that this complaint against the recruiter with the demand of punishes him got out of me. I began to imagine that in those special operations as a powerful and irresistible weapon of Chandrahas I was with many men during many lives and had sex with them. I began to imagine that I was putting myself on the line, that they basely were abusing my trust, that they were breaking my heart. And in these thoughts I reached the condition, when out me broke out that complaint and set off somewhere in the vast space, to the Universe Patrol.

I just squeezed all my thoughts into one bloc and threw it into that space. And after a very short time to me came from there the answer as an easy thought, as a breath of wind: «What do you want?» I thought: really, what do I want? I want to punish him because he did not take into account my interests, he did not think that we with Shri Ram are an eternal couple and we can not be separated, and what will happen to me after all this…

And I told them, the Universe Patrol, «I have a complaint against the recruiter. I am alone. No one took my interests into account. I demand his punishment». There some time there was a discussion on my complaint, and I get an answer again: «But consent was voluntary, he told „Yes“. He said so himself». And I say: «But my interests no one took into account, why no one thought, that with me will? And what if that recruiter then allowed deception? Maybe he distorted the facts, made some kind of half-truth? Maybe did he hold back? But what if he brought an illusion on Shri Ram, a little or even a lot suppressed his mind? But if he pulled out of him the consent, as the asuras like to do it, asking him the usual everyday questions, but in his mind holding his main question about recruiting and continuing and continuing to ask different everyday questions with the main question in his mind, in any case, pulling him out „yes“... If anything was dishonest, I demand that the recruiter be punished, because no one thought, what will happen to me».

39 at 06:25.



Exposing recruiter

I said that to them and went about my business. It took some time, suddenly I see: on my inner screen he appeared, the very asur, who recruited my husband many, many, many lives ago. I felt very clearly that it was him. And he stood there in front of me, like all of them that they were giving me to carry out the sentence. He was so lanky, reminded me of my classmate Valery. He was as tall and as self-confident.

But this time he was not like that, and I got myself wound up not enough. Of course, I tried very hard to think how badly they did to me and how I felt bad as a result of this, but this was not enough to get me to start doing something with this recruiter. I sat down to chant a mantra, four circles, and I hear my Shri Ram speaking to me mentally, that is not in a voice, but as if by the think: «He will not go anywhere from you. If not today, then tomorrow or the day after you will have done away with him. He's yours». I relaxed, it was gone. And suddenly the asuric extermination program became active at me.

I looked at him, at this lanky recruiter, calmly and coolly like at a piece of wood, and performed him a craniotomy. I took there on my inner screen some saw and sawed off the top of his skull. Out other asuras I was pulling something for a long time, but from his open skull everything came instantly, everything of him instantly turned out to be at me. I went inside him and there I began to chant the Hare Krishna mantra. There was such good acoustics, as if you stand in a big metal pipe and on it the loud echo, such classy reverse is carried. And the whole his pipe was purple.

And I was standing in his purple trumpet, chanting the Hare Krishna mantra and listening to the sounds of the mantra which were spreading throughout his trumpet. I was chanting the mantra inside him for a while, and then suddenly put him all wholly inside of me, I kind of sucked him all in, and he was standing right inside of me, I was seeing him standing in the center of me. I was chanting the mantra aloud, sitting at home on my couch, and he was standing still inside me on the mental plane and imbued with these sounds of the mantra.

And so it was for a long time, and then suddenly at some stage in front of my inner gaze some woman appeared and very asked not to kill him, they say, she is his woman and will been so miserable without him... Her appeal to me impressed me greatly, and I braked hard, let him out of myself and stopped doing something with him, just watching him standing in front of me on my inner screen.

And then suddenly my Shri Ram appeared. I saw him clearly on my inner screen. My Shri Ram was at the bottom, right under that fellow that just stood still and stood in front of me and I didn't do anything with him, just was chanting my four circles of mantra. And suddenly Shri Ram let a beam out himself into that fellow, a crimson-coral-cherry beam, a very beautiful beam, it`s my favorite color. And this beam went into the recruiter from bottom. The beam passed through him to the Svadhisthana chakra, refracted in it and went into me, into center of me. This ray, which came out of Shri Ram, which passed through the recruiter and entered into me, went that way for a long time.

Then I thought enough is enough, Shri Ram himself has to done away with this recruiter, and I went to do my business. Of course, I myself could have done away with that recruiter, but suddenly there was a woman who slowed me down, because of what my Shri Ram appeared there and took part in all this. And it happened for a reason. That woman appeared and I felt sorry for her in order to I myself did not done recruiter and in order to Shri Ram participated in all this, since that recruiter cheated Shri Ram once very, very many lives ago and separated us, although we are an eternal couple.

Shri Ram, of course, immediately figured out that this woman had come to manipulate me to spare that fellow and let him live, and Shri Ram came and let his crimson-coral-cherry beautiful beam into him. But I showed this recruiter to the asuras, pulled out everything he had from him, and imbued him with the Hare Krishna mantra, and Shri Ram did something with him with his beam. And the next step in my plan was to discover how my Shri Ram was recruited by him and was turned into asuras, and so that this step is successful this woman came for and I stopped.

After I was given this asur, who many lives ago recruited my eternal husband Shri Ram in asuras and whom I did not bring to his final destruction, I was remembering for a long time the image of this recruiter standing then on my inner screen. He reminded me so much of one of my classmates, Valery, the same lanky, even stood in the same pose. And after that, my Shri Ram looked the life files of my life, looked at all the events in which Valery was, and threw me the idea to tell on the basis of all those stories about this recruiter.

I thought that, most likely, in this life I had such a classmate just to act as a projection of the recruiter, so that I could show the asuras on the example of history of my classmate the recruiter`s atrocities and at the same time rehabilitate another asur. And I began to remember everything about him. I thought that the situations with this classmate were a projection of the time when Shri Ram and I were still together, when he was still an ordinary person, and not an asur. I thought that all of this should definitely be reported to the current asuras, since those events, as I understood, were aimed at harming not only us, little people, but also them, the asuras.

In particular, I remembered that my classmate Valery had a crush on me and didn't let anybody near me. I remembered how one day after school disco another classmate of mine, modest good boy Sasha, accompanied me to my house, and the next day Valery right in front of everyone, before my eyes threw Sasha on the floor and was beating him his feet in the face. He beat him brutally. It is clear that Sasha didn't hit on me once. Like the others. I didn't let Valera near me. He was known bully and was fucking in school years a lot of Chicks in the city. I was not on his list of girls he fucked. And I decided that this fact and Valery`s existence in my life was not without reason.

And I told about it in the next, 40th series of my novel «My Roman. I’m asur’s wife”. In it, I deliberately stated those memories long and amply, knowing that the asuras can read between the lines, so to speak, that my words contain encrypted information that they easily and simply extract from the General flow of words. In the following, the 41st series I made my own assumptions about what I voiced in the 40th series.

In particular, I said that since my classmate Valery is a projection of the asur-recruiter, the asur-recruiter in that far past life, when he recruited my Shri Ram and made him asur, was be in love with me and wanted to have sex with me. But I had my husband, my Ram, and this was a serious obstacle for the recruiter. And then this asur-recruiter decided to have me by breaking our pair, tearing my Ram away from me. I learned about this by projecting my classmate's attitude towards me to the events of that distant past life. Because my classmate liked me a lot and wanted me and he was making many attempts to master me.

In the 41st series I talked about my assumptions, knowing that the asuras at their internal screens are watching my novel “My Roman. I’m asur’s wife” because I have destroyed many of them and now they are watching my novel, waiting about which of them I will say interesting or whom of them I will destroy. And I continued to broadcast in the 40th series, about Valery was beating Sasha at the face on the break. And then I assumed that the asur-recruiter was beating at the face, that is, he beat his dominus, his master. He beat him on recess with his feet.

Face after all this means the first face, the first person. The first person is the foremost, whom you must obey, whose orders you must obey and to whom you must serve. But Sasha was beaten on the face. That is, the asur-recruiter beat his master. According to the code of honor, he had no right to even think in the direction of harming his master, but he beat him, because Valery beat in the face, but face means the first face, the first person. And this alone is an inexcusable crime among the asuras: disobeying his master and even actions directed against him, causing him harm.

And moreover, Valery threw that Sasha on the floor. It means that the recruiter in that life threw his master on the floor, that is, because of recruiter`s actions his master was discredited and deprived of his greatness, his position and fell from first-person position. And he fell into the lowest position, because the ceiling is located upstairs in the house, and the floor is located below. And because Valery beat that Sasha on the break, I realized that the recruiter in that far past life took advantage of the situation when his master, whom he was to serve, rested, reloaded and was on a «recess». This recruiter in that far past life took advantage of the situation when his master was vulnerable and when his subordinates were supposed to provide and protect peace and safety of their master.

But because the asur had access to that first person during such a reboot-recess, I suggested that the first person was very trusted in that asur, allowing him to be near himself during that reboot-recess. Because whom do you let in so close when you're in a vulnerable position, resting, when you have some kind of change? Usually, people allow to be close to themselves at such moments to someone to whom they unconditionally trust. But that asur, to whom that first person in that far past life trusted so much that he literally gave his life into his hands, took advantage of that situation to bring that first person to the floor, to the very bottom of their asuric hierarchy.

And the fact that Valery beat Sasha in the face with his feet, means that recruiter took advantage of other subordinates of that great asur, who was then the first person. Legs serve the person, legs are below the person and carry the person on themselves. And Valery beat the face by feet. From this I concluded that one asur in that far past life advantaged of the trust of his dominus, his master and framed him, using other servants subordinate. Apparently, the situation was arranged in such a way that everything looked as if others, legs, subordinates of that first person discovered the fall of that first person to the floor.

In short, the description of this case, I revealed the vile unforgivable behavior of the servants for the asuras and rehabilitated someone of them. I told that someone of them was the first person but lost his position because of the malicious actions of the asur, who was close to the first person, as he enjoyed great confidence. But that wasn't enough for me. I also told that after school my classmate Valery fought under the contract as the mercenary in battle zones and after that went to work in police. And I saw as once for New year he directly under a Christmas tree on the main square of our city operated by the police bludgeon, beating people walking there, although violation of public order there was not observed, but Valery was waving there the bludgeon, simply because it was pleasant to him.

In these episodes I said to asuras about that recruiter that he is dishonest and now. My classmate was a contract soldier, that is, a mercenary, and this can be projected applied to a recruiter as the fact that recruiter handed over his own, for money, acted like a pest, causing damage to his current masters, because a mercenary is the one who does something for the money. To whom could a recruiter do services for money? He could sell secrets to enemy’s hand. He could betray his comrades for money. And in the episode with Christmas tree I told to the asuras that this asur-recruiter uses in his the work unscrupulous methods, using his official position to satisfy his sadistic tendencies.

I also explained why this asur did this to his dominus, to his master. He did this because his dominus, his master helped me get to my home, provided me safety. Apparently when Shri Ram gave consent to his conversion to the asuras, recruiter did a lot of bad things to me when he was trying to corner me and trample me, but his master somehow gave me protection and provided me with security as a knight. This noble deed pissed recruiter off, it just put him over the edge, and he decided to take revenge on him. And therefore recruiter abused trust of his master, when he was in a vulnerable position and when he entrusted his life to his close servant, who was this recruiter.

All this I told to asuras, telling about my classmate Valery, because when this asur was standing on my internal screen, he was just exactly the same as Valery. But nothing in our life is just like that. And still in Moscow Borka, a former leader of the Moscow asuric organization, when we had invisible interaction, showed in conversations through ordinary people, how you can project the events of your life to very different events, learning thus different secrets about this and benefiting from it.

I ratted the recruiter to the asuras and sentenced him. He is traitor. He had betrayed their own. He was working for the enemy. He beat his master when his master was in a vulnerable position. His master entrusted his life to him, giving him such high trust, but he used that trust to overthrow his master, and even arranged for this «fall» to be revealed by other subordinates of this master, so no one would think that he could be involved there, that he was the culprit.

39 at 16:36, 150 at 31:44, 40 at 01:05, 41 at 01:14.






Sentencing to recruiter

The sentence that I gave him, I submitted to the asuras, showing in the 41st series a screenshot from the book «The Genome» by Sergei Lukyanenko, where there was the sentencing to energetic-spec Paul Lurie, who was pretending to be their own, but actually was carrying out terrorist operations and was framing other, their own. On the basis of the judgment in the «The Genome» I issued a verdict to the recruiter.

I said that he had committed an irreparable for asuras crime, under particularly aggravating circumstances, that he allowed the sadism unsanctioned by victim, that he was a traitor to the state. I said that he violated all their statutes, he went against his dominus, against his master, and he went against his crew. I said that he committed the most terrible for them crime. He caused evil to his «passenger», to whom he had to serve. He did not respect their own «countrymen and comrades» and use them as cannon fodder. He made them make the cause of the fall of their master.

And in the 41st series I voiced my decision regarding punishment of that recruiter. I did this, using the book of Sergei Lukyanenko «The Genome». I told to asuras that punishment of recruiter would be follows: his atrocities had exceeded all limits; his consciousness would be reversed and reduced to zero. He will die as a person and his body will be handed over to the asuras to collective shame and contempt. I told asuras that they had to carry out the sentence themselves, but if they did not do it, I would do it, but I hope that they would do it.

When I almost have done away with this recruiter and suddenly on my inner screen there was a woman who stopped me, my Shri Ram appeared with his beautiful beam and pierced by it to the recruiter. I came out of there, and I had no mood to go back there and to see it through to the very end, because before my inner gaze was standing that woman and I was feeling sorry for her.

But after that I remembered my classmate Valery, he did not have his woman, he always led a hectic life, was a very promiscuous man. He was trampling all who was yielding to him, and all his life he was like that. He always had many different women, but never had one, his own woman. And from that I concluded that this woman was not his wife and not his woman, because he just does not have his woman. And I realized that it was manipulating me to cheat me.

And then I recorded the 41st series of my novel «My Roman. I’m asur’s wife» and demanded that the asuras enforce the sentence imposed on recruiter. I told them it was their case, because recruiter did a lot of things, which under laws of asuras was unforgivable and required cruel punishment. And I didn't want to have recruiter`s blood on my hands. I was disgusted by him. Even looking in his direction was disgusting to me.

And I told asuras in the 41st series that if they did not destroy that recruiter, then I would do it, but not myself, but with the help of our with Shri Ram son. When we with Shri Ram had just started such an interaction, so to speak, at a distance, non-contact, we had a period when, through the chic long-term completely unreal orgasms without the personal physical presence of anyone nearby, two of our children were conceived: a boy and a girl. And then I told Shri Ram that the boy would inherit all his qualities and abilities and would be a great manipulator of consciousness and a real lion, a very big asur, even, we can say, a great one.

And according to my calculations, this boy was already supposed to be born somewhere, because Shri Ram cut these kids out of me two weeks after the conception. And then it would be logical to sew them into some woman, who then would have normal sex with an ordinary normal man. They would have made the usual normal fertilization, and not the energy fertilization, as a result of which these asuric children were conceived. And after the normal fertilization, these asuric children would receive his physical shell and start to grow as we all. And I was sure that the boy was definitely sewn into someone, because the boy had an asuric nature and was very powerful asur. And by all accounts, he was born somewhere.

And I said to the asuras in the 41st series that if they do not to carry out the sentence, I will say our son, and he will have done away with the recruiter. I told asuras that I and Shri Ram conceived two children. I didn’t give birth to them, because Shri Ram got these children out of me when they hadn’t yet hatched, but were already conceived and was in an unmanifested energy state in my ovaries. Some other woman gave birth to our children. Shri Ram sewed them into some other woman, and she carried them in her uterus for nine months of pregnancy, and then gave birth in the usual way. We with Shri Ram conceived a boy and a girl. I told asuras that even if our son are still very young, still lying in diapers and sucking breast milk, he is still very powerful asur and can do a lot. And I'll just think about him, mentally attuned to him, tell him, and he will have done away with the recruiter right away. How? I don't know. Maybe he will take in his mouth toy and will began to slobber it and tear apart, and during these his actions with the toy will occur similar with recruiter, or somehow simpler, as the asuras can do that.

I told the asuras that the recruiter is still going to die, but who will have done away with him, it's a matter of honor, since all asuric laws they were to punish him, and cruel. The asuras should have cruelly punished the recruiter, as edification and warning to others so it never occurred to look in the direction of committing the atrocities that have been made by the recruiter. And I told them exactly how they should carry out the sentence. I told them the stories about magic flowers-mirrors from the cartoon «The Mystery of the Third Planet».

On this planet grew unusual flowers. These flowers on their surface on a certain mirror layer were imprinting everything that was in a field of their vision. These layers grew one on another, recording the events that took place then. And when the flower was plucked, those layers would evaporate in turn, and everything that was captured on them would be played back, like in a video, in reverse chronological order: first what is newer, and then deeper and deeper into the past.

And I said to the asuras, so they should learn from the recruiter all his vital files files of all his lives and see what there actually was. I wanted the asuras to see what kind of injustice had happened to the first person whom the recruiter had discredited and dropped on the floor, into the lowest position. I also wanted the asuras to see what happened when the recruiter broke down my Shri Ram.

In fact, that woman appeared for a reason. This situation was created by me, on those higher levels. I needed it to stop me, so the asuras themselves would do it, by shaking the recruiter`s brains out, pulling out of his memory all his life files from all his lives, and the asuras know how to do it. I needed this that the asuras saw how that recruiter recruited my Shri Ram. I needed this that Shri Ram himself could see all this with his own eyes, looking through those files of the recruiter with recruiter`s eyes and thoughts and seeing all the motives, reasons and all the tricks that were then committed.

I was hoping that the asuras would have done away with that recruiter. I was hoping that then Shri Ram himself would see with his own eyes, what we were like when we were still together, as a couple, and when our couple was broken by some insignificant, despicable recruiter. I was hoping that Shri Ram himself would see how recruiter did that, why my Shri Ram took the bait of that recruiter then, why he succumbed him, what happened to me there and why Shri Ram gave his approval to accept the asuric nature.

41 at 12:00.



Empty rag instead recruiter

After recording my 40th series, when I told how my classmate was kicking on the face with his feet at recess, opening that the recruiter once did alike to some big asur, who was the first person, in front of me appeared some big asur. He stood in front of me all day on my inner screen. I didn't know who he was or what he wanted. I felt that he was living somewhere far away, maybe in America, and that he is a well-settled in life.

The whole day he was standing in front of my inner gaze. I thought: what he needs? And in the evening I thought that this man was the first person and he came to thank me for what I have all this cause opened and rehabilitated him. And he said to me, somehow these thoughts clearly appeared in my mind: «Do not worry. We'll take care of him. You won't be disappointed». These words reassured me. I thought maybe the asuras were deceiving me, but I decided to trust and see if the asuras would enforce the sentence. I thought that Krishna, as Paramatma in heart, sees everything and if need be, He will somehow convey the true state of things to my consciousness.

The next day, when I was doing my business, that great asur appeared before my inner sight again, that first person in those distant lives who told me not to worry, that they necessarily would have done away with the recruiter, that I would not be disappointed. And here he was standing before me again, and there was a rag hanging in his hand, even no rag, but an empty shell, and that rag was everything that was left of that former recruiter. They emptied him out. Fully. And there was a weak-willed hanging rag.

This big asur showed me this dangling limp rag, they say, we have done away with him, and then came to me the thought from this big asur: «What do you want for this? How can we ever thank you? If there's anything we can do to repay you». I thought: well, how can they thank me? Well, what can they give me that I cannot get in this material world? I thought that I was in the material world in different roles. I lived and in the palaces, and with great asuras in luxury and boundless wealth. If I wanted it, I would have it all. What can they please me with that I have not seen? I saw everything. I'm not interested in any of this. They can't give me what I really need.

I thought that I want Shri Ram, but then I thought it was unknown if he wanted to be with me, and I told this first person that I want to return to Krishna, I want to Krishna. I said to him, «I want to return to Krishna, but you can't repay me this way. You can't». He stood for a while and then left. And then I thought, «They shook the brains out of him, of that former recruiter, and looked at that recruitment of my Shri Ram, and I am so interested in how it all happened, why my Shri Ram took the bait of that recruiter then, why he succumbed him».

And I began to ask Shri Ram to this question. I thought, most likely, my Shri Ram is not a fool and they are not fools either, and they understand that with the person with whom I am friends, need be friends, and they showed Shri Ram all those files of his recruitment. I thought that Shri Ram had to see what was then, in that life, before that recruitment, how it was going and what was with me after all. I thought: maybe Shri Ram himself will tell me about all this? I tried all sorts of ways to affect Shri Ram, in order to he opened this secret to me, but he did not it, and then I thought (I think, not without the help of Shri Ram) that I did not want to know this and spoil my mood with the awareness of that situation. And so this page was brought to some logical result, but not to the victorious end. And this question hovered in the space above me and was far from being resolved.

Yes, recruiter was executed by his own, by asuras. Of course, I could do it. Could do it and our with Shri Ram son, born have any something other, biological parents. But in that brilliant plan which was made even before my birth in this my body, it was provided that it will made by asuras. I needed that the asuras to execute the recruiter. That is why there appeared then the woman who made an attempt to delude and stop me, and she succeeded. And thank God! Because if I killed the recruiter, it would not be justice in relation to the first person, who due to the machinations of the recruiter severely injured, catastrophically injured, falling to the bottom of their asuric hierarchy. And for what fault did he suffer so much? For what he helped me to walk to my home, that is, provided protection for me as a woman.

That first person protected my female honor, and now it was my honor to restore justice and to rehabilitate that first person, and it was done. Also I wanted that Shri Ram himself, by his eyes saw that preceded his conversion to the asuras, what we were then, what happened to me after that. Yes, from the sessions with pillow he learned that I was very bad without him and I was throwing my call signs into all corners of the Universe, but never got a response. And he saw that then some unknown personalities came to me and showed me what happened to him, to my Ram, and offered me their help, so that our eternal bond with him was completely interrupted.

And they offered me instead of Shri Ram another man as my eternal couple, but I refused it and went to dance the dances of devotion to the Deities on the higher heavenly planets. Then I fell in love there with the Deity of Nrisimhadev and out of me came out to Him a call that He became my husband. Nrisimhadev became my husband and He began to fulfill my desires, among which was personally to take revenge on the asuras, so that whole their asuric world shuddered. About this Shri Ram knew from sessions with pillow. But here he himself, with his own eyes, saw how he was recruited, because of what, with the help of some tricks that he had learned well and many, many times used for many lives since became asur. I did not kill the recruiter, but showed him to the asuras, told them everything about him. They executed him and shaked out his life files. And my Shri Ram saw with his own eyes how he was made an asur and what I was there. It`s a reasonable, logical, beautiful move.

After some time the first person became a friend of Shri Ram. And before that I informed Shri Ram that I would give him a friend, a friend's hand. How did I do it? You're never gonna believe this, so I'm gonna tell you. I was walking in the evening near home, reading Hare Krishna mantra, and I liked one of the houses near us. It`s a beautiful, compact, cozy, cute, two-storey cottage, no frills, functional and aesthetic. I was looking at him from all sides, and then home owner came up to cottage. We talked with him about his house, he told me a lot about it, even invited to enter to the yard, in the greenhouse, bragged about his success in the field of gardening and growing crops.

And when we talked to him, I understood quite clearly that through him I talk with Shri Ram, allegorical, of course, as is usually the case with the asuras, when they connect to those who are near you and when through them they talk with you about the alleged ordinary, about the everyday, but in fact in these ordinary words inherent another meaning. And I look into the eyes of that man, knowing that my Shri Ram is looking at me from his eyes now and talking to me, and at that time my phone rang. I pick up. This is my son called me. He shouts in phone, that they with the sister accidentally broke the hand friend. Hand of a friend is the name of the stick that scratches back. It`s a long stick with a hand on one end.

And he complains to me by the phone that this stick, friend's hand is broken. And I, looking into that man's eyes, and through his eyes into Shri Ram's eyes out there somewhere, I say to my son on the phone, «Don't cry, I'll buy you a great hand of friend. You will have the new hand of friend. Just don't cry, please». It was not long before that epic with that recruiter. Thus I bought Shri Ram a friend's hand, as I told him in that conversation with my son. It was the first person who received rehabilitation and restoration of rights after many lives. And this happened because I did not kill the recruiter, and just highlighted him, opened his misdeeds and gave him to asuras.

Shri Ram has received a faithful and reliable friend and a powerful protection, because that first person is a noble person (although he is asur), he has a brahminical personality traits, has a high status and great blessings, for example, burns will never disturb him, that is, nobody can not cause any harm to him and alien influence cannot harm him. And he can kill some big guru Drona that no one can kill, but he can. How many goals were achieved simply because I did not kill that recruiter, but showed him to the asuras and told them about him.

41 at 26:10, 42 at 12:44, 170 at 36:38, 52 at 19:53, 194 at 13:25.







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