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The second key is a dating site

When we began to live in the second apartment, one of my lady friends convinced me to register on a Dating site. I decided that it was a good idea. The universe already gave me signs that a man who is mine, somewhere there, and even gave confirmation of this, when on the new Year to my house by himself came a man. These are clear signs that my man is somewhere. And I thought a Dating site was a good way for him to look for me. And before that, on March 1, we had a meeting in the territory of a dream, and this fact said that he's looking for me, because he was looking for me in the territory of a dream. Because there were two men in that dream, and one man led him there to me, found me by my imprint in his mind. And since he brought him and stood on the sidelines, then my man looking for me. I thought that if he was looking for me, the smart man in our time will resort a Dating site.

And I went there for my man to find me. And here Shri Ram is the chief among the Asuras, he commands them all. And asuras have those everywhere through whom they look and choose their victims, whom they will subjugate. And on Dating sites are also, of course, there is. Because there come single women, and many come purely for entertainment, which are not entailing any responsibility. Of course, there are women who are looking for a couple, but while she is looking for, her can be pushed for anything, like, we should try him, and suddenly he the that need to. And Shri Ram, through the people he has on Dating site, saw me. Looks: the one that escaped from the pickuper, and here she came. And Shri Ram thought that with the pickuper to take revenge did not work and now he will send me different men, and I'm someone of them will decide to have sex.

And the first he sent a good lawyer, genteel, intelligent to the bone and fully confident, well-trained, experienced, refined. In a cafe he first pulled out from his purse a large bill and embarrassed paid for the order, as if he has no small money, as if all his the money are large. I immediately noted this method. NLP is good thing. We had a just mind-blowing roof raiser, pleasant trip to impress me, such a cultural, in my spirit, no shadow of vulgarity or pomposity. All the bounds of decency and at the same time very deliberately. For this target audience. Then they began to treat me according on a pickup technique «far — near», this like food is stewed in the oven. That is, you cast a fishing rod for lady, and you need to get away from her, because when you move away from her, she starts to think a lot about you, in my head thoughts spinning, and when you next time you appear, she softened and easier to fall into your arms. You make the first approach «far — near», get closer, and then move away for a while, then again come closer, move away, in the third approach sex is provided.

And they began to use this pickups technique. He calls, says, three days later again, he says, and I'm like tied to a phone, sit and await the telephone call. I looked at his behavior: he had there is a car broke down, then something else, the case is complex, then there is no time, then the car let his down... I looked at these pickups technique «far — near», and then one my lady friend gave me to read the book of Greg Behrendt and Liz Tuccillo «He's Just Not That Into You: The No-Excuses Truth to Understanding Guys».


And then I read:


He doesn't like you that much if he doesn't call you. Men know how to use the phone. Of course, they claim to be very busy. They had such a crazy day at work that there was not a single free minute when they could pick up the phone and call you. That was such a crazy day. Complete nonsense! In the era of cell phones, when there is such a wonderful invention as speed dial, it is simply impossible not to call you. Sometimes when my cell phone is in my pants pocket, he starts dialing people's numbers that I wasn't even going to call. Although we sometimes try to convince you otherwise, we men are very similar to you. We are pleased to escape from the routine of the working day and talk with a nice person. That makes us happy. And the desire to be happy is not alien to us. Just like you. If I really liked you, talking would color my terribly busy day with all the colors of the rainbow. And despite the many cases, I would have taken the time to call you and hear your voice.

The word «busy» is complete nonsense, it is usually used by donkeys. The word «busy» is like a weapon of mass destruction that can destroy any relationship in one gulp. Excessive «employment» may seem like a convincing excuse, but in fact behind this concept is always hidden a man who was not interested in calling you. Remember: men always have time to achieve what they want.



And then this jurist calls and says, they say, the car was repaired, ready to go to the next luxury trip. I was angry. I made a lot of claims to him, that I was not interested in this tactic «far — near», and even I had the audacity to ask him in the forehead, whether he likes me at all or not. Like, if you like me, then you must meet my expectations. I told him that I love when my man take care of me, are constantly interested in how I live and feel. I told him to call me several times a day, so I was calm, and if he doesn't like something, no one's keeping him here. Shri Ram was fully confident in the lawyer that he will put me on my knees, and suddenly I did off their hook and said for lawyer that phone he has and to call a minute is easy, but if according to plan he's got large list of women, which need to process, I don't want to be on that list.

Shri Ram got angry. He said: «This chicken wants to run away again, even though she went to a Dating site. What kind of man to send her, who she'd have sex with». And he began to me to send them in turn. They all began to write to me, to call every day continuously. I told the jurist that I'm not interested in men who aren't interested in me and who don't find time to just call me so that I am calm and that my expectations are justified. And Shri Ram took this into account and began to pressed on consciousness of those men so that they constantly call me, write to me. And Shri Ram sent me one good man, an painter, but I to Shri Ram and through this painter said a lot of quips. Shri Ram held manipulation with my consciousness, that I agreed to accept this painter as a guest at my house. He was so culturally, so nice, he dis not want to go to cafe and I agreed that he come to us as a guest.

Children then two weeks were at home, sick in turn, the house was a terrible mess, not to pass. And I said to this painter: «I'm going to give you a culture shock, because I'm not interested in you at all. You're not a my hero». In fact, Shri Ram wanted to see where and how we live now. He did the manipulation of my consciousness and I succumbed. I immediately told the artist that I was not afraid of him, that I see what he is, and that I'll neutralize him in one moment and nothing will remain of him. Already sitting in our kitchen, he wanted to show his paintings, we opened his website, and I began to comment on his paintings. It Shri Ram, sitting somewhere at home, mentally gave me the order to tell him about myself. I looked at all pictures of this painter, and I poked one of them and I said: «This picture grants wishes. Other paintings do not fulfill, and this one is the only one, and it fulfills the desires».

I told Shri Ram that I am his luck, I fulfill his wishes. First of all, I am a Genie who fulfills desires, such a cosmic specification is. And second, I am his luck. I told him through this painter in plain text, but he did not understand. He seems so smart, but he didn't understand. I told him: «All other women do not fulfill your desires, because a woman fulfills the desires of her man. I'm your luck, your wife. Wife is a luck. Wife brings luck to the house. Everyone else is nobody to you. I'm your real wife». That's what I said to Shri Ram, but he did not understand and continued to sending me more and more other men to force me to have sex with them or one of them, each time looking at my reaction. They all wanted sex from me, but I didn't go for it.

And Shri Ram decided to put pressure on me. He sent me a man, very respectable, interesting and very smart, by the way. He gave me the idea that it would be good for me to open my website, for my business. I didn't accept the idea at first, but after a while I appreciated its pros and got down to the real steps for its implementation. And this man began to demand from me remuneration, and in the form of sexual appointments. He began to browbeat me, that if I did not pay him, in the form of sexual encounters, then my business, for which I made this site, after some time, would burn, such blackmail, at such a low level. In this way, Shri Ram wanted so I can start having sex with this man for fear of his threats, that everything will collapse, if I don't agree to his harassment.

This man wanted thanks from me, hoping that me to reward him, and in a certain form, as sexual appointments. I told him that he was a man and should take some woman and be responsible for her, and not sit loner and not run for other people's women, induce them on sexual encounters, calling on his head sinful karmas reactions. He does not fulfill his male Dharma and should be glad that I, woman, used his idea, because owing to it he will have some benefit that he helped a woman. And I left him.

And then Shri Ram decided to use a woman to make me more compliant. He sent to me one of the inhabitants of the site, a good woman. We first communicated on the website and then in person in real life, friendly. And this Shri Ram through that woman said for me the following: «look at you, you're a plucked chicken. How old are you? You'll be 50 years old soon. You have two little kids who don't go to school yet. You're renting housing. You don't have your own place. You're nobody. You should be happy if some man just looks at you. You should throw yourself into his arms and not look, what he. For female health a regular sex life is necessary». And that to me my spoke my eternal husband, my Shri Ram through that woman, telling me that I'm substandard, defective goods. So what? But I'm your woman. Were you looking for me. And to find this defective goods, you paid a lot of asuric currency, gave it to seeker that knows how to find people on the trail of their energy on the territory of sleep. You paid him a lot of money to find this defective goods on the territory of sleep. And you came near me several times on the territory of sleep, and I saw you two there, but did not admit to myself, only on March 1 I let you get close to me.

And Shri Ram, who laid out this pile of Asuric money to find me in the territory of sleep, told me through this woman the following: «Rejoice, if at least someone will look at you, and immediately give yourself to him». But I didn't give in to that persuasion. I said to that woman: «I'm sorry, Madam, but I don't agree with you, because a woman should respect and appreciate herself. Even if I'm for a long time already not beautiful and not attractive, not super, so what? I didn't come here to seduce men with my charms and good qualities. I came here to give my man a chance. He needs it, he looking for me, because I saw him in my dream. I'm giving him a chance to find me. And the Universe itself gave me a sign that he is, that he will come to me. And if my man is, lives, I have to give him a chance. Why on earth should I be with other men out there, for health and to pleasure?» It was I who spoke so to Shri Ram through that woman, but he turned out to be a completely stupid, hopeless, impassable dullard.

He did not understand my direct explanations to him. But he still found me a good man. He considered all my wishes and found for me on this site a very good man. I was very uncomfortable to refuse him because he was actually very good and had serious intentions. Shri Ram was counting on it, that I would be embarrassed to offend such a good man. What good tricks he used, what reliable leads, what knowledge of female psychology, and all in order stow a woman under some man and then to them in their ordinary sex, by physical bodies, to connect to them invisibly, at distance and to pump out from the woman at her orgasm her female energy and piety. That good man wouldn't know anything about it. And I do too. But Shri Ram specifically did it to put me on stream.

But I did not succumb to his tricks and left off this site, thinking that all there are want only sex. Of course, someone might think I'm the same if I was on this site, but it is normal for a woman to be under the protection of her man, and I performed my Dharma, giving him a chance to find me and fulfill his Dharma — to protect me. But it's time to finish the second key and move on to the third, special. Leaving the Dating site, I said that I surrender to the will of the Lord. If it is written that it will be, then it will be, and if it is not written, then what is there to sit out? I left there. Shri Ram was perplexed: he tried so hard, but nothing happened. And it was two identical keys on a set of keys for my birthday — I lived in rented apartments, and Shri Ram sent to me different men, the pickuper, then all in a row on this site. The third key was special — and the apartment had its own, and Shri Ram turned on the heavy artillery — he personally joined me and turned on his force methods to really put me on my knees in front of all of them.


221 at 05:55.




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