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Determination of carotene by photometric method

The method consists in determining the optical density of colored solutions. The intensity of the color depends on the contents of carotenes.

Take a sample of 0.5 - 2.5 g. Add 3 grams of sand and 7.5 g of sodium sulfate. Mix and transferred into a 100 ml flask, add 50 ml of solvent. Add in flask 5 g alumina oxide of 10% moisture, 0.5 g of calcium oxide and put in a thermostat at 35 ° C for 30 min. After incubation selected clear solution and transferred into a cuvette of the photometer.

Carotene content of X%, determined by the formula:



where 0.00416 - Conversion rate optical density in carotene; V - volume of basic solution ml; m - mass of sample, g.


Determination of vitamin C

Procedures and recommendations for performance

Extraction. To prepare the sample extract samples weighing from 5 to 50 g weighed with deviation ± 0,01 g

For extraction of vitamin C with dry food samples 5-10 g sample is ground in a mortar with a small amount of the mixture or solution ekstrahuvalnoho acids (at least 1 ml of solution per 1 g of sample) and sand transferred to a volumetric flask or graduated cylinder capacity of 100 ml, washing the mortar and small portions pestyk ekstrahuvalnoho solution until the volume reaches the mark. Stand for 10 minutes, stirred and filtered.

For extraction of vitamin C from foods thick consistency sample of 5-10 g homogenized sample of no more than 2 minutes with a little ekstrahuvalnoho solution (at least 1 ml of solution per 1 g of sample) and transferred to a volumetric flask or cylinder capacity of 100 ml, washing the homogenizer small portions ekstrahvalnoho solution until the volume reaches the mark. Contents to stand for 10 minutes, stirred and filtered.

Visual titration. In the flask 50 or 100 ml pipette made from 1 to 10 ml extract, dilute with water to 10 ml and titrated with a solution of sodium 2,6-dyhlorfenolindofenolate to light pink color that persists for 15-20 sec.

At the same time control experiment is carried out on the contents of the product substances reduces. To this flask is placed in a same volume of extract, as well as to determine (1 to 10 ml) was added an equal volume of acetate it buffer formaldehyde solution in a volume equal to half the volume of buffer solution, stirred and allowed to stand for 10 minutes, closing.


Experimental data processing

Ascorbic acid mass fraction X,%, calculated by the formula

where V1 - volume of solution of sodium 2,6-dyhlorfenolindofenolate spent for titration of the extract sample, ml; V2 - volume of solution of sodium 2,6-dyhlorfenolindofenolyata spent a control experiment, ml; T - titer solution of 2,6-dyhlorphenolindophenolate sodium g/ml; V3 - the volume of the extract obtained by extraction of vitamin C with sample product ml; V4 - extract volume used for titration ml; m-mass of sample products, g

Analysis of obtained results

The student should describe conclusions about the stability of vitamins. Make a comparative analysis of chemical and physical properties of vitamins.

Test questions

1. How to determine carotene by photometric method?

2. What properties of vitamins are used for the analysis and identification?

3. How to measure the mass fraction of ascorbate?


List of literature


1. Advances in Biochemical Engineering/Biotechnology, Vol. 66 Editor: Th. Scheper/ Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 1999 – 230 p.

2. Джигирей В.С. Екологія та охорона навколишнього природного середовища – К.: Знання, 2004 – 230 с.

3. Медико-биологические требования и санитарные нормы качества продовольственного сырья и пищевых продуктов – М.: Минздрав СССР, 1990.

4. В.Л. Яровенко, В.А. Мариниченко, В.А.Смирнов и др. Технология спирта. – М.: Колос «Колос-Пресс», 2002. – 464 с.

5. Грачева И.М., Кривова А.Ю. Технология ферментных препаратов – М.: Издательство «Элевар», 2000. – 512 с.

6. Грачева И.М., Мосичев М.С. Лабораторный практикум по технологии ферментных препаратов. – М.: Легкая и пищевая промышленность, 1982. – 239 с.

7. Лисицын А.Б., Иванкин А.Н. Методы практической биотехнологии – М.: Издательство ВНИИМП, 2002. – 408 с.

8. Родопуло А.К. Основы биохимии виноделия – М.: легкая и пищевая промышленность, 1983. – 240 с.

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10. Огородник С.Т., Павленко Н.М. Методы технологического контроля в виноделии – М.: Пищевая промышленность, 1980. – 145 с.

11. Кислухина О.В. Ферменты в производстве пищи и кормов – М.: Делипринт, 2002. – 336 с.

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13.Солод пивоварний ячмінний. Загальні технічні умови: ДСТУ 4282:2004. – [Чинний від 2004-10-01]. – К.: Держ-споживстандарт України 2004. – 34 с. – (Національний стандарт України).

14.Меляса бурякова. Технічні умови: ДСТУ 3696-98 (ГОСТ 30561-98). – [Чинний від 1999-01-01]. – К.: Держстандарт України 1998. – 54 с. – (Міждержавний стандарт).

15. Рухлядева А.П., Полыгалина Г.В. Методы определения активности гидролитических ферментов. – М.: Легкая и пищевая промышленность, 1981. – 288 с.

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17. Посыпайко В.И., Козырева Н.А. Химические методы анализа – М.: Высшая школа, 1989. – 448 с.

18. Другов Ю.С., Родин А.А. Экологические анализы при разливах нефти и нефтепродуктов. – С. -Пб. 2000 – 250 с.



INTRODUCTION........................................................................ 3

Precautions for laboratory works.......................... 4

Chapter 1. Modern methods for raw materials analysis at the biotechnological industries.......................................... 5

Laboratory work 1. Detemination of plant originated raw material acidity. Plant extracts and juices acidity definition............... 5

Laboratory work 2. Starch, yeast and flour acidity determination. Titrated acidity. 10

Laboratory work 3 Enzymes activity determination. Determining of malt of α-amylaze enzymatic activity. Malt extractives definition.....................................................................................................16

Laboratory work 4. Quantification of water-ethanol solutions, areometric method. Definition of ethanol aqueous solution strength........................................................................................................21

Chapter 2. Modern methods for analysis of integrated and waste products at the biotechnological plants.......................................... 29

Laboratory work 5. Chemical methods for carbohydrates determination. Determination of reducing sugars by Max-Müller............26

Laboratory work 6. Water extracts preparing for carbohydrates quantification. Determination of starch content in potato by Evers............................................................................... 29

Laboratory work 7. Polarimetric method for carbohydrates analysis. Starch content determination in cereals by Archipovich..........................32

Laboratory work 8. Analysis of vitamins. Physical and chemical properties of vitamins 34

Literature................................................................................ 43



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