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Brainstorm the problems considered in the texts you have already read. In small groups summarize all the principal information and report the results of your discussion to the class.



I. Identify the one underlined word or phrase that must be changed in order for the sentence to be correct:

1. Often there is a need to supply large quantities of water, many of


which may seep out of the area.


2. The topography of the land should be smooth and approximite


parallel to the water table.



3. The disadvantages are that the special conditions is not often




4. Backfilling of the mole hole with sand or gravel give a longer life to


the channel.

5. By means of lateral ditches or tile drains, a water table is maintained


at some depth above the soil surface.



II. Choose the one word or phrase that best completes the sentences:

1. Lands suitable for this method of irrigation … rather limited.

a) is; b) has;

c) was; d) are.

2. Subsoil irrigation … a special combination of natural conditions.

a) is required; b) was required;

c) requires; d) requiring.

3. Within recent years this way of watering … adaptable to all the soil types.

a) are becoming; b) became;

c) has become; d) will become.

4. Subirrigation … water to the surface of the soil.

a) applies; b) has applied;

c) applied; d) doesn’t apply.

5. It was to be hoped that this system … a wide-spread use in the future.

a) find; b) will find;

c) finds; d) would find.

III. Complete the sentences matching the words from the column to the sentence gaps:

1. Where the necessary special … of soil, topography and water supply, subirrigation has many advantages. 1. mole hole
2. The underground mains may be of various … but agricultural drains are a common type. 2. suitable
3. Depth of the pipes depends upon soil and crop types but 12 to 18 inches will be … for small crops.   3. conditions
4. The distributor of water can also act as a … if necessary. 4. supply
5. Slow movement of the tractor results in the formation of better …. 5. drain
6. Under favourable conditions, it should be easy to control the … of water with a minimum of labour. 6. materials

IV. Match the term to its definition:

1. top-soil 1. The act or process of filtering.
2. water table 2. A description of all the surface features, natural and artificial, of a particular region.
3. drainage 3. The diffused or condensed liquid, especially water, which makes a gas or solid slightly damp.
4. seepage 4. The upper layer of the soil in which beneficial bacteria and naturally accumulating humus are to be found.
5. topography 5. The surface below which the ground is saturated with water.
6. moisture 6. The process of carrying away water from flat land by means of pipes or channels.



I. Grammar: 1. Perfect Continuous Tenses; a) Present; b) Past; c) Future.
II. Texts: 1. Drip Irrigation.
  2. Protection of Water.


1.1. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian paying attention to the verbs in the Perfect Continuous tenses:

1. He has been trying to open this box for the last forty minutes but in vain.

2. Jane’s clothes were wet. She had been washing her dog.

3. The farmers of our region have been working with this system of irrigation successfully since the early nineties.

4. Tomorrow she will look tired. She will have been typing letters all morning.


5. Nick had been driving to work for half an hour when suddenly his car broke down.

6. When Kate got the results of her medical tests, she realized that she had been feeling ill since she had been on holiday.

7. Somebody has been drinking my coffee. My cap was full.

8. I’ll have been waiting for you since ten o’clock. I have something urgent to tell you.


Find in the text the sentences with predicates in the Perfect Continuous tenses and translate them into Ukrainian.

Put the verb into the correct form, Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous.

Examples: I have lost (lose) my key. Can you help me look for it? You look tired. Have you been working (you/work) hard?

1. Hello! I ________ (clearn) the windows. So far I ________ (clean) five of them and there are two more to do.

2. There’s a strange smell in here.________ (you/cook) something?

3. I ________ (read) the book you gave me but I______ (not/finish) it yet.

4. Look! Somebody ________ (break) that window.

5. ‘Sorry, I’m late.’ 'That’s all right. I ________ (not/wait) long'.

6. My brother is an actor. He ________ (appear) in several films.


Put the verb into the correct form, Past Continuous or Past Perfect Continuous.

Examples: Pete was leaning against the wall, out of breath. He had been walking fast (walk).

He tried to catch Tom but he couldn’t. Tom was bicycling (bicycle) very fast.

1. When he arrived, everyone was sitting round the table with their mouths full. They ________ (eat).

2. Jim was on his hands and knees on the floor. He ________ (look) for his cigarette lighter.

3. When he arrived, everyone was sitting round the table and talking. Their mouths were empty but their stomachs were full. They ________ (eat).

4. She ________ (chop) potatoes when she cut her finger.


5. We ________ (stand) along the road for about 20 minutes when a bus stopped and the driver offered us a lift.

6. Yesterday he ________ (work) at his diploma project at that time.

1.5. Translate into English:

1. Перед застосуванням методу крапельного зрошення необхідно здійснити ретельне обстеження ґрунту на відповідних ділянках. Слід знати структуру ґрунту, ступінь його засоленості, фізичні властивості, зокрема, його здатність утримувати і зберігати вологу.

2. Дуже важливо мати інформацію про наявні зони зволоження кореневих систем рослин в різних типах ґрунтів, що мають різні норми витрат води. Це дасть можливість розробити рекомендації стосовно того, скільки води потрібно подати, як часто, яка тривалість експлуатації обладнання, яким має бути інтервал між крапельницями на трубопроводі.

3. Оскільки дана система зрошення тісно пов’язана з програмою постійного збагачення ґрунтів добривами, виникає потреба у поглибленому вивченні методів, які б призвели до отримання максимально високих врожаїв: або шляхом частого поливу рослин, дотримуючись звичайних норм внесення добрив у ґрунт, або сполучаючи часто повторювані поливи рослин з таким самим частим внесенням добрив.




2.1. Practise reading of the following words paying attention to the suffixes and prefixes:

disorganize, disinfection, extraordinary, inadequate, irregular, interaction, misuse, predetermined, redistribution, subirrigated, unnatural, underestimated, drainage, performance, aridity, leaching, wetness, delivery, length, unfavourable, resistant, waterless, modernize, primary, experimental, moisten, fruitful.


2.2. Practise reading of the following words and word-combinations from the text:

adequate portion, continuous maintenance, entire growing seasons, relationship, to gain acceptance, water requirements, considerably reduced, evaporative losses, basic components, significant, micro-tube, inserted, soil-water-plant relationship, comparable, fertilizer, potential advantage, soil saturation, consequent, significant water conservation, harvesting operations.

2.3. Read aloud and give Ukrainian equivalents of the following international words:

programme, economy, resources, nationalization, double, sector, total, experiment, mineralized, transport, method, rehabilitation, basic, dynamic, calculation, planning, control, information, cultivation, productive, utilization, parameter, navigation, hydrotechnical, optimization, designer, protection.


2.4. Memorize the spelling, pronunciation and translation of the following words:

trickle irrigation крапельне зрошення
saturation насичення, просочування
field capacity польова вологоємність
moisture stress дефіцит вологи
set-back затримка розвитку, спад
trickling line трубопровід, на якому розташовані крапельниці
head-unit контрольно-розподільчий блок
control valve заслінка, клапан
pressure gauge манометр
fertilizer tank бак для змішування добрив з поливною водою
injector інжектор, форсунка
bore отвір
wilting point точка зів’янення
spraying обприскування
to insert уставляти, укладати
light soil пухкий ґрунт
shallow мілкий, неглибокий
to restrict обмежувати
to be subject to smth бути підвладним, підкорятися чому-небудь, піддаватися
high saline waters води з високим вмістом солі
investigation дослідження, вивчення
dripper крапельниця

Read the text.

1. On the basis of word-building chains with the stem “moist” and “drip” try to define:

– the factors which provide a soil-water-plant relationship and favour better growth and better yields;

– the peculiarities of the trickle irrigation on shallow rooted crops, on crops like vines and bananas, in the case of fruit trees and so on.

2.6. Translate the text into Ukrainian:


1. Drip or trickle irrigation can be defined as the continuous maintenance of adequate portion of the root zone of a plant with moisture somewhere between saturation and field capacity during the entire growing season. This provides a soil-water-plant relationship that favours better growth and better yields because the plant is never subjected to moisture stress.

2. Work on the drip irrigation has been gaining acceptance in Australia, United States and other parts of the world since the 1980s. In the United States the greatest interest in drip irrigation is presently in California and the south-west where the relatively low water requirements are very attractive.

3. Overall water use is considerably reduced by eliminating evaporative losses during application and supplying only the plants` exact requirements. In this way, water sources normally considered too small for irrigation may be used.

4. The basic components of the drip irrigation system are head-unit, including control valves, water-meter, pressure gauge, fertilizer tank and injector, main pipe of 1,5 or 2 in diameter, laterals of 0,5 in diameter which are inserted into the main pipe at intervals.

5. On shallow rooted crops such as vegetables on light (sandy) soils, the drippers spacing is 24 in apart. On fairly heavy soils this may be increased to 40 in apart. On crops like vines and bananas, drippers are usually spaced 40 in apart but this may be increased to 50 in on heavy soils.

6. In the case of fruit trees, the usual dripper spacing is 50 in apart but on old trees, having a shallow and wide-spread root system and growing on light sandy soils, two rows of drippers per row of trees are sometimes used in such cases, drippers are spaced 60 in apart along the line.

7. Generally it can be said that the shallower the root system and the more sandy the soil, the closer the dripper spacing will be. The small bore of the micro-tube restricts the rate at which water can leave the lateral, but the degree of restriction depends on the length of the micro-tube.

8. According to the reports from the farmers who have been using the trickling lines for the past twenty years the system has the following potential advantages:

a) increased yields;

b) accelerated growth of young trees and plants;

c) root zone remains moist all the time;

d) plant is not subject to continual cycles of soil saturation to wilting point and the consequent set-backs to growth.

9. Besides, water and fertilizers can be applied at the same time and there is a significant water conservation. Area between rows remains firm and dry assisting in spraying and harvesting operations. And as for the use of poor quality water – high saline waters have been used with far less damage that comparable waters used with sprinklers.

10. People who have been working with this system since the early eighties are optimistic that there will not be as many disadvantages in all the soil types as there are advantages. However, there are some areas, which need further investigation.



3.1. Translate into Ukrainian the following words with common stem and word-combinations:

accept, acceptable, acceptability, acceptance, acceptant, acceptation, accepted, acceptive, acceptor;

– capacity, capacious, capacitance, capacitate, capacitive, capacitor, field moisture capacity;

– depend, dependable, dependence, dependant, dependency, independence, independent, independently;

– line (n), line (v), lineage, lineal, lineament, linear measures, lineation, lined, lineman, main pipeline;

– space (n), space (v), spacing, spacecraft, spaceless, spaceman, spaceport, space station, space missile, spacious lecture theatre;

– vapour (n), vapour (v), vapoury, vapourish, vaporous, vaporize, vaporable, vaporific, evaporate, evaporation, evaporative losses.


3.2. Match the words from the left-hand column to the corresponding translation from the right-hand column:

затримка accelerated growth
подальше дослідження poor water quality
прискорений розвиток continuous maintenance
насичення ґрунту to reduce
погана якість води set-back
тривале утримування water sources
водні джерела soil saturation
скорочувати further investigation
водомір moisture stress
виноградна лоза degree of restriction
ступінь обмеження water-meter
нестача вологи vine

3.3. Give Ukrainian equivalents of the following words and word-combinations:

shallow rooted crops, overall water use, to eliminate, portion, fairly heavy soils, wide-spread root system, drippers spacing, acceptance, plants` exact requirements, potential advantages, acceleration, moist root zone, considerable damage, according to, increased yields, light sandy soils, continual cycles, firm and dry area, relatively low water, losses, drip irrigation system.

3.4. Find in the text and write down English equivalents of the following words:

інтервал, здобувати визнання, сприяти отримуванню високих врожаїв, фруктові дерева, довжина мікротрубки, манометр, маленький отвір, вносити добрива, польова вологоємність, вода з високим вмістом солі, пухкий ґрунт, найбільше захоплення, на віддалі, поливна норма, вегетаційний період, втрати через випарoвування, уздовж трубопроводу, низькі потреби у воді.

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