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Behind every great man is a great woman

I was looking at Metaphorical associative card with a girl and a boy who were fun bouncing in a puddle, thanks to which was showed to me what Shri Ram wanted, when in his past lives was calling on me, his Shakti, his soulmate. This Metaphorical associative card made me so sad. Shri Ram begged me, persuaded me to come to him, he thought that he had somewhere his soul mate, his eternal couple, his Shakti. He was appealing to her, but it turned out that it was me. He had wonderful the fantasies, what is his soul mate. He probably thought that she is so wonderful, beautiful that he would see her and all his dreams would come true at once, that everything he wanted would be in her. But when I came to him in this life, Shri Ram plugged into me, looked at me and remembered words of Sebastian Roch Nicolas Chamfort, «I mentally drew myself an image of a woman, who is a rarity among women, and this image of a rare and wonderful woman protects me from women who are the same as most women. Believe me, I am very grateful to this lady invented by me». Shri Ram thought looking at me, «But this woman is not fit an image of an extraordinary woman, who is a rarity among women. She is not the rare and wonderful woman who is worthwhile my extra effort. She is not the love of my life. She’s as messed up as the rest of women. She’s an ordinary dumb broad; she's an ordinary fat cow, which are many. We're going to put this cow to eternal milking of pious merits».

But he couldn't help himself — curiosity got the best of him. He asked me for access to my life files, and I gave him access. Asuras, it turns out, are able to somehow look at our life files, not only of this life, but also of past lives. He went through my life files, where he was given admission, and saw that we were with him in the distant past lives together and that we were happy, and he offered me to become his wife. We somehow became husband and wife, we have had heavenly wedding, when I become wife of Shri Ram at some subtle plane of existence. We got married in in front of Nrisimhadev. Nrisimhadev himself solemnized this marriage ceremony.

He met other woman in the summer of 2016. She was a good woman, beautiful, pleasant, a friendly and likeable, much better than me. He immediately threw me and moved on to that woman. And I thought, that he was saying me, «Come to me, please. For you, I'd do just about anything», and when I came to him, he, who was that pretty boy with the girl in the puddle at that metaphorical associative card, said to me, «It was a funny time, and we were funny. Sometimes you want to look back, but probably because we remember only the best».

And he, the good boy at the Metaphorical associative card, gave to other men me, such a good girl, with whom he cheerfully stomped around in puddles. He began to plug into me other men through him during our intimacy with him. He said that I'm not the best, that I can be erased and thrown out. He told me through the words of the karate coach that we are from different planets. He kind of said to me through those words, «You and I are so different. You're way out of my league. You are not from our world. That woman is one of our own kind, she is one from our set, but you are not from our set. Come on, leave me, leave me, leave me». I thought I had done him so much good in this life for a few years. Since the 151st series I began to tell how much the good I did to him during our interaction at a distance, without personal acquaintance. And I realized that I did him so many good so many times that he became so thanks to my help.

I felt so very bitterly disappointed. He developed thanks to the pious merits that I was pouring into him, being far away from him. We were in different worlds, but because he and I are the eternal couple, my pious merits were constantly coming from me to him. I was doing something virtuous, good, committing austerities, keeping fasts, and he was receiving the fruits of my labor. I was helping him. And thanks to the fact that I was helping him, he became one with whom, as he thought, can be such a wonderful woman like the one with whom he was the summer of 2016, but not me, loser girl, a weirdo girl.

When I was thinking that, my son's teacher called me. She told me that my son gave a toy to a classmate, and now he demands money for it. In fact, there were a bit different. My son was washing dishes at home in the evenings, and I was paying him for this work, so he could buy his favorite toy. He saved up some money and took it to school for some reason. There classmate persuaded my son to buy a toy for that classmate, saying that he will bring the money tomorrow. My son bought with his money a toy and gave that boy this toy, being sure that that boy would bring money the next day. Although my son was going to buy a toy for himself. He bought this toy with his own money, but he gave it to someone else's boy. But I earned that money. Actually this money was mine. I was working and giving some of my money to my son, and he had spent my money on a toy for else's boy. That boy was not going to give money back. There was a conflict, and the teacher began to teach kids how to resolve their conflict peacefully. I learned about this story from her.

After that the mother of that boy gave my son the money for a toy back. I began to scold a son and say that that boy has a normal family; he has mom, dad, a good living, and good living conditions. His mother spends her money on herself, goes to beauty salons, and buys expensive clothes and shoes. She may to buy to her little son any toy. I began to tell the son that I have to raise my kids on my own, that we live in a small apartment, but he took my money and bought on my money a toy to someone else's boy whose mother spends money for herself, and I have to wear other people's clothes and shoes and give my money to my children. That's what I told my son.

I said to Shri Ram through these words, «Shri Ram, you have become so a delicious man because of my pious merits. Due to my pious merits you became the one who can think that only stunning woman can stand beside you. But you became so worthy man because I give you my pious merits. I don't spend my pious merits on myself. I give my pious merits to you, and thanks to this you can be so successful man. Well, you know that behind every great man is a great woman. Behind every successful man is a truly amazing woman. And this truly amazing woman is me. I am your sponsor. I constantly give you my pious merits. You know that we get everything in this world at the expense of pious merits. I am your reliable and devoted investor, you have to respect me as such. But those women who you think are so good and worthy to be with you, spend their pious merits only on themselves, and therefore they are so wonderful. You're so cool just because I give you my pious merits». I then said to my son, «If you do this again, I will not give you more money. You'll wash the dishes for free».

I told Shri Ram, «You got played badly, you was wrong, Shri Ram, because due to the fact that I am giving you my pious merits, I do not spend these pious merits on myself. Those women do not give their pious merits to anyone. They spend their pious merits only to their luxurious life in this material world. Perfectly respectable way to maintain champagne and caviar lifestyle. Those women do not share their pious merits with anyone, and this is their guarantee to a lifestyle that open the door to the finest homes in the most spectacular locations around the world. Those women buy famous brands, live in the big, beautiful homes in snazzy places. They wear posh clothes, driving a posh car. The finest things, jewellery, smile, gifts, roses for the finest ladies. And you, Shri Ram, think that they deserve to be with you. You, Shri Ram, think that I do not deserve to be with you, that I am not worthy of you, although it is thanks to me that you can be such a gorgeous man who have the same higher status as such gorgeous women».

I said to Shri Ram, «Look, Shri Ram, I will turn off the tap through which my pious merits can flow from me to you. I may cut off your oxygen and suffocate you, and you will not receive my pious merits. Then you will become like some rabble next to whom these women who spend their pious merits only on themselves, will not stand up. You will become for them just a stinking homeless man, a poor loser, whom they do not even want to look at». So I said to Shri Ram.

And I thought I was right to come to Shri Ram. Because he became too overreaching, insolent, and he began to bite the hand that feeds him. He began to hit the hand that helps him. He said, «You are the hand that gives, but there's something wrong with you. Other women are the hands that don't give, but they are actually perfect for me. The hand that gives is never empty. And although you are the hand that gives, but you don't matches me. I don't like you, and there are many others I prefer». I thought I was right to come to him. Because now Krishna can break this connection at any moment, and my pious merits will not funnel from me to this Shri Ram. And then all my pious merits will go to the fact that I will fly away into the spiritual world, and this Shri Ram will be left alone here, in this material world, without his Shakti, to rot like some kind of animal, like a slug. He will shiver in the wind like the last leaf on a dying tree.

I thought: I'm really good. I made the right decision, that I came to him and put myself at risk. I allowed myself to be put under pressure. I put myself under his blow and he said me that I am nothing at all, that I am nobody, worthless, although he became so the respectable, distinguished-looking gentleman, so rich and successful, powerful man, so prominent man due to me. I thought that I saved him so many times. When Borka, the former leader of the Moscow asuras, came to me and asked me to marry him, I refused to marry him. And if I had not refused Borka, then Borka would have took from me all my pious merits during our married life, and this Shri Ram would have remained without an infusion of my pious merits for long. He would have fallen to the lowest place, and these women would become inaccessible to him. He for long would have lost the opportunity to even see such women. Even from afar.

I thought I'd saved him so many times, even in this life. I saved him even this way. I saved him by refusing to Borka. I saved him, and he doesn't appreciate his luck!? I told him he is so cool because I was giving him my pious merits. And I give him pious merits at all not for him to be with those women who do not spend their pious merits on anyone, who spend their pious merits only on their pleasant stay in the material world. I give him my pious merits at all not for him to be with those women. I give my pious merits to him so that he can take care of me, because I am his wife. I give my pious merits to him because he is my husband. No woman will want to give a man something so that he, using her help, can enjoy with other women, because it's illogical. But he messed something up. He thought that he was so cool, that he was so smart. But in fact, even this mind he received only because of my pious merits.

They say behind every great man is a great woman. That's the truth. Although to this woman does not necessarily have to stand right next to this man, because I was standing far from Shri Ram, we were in different worlds, but I gave him my pious merits constantly. I learned about it from my words when I was describing to him my photos from many years ago. From my words I learned that, it turns out, even when we with him were in different worlds apart, I was pouring the pious merits to him, thanks to what he became thus important, respectable, a businessman. I protected him.

I told him that Krishna could end it anytime He want to, and then what would Shri Ram become? He will be nobody. I, being his eternal wife, was fulfilling his desires, even when we were scattered on different worlds. And even when I came to him in this life, I was fulfilling his wishes. And when he wished for a better woman in the spring of 2016, I had fulfilled this desire. Although he told me «be my wife, become my wife», he was looking at me and thinking, «Maybe somewhere there is woman who is better her?» Of course, whatever you say. I, being his eternal wife, performed his desire, and this best woman came to him. And thanks to the fact that I was fulfilling his desires, he became so? It turns out that I was fulfilling his wishes and he because of this I was so insulted and humiliated?!

I thought he was very wrong. It's like at the parable of yogi and the mouse. The mouse ran to yogi, said she was afraid of the cat, and asked yogi to turn her into a cat. Yogi made the mouse a cat. After that the cat ran to yogi and told yogi that she is afraid of the dog, and asked yogi to turn her into a dog. The yogi has fulfilled this desire. After that the dog ran to yogi, began to complain of a tiger and ask yogi to turn her into tiger. The yogi fulfilled her wish. And then the tiger looked at the yogi and jumped to eat him. In this moment yogi made tiger the mouse. Everything's back to the way it used to be.

And I, like that yogi, was fulfilling the desires of Shri Ram, and thanks to my help he got so great that he looked at me and said, «And you are nobody. I'll erase you now. I'll give you to all my people. I`ll share you with all my buddies. All my subordinates will fuck you. And then I`ll put up you for sale. Many asuras will fuck you, through distance, without contact of physical bodies, at the energy plane of existence, although you will not know about it. And all your pious merits will be pumped out of you. You'll have nothing left, and you'll fall. We don't care where you'll be there, who you'll be there with and how you'll be there. You'll go to the bottom of your life, and how your children will live is unknown. And in General, they are unlikely to be with you, because you will not have pious merits to be with your children, and they will be taken away from you. We don't care what will happen to them. Who are they? There are a lot of kids like that in orphanages. This is what he told me. He told this to the woman who was fulfilling his wishes, like that yogi.

When I was going to come to him, I knew how he dealt with women. Because if I didn't know that, there wouldn't be these events in my plan. And if these events were, then that's what he does to women. First he lives with one woman, and when he meets other woman that better, he throws previous woman and erases her fully, destroys her. I knew he was like that because otherwise it would not have happened now. It was his standard move called «we remember only the best». And I, knowing he would do that, still went to him?!

249 at 01:00.



«You love not me, but my millions!»

I became very sad, and I thought: why is he with me now? I remembered how through the words of one woman at a Dating site he said me that I am second-rate goods, they say, look at yourself objectively, and don’t kid yourself. You are far from perfect, you are a low-grade product. You are woman of a certain, age. Who do you think you are? If a man wants to fuck you, immediately agree, until he escaped away such a cheap like you. Stop analyzing and just enjoy moment. You are not good-looking enough for men. Don't act surprised. If by some misunderstanding some man wants to sleep with you, you should understand that it`s a great honor to you. The years go by, and you'll be alone. Stop being so stubborn! Give yourself over to men! Eat, drink and be merry, for tomorrow we die. You're cheap. You're an inferior product, second-rate goods. That's what he told me through that woman. I thought: at that time he knew nothing about me and him. He did not know that I am his eternal wife, that we lived together many lives, that he was recruited, made an asur, that I became an inspector of the Universe Patrol and the Slayer of the asuras. He didn't know anything. But now he knows.

And I thought: why is he with me now? I remembered that Shiva had told him that the curse didn't lifted, that he should be punished for his crime, that he should give me the status of a wife and show me respect, but I still thought: why would he hold on to such a second-rate product? I thought maybe he decided to be with me because of the fear that his Shakti would leave him altogether and he would fall to the very bottom of life? Or maybe because I'm so cool and destroyed a lot of asuras? Maybe due to the fact that I shows him the advance-warning signs and protects him? Or maybe because of the fear that Shiva told him that the curse was not lifted and that he should give me the status of his wife? Or maybe he is afraid to become a beggar, a homeless man and die an ignoble death? Why is he with me?

I thought: when I will become ordinary, if we will reunite in real life, he will give me to other men and run to the woman who is better me? It's common knowledge that always going to be someone who's a better match for you than the person with whom you are now. And there is always someone ahead of you. And there are a lot of them, who are better, and he every time erases those woman who become not the best. He says, «We remember only the best, and we forget what is no longer the best. We forget all those who have already ceased to be the best. We will start the process of their erasing, of their forgetting and erase them completely. We will drink from them all their pious merits, and they will fall to the very bottom of life, and everyone will forget about them».

I thought maybe he is with me to keep his money? He had a life crash, and he almost lost all his money, his house, and everything. He almost became bankrupt and homeless, but I saved him, and Shiva told him that he should do his duty, otherwise a life crash will return to him and his days will be numbered. I thought all women want happiness. But how can he be happy if has no respect for women? How can he be happy if he had humiliated and insulted even his Shakti, his eternal soul mate, if he was selling her to other men?

How can he be happy if no woman can be happy with him? How can a man be happy with a woman and think that a woman will be happy with him if he behaves so badly with all other women, if he thinks that he has the right to make any other woman unhappy and grind her into the dust? And if he's erasing women, how can he expect that some woman will be happy with him? Our arrogance is surpassed only by our naivete. I thought: he is such an interesting man, but he cannot make any woman happy. In spite of this he wants happiness and waits something good in life. I thought he seemed like a smart man, but he is a chronic dullard. He fails to understand platitudes. We must stop kidding themselves that happiness is given on a silver platter all the time. Don't get your hopes up.

And in this game with Metaphorical associative cards, I mentally asked this question: what does Shri Ram want now when he knows all this? Why does he hold on to this second-rate product, does not go away and every time tells me, «You are not my choice, but my destiny»? Why would he want that? I knew that I was not his choice, but his fate and that he had to be with me, but I still wanted him to have at least some warm feelings for me. On this my question I picked one Metaphorical associative card, on which was written: «Protection and well-being». I looked at those words and thought, «This is what he wants. He needs protection and well-being».

I was very disappointed. It turns out that I am necessary to him in order to he would not lost his money, because Shiva told him that at any moment he could lose everything if he doesn't respect me. He needs protection and well-being, and that`s all. And well-being is not only money, but also sex, because in Russian the word «благополучие» («well-being») consists of the words «благо» («benefit, good, welfare») + «получие, получать» («receiving, receive») = receiving benefit, receiving the good. How can the asuras receive the benefit, the good? How can a man receive the benefit, the good from his wife? A man receives the good, because his woman fulfills his desires, and also because a woman passes her pious merits to her man, which mainly happens in sex. From this I understood that Shri Ram wants sex, too. That is, he wants sex and money.

And then I thought he didn't want me, he wanted my millions. As in soviet comedy film «Hello, I your aunt!». This film is based on the play by Walter Brandon Thomas «Charley's Aunt». Charley's Aunt said to her grooms, «You love not me, but my millions!» I thought that Shri Ram did not love me, Shri Ram love my pious merits. And I thought, «I'm an old soldier and I don't know the words of love except Hare Krishna. I have no need for his services. Because I have a whole cupboard full of the sweets and the sweets are waiting for me. There are a lot of men who can become my husband, my support and protection. And these men are waiting for me».

And then I said to Shri Ram, «Look, Shri Ram, I don't need your millions. You're rich, of course, but I don't need your millions. There are much prettier, better men who are ready to be with me. They are waiting for me, but I do not pay attention to them. I know you don't want me, you want my millions». And then he turned on songs of Nikolai Baskov «Next to you» and Yuri Vizbor «You're the only one». He threw these songs into my mind, trying to convince me that he wants to be always with me, that he can not live without me, that I am the lucky ray of fate, that I am all that he has in his life. He tried to convince me that he needed not my millions, that he needed me. How much I understood those men who think that a woman does not want him, that a woman need his millions, his money. True, these millions are in the form of pious merits, which transfer from the bank piety account of a woman to the bank piety account of a man in order to he takes care of her.

He tried to convince me that it was not so, that he could not live without me, that he dreamed of me and in dreams he called me, but I did not believe him. But then was turned on the song of Yaroslav Klimanov «That's what I need». And when the words were «You're with me. That's all I need», I had saw that I was telling him that I didn't care that he was going to be with me just for the money, for his protection. I don't care for what reason he was going to be with me. The main thing is that you're with me, that's all I need. I told him I didn't believe all those words, all those songs, but even if he didn't want me, even if he wanted my millions, I don't care what he wants or thinks, I just want he will be with me, that's all I need.

249 at 01:00.




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