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The protection system against asuras to protect married couples «We with Mukhtar serve at the Border Guard»

When I sent this party of asuras to their future lives in order to they become a protection system against asuras for Krishna consciousness, I thought for a long time how it happened that I asked them if they agreed to accept this mission. I asked them if they were really accepting their mission and whether they were ready for it. They all replied emphatically to my question, «Yes, we really do agree on this mission! We accept this mission». And through me they swore an oath of allegiance to Srila Prabhupada, Bhakti Tirtha Swami, and all Krishna's devotees. When in the 246th series I was talking about this, I noticed that just during the description of this event there was a screenshot from «Mahabharata» on which it was written «Manipulation». I at once did not understand, but when I watched 246th series to the end, I realized this.

Some asuras tried to influence my consciousness, hoping that I would fail. Someone from the asuras had held manipulation of my consciousness, for this reason I asked them if they agree, if they are ready, if they accept their mission. It was definitely a manipulation of my consciousness. But we benefited from this manipulation of consciousness because they all agreed to their mission, and they even swore allegiance to this mission and to Krishna's devotees. And even though it was good for us, I was upset that someone was trying to influence me to force me to do what they wanted.

They thought that those asuras, of course, will refuse. But by this time they had experienced very pleasant sensations, which they had never experienced in their lives. We sang kirtan well with them. Bhakti Tirtha Swami sang well with them too. We were hugging well like with close friends. And they all said in one voice that they were ready to their mission and sworn an oath of loyalty to their mission, but the fact that some asuras tried to affect to me and that they've succeeded, very upset me. At first I thought: maybe Shri Ram did this trick to me? I was very resented him for it. I thought, maybe that's why I didn't burn by napalm what was left of them at the very end, because I knew that he had influenced me so much. I had big doubts about that.

I remembered as in the 7th series of my novel “My Roman. I’m asur’s wife”, which I recorded on May 23, 2017, I told him not to exceed his authority and not to ruin my mood. In that series I said him through screenshots from the 776th series of TV series «Devon Ke Dev Mahadev» the following: «Thus, your abilities and your skills don’t make a huge difference! I warn you! If you neglect your position or use your powers to your advantage, the consequences will be dire! If I want, I can kill you now! If you cross your borders even once, I will no longer warn!»

I told him then that I wouldn't warn him again. I thought he should remember my warning, but I still did not know who carried out this manipulation of my consciousness: Shri Ram or one of the asuras. I thought that Shri Ram knew about it, I had already warned him, I told him that the consequences would be disastrous, but at the same time he knows that I cannot destroy him. I have been told so many times that I have no right to destroy him. Of course, he knows about this and could take advantage of their immunity to conduct manipulation, profitable for asuras.

Then I had decided to find out the answer from metaphorical associative cards. I wished for one card to reveal the truth to me. There was a picture of a couple in a boat, floating on the river, and the words: «Turn on the light». I looked at this picture and I thought Shri Ram couldn't do that. Of course he could do it, he is asur, big asur, he is RA, he has great abilities, he is able to carry out the manipulation of consciousness, I have seen it many times and know, but from this picture I realized that unlikely that Shri Ram did it.

I thought that asuras would pay for such insolence. Those asuras who carried out this manipulation of my consciousness, will be included in the next action, which I have already outlined. And even if Shri Ram did it, I will still include them into this action. I thought that they'd be extremely lucky. If they carried out this manipulation and get into this action, they are just extremely lucky. Because if someone else does something like that, then they're very unlucky, this would be unfortunate for all of them, because further actions will be very sad. But this action is just a gift of fate for them, so they are well done, they are just in time.

I really determined the next operation to sending the asuras to their future lives. The idea of this action came to me after I described the Metaphorical associative card with a girl in a white beret, who flips through her diary. In front of her are two candies. Behind her is a cabinet full of sweets, and between candies and a cabinet with sweets is standing a notepad in the form of a wigwam. When I was decrypting this Metaphorical associative card, I determined that these two candies are my two husbands. My first husband is Shri Ram, my eternal husband, with whom we were together in the spiritual world and with whom we had many lives together here in the material world before he was made an asur. And my second husband is Lord Nrisimhadeva.

When Shri Ram was made an asur, I was shown between lives what he had become, and offered to break our connection with him. They offered me another eternal husband, but I refused this offer and went to dance the dances of devotion to the Deities on the higher heavenly planets. There I had fell in love with a Deity of Lord Nrisimhadeva and came to love Nrisimhadeva with all my heart. Many times I mentally was entering this Deity and dissolving in that Deity, and once I turned completely into the calling on to Nrisimhadev. I asked Nrisimhadev to be my husband. He took my calling on and became my husband, and since that time I have two husbands.

And when I described this metaphorical associative card, I also determined that the sweets in cupboard behind me are the men who want me to look at them and choose one of them. These sweets in cupboard behind me are the men ready to be my husband, my support, hope, and protection. But I refuse them because in the picture in front of me on the table is standing on a notepad in the form of a wigwam through which I as though say to them: «I not for you! You're wasting your time here because I have my two candies». In Russian, the word «вигвам» («wigwam») is very similar to the expression «фиг вам» («Not for you!»). When you say these words, there is almost no difference, with the exception of one sound, so in Russian «вигвам» («wigwam») can be considered joking way of the expression of phrase «фиг вам» («Not for you!»). And when deciphering the meaning of this metaphorical associative card a notepad in the form of a wigwam means «Not for you!». That's nothing more than wordplay. And it turns out that this notepad in the form of a wigwam as if passes my message to these sweets in the closet, that is, to men who want to become my husband: «I am not for you! I have two of my husband. This is Nrisimhadev and my Shri Ram. I love them».

And when I saw and described this picture, I said to Shri Ram, who is connected to me invisibly and who hears all my thoughts: «Shri Ram, you are taking a big risk. There's a lot of candy in the closet, see? And they all want me to be with them. I might turn my attention to them». Then I was translating the story about Splinter, mentor, Sensei of asuras, and there were the words of husband Daruka to his wife, which in the alternation of online translators appeared in this form: «If I leave you, your teeth will be knocked out». These are the words I if as have told Shri Ram, «I can leave you, and then your asuras will knock out your teeth because I destroyed many of them because of you».

And he immediately answered me, also by the words of translation, «You are pure while I am with you». I had looked at these words and had thought: if I'm be with one of them, of those sweets in the closet, and even if we are faithful to each other, I still will not be pure, chaste, because the asuras are able to plug into people through distance, without contact of physical bodies, at the energy plane of existence and even invade marital sex. It turns out that in such a case there cannot be marital fidelity and chastity in a married couple, although the husband and wife in this married couple are faithful to each other and honours the purity and chastity of their marriage. What there can be faithfulness and chastity, if a woman is fucked by multiple men: her husband and through his body some asuras?

I thought, Oh, that's bad... that's unpleasant... Turns out, if I'm be with someone of these cakes, chocolates, muffins and everything will be fine there, then there's no guarantee the asuras won't get into our marital sex. I thought: if I with Shri Ram be together sometime in the future lives, and he will not be asur, and we will be a couple, then some asuras will be able to enter in our intimacy and to fuck me through body of Shri Ram, invisibly. We don't need such tricks, I said. But where is the guarantee that this cannot happen? There is no such guarantee. And then I decided to make such a guarantee.

Then the idea came to me that now I have to carry out the following action and include in it such asuras who like to invade someone else's marital sex and who through the body of the man, through his dick fuck his wife during their marital sex, invisibly, at the energical connectivity. I thought they'd go into their next lives, and I'd send them out there, and they'd be traps for asuras like them now, who like to invade other people's marital sex.

I decided that to this action will be included those asuras who manipulated my mind in order to I asked for consent when I was creating the protection system against asuras. They will all be in the role of attractive strawberries with cream, and they will attract asuras who like to taste someone else's strawberry with cream. When they go into their future lives, they will all be men, because they are men now, and they will be married every life, very happily married. So they're extremely lucky. Because each of them will be a happily married man, will have a very good, a very stable family and one wife for all his lives.

They will always be a married couple and will love each other all their lives. Such a good family. How lucky they are! The wife will be a very good, very pious woman, will love her husband very much, take care of him and protect him, pray to the Lord for his protection. And all these asuras who will go on this action and will be husbands in such a wonderful families will be a powerful weapon. If someone from asuras will try to invade marital sex of this married couple, at the energy plane of existence, the husband will destroy all them. He will do it not with a knife, not with a gun. Everything will happen at the energy plane of existence, because the asuras connects to people imperceptibly, at a distance. How do you reach them if you don't even know who it is?

But these men will have this ability. He will see everything, all these subtle plans. Because in order to kill asuras, he needs to see these subtle plans of existence. He will see these subtle plans, and if someone tries to barge in marital sex of this married couple, husband will immediately activate this weapon and will somehow kill the asuras, irrevocably. Exact hit. A clean shot, a precise hit on the target. The enemy doesn’t have a chance. It'll be like at poem:

We with Mukhtar serve at the Border Guard.

The enemy will not be able to approach to the border,

Because we’ll crush him in a heartbeat.

They'll be like «We with Mukhtar serve at the Border Guard». They will sit on the border, and very often, regularly those asuras who love to feast on someone else's strawberries and invade someone else's sex will barge in marital sex of this married couple, invisibly, at the energy plane of existence. Those asuras who love to feast on someone else's strawberries and fuck someone else's wife through dick of husband will periodically get to them, because these married couples will be like a flame for moths, they will be traps, all part of our plan. Thanks to such serve at the Border Guard, they will deserve liberation from the material world and return into the spiritual world (this was shown in the 247th series at the screenshot with the palm with the unleashed ribbon on it, at 27:27).

In their married couple a weapon will be the husband. He will destroy such asuras who love to invade someone else's marital sex. In their married couple the wife will just be a wife, but she will look very handsome, she will be the perfect bait to attract asuras. She will attract all such asuras who love to look at other people's wives and think: «I'm going to have a little fun with her. I will plug into her fool hubby and fuck his wife through his body, through his dick. He will not even know about that, because this will be through distance, without contact of physical bodies, at the energy plane of existence. They're just chronic dullard, as the rest of them». But this will be fatal error of asuras, because they will look like they don't know anything, but in fact they will be in the game. They will be the end of activities and of life of fans of invading someone else's sex.

They will act in the same way as irresistible darts of protection system against asuras. It will also be a powerful weapon that can be used for the purpose of destruction one unit of the enemy forces as well as all enemy army. That is, if someone from the asuras wants to infiltrate marital sex of this married couple and if this asur is connected with a chain of asuras willing to participate in such an illegal invasion, then this husband will destroy the entire chain of asuras at once.

He will destroy that asur that will appear there. And if that asur is connected with other asuras and there will be a whole network of lovers of such fun, then he will simultaneously burn them all, so that they are not there at all. Because he will love his wife very much and the presence of foreign men in their marital sex will be unacceptable for him, even through distance, without contact of physical bodies, at the energy plane of existence. And to such encroachments was not, he will destroy them all at once, because usually asuras are all connected. An attempt to invade of even one of the asuras will entail complete destruction of entire chain of asuras.

They will be the most powerful and deadly weapon. This weapon completely burns its target with one powerful, targeted strike. No armor, no blessings, no shielding can protect against this weapon. Never. This weapon will always work, and always at full pelt. A clean shot, a precise hit on the target, complete reaching the target, utterly obliterating the target. This weapon is so powerful that it can neither be stopped nor neutralized. This weapon is self-activating, instantly reacting to attempt to influence. That is, this married couple will have sex, although they will be devotees of Krishna. But they will have sex, because it is necessary that asuras has opportunity to invade because this married couple will play the role of trap. They will be a good decoy. If they strictly observe abstinence, then no one will get to them. Abstinence is our keeper against action of asuras. True freedom from influence of asuras arises only due to observe of the four regulative principles: no illicit sex, no intoxication, no meat-eating, no gambling. Sex is an invitation for asuras to plug into you unnoticed and to be, through distance, without contact of physical bodies, at the energy plane of existence, in your sex with someone or in your masturbation. During this the asuras pumps your pious merits from you, which leads to your fall in general in life. Pious merits are that by which we get all the good things in life. If your pious merits are taken away from you, then you will not be able to receive the good that is rightfully yours, because the asuras, who have pumped your pious merits from you, will receive the good instead of you. But you yourself opened the way for asuras, indulging in unbridled pleasure, not understanding the laws of the Universe. The overriding factor for the asuras is to have sex. Therefore, the fourth regulative principle, no illicit sex, is our defense. But these married couples should be open and attractive to the asuras, and for this it is necessary that these married couples have sex.

Therefore, they are very lucky. They're gonna have such a great family. One wife for life, love for life, faithfulness. He will be faithful to her, and she will be faithful to him. And she will pray for him and help in everything. And they will have sex. They will have very happy marriage. But fairly often some asuras will try to invade marital sex of this married couple because this married couple will have such role, mission. And this married couple will always get there where it is necessary to destroy the next such asuras. For this purpose it is necessary that they have sex. For this reason this married couple will have a nice sex life. They're the lucky ones! They are most lucky from all asuras at my Mahabharata. Although Borka, the former leader of the Moscow asuric organization, will be more fortunate, as he will have only one life in Vrindavan and immediately after this life the return into the spiritual world, but these crossed out comrades will enjoy the most.

They will be the most powerful and deadly weapon. Any impact on this weapon is breaking up, without causing any harm to this weapon, that making it practically indestructible and invulnerable. They will be the sleepless guards, who are always on duty, always on full alert. The instant reaction, the immediate, effective response, the ruthless, cold-blooded and irrevocable destruction of the enemy of any size and strength. I decided that they would attract the enemy of any strength, but the stronger the better. And as long as the Krishna consciousness movement is on the planet, they will be born, they will be a faithful loving married couple, and they will do their work of cleaning up the asuric community. They will have such a sweet, such a honey, such a happy mission.

However, occasionally all sorts of different asuras at the energy plane of existence will try to invade marital sex of this married couple, but husband will always stand on guard. He will know about it, because asuras will constantly try to invade their marital sex, and when asuras appear at the energy plane of existence and try to plug into them, he will activate his Napalm, he will emit the mightiest fire beam and burn them ruthlessly and irrevocably. He with his wife will be happy married couple. They will be a wonderful, friendly, stable and nurturing family. They will be people who indeed love one another. And he will love his wife, cherish her, and tell her, «You are the only woman in the world for me». It will be because that's best for the case. Their love and fidelity to each other are necessary in order to the husband became enraged, unleashed the full fury to asuras and smithereens them when they will try to fuck his wife through distance, without contact of physical bodies, at the energy plane of existence, using his body. Their love and devotion to each other are necessary in order to his rage would immediately flare up, righteous anger would ignite as soon as he saw someone approaching his wife on a subtle plane of existence, «Oh, you, a lover of joyful sensations? You have reached your end! I will put an end to you!»

This will be infinite love... This will be a love they never had, and now they will have this infinite love many lives. They're the lucky ones! They were so lucky. Harmony, love, warmth, tenderness, sincerity. He will tell her, «When you are with me, there is no-one in the world stronger than I am. When you are near me, I feel like I'm at peace with the whole world. When you are with me, every dream comes true». He never had such a love which will be in his future lives when he will be at this service at the protection system against asuras. He will look at her with such love and tenderness... And some asuras will constantly try through distance, without contact of physical bodies, at the energy plane of existence through body of this man to fuck his wife, the only darling woman he ever loved.

This is because he himself was so, and so there's always going to be someone trying to reach wife through him, through his body. He a lot of lives lived as asur. And he specialized in the invasion to marital sex of married couples. This was his favorite activity. And now he is reaping the fruits of his deeds. You reap what you sow. Now he has ceased to be an asur, and now other asuras are trying to invade to his marital sex. He and his wife will be a trap for the asuras. He with his wife will attract to themselves such asuras as he was in his past lives. Asuras will be attracted by this married couple like flame attracts moths. A Russian proverb says that money sticks to money. Birds of a feather flock together. They say geniuses recognize one another, game recognizes game. He was such an asur, and now the same asuras, as he was once, will constantly get sticky to him and his wife. His marriage will be the union of husband and wife in heart, body, and mind. Their souls will be on melting together in perfect unison. Some asuras will constantly try to intervene into this unity. This will be because this married couple is needed for this. And those who dare to invade to this married couple will have a bad time because their life will come to an end.

Every life they will have a very beautiful, solemn, memorable for a lifetime wedding ceremony, in order to remember all this with joy and reverence, thanking God that all this happened to them, that they met each other, that they have such love and such faithfulness all their life. And he will tell her, «I will always protect you». And he will do it, but for some reason at the energy plane of existence some asuras will constantly climb to them, wedged in their marital sex. This will be because they will have such a mission. Because we with Mukhtar serve at the Border Guard. The enemy will not be able to approach to the border, because we’ll crush him in a heartbeat. Because you shouldn’t stick your nose in someone else's yard, otherwise a guard dog will bite off your nose. Because this yard is guarded by guard dogs and alarms. And he will say to his wife, «You are my Shakti». And someone out there will always encroach to his Shakti to somehow connect through his body to her and fuck her, through distance, without contact of physical bodies, at the energy plane of existence?! Some asuras will be so stupid that will try to fuck Shakti of this man, whereas using his body, the body of her husband? He will rip them all to shreds! He'd do anything for his Shakti. He will tear everyone in pieces for his Shakti.

They will be very focused on each other. Her mind will be filled with him, and he will be the only man she ever had. She will be the most important thing, most precious in the world to him. But asuras will see in them quite another. Because this married couple will be a trap for the asuras. And who gets into this trap, will not get away of there. And for this purpose it is necessary that the asuras thought that this married couple fit them according to all criteria. That is, somehow, although they will be very focused on each other, they will broadcast to the asuras through their behavior, their appearance and their way of life, that they are suitable for them as such victims, to whom asuras can use force, although in fact they will not such. They will be a married couple. They will be people in love with each other always. I don't think I've ever seen two people love each other more. Just he and she always, no third wheel. They will be faithful to each other always. Together forever.

And they will be the two will travel around the world on our planet. Maybe he will have such business that they will go around the world together many times. Maybe they will often go to resorts. Maybe they will have still some Affairs. But they will be together as couple constantly traveling around the world and somehow attracting those asuras who like at the energy plane of existence to get into someone else's sex.

They will have such a lifestyle that they will travel around the world, to different places because they will be the forces that react more quickly, reach further, and can remain in the field longer during life, in order to provide greater coverage. And husband will be aware of it. He will think, «Here we come to this new place, now again some scoundrels will try to invade us». And he'll be ready. «Dear, I love you so much». They are having sex, love, everything is as it should be, and suddenly he looks at the subtle plan of existence: «Yeah, someone is approaching... I knew that someone will appear. Why can't they just mind their own business? They get in my space, expect me to turn the cheek. There's plenty more where they came from. It's their fault, they're like cats in heat. They seem to be coming from everywhere. What do they want from us?»

It's because you have such a mission. You for many past lives were asur and in this way was invading the marital sex of married couples, and now you karma caught up with you, and now you're such a decoy, a trap for the bears. And that's why they come to you. They cannot not invade you, because you have somehow everything is configured in such a way specifically in order to they invaded you. You are attracting for them like a honey pot is attracting for bees. They fly to you like flies to the shite. And all these decoys will have a special interior vision. Ordinary people do not see the subtle, energetic plane of existence, but these decoys will see how to them on the subtle plane of existence someone approaches and wants to fuck wife. These decoys will be a nice, married couple. They will have great love and will periodically have regular sex, quite often, as they will have such a role, such a service at the border.

And here they have it all goes well, they are having good sex, and suddenly he sees with his special interior vision that during sex someone at the energy plane of existence goes to them, and he thinks, «Either way, fellas, you brought this upon yourself, and anyone who sides with you dies with you! You've been asking for this! You'll pay dearly! I'll get you for this! Your dream will not come true. You wanted to have fun with my wife through me?! You wanted to fuck my wife through my body?! Who you think you are? Your dream won't come true! If, by foolishness, a deer runs into a cave to a lion, a deer will immediately die there. Out of my way! She is my wife! Get out of here! And anyway, away from all roads! You don't need any roads, because you tried to get to me, to my road, to my wife. You doesn't know it yet, but you and your boys just signed your death warrant, because I'm in this protection system against asuras, I serve at the Border Guard. We with Mukhtar serve at the Border Guard. The enemy will not be able to approach to the border, because we’ll crush him in a heartbeat. Today on this field you will get a lesson of fair retribution! The lion will not give any deer a chance to survive! Anyone who dares to stand in my way today, I will turn to ashes!»

And he will really turn them into ashes at the energy plane of existence, all their chakras and everything will burn to the ground; there will be nothing left, just a lifeless space, completely not viable. And if there will be a chain, he will burn the whole chain, completely.

In this way I decided to take care of myself because Shri Ram said to me, «You are pure as long as I am with you». It turns out that if we will be together and if he becomes an ordinary person, then someone from the asuras can to invade our marital sex, and if Shri Ram does not make use of the opportunity and I will be with someone else, then asuras will also get through?! But they'd be surprised. An unpleasant surprise awaits them. I'd already took care of that.


247 at 01:00, 246 at 27:04.




Evil ivy in the rain

I determined a large group of asuras for the next action, which I called «We with Mukhtar serve at the Border Guard». I decided that it would be those asuras who liked to invade the marital sex of married couples. Asuras somehow can to connect energetically and be present in someone else's sex. If a woman has sex with some man, then the asuras know how through the body of this man, through his dick, through his hands to be with her at that same time. And it turns out that with this woman is not only this man, who fuck her in physical reality, at the physical plane of existence, but also some asuras, who live like ordinary men, but are plugging into her somehow energetically and invisibly present in the marital sex of this married couple.

And there may be several of them. And they take out of woman her pious merits, depriving her with her husband of the life they could have if these pious merits would have remained in this married couple and not transfer to someone else. And I decided to send into the future lives those asuras who loved to fill up in this way their bank account of Universal currency, bank account of the pious merits, wanting to live a life of ease, opulence and luxury, depriving this married couple the opportunities that they had. I decided that in their future lives, these asuras will be lures for such as they are now.

They will be a lot of lives very happily married, and some asuras will constantly try to invade their marital sex, at the energetical plane of existence. Because this married couple will broadcast by their way of life, that they fit the asuras according to all criteria. This married couple will behave in the same way as the victims of asuras in order to the asuras can think that they have right to invade into their marital sex, plug into body of wife and fuck her through the body of her husband, who, the fool, does not even suspect that right now through his body other men are fucking his wife, through distance, without contact of physical bodies, at the energy plane of existence. Of course, the wife will more broadcast the signals about their suitability for the asuras. Maybe they will often go to the resorts, the wife will often go to the SPA, beauty salons, fitness, where the asuras through the eyes of people looking for new victims. And I decided to send into the future lives those asuras who loved to invade marital sex of married couples.

But I had many doubts, fears that I will violate rights of many other people and remove them opportunities, having pulled out these asuras from their life. I thought that I would leave many women without their husbands and many children without their fathers, and after all these women and children are not guilty that their husband and the father was such that he though with appearance led a decent way of life, but at the energy plane of existence he intruded into conjugal sex of foreign couples and did it intentionally. I wondered if I had the right to leave these innocent wives and children without protector, even though he did these vile things, invisible to all.

I thought: Yes, it's good that I will tear out that asur from his life, but he could have a good wife, small children, elderly parents there, who will remain without protection. It turns out that I'm doing such a bad thing. It's bad karma. Yes, of course, they will do a good right thing in their future lives, but in this life they could have families, children. I'll leave their families without support of head of the family. I am an evil! I have no right to do that. But on the other hand, they did a lot of abominations, and if there is someone who can and even must punish them, then this person must do this thankless, unpleasant job. Defending virtue is an unpleasant job but it has to be done. I was worried about it a lot. And then I thought about it and called the next card number in the game with Metaphorical associative cards. There was a card which very much calmed me. On the card was drawn rain, which pours from the cloud to the ground. And there I noticed an ivy leaf, a mushroom family and a snail hiding in its house.

I described this picture as follows: «This picture as if told me to shed a generous rain of mercy on everyone, even on those who do not want it and clearly makes wicked plans, since it is raining in the picture. At the picture is summer, and the sun is shining, as the colors are light and Golden. And when it rains and the sun shines, is a sign of good fortune. Rain falls on the leaves, flowers, berries, mushrooms and snail. Rain falls on the ground, on everything. On the left at the bottom of picture is seen an evil entity. He's drawn here like a pentagonal leaf. He's got two eyes. And even it is clear, with somehow expression he looks. He is clearly looking at the cloud from which the rain is pouring, and he has an evil look. This evil entity thinks to hide from the rain under the strawberry and flowers. This evil leaf is safely hidden under strawberries, flowers and leaves. He is sure that the raindrops could not fall on him. But the cloud is large, has a lot of water, and even one drop of water has already flown through this shield of strawberries. This leaf looks like evil ivy. Mushrooms, it seems, do not mind the rain, as there is a whole family of mushrooms, and there are very small mushrooms. They clearly need rain to grow big. Small mushrooms too are hiding under a big mushroom. And the snail is also well hidden on a blade of grass. And even snail climbed into the house, thinking that the rain will not fall on snail. But the rain is warm, very useful for them. A cloud of Golden color. The cloud swelled with water, with a greater good. My first thought when I looked at this picture was a hexagram from The Book of Changes The l-Ching, number 41. Sun is the Chinese name of the I Ching Hexagram 41. People also call this Hexagram ‘decrease’ or named ‘diminishing.’ „Hexagram 41 suggests finding strength by removing the superfluous. Sun is the image of offering something freely in a ceremonial vessel to make a sacrifice in some way. Amazing benevolence is how you let go to discover what is rightfully yours. You may need to give up something you feel is important as a commitment to conscientious growth with another. Whatever you may lose paves the way for you to open to something else. Everything that you give to others today, tomorrow fate will pay you back in full with interest. Perhaps you now feel that you are too wasteful, too many give to others, but this impression will soon pass and you will be generously rewarded. Time is conducive to thinking about plans and intellectual activity. Most of your desires will come true, and you will reap even more than you sowed“. I think that it is necessary to spill generously mercy to all participants, both visible, and those who hid, and on big, and on small. This rain is warm, brings good luck. That's just what to do to evil ivy leaf? Will he get even bigger and angrier if it rains? Maybe they think that the rain from such a big cloud won't reach them? Maybe they think that the cloud will pass them by? Maybe they think that they will ride out the rain and that the rain will pass? They are strange, hid in different places from the rain, someone is under the berries, someone in the house, and someone is under the mushroom. But the cloud is big and is covering the sky. Enough water for everyone. And it looks like it just started raining. The rain still has to go and go, and so everyone will get their portion of water. I think I should just pour water on everyone, even that evil ivy, like from this huge cloud. Maybe the ivy is evil and cruel because he has not been watered for a long time and he forgot how great it is to swim in the rain? Maybe when he's watered, he'll look at the world differently».

When I wrote all this down and reread it, I realized that among those asuras who are included in this action «We with Mukhtar serve at the Border Guard», there are some great evil asuras, who at this picture are drawn as an ivy leaf, which is hidden under the strawberries. I thought that these asuras hoped to escape punishment, hiding behind a large reserve of piety, which they had pumped out of many strawberries, had stolen from many good women. They hope that these pious merits stolen from others will provide them protection.

I had saw that I must to done away with these asuras no matter how great and evil they may be, because it will be for their benefit. They were pumping the pious merits out of many women. I had saw that these pious merits will not protect these asuras, because there is a lot of water in the cloud, the rain has just begun, the cloud is going to drop very heavy rain and water is sure to reach the ivy leaf. And when the rain will pour this good to the ivy leaf, ivy will not be so evil. The ivy is angry because the ivy has been hiding under strawberries for a long time, under stolen pious merits, and because it has not rained for a long time. And this rain is needed to ivy. And thus was resolved the issue with evil ivy.

248 at 07:30




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