Сдам Сам



Complete each sentence. Then write a sentence about yourself.

1. Elena was born in 1980.

(You) I was born...

2. She was born in the summer.


3. She was born... July.


4. She was born... 20th July.


5. She was born... Saturday.


6. She was born... the evening.


7. She was born... 10.30 a.m.


Complete the dialogue.

Example:It's on Friday.


A: When's the party? Is it this month?

B: No, it's... (1) December.

A: When exactly?

B: It's... (2) 31st December.

A: Oh! So it's... (3) New Year's Eve?

B: Yes.

A: Is it... (4) lunchtime?

B: No, of course not! It's... (5) evening.

A: Oh, yes. And where is it?

B: It's... (6) Ambleside.

A: Oh, I know. Jason's got a flat there.

B: Yes, but the party isn't... (7) his place. It's... (8) his girlfriend's flat.

A: Right.

B: Her flat's... (9) a car park,... (10) a cafe and a bookshop. You can't miss it.

A: OK. See you... (11) party.


(preparation for the test)

Card 1

Переведите на английский язык, используя to be, there is / are, have / has (got) в нужной форме.

1. Посмотри на это судно. Это не грузовое судно. Оно – пассажирское судно. Это пассажирское судно – новое. Судно имеет много комфортабельных кают. Каюты находятся на разных (different ['difrqnt]) палубах. Судно имеет несколько больших спасательных шлюпок, которые находятся на верхней (upper ['Apq]) палубе. Каюта капитана располагается тоже на верхней палубе рядом с навигационным мостиком. Судно не имеет грузовых трюмов. Но оно имеет большой трюм для топливных танков. Пассажирское судно всегда (always ['Llwqz]) имеет много топлива в своих танках.

2. Какое это судно? Сколько кают имеет судно? Сколько топлива имеет судно в своих танках? Где находятся спасательные шлюпки?

3. Это – танкер. Он – старый. В настоящее время танкер не в море, потому что он неисправен. Он стоит у причала (berth ['bWT]) в порту, потому что он находится в ремонте. Все механики находятся в машинном отделении, они заняты ремонтом главного (main ['mein]) двигателя и компрессора (compressor [kqm'presq]). У них нет свободного времени. Они заняты работой с утра до вечера. Оператор насоса – не в насосном отделении (pump-room) сейчас. Он свободен от вахты и другой работы. Все насосы на судне и механизмы (mechanisms ['mekqnizmz]) в насосном отделении в порядке. У него сегодня много свободного времени. У него есть хороший друг. Он – судовой радиооператор. Сейчас они находятся в каюте радиооператора.

4. Почему танкер не в море? Кто находится в машинном отделении? Чем они занимаются сейчас? Насосы в порядке? Где сейчас находятся два друга?

Card 2

1. Вставьте there is / are, have / has (got), am, is, are в утвердительной или отрицательной форме.

1. Our group … neither large nor small. We … only 10. But today … five cadets in the classroom. We … six lessons today. Each lesson … 45 minutes long.

2. My native city … very small. … very many people in it. … only two cinemas in my city and … one very big plant. It's a pity, we … any theatre. But the city's picture gallery … very good.

3. This ship's master … a good seaman. He … old, he … only forty years old. He … a big family.

4. They … 7 in the family. Their flat … very large for their family. … only three rooms in it.

Составьте предложения, используя данные ниже слова и указанные в первом задании глаголы, а также выбрав необходимые по смыслу предлоги.

1. hold, fuel, this vessel, two big, tanks;

2. ratings' messroom, ship's office, a hospital;

3. the fifth deck, bridge;

4. classroom, a lot of, cadets, first-year;

5. only, a sister, any brother, I;

6. the first, engine-room, deck, the laundry.


1. На первой палубе находятся камбуз, кладовая и прачечная.

2. На третьей палубе между каютой старпома и лоцмана располагается офицерская кают-компания.

3. На судне имеется пять палуб. На каждой палубе есть разные помещения.

4. Каюта капитана располагается рядом с каютой стармеха и справа от радиорубки.

5. В машинном отделении сейчас находятся два моториста и вахтенный механик.

Card 3

1. Вставьте there is / are, have / has (got) в утвердительной, отрицательной или вопросительной форме в зависимости от смысла предложения.

1. … an emergency telephone on each (каждый) deck. On the navigating bridge … also an emergency telephone. The Chief Officer … an emergency telephone in his cabin. It's a pity I … any emergency telephone in my cabin.
2. … always (всегда) some muster stations on a ship. But … any muster stations in the cargo holds. 3. Every crewmember (член экипажа) … a life jacket. I …
a life jacket too. And … a breathing apparatus in my cabin behind the cabin door. 4. The ship's bosun … two storerooms. In one storeroom … a lot of clean up equipment, but in the other storeroom … clean up equipment, … many other things. 5. … any operation manuals in the engine room? – Yes, … some. – Why … operational manuals in the engine room? – It's because the marine engineers … a lot of different machines and mechanisms in it.

2. Переведите на английский, используя there is / are, have / has (got), am, is, are.

1. Под первой палубой возле машинного отделения есть пожарный шланг.

2. Гидрокостюмы находятся в кладовой боцмана. У него есть десять гидрокостюмов.

3. У тебя есть спасательный жилет? – Да. У каждого члена экипажа есть свой спасательный жилет. Он находится в каюте.

4. Санитарный блок располагается рядом с госпиталем по правому борту.

5. На верхней палубе имеются несколько спасательных шлюпок. Все шлюпки располагаются около бортового ограждения. В каждой шлюпке имеется десять мест.

3. Составьте предложения из следующих слов:

1. three life rafts / near the railing;

2. in the hospital / a first aid box;

3. safety and operation manuals / for each mechanism / in the pump-room;

4. clean up equipment / the bosun / in his storerooms;

5. next to / fire alarm / door / in the galley.

Card 4

1. Fill in the blanks with the required form of the verbs to be or to have.

Our ship's crew … neither large nor small. She … only three decks. There … 18 crewmembers. The master … old, he … only 40 years old. The ship's master … two mates. There … any doctor on board our vessel. We … any passengers because our ship … a passenger vessel. She … a fishing ship. There … different safety equipment on board. We … some life boats. They … on the upper deck. There … two muster stations on the upper deck. One muster station … on the bow, and the other … on the stern of the vessel. Each seaman … a life jacket. My rank (должность) … the chief engineer. So I … an emergency telephone in my cabin. There … a fire extinguisher outside my cabin next to its door. There … many fire alarms on board our ship.

2. Make sentences using there is / there are.

1. fire extinguishers / the engine-room; 2. a life raft and two life boats / the upper deck; 3. the pump-room / any life rafts; 4. the bosun's storeroom / safety manuals.

3. Complete the sentences using there is / are, there isn't / aren't, is there / are there.

1. … any clean up equipment in the captain's cabin? – No, … any. But … some clean up … equipment in the bosun's storeroom.

2. … an emergency telephone on the wall next to my cabin's door.

3. … any laundry on the third level, but … a laundry on the first deck.

4. What … below the first deck? – … an engine-room and a pump-room.

Translate into English.

1. Где находятся пожарные шланги? – Они есть на каждой палубе.

2. У тебя есть гидрокостюм? – Нет. В кладовке боцмана есть несколько гидрокостюмов.

3. Около ограждения верхней палубы находятся спасательные шлюпки.

4. В моей каюте нет аптечки первой медицинской помощи, но она есть в санитарном блоке.

Card 5

1. Fill in the blanks with to be, to have (got).

This … Oleg. He … a seaman. He … an interesting job on a large fishing vessel. Oleg's rank … a marine-engineer. There … a modern engine-room on his ship. There … many machines in the engine-room. All machines … in good order. Oleg's ship … a lot of different equipment. Oleg … married because he … very young. His native city … neither big nor small. There … 300 thousand people in it. The city … a big port. There … usually some ice-breakers in the port. The port … in the North of Russia.

2. Make sentences using there is / are, necessary articles and prepositions.

1. engine-room / fire alarm

2. fuel tank and fresh water tank / ship's hold

3. any ratings / messroom / at present

4. forth deck / pilot's cabin

3. Complete the sentences with there is / are, there isn't / aren't, is there / are there.

1. A. What … below the first deck?

B. … some rooms. They … the engine- and the pump-rooms.

2. A. … any life rafts in the storeroom?

B. No, …. But … some life rafts on the upper deck.

Translate into English.

1.Спасательные круги находятся на ограждениях третьей палубы. На правом борту находятся несколько спасательных кругов. 2. На каждом судне имеются несколько мест аварийного сбора. 3. У стармеха есть инструкция по эксплуатации двигателя? – Да, она находится в столе в машинном отделении. В том столе находится также инструкция по безопасности. 4. В твоей каюте имеется аптечка первой медицинской помощи? – Нет. У меня нет аптечки в моей каюте. В санитарном блоке есть аптечка первой медицинской помощи.


1. Complete the sentences with can / can't.

Example:It's very dark. I can't see it.

1. I'm sorry. I … answer your question. I don't speak English.

2. Please help me. I … solve this problem.

3. We haven't got the keys. We … open the door.

4. He's very young but he … play computer games.

5. It's a lively day. We … go swimming.

6. My father … speak five languages.

7. I always eat out because I … cook.

8. Jane has got a camera. She … take our photo.

9. My grandmother … read the paper because she hasn't got her glasses.

10. Jackie is ill. She … come out.

11. Jim hasn't got his guitar, so he … play tonight. But he … sing.

12. I'm sorry, I … help you. I'm new here.

13. They … speak English quite well, but they … write it.

14. I haven't got a ticket so I … go to the match.

15. He hasn't got her phone number so he … phone her.

16. Jane works with computers. She … type very fast.

17. I haven't got my mobile phone, so I … phone them.

18. You … stay under water for twenty minutes! It's impossible.

19. I'm sorry, but you … listen to music and do your homework at the same time.

20. We're lost. I … see any signs.

2. Complete each of the sentences with can or can't and a verb from the box.

fly · walk · count · mend · play · do · use · ride · speak · spell · drive

Example:I'm very tired. I can't walk any further. Let's take a taxi.

1. My friend … two languages, Italian and Spanish.

2. Mary's computer is broken so she … it at the moment.

3. You're a computer engineer … you … her computer?

4. My little brother is only four but he … to one hundred.

5. Be quiet! I … my homework.

6. I've got a driving licence, so I … when we're on holiday.

7. She's got a pilot's licence, so she … a plane.

8. My mother likes tennis. She … very well.

9. … you … a horse?

10. I know his name, but it's very long and I … it.

3. Write questions with what, where, when and who. The words in italics show which question word to use.

Example:What can you hear? – I can hear the sea.

1. …? – We can play tennis in the park.

2. …? – I can see a beautiful old sailing ship.

3. …? – Mr Jones can speak French and German.

4. …? – We can go to the new club in town.

5. …? – We can leave tomorrow.

Answer the questions.


Can Jim's brother play chess?

(No / dominoes) – No, he can't, but he can play dominoes.

(Yes / + backgammon) – Yes, he can, and he can play backgammon.

What can you play? (draughts) – I can play draughts.

1. Can Mr. Harris speak Turkish? – No / English and French

2. Can she swim? – Yes / + dive

3. Can you remember the names of all the children in your first primary school class? – No / my teacher's name

4. Can they understand Russian? – Yes / + Polish

5. Can Peter ride a horse? – Yes / + jump

6. Can you and Таnya do the tango? – No / the samba

7. Can you draw people, Peter? – No / objects

8. Can you skate, Kate? – Yes / + ski

9. Can you do a headstand, Harry? – No / a handstand

10. Can your little brother read? – Yes / + write his name

5. Look at the pictures and write sentences with can or can't.

Example:Sanjay can swim and he can dive, but he can't ride a bike.

1. Hannah…

2. Denis…

3. Martin…

4. Rex…

5. Olivia and Victor…

6. Complete the sentences with must or mustn't.

Example:You must fasten your seatbelt while you're driving.

1. You … make a lot of noise in the hospital.

2. We … go to the stadium early to get a good seat.

3. Students … chew gum during lessons.

4. I've got an interview tomorrow. I … go to bed early tonight.

5. You … wear safety glasses when you're doing metalwork.

6. Children … play with matches.

7. He … get so nervous about exams.

8. You … leave your seat when the plane is landing.

9. The lake is very dirty. You … swim in it.

10. Why … you go? Stay a bit longer.

11. You … smoke in a petrol station.

12. I'm going to tell her what you said. – No, no, you …!

13. You … switch off your mobile phone on the plane.

7. Rewrite the rules for the youth hostel using must or mustn't.

Example:Don't smoke inside the building. – You mustn't smoke inside the building.

1. Make your bed every morning. – …

2. Don't play loud music in your room. – …

3. Don't use the showers after 11 p.m. – …

4. Don't drink the water from the bathroom taps. – …

5. Clean the washbasin after use. –...

6. Don't eat in your room. – …

7. Empty the rubbish bins every morning. – …

8. Write down your name for a packed lunch before 10.30 at night. – …

9. Don't leave anything valuable in your room. – …

10. Tell us where you are going each day. –...

11. Switch off your mobile phone before 11 p.m. – …

12. Don't wear muddy boots or shoes in the house. – …

8. Differentiate between must and can. Use the notes to write about the school rules.


You can use can to talk about something which is allowed:

You can go in now, but you mustn't make a noise.

Examples:use a computer for homework? OK

write everything by hand in class? YES

– Students can use a computer for homework but they must write everything by hand in class.

chew gum in class? NO

have a snack at break time? OK

– Students must not chew gum in class but they can have a snack at break time.

1. learn at least one language? YES

learn more than one language? OK

– Students … if they wish.

2. wear a uniform (Year 7 – Year 11)? YES

Wear their own clothes (year 12 – year 13)? OK

– Students in Year 7 to 11 …

3. bring snacks into school? OK

eat them in class? OK

– Students …

4. use a dictionary in class? OK

use a dictionary in exams? NO

– Students …

5. make phone calls from the school payphones? OK

use mobile phones? NO

– Students …

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