Сдам Сам



Ex.2. Fill in the correct name for the different forms of money.

1. The money an employee earns _____________
2. The money a blue-collar worker gets _____________
3. The money paid to a doctor or a lawyer for his services _____________
4. The money pensioners get every month _____________
5. The financial support a student gets at a university _____________
6. Shareholders get this money once a year _____________
7. An employee who is made redundant gets this money _____________
8. The price of a flat/house paid to the owner every month _____________
9. The money a company makes at the end of a successful year _____________
10. Money we all pay to the government in one way or another _____________




Ex.3. Indicate whether each of the following statements is true or false.

1. A barter system is a system of exchange in which goods or services are traded directly for other goods and services.

2. Primitive societies use the barter system to exchange goods and services.

3. Whale’s teeth were once used as a medium of exchange.

4. Money is a common denominator that is used to compare products for purchase.

5. Spending money on a new car is an example of how money represents a store of value.

6. Stored money is protected from inflation.

7. When money retains its value over time, it has stability.

8. Exchanging goods for goods is called a measure of value.


Ex.4. Sum up what you remember about money:

a) as a medium of exchange;

b) as a measure of value;

c) as a store of value.



Grammar Revision




Ex.1. Complete each sentence so that it contains can, must, should, have to, could, may, ought to (including negative forms).

1. You _____ worry about your promotion.

2. You ______ to come in early tomorrow.

3. He is always buying useless things. He _____ make a lot of money.

4. You ______ realise that the company is in serious trouble.

5. Applications ______ be sent before 1 September.

6. All managers _______ report to the Director who is responsible for making decisions.

7. You ______ give up smoking.

8. I think we ______ pay in advance.

9. You ______ disturb the manager while he is working.

10. ______ I use your phone?

11. ______ I stop work early today?

12. ______ I pay him tomorrow?

13. Before you travel to Great Britain, you ______ get a visa.

14. Mary isn’t here. She ______ be drinking coffee in the canteen.

15. You ______ record this interview on tape.

16. You ______ telephone from my office.

17. I _______ buy a fresh newspaper. The boss asked me to get one.

18. She ______ understand what he was doing.

19. This ______ be right. He has certainly made a mistake in translation.

20. She ______ get a rise in salary this month but I am not certain.

21. You _____ work better if you want to finish this work on time.

22. Your manager was very kind to me. I ______ write him a letter of thanks.

23. You ______ do it now, it can wait till later.

24. He _______ pass a special exam to be a CPA.

25. He ______ pay in cash because he had left his credit card in the office.


Ex.2. Complete the sentences with should have …, could have …, may have …, may not have …, needn’t have …, can’t have …, shouldn’t have …,

1. You ____ been here a week ago.

2. He ____ signed that contract. He was on business trip last week.

3. If she needed money, she _____ asked me.

4. “Where is the secretary?” “I don’t know. She _____ gone home.”

5. He ______ got a new job. I’ll phone him tonight.

6. She hasn’t come. But she _____ got your message.

7. You _____ made that speech in front of an audience; nobody appreciated it.

8. You really ______ informed your employer of those changes!

9. The delegation ______ arrived yet.

10. You _____ warned him. Why didn’t you?

11. He _____ spoken to the Personal Manager. I’ve already spoken to him.

12. You ______ bought that house.

13. I _____ borrowed him money. It was my mistake.

14. He ______ invested all the money. I am sure he hasn’t.


Speech and Discussion


Ex.1. Discuss with your groupmates the functions of money. Do you feel it is the best means of exchange? Why or why not?


Ex.2. Speak about your attitude to money. Do you spend all your money? Do you save any money?


Ex.3. Interview your groupmate. Find out how careful he/she is with money.


Ex.4. Familiarize yourself with the following idioms. Consult your dictionary and translate the sentences into Ukrainian. Think of situations where you could use them:

1. He is a whale at accounting.

2. We came to terms on the contract and signed it.

3. My partner is honest; you can set store by his promise.

4. The basic financial plan was approved, but the accountants met to iron out the wrinkles that remained.

5. For my money, this project will be very profitable.


Ex.5. How good or bad are you with money? Read the questionnaire and think about your answers.

1. When you get a present of money (e.g. for your birthday), how much of it do you save?

a) all of it

b) most of it

c) some of it

d) none of it


2. How many of the following things did you buy last month?

Jeans, a CD, a computer game, a T-shirt

a) none of them

b) some of them

c) most of them

d) all of them


3. When you go out with your friends, how much money do you take with you?

a) none

b) not very much

c) quite a lot

d) all the money I have


4. If you see two things in a shop you really like, do you buy?

a) neither of them

b) one of them

c) sometimes both of them

d) always both of them


5. Someone asks you to give something to a charity that you like, how much money do you give?

a) none

b) a little

c) quite a lot

d) all the money I’ve got with me



Mainly “a” answers: You are completely moneywise. Congratulations!

Mainly “b” answers: You are pretty good with money. Keep trying!

Mainly “c” answers: You are a big spender. Take care!

Mainly “d” answers: You have a hole in your pocket.


Ex.6. Comment on the following:

“Money spent on the brain, is never spent in vain”



Lesson 2

Text: Types of Banks

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