Сдам Сам



Your uncle gives you a present on your birthday party.

2. Habib thanks you for helping him with his heavy bag.


- I'm (terribly / really / awfully) sorry, but I've lost your book.أسف جداً، لكننى.........

- I don't know how to say this, but I've broken your camera.لا أعرف كيف أقول هذا،...


Accepting an apology Not accepting an apology
- Oh, it doesn't matter. ولا يهمك. - Never mind. لا عليك. - Don't worry about it. لا تقلق لهذا. - Oh, no! It was new. لا، لقد كان جديداً. - You'd better get me another one. من الأفضل أن تأتى لى بواحد آخر.

You broke your friend’s watch, you apologise.

2. Your brother has lost your dictionary, he apologises, you don’t accept.

**Introducing people تقديم الناس

- This is……..هذا فلان. - May I introduce my friend … هل يمكننى أن أُقدم صديقى....

Reply: Nice to meet you. تشرفنا بلقائك

You introduce your friend Youssef to your father.

Your friend Samy introduces you to his uncle.


The Present Simple tense المضارع البسيط

Form: Subj. + inf. المصدر + ……..

- I get up at six o’clock every morning. - They sometimes go for a walk on Fridays.

- يضاف للفعل (s) مع الفاعل المفرد الغائب he/ she /it)): - Kareem (he) likes football very much.

- ويضاف للفعل (es) مع الفاعل المفرد الغائب he/ she /it)) اذا كان المصدر منتهيا بـ ((ch – sh – ss – o-x:

- Aya (she) watches action films.

- ويضاف للفعل (ies) مع الفاعل المفرد الغائب he/ she /it)) اذا كان المصدر منتهيا بـ (y) مسبوقا بحرف ساكن ويحذف حرفy)):

- Eman (she) studies English for an hour everyday.

+ am / is / are+ p.p. ………….. المفعول Passive Obj

- Farmers grow plants. - Plants are grown by farmers.

عند عطف فعل مبني للمجهول علي آخر لا يتكرر استخدام الفعل المساعد الا في حالة تكرار المفعول:-

- They pump water to the surface and heat it to make steam.

- Water is pumped to the surface and heated to make steam.

Uses of the present simple

1 - To express facts: التعبير عن حقائق -The moon goes round the Earth.

2 - To express habits: التعبير عن عادات - He always comes late.

- Ali usually eats fruit for dessert.الحلو بعد الأكل: It is Ali’s (his) habit to eats fruit for dessert.

= Ali is in the habit of eating fruit for dessert.: Ali is used to eating fruit for dessert.

ملاحظــــــــــــــات عامـــــة

- يستخدم المضارع البسيط مع ظروف التكرار الآتية وتأتي قبل الفعل الأساسي او بعد verb to be)) و احيانا تاتي في بداية او نهاية الجملة

Always – sometimes – usually – often – occasionally - rarely - scarcely – seldom – regularly - frequently - generally - monthly – weekly -never……etc

- He always comes late. - He is always late.

- I sometimes go fishing. = Sometimes, I go fishing. = I go fishing sometimes.

- لأحظ الكلمـات السابقة بوجه عام تنفـى بـ never /rarely/ scarcely / seldom:

-I always get up early. - I never get up early.

-She usually watches TV at night. -She rarely watches TV at night.

- ويستخدم مع الكلمات الآتية في بداية أو نهاية الجملة:

Every (day / night / week / month / year…….etc.

-We watch TV every night. - Every night, he watches TV.

استخدامات أخري للمضارع البسيط

1 - يستخدم مع أفعال الشعور والحواس والإدراكوالعاطفة والتفكير بدلا من المضارع المستمر:

Like, dislike, love, think, seem, look, know, feel, understand, want, need, hate, see, remember, forget, prefer, believe, mean, taste, hear, have, possess, own,

- I prefer his way of thinking. - He enjoys reading romantic novels.

2- يستخدم مع الحالة الأولى من (if) و يدل علي المستقبل:

- If you play well, you will win.

3- يستخدم مع الروابط الزمنية و يدل علي المستقبل:

- After he arrives, we will eat. -They will not go until he gives them money.

- I work in a bank. 4- يعبر عن الحقائق التي تدوم لفترة

5- - يستخدم مع جداول المواعيد - The train arrives at 10:15 pm. - We have English at ten every Sunday.

UNIT 3 ENERGY (workbook)

1. Find the words in the puzzle to match the definitions.

a Water is the …………………form of ice.

b You send a liquid or gas through a…………………to move it to another place.

c Electricity is produced in a…………………station.

d …………………is the force produced when two things push against each other.

e …………………is a black fossil fuel from underground.

f When atoms are split, …………………energy is produced.

g If you make rock or metal very hot, it becomes…………………

Complete these sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

a In many countries, the wind ………………… (use) to generate electricity.

b Scientists ………………… (want) to find more forms of renewable energy.

c Huge amounts of energy ………………… (produce) in nuclear power stations.

d Holes ………………… (drill) into the earth to find hot water.

e In some cities, rubbish………………… (burn) to produce electricity.

Use the verbs in brackets to answer these questions with a passive and an active sentence.

a How do we get water from under the ground to the surface? (pump)

We pump it to the surface. / It is pumped to the surface.

b How do we turn the hot underground water into steam? (heat)

c What happens to the steam made from the hot water? (pipe)

d What happens to the water in power stations? (produce)

Match these words with their meanings.

a fossil fuel 1 a building with parts that turn with the wind, which is used to make power

b generate 2 can be replaced at the same speed it is used

c hydroelectric 3 fuel made from animals or plants that lived millions of years ago

d renewable 4 materials left after you have used something, which you do not need

e waste 5 make electricity

f wind turbine 6 using water power to produce electricity

Complete these sentences with words from Exercise 1

a Water passing through a dam produces …………………power.

b Burying………………… in the ground can damage the environment.

c Modern …………………s are tall towers which are built where there is a lot of wind.

d Many countries are now using more forms of………………… energy from the sun and wind.

e …………………s like oil and gas are found under the ground.

f Power stations …………………electricity.

3. Choose the correct prefixes to make words with opposite meanings. Non – in – un – dis

1 renewable non-renewable non-fiction

2 expensive ………………… …………………

3 agree ………………… …………………

4 happy ………………… …………………

Review A (workbook)

1 Millions of people watched the rocket …………on TV. a start b launch c set off d beginning

2 The medicine I’m taking is wonderful. It has no side ………….

a results b damage c effects d problems

3 My brother and I are not twins, but we are very…………. a alike b same c like d correct

4 Coal and oil are two kinds of fossil …………. a petrol b gas c energy d fuels

5 Electricity is produced in a/an …………station. a bus b railway c power d energy

6 I expect …………you at the weekend. a I’m going to see b I’ll see c I’m seeing d I see

7 The film …………at 7.30 this evening. a starts b will start c started d is going to start

8 How …………times have you seen that film? a many b much c lots d different

9 The distance from here ……to Cairo two kilometres. a are b has been c is d is being

1 0 In some places, wood ………to heat people’s homes. a are burnt b burns c burnt d is burnt

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