Сдам Сам



Match to make correct sentences.

a If scientists study the rings of trees, 1 it won’t fall over in strong winds.

b If there is not much rain in a year, 2 they can calculate its age without cutting it down.

c If they extract a thin piece of wood from the tree, 3 they can find information about our climate

in the past

d If a tree has deep roots, 4 the tree dies.

e If the bark of a tree is destroyed, 5 they won’t taste very sweet.

f If you pick those apples now, 6 the rings in a tree are close together

Find and correct the mistake in each sentence. (One sentence is correct.)

a If you leave now, you catch your train. you’ll catch ( …………..……… )

b Water will freeze if the temperature is zero or below. ( …………..……… )

c If you throw that stone, you break a window. ( …………..……… )

d I get a headache if I spend too long on the computer. ( …………..……… )

e If she trains hard, she wins next week’s race. ( …………..……… )

f If you’ll mix red and white, you get pink. ( …………..……… )

Answer the questions with the new words. (You do not need one.)

Cardboard an instrument product rubber sap toothpaste turpentine

a What is the liquid that carries food in trees? b What is a piano?

c What can we use to remove paint? d What are many boxes made of?

e What are car tyres and the bottoms of some shoes made of?

f What do people put on their brush to clean their teeth?

Choose the correct words.

a A I want to make tea the English way. What should / would I do?

b B Next / First of all, boil some water.

c A Then what?

B Put some tea into a pot. Finally / Next, pour the boiling water on the tea.

d A Can you drink it now?

B No, at this point / time, you should just wait.

e A How long should I wait before I can drink it?

B It’s a good idea / thought to wait for three or four minutes – the tea tastes better if you wait.

Review B (workbook)

Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d.

1 When I was at school I won a poetry writing …………. a race b article c competition d game

2 She sent me the report as an e-mail……………….. a attachment b letter c picture d article

3 The little girl does not want to sing because she is………….. a innocent b secret c spy d shy

4 My favourite musical is the piano. a player b instrument c tool d equipment

5 The cover of my book is made of. a glass b rubber c cardboard d wood

Find the mistake in each of the following sentences, then write it correctly.

a My father loves his job. He worked for the same company for 20 years. ( ………..………… )

b When I was younger, I use to want to be a pilot. ( ………..………… )

c If you kick the ball too hard, you break that window. ( …………..……… )

d The Mousetrap written by Agatha Christie. ( …………..……… )

e Travelling by plane sometimes makes me a headache. ( …………..……… )

f The street where I live is only three metres width. ( ………..………… )

1- الأسماء التى لا تجمع Uncountable Nouns لا تأخذ أداة المعرفة the:

paper الورق luggage الأمتعة baggage الحقائب

grass العشب money المال oil الزيت

electricity الكهرباء information معلومات news أخبار

الدور عليك:- - المال سلاح ذو حدين يمكن أن يستخدم فى الخير أو الشر.

- …………………………………………………………………………………….

2- كلمات التوكيد فى اللغة العربية ليست لها ترجمة:

إن الصناعة هى أساس التنمية

Development. Industry is the basis of

الدور عليك:-

- ان المعرفه والابتكار هما قاعدتا التقدم فى المستقبل. (2ث 2002)

- …………………………………………………………………………………….

- إن زراعه الصحراء وبناء المدن الجديدة تنمى الاقتصاد القومى. (ث0ع 1998)

- …………………………………………………………………………………….

3- حرف الـ (س) وكلمة (سوف) المرادف لهما فى اللغة الإنجليزية هو زمن المستقبل البسيط:

ستبنى الحكومة مدارس كثيرة

The government will build a lot of schools.

الدور عليك:- - سيتغير العام القادم شكل ومحتوى الكتاب المدرسى. (2ث 2002)

- …………………………………………………………………………………….

- سوف يؤدي التسامح والمشاركة الفعالة بين دول العالم الي سلام شامل.

- …………………………………………………………………………………….

Translate into Arabic:

Egypt has always been known as the “Birthplace of Civilization” because of its long and rich history. We are now keen on restoring our glories to keep pace with progress in developed countries.

Health is a splendid treasure that completes our happiness. It’s worth saying that we can’t really enjoy our life if we are unhealthy, however wealthy we may be. Healthy people are always proud of what they can achieve in the fields of sports and hard work. For unhealthy people, life is no more than pain and suffering.

The world’s ever increasing population means more houses, more roads, more factories, and this means less land for animals and plants. Over-population also means more waste and pollution, and this makes life increasingly difficult for many creatures.

Distance learning makes use of educational experts in the various branches of knowledge all over the world. We can make use of distance learning in all fields including the different branches of science.

We should try to discover our talents before we select our career. We should do the work that appeals to us. Some people prefer to do any work in governmental offices although they can become successful businessmen.

Translate into English:

1- تشجع الحكومة رجال الأعمال المصريين علي استصلاح الأراضي خاصة في سيناء و المناطق الصحراوية.

2- يجب أن يتعاون الأفراد مع وزارة البيئة للتخلص من الكميات الهائلة من القمامة و المخلفات التي تؤدي إلى تدمير البيئة.

3- لقد شهد معرض القاهرة الدولي للكتـاب تطورا هائلا في السنوات القليلة الماضية.

4- يعتقد كثير من الناس أن الكتـاب الإلكتروني سيحل محل الكتاب العادي في المستقبل القريب.

5- يجب علينا أن نتعاون للقضاء علي الإرهاب الذي يحاول تدمير بلادنـا


rays أشعــــــــــة eventually أخيــــــــــرا the middle east الشرق الأوسط
amazing مذهـــــــــــل raise يرفـــــــــــــع stop attackers يمنع المهاجمين
railway system شبكة سكة حديد flood يفيض - فيضان reconstruction إعادة البناء
ancient قديـــــــــــــم giant عمـــــــــلاق re-open يعيد افتتاح
weigh يـــــــــــــزن complete يكمــــــــــــل rescue ينقذ - انقاذ
temple معبــــــــــــد concrete base قاعدة خرسانية rescue operation عملية إنقاذ
great عظيـــــــــم sound like يبدو و كأنه ride يركب / يمتطى
commute يسافر بانتظام rise يرتفــــــــع save money يوفر مـــــال
commuter مسافر منتظم illuminate ينيــــــــــر rising sun شمس مشرقة
modern حديــــــــث illumination إنـــــــارة the way to الطريق إلى
city centre وسط المدينـــــة improve يحســـــــــن weight الـــــــــوزن
cliff منحدر صخري invest يستثمـــــــر structure بنــــــــــــاء
combination خليط ـ مزيج investment استثمــــــار site موقـــــــــــع
attack يهاجم / هجوم investor مستثمــــــــر certain times أوقات معينة
base قاعدة / سفح position (v.) يضع في مكان محدد massive ضخـــــــــــم
carve ينحــــــــت line خـــــــــط massiveness ضخامـــــــة
consider يَعْتَبِــــــــــر perish يهلــــــــك engine محرك ـ موتور
tunnel نفق/ يحفر نفق statue تمثــــــــال original أصلــــــــــي
emperor إمبراطـــــــــور unthinkable لا يخطر ببال fabulous رائع - خلاب
empire إمبراطوريــــــة Nile valley وادي النيــــــــل pick يلتقــــــــــط
the whole thing الشيء بأكملـــه open (v / adj.) يفتح ـ مفتوح whether ……. or سواء.... أو
draw up a plan يرسم خطــــــة restore يستعيــــــد monuments آثــــــــــــــار
make a plan يضع خطــــــة campaign حملــــــــــــــة conflict صـــــــراع
diameter قُطْــــــــر prosper يزدهـــــر lift يرفــــــــــع
dig يحفـــــــــــــر prosperity ازدهــــــار synergy تعــــــــاون
drilling machine آلة حفـــــــــــر underground مترو الأنفــــــــاق deduce يستنتــــــج
construction بناء – تشييــــــد progress تقدم ـ تطـــــــور deduction استنتــــــاج
cost يتكلف/تكلفة project مشـــــــــــــروع engineering هندســـــــة
acceptance قَبــــــــــول average متوسط - معدل flexibility مرونـــــــة


verb noun adj.
attractيجذب attractionجذب attractiveجذاب
deduceيستنتج deductionاستنتاج deductiveاستنتاجي
forgetينسي forgetfulnessالنسيان forgetfulكثير النسيان
illuminateيضيء illuminationإضاءة illuminatingمضيء
repeatيكرر repetitionتكرار repetitiveمتكرر


a journey on the underground رحلة بالمترو in the same position في نفس المكان
works of engineering أعمال هندسية dominate the headlines تتصدر عناوين الأخبار
accessible to متاح لـ investment opportunities فرص الاستثمار
attractive to جذاب لـ keep the attackers out يُبعد المهاجمين
be attached to متصل بـ light up = illuinate ينير / يضيء
be made out of مصنوع من come to an agreement on يصل الي اتفاق
infrared rays الأشعة تحت الحمراء massive efforts جهود هائلة
ultraviolet rays الأشعة فوق البنفسجية provide water for agriculture يوفر الماء للزراعة
building materials مواد بناء reach a length of يصل طوله الي
building site موقع بناء related to مرتبط بـ
with a diameter of بقطر يبلغ remove obstacles يزيل العقبات
environmental pollution التلوث البيئي take pride in يفخر بـ
cut into a particular shape يقطع في شكل معين save them a lot of money يوفر لهم كثير من المال
cut into rock يحفر في الصخر divide……... into يُقسم إلي


commuter - someone who regularly travels to work, especially a long distance مسافر يومي للعمل
diameter - a line that goes from one side of a circle to the other and passes through the centre قُُطْــــــــــــــر
engineering - the work of designing the way roads, bridges, machines, etc. are built الهندسة
investment - something that you buy because it will be valuable or useful later استثمـــــــــــــار
base - a low hard surface on which other things can be built/the lowest part or surface of something قاعدة / أساس
carve - to cut something, especially stone or wood, into a particular shape ينحت
cliff - a high steep rock or piece of land جرف صخري
illuminate - to make light shine on something ينير / يضيء
monument - a large structure that is built to remind people of an important event or famous person أثـــــــــــــــــــر
position - put something or someone in a place موقع ـ يقع
raise - to move or lift something to a higher position يرفــــــــــع
rays - narrow beams of light or energy from the sun أشعــــــــــة
unthinkable - impossible to imagine or accept غير معقول

Words & antonyms

ancient قديم modern حديث
catch (the train) يلحق بـ miss (the train) يفوته
hesitant متردد confident واثق
illuminate يضيء darken يُظلم
massive هائل tiny ضئيل الحجم
maximum أقصي / الحد الأقصي minimum أدني / الحد الأدني
merits مزايا demerits عيوب
raise يرفع lower يخفض
save يوفر waste يبدد

Places & Speakers

Place Speaker A Speakers B
park حديقة - منتزة visitor زائـــــر attendant عامل
zoo حديقة حيوان visitor زائـــــر zoo keeper حارس الحديقة
laundry: launderer's dry cleaner 's مغسله laundrer عامل المغسلة customer زبـــــــون
engineering design office مكتب تصميمات هندسية engineer مهندس customer زبـــــــون
building site موقع بناء architect مهندس معماري contractor مقاول
toy shop محل لعب salesperson بائــــــــــــع customer زبـــــــون
pet shop محل (لبيع الطيور و الحيوانات الأليفة) salesperson بائــــــــــــع customer زبـــــــون
house plant shop محل بيع نباتات الزينة salesperson بائــــــــــــع customer زبـــــــون


1- take pride in: be proud of يفتخر بـ - She takes a great pride in her work.

2- keep

keep يحافظ علي / يربي / يظل keep off لا تقتـرب/ يبعد

keep away from يبعتـد عـن keep pace with يسـايـر ـ يـواكـب

Keep back يعـوق keep down يسيطـر علـى

keep in يحبـس keep up with يسـايـر ـ يـواكـب


Cut يقطـع cut down يقلل ـ يختصر ـ يقطع شجرة

cut off يـوقـف إمداد cut up يمـزق


work against يعمل ضد work on (someone)يحاول أن يقنـع الشخـص

work for يعمـل لحسـاب work on (something) يصنـع أو يصلـح أو يحسـن الشـئ

work (himself) up يتضـايق أو يغضـب مـن شـئ work outيحل - يحسـب - يتدرب بانتظـام

work upيحسـن أو يطـور أو ينمـى work in someone's favourيعمـل لصالحـه - يفيـد

3- لاحظ استخدام الاسم بعد حرف الجر in فيما يلي:

- metres in height - inches in length - 3 centimetres in depth

وفي حالة عدم وجود حرف جر نستخدم الصفة

- metres high - inches long - 3 centimetres deep

4 - لاحظ الاختصارات الآتية:

- BCE: Before Common Era. = BC (Before Christ) قبل العصر المسيحي (قبل الميلاد)

: AD (Anno Domini) بعد الميــــــــــــــــــــــلاد

- لاحظ أن BC تكتب بعد التاريخ لكن AD تكتب قبله:

- This mummy dates back to 3500 BC. - The roman invasion took place in AD 340.

5- mass (n.) كتلة- حجم – شامل – يتجمع-قداس - One litre of water has a mass of one kilogram.

massive (adj.)ضخم - A massive block of rock fell down yhe mountain.

masses (n.) جماهير - He failed to win the support of the masses.

mess (n.) فوضي - Don’t make a mess in the kitchen.

6- base (n.) قاعدة – مكان اقامة - It is easy to fasten the monitor onto the base.

basis (n.) bases (pl.) اساس - There is no legal basis for his claims.

basic (adj.) اساسي- ريئسي -The basic problem is very simple.

7- nearly = approximately = about = roughly (adv.) تقريبا – حوالي

- The underground carries nearly three million people every day.

8- يمكن تأكيد صفة المقارنة بين اثنين باضافة.

(Much – slightly – a bit- a lot – greatly – a little...)

- My car is much faster than yours. –This flat is slightly more expensive than our new flat.

9- لاحظ ما يلي

The first line opened in 1982 = the first line was opened in 1982.

10- lose (v) يفقد / يضيع / يخسر - loss فقدان/ خسارة - - loose غير محكم / غير مثبت جيدا / مفكوك

11- carved into منحـــوت فـى - The temple was carved into cliff.

carved out of منحـــوت مـن -The statue is carved out of wood.

12 - commute from.. to.. / commute between.. and … يسافر يوميا الي مكان العمل ومنه

- She commutes from Banha to Cairo.

13 - decide to + inf يقـرر - She decided to go out.

decide on + noun يقـرر ـ يحدد - You have to decide on your goal in life.

decide that + sentence يقـرر - He decided that you should attend.

14 - site موقـع أثـرى / بنـاء - Abu Simble is the site of two temples south of Aswan.

site موقع على شبكة الإنترنت -You can apply for the job on our website.

15 - raise (d) + مفعـول يـربى حيوانـات / يجمـع مـال / يرفـع

- Raise your hand if you want to answer. - He raised a lot of money a broad.

- His uncle raises cattle and sheep.

rise - rose - risen يرتفـع / تشـرق / ينهـض ليحيى شخص / يستيقظ (بـدون مفعـول)

- The sun rises in the east. - I rise at 6.00 in the morning.

- When the visitor entered, all students rose. - Taxis fare have risen

arise arose arisen يـزيد عن الحـد / ينشـأ (بـدون مفعـول)

- A lot of problems arise because of misunderstanding.

arouse (مفعـول) aroused يثيـر/ يوقـظ

- His behaviour aroused the suspicion of the police. - Don’t arouse the baby.

16- conquer يغزو (عدو أو بلد) -The Normans conquered England in 1066.

occupy يحتل (مكان أو بلد) - The capital has been occupied by the rebel army.

raid يشن (غارة) - Villages along the border are regularly raided.

17- الصفـات المنتهيـة بـ ed تعبـر غالبا عن أشخـاص

- I'm very tired today. - I'm interested in reading books.

أمـا الصفـات المنتهيـة بـ ing تعبـر غالبا عـن أشيـاء

- Shopping is very tiring. - I watched a very interesting film yesterday.

ويمكن أن تأتى الصفـة المنتهيـة بــ (ing) مـع العاقل إذا كان الشخص هو الذي يسبب هذه الصفة.

- He is boring. (It means that he causes boredom)

18- هذه الكلمات إذا جاء قبلها عدد محدد تكون مفردا أما إذا لم يسبقها عدد محدد وتشير لكميات كبيرة تكون جمعا.

Hundred – thousand – million – billion – trillion - His salary is 500 hundred pounds a month.

- Thousands of people watched the match on TV yesterday.

19- realize يدرك - I'm sorry, I didn't realize that it was so late.

achieve يحقق - He achieved most of his ambitions.

reach (goal – aim – target) يصل إلىيحقق - He reached his goal after long hours of hard work.

20- lose يخسـر ـ يفقـد شـئ - Our national team lost the last match.

miss يفتقـد شخـص ـ يفـوته مواصـلات - I missed my uncle very much.

- He missed the train as he got up late.

21- proud of (something / someone) فخــوربـ - Her parents are very proud of her.

proud to do something فخــورأن - I am proud to receive this award.

22- illuminate يضيء / ينير - The streets were illuminated with coloured lights.

- eliminate يمحو / يزيل / يستبعد / يهزم

- Our team was eliminated in the first round. - We should try to eliminate illiteracy in Egypt.

23- size حجم - I was amazed at the size of their garden.

24 - diameter قُطر - The diameter of the Earth is about 13,000 km.

25 - know = have information about something يعرف

- There are instructions telling you everything you need to know. - I have known him for years.

- recognize يتعرف علي / يعترف بـ (رسمياً)

- I didn't recognize you in your uniform. - British medical qualifications are recognized in Canada.

26 - costيكلف - How much does a house like that cost in America?

- pay يدفع - Can I pay by credit card?

27 - charge يفرض أو يطلب ثمنا -The restaurant charged us 40 pounds for the meal.

28 - historic هام من الناحية التاريخية Historic / historical monuments آثار تاريخية

- historical مرتبط بدراسة التاريخ – قديم أو اثريHistorical research أبحاث في التاريخ

Communication Skills



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