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Insert the modal verbs shall/should or will/would.

83) All the candidates … remain in their seats until the end of the examination.

84) I… let him do that again! (negative)

85) He … smoke when I’m trying to eat.(negative)

86) This car … start and run on leaded petrol! (negative)

87) She … always try to help you.

88) … you open the door for me?

89) He … do as I say!

90) What on earth … we do here?

91) ‘But that it … have been you who saw me drunk!’

92) Terry was anxious that I … stay to dinner.

93) Ethel … talk about what doesn’t concern her!

94) Was it possible that Dick … turn his thoughts from his work?


16. Translate from Russian into English.

95) Ему не следовало бы заставлять нас ждать так долго!

96) Этот вопрос уже давно следовало бы решить.

97) Вам следовало бы уделять больше времени этой работе. Она очень важна.

98) Он предложил, чтобы собрание назначили на 5 часов.

99) С какой стати я должен это делать?

100) Без несчастных случаев дело не обходится.

Total: 100/____




Units 3-4

Choose the correct word or phrase to fill the spaces.

1) Mother will be very tired if she..… home by train..

A) will go B) shall go C) goes D) went

2) If I..… her address, I would give it to you.

A) knew B)had known C) know D) shall know

3) If I were taller, I..... a policeman.

A) became B) become C) would become D) shall become

4) If I tell you a secret,...... not to tell it to anyone else?

A) will promise B) promise C) would promise D) promised

5) Unless you..... more careful, you will have an accident.

A) will be B) shall be C) are D) were

6) … he arrives, everyone must stand.

A) until B) when C) supposing D) as long

7) If you … away, please write to me.

A) go B) will go C) went D) have gone

8) If I … Jack, I'll tell him the news.

A) saw B) have seen C) see D) shall see

9) … you had a baby girl. What would you call her?

A) supposing B) in case C) when D) until

10) Peter … his exams if he studies hard.

A) passed B) will pass C) passes D) is passing


Choose the correct answer.

11) If I see/will see Mike I tell/will tell him everything.

12) If you don't hurry/will hurry, you will miss/miss the train.

13) If I go/would go to the seaside, I'll take/take my son with me.

14) If Mike receives/has received the telegram I'm sure he phones/will phone you tomorrow.

15) As soon as/before you hear the alarm, run for the exit.

16) His French won't improve provided/unless he studies with me.

17) If you phone/will phone me I will pick/pick you up.

18) If she changed/would change her job she earned/would earn more.

19) If I lived/would live in Spain I did/would do a lot of sunbathing.

20) If I stay/will stay late I always get/will get a taxi.

Choose between Conditional Type I and Type II to complete the dialogue.

David: Hey, Dad! What (21) … (you/say) if I (22) … (tell) you I was saving up for a motor-bike?A Triumph 750. I saw a new model in the Superbike Store.
Dad: I (23) … (say) you (24) … (be) mad! Motor-bikes are killer machines as far as I'm concerned. I (25) … (think) about it carefully if I (26) … (be) you.
David: Why? Why couldn't I have my bike if I (27) … (save) the money? You (28) … (not be) pleased to see me with a bike like that?
Dad: No, I (29) … (not be). If you (30) … (plan) to die young, then you (31) … (have better) go ahead and buy it. If I (32) … (have) the choice, I (33) … (not go) near a motorbike. I (34) … (buy) myself a cheap little car instead. I (35) … (feel) much safer on four wheels!
David: Well, I (36) … (not buy) a car even if you (37) … (give) me the money! Cars are so middle-aged and boring. I just (38) … (not enjoy) driving around on four wheels if I (39) … (be able) to afford to buy two. It's super fast.
Dad: Is that all you think about? Speed? Your mother (40) … (be) really worried if she (41) … (know) you were planning to get a motor-bike. I (42) … (not like) to say how she (43) … (go) to feel about the idea.
David: I (44) … (not say) any more if I (45) … (be) you because I've just bought it on Hire Purchase. If you (46) … (care) to take a look outside, you (47) … (see) it parked in the front drive. You (48) … (like) to come for a ride on it?


Unit 5

Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form.

49) Jessica was here not long ago. If you … (come round) earlier, you … (see) her.

50) I'm so glad that you took me to your friend's party. If we … (not go) there, I … (never meet) Ann.

51) They've been married for 25 years now but I don't think she … (marry) him if she … (know) what a selfish man he was.

52) Fortunately, the explosion took place at night when the streets were empty. It … (be) a disaster if it … (happen) in the middle of the day.

53) We wanted to go out yesterday but the weather was terrible. If it … (be) a nice day, we … (go) for a picnic.

54) If you … (come) to the theatre yesterday, you … (enjoy) the play.

55) She … (get) a promotion last year, if she … (not argue) with the boss.

56) If only I … (know) you already had tickets, I … (not get) any for you.

57) The accident was Ann's fault. She was driving too close to the car in front. If she … (be) further away he … (be able) to stop in time.

58) We were traveling with false passports. That was the trouble. If our passports … (be) all right we … (not be) arrested.


Complete the following sentences.

59) We would have stayed in Moscow longer ….

60) I wouldn't have been so angry when we got there ….

61) If I had

62) If you had known about the party yesterday ….

63) They would have got tickets for you ….

Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

Yesterday the famous bank robber, Fingers Smith, robbed another bank in the center of town. As usual, he only stole 10 pounds. If he (64) … (leave) any clues, he (65) … (be) in prison now, but he is too much clever. He disconnected the security cameras; if he (66) … (not/do) that, the police (67) … (have) him on film now. The strange thing is, Fingers doesn't seem to be interested in the money; if he (68) … (be), he (69) … (can/steal) thousands of pounds by now. The police are determined to catch him, and the Chief is confident that they will. He says that if he (70) … (think) they weren't going to arrest Fingers eventually, he (71) … (leave) the police force long ago.


Unit 7

Complete these sentences with the correct form of the verb in brackets. Some sentences require a negative.

72) Peter is always late. If only … (turn up) on time for a change.

73) If only … (lose) all my money. Now I'm broke.

74) Bruce wishes he … (have) more money so he could buy a new sweater.

75) I wish it … (snow) now that it's Christmas.

76) I wish you … (keep) your mouth shut yesterday. Now Mary knows everything.

77) Of course Tom wishes he … (come) with us to Paris, but he has to stay here and work.

78) I wish we … (go) to the match on Saturday, but we're visiting my uncle instead.

79) I wish you … (do) that. It annoys me.

80) I wish you … (stop) watching TV while I am talking to you.

81) I wish … (come) so we could go off to the seaside.


Translate into English.

82) Хорошо бы завтра не было дождя.

83) Если бы ты позвонил мне вчера, я бы взяла твои книги.

84) Я позволю своему сыну поехать туда, если он бросит эту идею.

85) Жаль, что ты этого не понимаешь.

86) На твоём месте, я не придавала бы этой проблеме такое огромное значение.

87) Жаль, что сегодня так холодно.

88) Если бы вы приняли лекарство, вы бы были сейчас здоровы.

89) Мы посидим в кафе, пока они будут ходить по магазинам.

90) Он бы не провалил вступительный экзамен, если бы усерднее готовился к нему.

91) Я пошлю ему телеграмму, если он завтра не приедет.

92) Хорошо бы он уже пришёл.

93) Я буду обращаться к нему по этому вопросу до тех пор, пока не добьюсь своего.

94) Он пожалел, что не знает адреса девушки.

95) Если бы я был на вашем месте, я бы никогда не стал разговаривать с ней таким тоном.

96) Если бы она не любила его, она бы не поехала с ним.

97) Он выступал первым. Ах, если бы вы слышали, как он говорил.

98) Теперь они смеются надо мной. Ах, если бы я не показывал им эти стихи.

99) Если бы ты вовремя предупредил меня, я бы никогда не пошла туда.

100) Жаль, что они расстались. Они были прекрасной парой.


Total: 100/ ________


Unit 1 The Indicative, Imperative,

and Subjunctive Moods.

Mood. General Information


Mood is the form of the verb that shows in what relation to reality the speaker places the action expressed by the predicate verb.

There are the following three moods in English:

· the Indicative Mood,

· the Imperative Mood,and

· the Subjunctive Mood.

The Indicative Mood presents actions as real facts: We are happy. No one has washed the dishes yet. They invited me to the party.

The Indicative Mood has the categories of tense, aspect, voice, number and person (see Part II): Jane hasn't been here for a year. He is going to college. He can't be relied on.

The Imperative Mood expresses a command or request. The verb in the Imperative Mood has practically only one form which coincides with the stem of the verb: Introduce me to your friend. Don't speak to me in such a tone!

The verb let is used, as a rule, with imperative first and third person expressions, as Let us assemble in the hall! or Let every one sign his name.


The Subjunctive Mood of a verb indicates action or state as supposed or imagined or as contrary to the fact:

If only I had much money! (but I don’t have it) – Если бы у меня были (сейчас) деньги! (но у меня их нет)

If only I hadn’t failed my English exam! (but I failed) – Если бы только я не провалил свой экзамен по английскому языку! (но я провалил).


The Subjunctive Mood


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