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Actions of the asuras to stop the activities of Srila Prabhupada

I realized that four regulative principles are very unprofitable to the asuras. Srila Prabhupada said that we must follow the four regulative principles. No illicit sex, no intoxication, no meat-eating, no gambling. Srila Prabhupada also said to chant the Hare Krishna mantra. The asuras were very angry at this. Because chanting the Hare Krishna mantra cleanses the space, and the more the space is cleared, the more people can come to the pure principles of life, and, accordingly, the asuras have a reduced area of their influence on people whom they consider as sort of power source. Due to chanting the Hare Krishna mantra and the following the four regulative principles, the existence of people is purified. Asuras do not have the right to conduct their actions in relation to people who lead a clean lifestyle, who follow the divine path. The more people lead a clean lifestyle, the fewer people from whom asuras have the right to pump out pious merits. And pious merits are very valuable. This is a Universal currency. Pious merits are a currency which is accepted around all worlds of the material world, in all Universes. By pious merits can be paid in any world of the material world. This currency is highly regarded everywhere and is accepted with great joy everywhere. This currency is universal, since it does not depend on the place, on the world where living being live in the material world. At the expense of pious merits one can have a luxurious life, be born beautiful, healthy, and be successful in everything, fortunate. Thanks to pious merits, living being can be born in the best worlds of the material world, where there is no suffering and there is no need to survive and fight for existence. Due to pious merits anywhere in the material world, living being can be settled in very well. We live in a world where so many of its citizens are troubled. But even if everyone around you are undernourished, impoverished and in distress, you will be protected from this and will be lucky and prosper if you have many pious merits. The asuras here, on Earth can live very luxuriously and happily thanks to the pious merits. Asuras are using us as piety`s donors. It is very profitable for the asuras when they can use as many people as possible as donors of piety and good luck. But Srila Prabhupada through his activities began to protect people from the use them by asuras. Thanks to the principles of purity that Srila Prabhupada gave us, we cease to be donors of piety for asuras. And the asuras could be very angry with Srila Prabhupada for that.

Asuras are able somehow to plug into people, and when people have sex, asuras plug into them and are present there. This is very bad, because it is an infringement of faithfulness, integrity of the couple. And in addition, at that time asuras pumps out the pious merits of the woman, and without this seized piece of pious merits the situations in her life do develop not according to good scripts of the further vital way, but according to a worse life scripts.

The asuras thus weaken the people, and people become more unhappy, vulnerable, and the asuras at the same time gain more power, more influence, and more wealth. Four regulative principles were very unprofitable to the asuras. Srila Prabhupada said we should say no to illicit sex, to intoxication, to meat-eating and to gambling. The asuras could be angry at Srila Prabhupada and start to influence him and his environment. They could do easily it. Especially since they do not have to do all this by themselves, personally, with their personal presence. No.

It is enough to pounce on someone through whom you can act at the energy plane of existence. Manipulation of consciousness is what there famous for the asuras. They are able to influence our complexes, desires that we once had and that are in a sleeping, latent state. Asuras can pull out from your subconscious these desires and so to put pressure on these desires, that you will not be able to resist this influence. And then newspapers and the Internet are starting relentless in reporting the scandals: one person was so good devotee of Krishna, but did an abomination, other person was an exalted bhakta, but began to sin and break his vows. Yes, everyone loves scandals no matter how big or small.

The asuras could also influence Srila Prabhupada to cease his activities. They could try to influence him in some way, but it was useless to influence him because he was a pure devotee of Krishna and Krishna personally led him. But Srila Prabhupada could put himself at risk, he could risk his life. He could provoke the asuras so that the asuras would definitely attack him.

I thought that Srila Prabhupada might have provoked the asuras into trying to stop the spread of Krishna consciousness. Asuras were not profitable the reducing of their feeders. When a person observes the four regulative principles: no illicit sex, no intoxication, no meat-eating, no gambling, and when a person ceases to engage in illegal sex, asuras cannot get close to him, they cannot take pious merits out of him. When there are many such people, the asuras`s feeder becomes smaller. You realize, of course, that puts asuras at a great disadvantage. Indeed, thanks to pious merits, we get all the good things in life and can enjoy the benefits of a good life. Asuras could try to influence some of the disciples of Srila Prabhupada in order to that they try to poison him or do something bad to him. Asuras quite skilled, so it's not difficult for them.

And I thought Srila Prabhupada did it on purpose. Because the body will someday cease to exist, and it is necessary to protect Krishna consciousness, because people must be given the opportunity to return into the spiritual world. Srila Prabhupada was already many years old. He was elderly man. The hour of his demise was already waiting him. He did most of his work. He translated many books about Krishna consciousness. He laid the foundations. And was need to provide protection for Krishna consciousness. Srila Prabhupada understood that the death of the body would come in a number of years. And he could sacrifice these years of life of his body to protect his brainchild and our opportunity to return into the spiritual world. The benefits outweighed the cost. It was worth the risk. What is a few years of mortal body life compared to protecting the possibility for many people to return into the spiritual world? Obviously it was worth doing. Courage — it'll be worth it. And he did it. But how could he, an old man at death's door, protect Krishna consciousness? And a very good move is to protect the Krishna consciousness by the using these asuras, to provoke them into attacks, to aggression and then tell them, «And how dare you? Now we will turn you into the ISKCON protection system against asuras!» And a very good move is to make these asuras a protection system against asuras for the near future, as long as this window to the spiritual world is open and as long as the Krishna consciousness movement should be on planet Earth. The devotees of Krishna must be protected all the time.

Do you think Srila Prabhupada was such a fool and he didn't understand it? He could have deliberately caused this in order to the asuras to strike him. He could take the hit himself to keep Krishna consciousness safe. Srila Prabhupada could take the brunt. He could go through with it to create protection system against asuras for Krishna consciousness. I thought it was a good move to take and use all these asuras who attacked Srila Prabhupada, tried to influence him, his environment, so that he could not spread his movement, elevate the people and protect them from the influence of the asuras through the chanting the mantra and observing the four regulative principles: no illicit sex, no intoxication, no meat-eating, no gambling, especially through the fourth regulative principle: no illicit sex. I thought that Srila Prabhupada had put himself at such a risk and such great suffering in order to I could now create protection for Krishna consciousness, and I must do this. His sacrifice must not be in vain. I must fulfill his desire and his will. I want to serve a pure devotee of Krishna. Maybe I'm worth something. Maybe I would be useful. Maybe I might be able to help Srila Prabhupada.

Yes, it's a good idea to take such asuras and turn them into a protection system against asuras. These asuras simply succumbed to Srila Prabhupada's provocation. They thought they were the smartest. But Krishna is the greatest mystic and the greatest strategist. He created situations for the asuras to take the bait. I decided that I would sacrifice them as a pumpkin at the end of the battle. We had put the squeeze on Shri Ram; he succumbed to pressure and opened what exactly needs to do to these asuras. We need to do that they also began to defend the mission of Srila Prabhupada.

When I realized that, I thought it was a great idea, a precise hit. The enemy won't pass, won't fly, won't creep and won't leak. The asuras themselves will give us this weapon. This is a great move. The same asuras who were attacking Krishna consciousness will now protect Krishna consciousness from the same asuras what they were. They will be an irresistible darts. They will be sleepless guards. They will be such a weapon that will have the most powerful radars, always turned on and tuned to any encroachment, to any aggression against the devotees of Krishna. And if somewhere some asur or someone like them tries to influence some devotee of Krishna, the movement of Krishna consciousness and to do something bad, radars of these irresistible darts will immediately activate homing torpedoes and will instantly destroy, burn completely those who tried to do it. They will burn everyone who was involved in aggression, their entire chain.

And these sleepless guards, irresistible darts will work only for Krishna consciousness, for what will support Srila Prabhupada and his idea. Because it is necessary for people to return into the spiritual world. Kali Yuga thrives and the further, the more. Srila Prabhupada came and gave us the opportunity to return into the spiritual world, and these sleepless guards, irresistible darts will work only to protect Srila Prabhupada's brainchild and to protect the opportunity to return into the spiritual world. They will not shoot just like that. They will be narrowly focused specialists, only for this.

Krishna has shown through the words of Bhishmadev that this is the right decision, that He blesses this, «But all my blessings I give you». And my Gurudev in the screenshot also gave his approval. And when I told all this in the 245th series of my novel, Shiva several times showed that he gives his blessing. And right before the recording of this video, my Nataraj, Shiva, fell on Gopal by himself and touched His crown. And thus I realized that Shiva also blesses the creation of this protection system against asuras, these irresistible darts. And then during the recording of the video came out a screenshot in which my Gurudev was like an enraged Nrisimhadev, and due to I realized that Nrisimhadev support that decision and blesses the creation of this protection system against asuras.

245 at 01:30.



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