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Ex.2. Define the main elements of the marketing mix.

― includes its quality, its features, style, brand name, size;

― includes consideration of things like the basic list price, discounts, the length of the payment period, and possible credit terms;

― includes such factors as distribution channels, coverage of the market, locations of points of sale;

― includes advertising, publicity, sales promotion.


Ex.3. Sum up what you remember about:

s marketing and marketing strategy

s marketing mix


Grammar Revision


The Sequence of Tenses After one of the past forms in the principal clause we find past forms in the subordinate object clause: 1. if the action of the object clause is simultaneous with that of the principal clause, the Past Simple or the Past Continuous is used in the object clause. He thought I was joking.
2. If the action of the object clause precedes that of the principal clause, the Past Perfect or the Past Perfect Continuous is used in the object clause. I understood that he had already left the office.
3. If the action of the object clause follows that of the principal clause, the Future-in-the-Past is used in the object clause. I was sure that we would win this game.


Ex.1. Make the actions in the following object clauses simultaneous with those of their principal clause.

1. He was surprised that I (know) his telephone number.

2. I knew the children (hide) somewhere in the room.

3. He told us that he (work) for a large corporation.

4. He said the information (be) rather interesting.

5. We knew that Ann (have) an English class every Wednesday.

6. I knew that they (discuss) my new proposal then.

7. He said that he (be) interested in marketing.

8. She said she (be) busy.

9. The customer said that he (want) to have a word with me.

10. He explained that he (take) driving lessons.

11. The customer said he (think) about buying a new computer.


Ex.2. Make the actions in the following object clauses precede those of their principal clause.

1. I knew that he (go) to London already.

2. He asked me why I (not invite) him to that scientific conference.

3. He said he (not hear) anything about her complaint.

4. She said the secretary (send) the message already.

5. I knew that she (make) an appointment with general manager.

6. He said that he (work) hard all the time.

7. He told her that he (meet) her the year before.

8. I knew that he (to be) ill the day before.

9. She thought he (graduate) from the University.

10. Didn’t you know that he (establish) a business of his own?

11. We knew that he (work) for this company before.


Ex.3. Make the actions in the following object clauses follow those of their principal clause.

1. He told us that his daughter (be) a marketer.

2. She said that she (finish) her report by 6 o’clock.

3. Mr. Black said the manager (come back) to New York the following day.

4. The secretary told me that the meeting (take place) the following month.

5. I hoped that he (apologize).

6. She said she (not attend) our meeting on Monday.

7. I asked him when the negotiations (begin).

8. He said that the price (not include) the cost of packing.

9. She decided that she (ring) up there tomorrow.

10. We decided that you (be) able to help us.

11. I was sure that they (offer) me that job soon.


Ex.4. Translate into English:

1. Він сказав, що він сьогодні дуже зайнятий.

2. Менеджер повідомив нам, що в нього є важливі новини.

3. Вона запитала, коли я піду за покупками.

4. Він пояснив, що ніколи там не був.

5. Я сподівався, що проведу там всю відпустку.

6. Він проінформував, що вони вже обговорили цю небезпечну ситуацію.

7. Шеф сказав, що я повинна відповісти на цей лист негайно.

8. Вона запитала мене, де працює мій брат.

9. Секретарка повідомила, що вже надрукувала цей контракт в трьох примірниках.

10. Він знав, що вони вже розробили нову маркетингову стратегію.

11. Він повідомив, що не буде брати до уваги цю інформацію.


Speech and Discussion


Ex.1. Talk to your groupmates about the role and nature of marketing in the Ukrainian economy.


Ex.2. Discuss with your groupmates:

s if marketing information is as important to small firms as it is to larger firms;

s if a good marketing strategy is vital to a product’s success


Ex.3. Familiarize yourself with the following idioms. Consult your dictionary and translate the sentences into Ukrainian. Think of situations where you could use them.

1. I am making my first speech at our company meeting. I hope you’ll be there to give me moral support.

2. We have to get this product off the ground by the summer.

3. Hughes isn’t worth his wages; it’s time we gave him the elbow.

4. We'll get more bang for our buck if we advertise online.

5. When I left home, work was difficult to find, and I earned hardly enough to keep body and soul together.


Ex.5. Comment on the quotation:

“A man without a smiling face must not open a shop.”


Lesson 5

Text: Advertising

Grammar: Reported Speech (Statements)


Terms to remember:


advertising рекламна справа; реклама; рекламування
target customer потенційний клієнт
account в практиці рекламних агенцій загальновизнана назва контракту між клієнтом, який платить за здійснення професійної послуги, та агенцією
advertising campaign рекламна компанія
allocate (v) розміщати (капітал); асигнувати, приділяти
budget бюджет, фінансовий кошторис
brief справа; короткий виклад
statement виклад, формулювання
message повідомлення, послання
communicate (v) повідомляти (когось-to), передавати
advertisement (advert, ad) реклама; рекламне оголошення
media засоби масової інформації, засоби/носії реклами
advertising media засоби розповсюдження реклами
broadcasting трансляція
leaflet листівка, невелика тоненька брошура
flyer листівка
display показ, демонстрація; виставка
display (advertising) ілюстративна (реклама)
poster афіша; плакат; оголошення
hoarding (BrE)/billboard (AmE) щит, дошка для наклеювання оголошень, афіш, плакатів тощо
point of sale місце здійснення продажу
trade fair торговий ярмарок
word-of-mouth (advertising) усна (реклама)
corporate advertising реклама фірми
brand image імідж торгової марки
public relations (PR) expert експерт з питань організації громадської думки
publicity пабліситі; реклама; публічність; гласність




Advertising is one of the main methods of promotion. Its aim is to increase sales by making a product or service known to a consumer and to persuade that consumer to buy it.

Advertising is often designed and managed by advertising agencies.

Large companies usually use advertising agencies to promote their products and the company’s image to the target customers.

The account is the contract between the client company and the agency to develop an advertising campaign. The client allocates a budget, an amount of money, to the task. The agency and the client then discuss the brief, which is a statement of the client’s objectives, as well as the message the company wishes to communicate to the consumers.

After that the agency is ready to start work. An advertising campaign consists of a series of advertisements (adverts, or ads) which are run in various media.

The most common types of advertising media include: broadcasting (TV, cinema, radio), press (newspapers, magazines), printed material (brochures, leaflets, catalogues, flyers), electronic (Internet), display (posters, hoardings/billboards, vehicles, point of sale), others (trade fairs, word-of mouth, packaging).

Corporate advertising is not concerned with increasing sales of a particular product or service. Its aim is to present to the public the brand image. Public relations (PR) experts organize activities which generate positive publicity for companies.


Exercises in Word Study


Ex.1. Form verbs from the following nouns:

advertisement, information, persuasion, management, promotion, development, allocation, discussion, statement, communication, agreement.


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