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Lecture 2. Peculiarities of Rendering English Tenses and Passive Voice Constructions

Lecture 2

Peculiarities of Rendering English Tenses and Passive Voice Constructions

Problems for discussion:

1. The peculiarities of rendering the Present Simple tense in Ukrainian.

2. The Present Perfect and Perfect Continuous tenses, the peculiarities of their translation.

3. English passive voice constructions, the general notion.

4. Transformations in rendering the meaning of English passive voice constructions in Ukrainian.

5. English passive voice constructions with a prepositional object, their rendering in Ukrainian.

Background for discussion:

1. The use of the Present Simple tense

2. The use of the Present Perfect tense

3. The use of the Present Perfect Continuous tense

4. The formation and use of the Passive voice


The peculiarities of rendering the Present Simple tense in Ukrainian.

As a rule the English tense forms do not present serious difficulties from the point of view of their translation. But sometimes the translation is not quite faithful in case the translator lacks necessary knowledge on their meanings considering the sequence of tenses.

The Present Simple (or Indefinite) tense can present some difficulties because of its semantic diversity. As a rule it is translated directly using the corresponding Ukrainian present tense but in adverbial clauses of time and condition expressing a future action, the future tense is used in Ukrainian translation.

E.g. I will let you know when I have some new information.

Я повідомлю тобі, коли матиму якусь нову інформацію.

If you have some free time tomorrow, we can go for a walk together.

Якщо ти матимеш завтра вільний час, ми можемо прогулятися разом.

Besides, the future tense is used in Ukrainian variant when we speak about the action which is to take place according to the time-table or plan or when we express the nearest future action.

E.g. The plane lands at 5.30 tomorrow.

Літак приземлиться завтра о 5.30.

What do we do next?

Що ми робитимемо далі?

The future tense in Ukrainian translation of the Present Simple is not the only peculiarity of expressing a wide range of its lexical meanings. It’s common knowledge that with the verbs to forget, to hear, to be told the Present Simple expresses a past action which accounts for the necessity to use in Ukrainian the past tense.

E.g. I really forget to tell you about it.

Я дійсно забув сказати тобі про це.

I hear they are coming back next week.

Я чув, що вони повернуться наступного тижня.

I am told that they haven’t got married yet.

Мені сказали, що вони ще не одружилися.


The Present Perfect and Perfect-Continuous tenses, the peculiarities of their translation.

The Present Perfect tense is also very interesting from the point of view of its translation. It expresses a few different meanings which can be translated into Ukrainian with the help of different tenses. The usual translation of this into Ukrainian is past perfective which shows a completed action.

E.g. They have just discussed this problem.

Вони щойно обговорили цю проблему.

We should not forget that the Present Perfect can also be used for expressing the frequency of the action which can be continued, and in this case the past imperfective is usually used in Ukrainian.

E.g. He has been to London twice.

Він двічі бував у Лондоні.

They have often discussed such things.

Вони часто обговорювали такі питання.

Speaking about the translation of the Present Perfect Inclusive we should always remember that it expresses an action which is till going on which can be shown in Ukrainian by means of the present tense.

E.g. They have known each other since their childhood.

Вони знають один одного ще з дитинства.

This house has belonged to them for 20 years.

Цей будинок належить їм 20 років.

The exception is the use of the Present Perfect Inclusive with the verbs of sense perception (to see, to hear, to feel) in negative sentences which is not translated by the present but by the past imperfective.

E.g. I haven’t seen him since Monday.

Я не бачила його з понеділка.

The Present Perfect Continuous tense can be translated in two different ways depending on whether it is Inclusive or Exclusive in meaning. As the Present Perfect Continuous Inclusive implies the action which is still going on we use in translation the present tense.

E.g We have been talking about it for a better part of an hour.

Ми говоримо про це уже добру годину.

In case we have the Exclusive meaning it should be stressed that the action was recently in progress but now we focus on its result. Such sentences are translated into Ukrainian by means of the past imperfective.

E.g. Here is the book I have been looking for!

Ось книга, яку я шукала!

Special care should be taken while translating sentences which express the sequence of tenses. People sometimes forget that simultaneous actions expressed by similar tenses in English require the use of different tenses in Ukrainian translation. A common mistake is the use of the past tense in both parts of the sentence of the type “He said that he liked tennis.” The correct variant would be «Він сказав, що любить теніс.» which really shows that the actions are simultaneous.

All above-mentioned peculiarities of translating English tenses into Ukrainian are connected with their lexical meaning and contextual environment.


English passive voice constructions, the general notion.

Passive voice constructions exceed in number those in Ukrainian. This fact can be explained by:

a) the ability of not only the direct but also of indirect and prepositional objects to perform the function of the subject to the predicate in the passive voice E.g. The book was given to me. I was given the book. The child was looked


b) the ability of several intransitive verbs to become transitive and take a direct object and form the passive voice

E.g. His dog Champ is often walked by his father. The house is run by their


No transpositions of such type are possible in Ukrainian where only the direct object can be transformed into the subject of a sentence in the passive voice

E.g. Мій брат написав листа. - Лист був написаний моїм братом.

Sometimes the meaning of the passive voice can be expressed in the analytical way. Some ways of expressing passive voice in both languages may coincide in form and structure.

E.g. He was offered a good job by somebody else.

Кимсь іще йому (була запропонована) пропонувалась гарна робота.

The other forms should be transformed to achieve faithfulness in translation.

E.g. She was a bit disturbed by those words.

Вона була дещо стурбована тими словами.

Ті слова її дещо стурбували.

English passive forms of the verb TO BE have no structural equivalents in Ukrainian. The problem is that the Ukrainian auxiliary verb Є is usually omitted and the past participle acquires other morphological and semantic expression.

E.g. Such questions are being asked right now.

Такі питанні задають(ся) саме зараз.


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