The relevance of national-cultural andChronological sense components to functioning Of precendent phenomena In the modern press authors often use the precedent phenomena (PP) in their articles. These phenomena are of great interest to researchers representing such branches of linguistics as ethnopsycholinguistics, linguistics-and-culture studies, text studies and other disciplines concerned with the investigation of language in close connection with that of the culture. This tendency is based on the domineering position of the anthropocentric approach in today’s linguistics and in the science in general. After Y.N.Karaulov and V.V.Krasnykh we define PP as cognitively relevant, well-known to the majority of the members of the national lingua-cultural community. PP are also characterized by stable recurrence in the speech of those members [Караулов 2007:216, Красных 2002:44]. In this article we view PP as concepts [Красных 2002:47; Слышкин 2000:9], i.e. as a semantic formation marked by lingua-cultural component. Being the reflection of ethnic outlook the concept marks the ethnic worldview picture. It is a particular quantum of knowledge reflecting the overall human activity. The concept does not emerge directly from the meaning of a word but is a result of a clash between the dictionary meaning and personal and folk experience of an individual. It is accompanied by emotional, expressive, and appraisal attributes. [Маслова 2008:110] Viewing PP as a concept we turned to its structure. As for any concept the initial structure of PP is a gestalt which is ‘a conceptual structure, an integral image that combines sensory and rational components in their unification and integrity. It is the result of non-segmented perception of the situation; it is the highest level of abstraction – non-discrete, non-structured knowledge’ [Болдырев 2001:38]. When activating in our mind this or that PP we do not consider its segments. However in an article the concept verbalizes and in the process of mutual influence within the context PP shapes itself into something more specific. Thus we can take into consideration the presence of particular characteristics of some particular PP. However the set of such characteristics actualized in the context of an article will vary from text to text each time creating a new invariant of perception of the concept. The analysis of a substantial amount of texts containing one and the same PP would allow to define the most stable sense components (SC) along with the least frequently met ones nevertheless included into the overall sense structure of the concept in view. Such SC constitute the idealized cognitive model (ICM) – a complex structured whole of a cognitive nature, which is used to understand the world and for creating theories about the world [Lakoff 1987:68,134]. ICMs are formed on the basis of folk theories about reality existent in a particular national lingua-cultural community. Such cognitive models are idealized because ‘they may be defined relative to idealized circumstances rather than circumstances as they are known to exist [Lakoff 1997 (1):65-66]. The ICM theory suggested by G.Lakoff is supported by such outstanding scientists as Ch.Fillmore [Fillmore 1982:33], D.Medin and W.Wattenmaker [Medin D.L., Wattenmarker 1987:40], U.Neisser [Neisser 1987:18-19], and others. It helps to explain many aspects of functioning of PP. One of the goals of this research is detection of sense components of precedent phenomena by using the method of contextual functional analysis of newspaper articles. The subsequent data is the result of processing 159 articles containing PP ‘Napoleon Bonaparte’ (further referred to as ‘Napoleon’) taken from the contemporary Russian press. The choice is conditioned by the fact this PP is one of the most frequent in the media discourse [Нахимова 207:99] and is referred to as universally precedent phenomenon [Красных 2002:50-51]. As the result of the analysis 59 SC of various frequency rate have been distinguished. The SC analysis shows that for PP ‘Napoleon’the most stable components are national-cultural and chronological ones. They were marked as ‘Napoleon is from France / Europe’(44,02%) and ‘Napoleon represents particular period in history / end of 18th – beginning of 19th century’(43,40%) correspondingly. These SC may be explicated in the text, i.e. directly verbalized. E.g.1: «Изучив историю Кампо-Формийского мира, заключенного в 1797 г. между Французской республикой и Австрийской империей, Ю.М.Лужков нашел, как решить вопрос. В 1797 г. Францияприрезала себе итальянские и прирейнские владения Австрии, но из соображений тактичности было решено как-то компенсировать Вене ее потери, и генерал Бонапарт по этому случаю присоединил к австрийской короне Венецианскую республику, которая блюла строжайший нейтралитет и никак не участвовала в войне – что, впрочем, никого не остановило. Ю.И.Лужков решил выступить в качестве Бонапарта, М.Е.Фрадкову была отведена роль императора Франца, а венециаским дожем назначили главу Московской области генерала Громова – в дипломатической ноте, направленной М.Е.Фрадкову, Ю.М.Лужков потребовал передать ему лосиноостровские деньги, а территориальную компенсацию за них получить с нейтрального Б.В.Громова.» («22.XII- 28.XII», Известия., December 29, 2006). SC of one PP are often actualized with the help of other PP. In the following passage the national-cultural and chronological components are actualized through PP ‘The French Revolution’ (in the text: ‘Великая Французская революция’) with the date of the event mentioned. E.g.2: «А.Столяров: Я не хочу утверждать, что нынешний президент обязательно превратится в нового Сталина, но исторический вектор направлен именно в эту сторону. Ведь опять-таки посмотрите: английская революция 1649 года закончилась диктатурой Кромвеля. Великая Французкая революция 1789 года – диктатурой Наполеона. Революция в Испании 1936 года – диктатура генерала Франко. Лично я никакую диктатуру приветствовать бы, конечно, не стал, но и с тенденциями исторического развития не поспоришь.» («Между мифом и реальностью», Литературная газета, October13-19, 2004). The SC are used explicitly being mentioned directly in reference to the PP in view. SC may be actualized implicitly, i.e. through their logical extraction from the context. In the following example the national-cultural SC is implicated and the chronological SC is explicated. E.g.3: «К: То есть конфликта нет? // Б.С.: У меня конфликта нет, может, у кого-то есть. И говорить об этом я считаю ниже своего достоинства и достоинства Национального театра Украины. Свобода, как говорил Наполеон, - это конечно, хорошо, только не в армии и не в национальном театре «Комеди Франсез» («Я читал «Крестного отца» для группы Ульянова», Культура, August 25-31, 2005). The reference to PP ‘Comedie Franciase’(in the text: ‘Комеди Франсез’) serves to actualize the national-cultural component on the assumption of the theory that it is the French national theatre. See also, e.g.4: «Лично я про себя помню, как в школе мы изучаем Отечественную войну 1812 года. Я сидел в своей комнате и читал учебник, готовясь к завтрашней школе, когда ко мне зашла мама (поэт Римма Казакова – прим. Ред.). Поинтересовавшись, чем я занимаюсь, она взяла мой учебник и сказала примерно следующее: «Каким казенным скучным языком все это написано! Так ты ничего не почувствуешь!» Вышла и вернулась с книжкой. И прочитала мне «Воздушный корабль» Лермонтова. Прекрасное ощущение каких-то невыплаканных слез, будущего смеха, иронии вечности, простоты мирового совершенства коснулось моей души. Я никак не мог понять, как Наполеон, наш враг, сжегший Москву, - мог предстать таким вызывающим самое светлое сочувствие, живым человеком» («Шестое чувство за семью печатями», Культура, December 8-14, 2005). The reference to PP originating form the domestic (Russian) culture ‘The Partriotic War of 1812’(in the text: ‘Отечественная война 1812 года’) actualizes SC ‘The Patriotic War of 1812 is the war between the Russians and the French Army ruled by Napoleon’ (note that within our framework the PP originating from the domestic (Russian) culture are not viewed therefore such analysis will not be presented here). Thus PP of the domestic culture actualizes the implicated national-cultural SC though this actualization is relevant for the members of the Russian national lingua-cultural community. This one is a nationally precedent phenomenon [Красных 2002:50-51]. For further consideration another passage is to be examined. E.g. 5: «Шолохов создавал именно художественный эпос русского народа, сравнимый по своему культурно-историческому значению с «Илиадой», «Нибелунгами», «Калевалой», «Сидом». Такую задачу ставил перед собой и Лев Толстой в «Войне и мире», но она у него не вполне получилась, потому что «Война и мир» - это прежде всего роман о русском дворянстве, что, собственно, признавал в одном из предисловий сам автор. А дворянство и народ после войны с Наполеоном пошли разными дорогами. А вот казачество сполна разделило после 1917 года судьбу всего русского народа (в отличие, скажем, от Смуты XVII века)» («Дыхание судьбы», Литературная газета, April 20-26, 2005 г.). In the given example both the national-cultural and the chronological components are implicated. They are actualized through the indirect reference to PP ‘The Partriotic War of 1812’. The underlined fragments of the text appeal to both PP - ‘Napoleon’ and ‘The Partriotic War of 1812’ since members of the Russian national lingua-cultural community know that ‘the war with Napoleon is the Patriotic War of 1812’ (see above). Thus due to the connection between the two PP realized on the context level the national-cultural and chronological components are implicitly actualized. When working on the analysis we called such type of actualization as ‘reverse connection’, i.e. the connection from the context to PP. Consequently the type of explicit connection from PP to the context is called here ‘direct connection’, the illustration for which may be seen in e.g.1. Cases of actualization of SC by appealing to other PP are quite frequent. Those could be PP originating either from domestic culture (see e.g.4,5) or from the same culture that the PP in view comes from (see e.g.1,2,3). Such appeals allow not only to reveal the ethnic and historical reference of PP but also to expand the context, to make it more profound and vivid. Besides it may actualize other SC relevant for the context. The frequency of actualization of the national-cultural and chronological components emphasizes their importance for PP functioning. In the course of the analysis we will try to demonstrate that these SC are not just some of the most important but are vital for PP in general. In her work dedicated to PP study K.K.Krasnykh shows that some PP may lose their property of precedence and get expelled from the cognitive base the core of which, in author’s opinion, is constituted of PP. As an illustration for this statement K.K.Krasnykh gives the example of ‘ловелас’ (‘womanizer’) which ceased being a PP and was substituted by PP ‘Дон Жуан’ (‘Don Juan’). [Красных 2002:123-123] On the basis of our assumption of the importance of the national-cultural and chronological components we can also suppose that the loss of such SC from its ICM led to the loss of the property of precedence in the PP mentioned. Although other important sense components are preserved, the cultural and historical connection was lost and ‘ловелас’ is not perceived as PP anymore. Another example is ‘хулиган’ (‘hooligan’). The high actualization frequency level for PP ‘Napoleon’ demonstrates the stability of the property of precedence in this PP. In the newspaper articles the national-cultural component may be used to bring up new meanings, to enforce argumentation, to exemplify, to make the context ‘multidimensional’. E.g 6: Сан Саныч [Броневицкий] ростом был чуть выше Наполеона, при этом страшныйумница и обладатель очень выразительных глаз. Меня безумно любил и ревновал. При этом слыл большим любителем слабого пола…// - И вы, наверное, его изо всех сил ревновали?// - Броневицкий своей безумной ревностью выбил из меня всякое желание ревновать его. Помню, в Париже мы с дочерью Илоной пошли в Лувр, а Сан Саныч – на «Эммануэль», по тем времена запрещенный у нас фильм. Я его стыдила, а он спорил: «Я же мужчина! А вот тебе это вредно!» («Эдита Пьеха: «Я была счастливой на сцене, но не в личной жизни», Труд, December 3, 2005). The use of PP ‘Napoleon’in this passage may be commented as follows: San Sanych (in the text: Сан Саныч) was short, loved and was jealous of his wife, was fond of women, was charming as Napoleon. The reference to the stereotypical features of a Frenchman actualizes the national-cultural SC and consequently serves to develop the statement ‘San Sanych is a real man’. The national-cultural SC is additionally actualized through appealing to other PP from the French culture, they are ‘Louvre’(in text: ‘Лувр’) and ‘Emmanuelle’(in the text: ‘Эммануэль’). This is another illustrative example of ‘playing’ with the national-cultural SC PP ‘Napoleon’ in the text of a newspaper article in which the rivalry between the East and the West during the cold war period is discussed. E.g. 7: «Борьба шла с переменным успехом: к середине 70-х годов СССР добился значительных успехов, а через полтора десятка лет прекратил свое существование. 2-3 декабря 1989 г. близ маленького средиземноморского острова, ставшего когда-то поводом для ссоры, а затем замирения Наполеона и Павла I, произошла встреча президентов Буша и Горбачева. Здесь, на теплоходе, «лучший немец столетия» сдал Западу все, что только можно было сдать. По сути, были сданы статус великой державы, союзники повсюду в мире и «ялтинское мироустройство» («Виновны в непонимании», Литературная газета, March 15-21, 2006). Consider the following interpretation: The political leaders act for the benefit of their country and solve the political problems in a constructive way. The Europe’s political leader Napoleon and the Russian political leader Paul I met in this place and solved political problems. The Western political leader Bush and the Russian political leader Gorbachev met in this place but could not solve political problems making them even worse. Bush cannot be compared to Napoleon as the Western leader and Gorbachev cannot be compared to Paul I as the Russian leader. Bush and Gorbachev are not real political leaders, not as Napoleon and Paul I. The national-cultural component helps to illustrate the historic rivalry of the East and West in politics. The chronological SC in the following example serves to provide argumentation favouring the author’s position to support the updating of the animal rights legislation. E.g. 8: «Во Франции еще со времен Наполеона животные расцениваются в качестве предметов, являющихся собственностью того или иного лица. Бриджит Бардо и ее соратники уже не первый год борются за то, чтобы внести изменения в Гражданский кодекс и добиться нового статуса для домашних и прочих животных.» («На радость Бриджит Бардо», Труд-7, November 24, 2005). As a comment: The status of animals as possessions of this or that person exists in France since long time ago (end of the 18th – beginning of the 19th century). This law is obsolete. It must be changed. In the following example the chronological component serves for illustration and ironic effect. E.g.9: «Половина шестого утра в Шереметьеве. Довольно тихо, самолетов, прилетающих в это время в международный аэропорт, немного, несколько десятков человек встречающих, примерно столько же провожающих, у лестницы, ведущей к VIP-залу, телекамеры, за ними оживленные лица репортеров и операторов. Над головами встречающих золотые звезды и мишура. // - Кого встречаем? – интересуется официант в стиле а-ля Наполеон из ресторана, расположенного у лестницы.// - Моряков, - хором отвечают собравшиеся» («Дома!», Российская газета, December 29, 2005). As a comment to this passage: The waiter of the restaurant by the staircase is dressed in French military uniform of 18th – 19th century, similar to that of the emperor Napoleon. A restaurant whose waiters are dressed as emperors must be very prestigious. The restaurant by the staircase cannot be prestigious. The waiter from the restaurant by the staircase dressed as Napoleon is an antithesis, irony. The waiter dressed as an emperor, stars, and tinsel decorations are accessories of a theatrical performance. The scene of meeting the sailors at the international airport is a theatrical performance. Thus, the national-cultural and chronological sense components of ICM of the precedent phenomenon ‘Napoleon’ are relevant to functioning of this PP. It is also relevant to preserving the property of precedence of this phenomenon. The newspaper article analysis demonstrated that both these sense components show high level of explicit and implicit actualization and serve not only for information but also for various other purposes pursued by authors when creating a text.
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