Выберите слова или словосочетания для заполнения пропусков так, чтобы они отражали особенности оформления служебной записки.Расположите части делового письма в правильном порядке. Упражнение
1201 east Grand Avenue Chicago, Illinois 60611
609 San Anselmo Avenue San Anselmo, California 94960
Marketing Manager
151 Benson Street Bronx, NY 10465
421 Ninth Avenue New York, NY 10055
Office manager
Yevil Somerset S19 3 AF England
Export Sales Manager
14 Avenue ravigny Paris XV
О Dear Ms. Smith: О September 15,1998 О Yours truly, О Would you please send me a copy of World Wide Dictionary, unabridged second edition, 1982? I am enclosing a money order for $37.50 to cover cost and handling. If this amount is not correct, please let me know. О City College 14 Mountain View, WA 99999 О Ms. R. J. Smith Blackstone Book Agency Sixth and Riverside Avenue Olympia, WA 99999 О Josephine Black Principal
ОSincerely yours, О John Bonds Marketing Manager О The British Engineering Co. 12 City New Road London, E.C.I. О Charles Lyons General Television Services 1201 East Grand Avenue Chicago, Illinois 60611 О Dear Mr. Lyons, О December 16, 2009 О Thank yon for your inquiry about our telephone answering machines and voice mail systems. I am enclosing brochures on our products. A sales representative will be in London next week. We will call you to schedule an appointment.
Перед Вами конверт. Соотнесите информацию под определенным номером на конверте с тем, что она обозначает.
Упражнение 1
the ZIP Code in the mailing address the house number in the return address the country the letter comes from the addressee`s house number the addressee the sender
Упражнение 2
the country the letter comes from the town the letter comes from the addressee`s house number the country in the mailing address the sender the town in the mailing address
Упражнение 3
the street name in the mailing address the town the letter comes from the house number in the return address the addressee the town in the mailing address the country in the mailing address
Упражнение 4
the street name in the return address the addressee`s house number the country the letter comes from the ZIP Code in the mailing address the town the letter comes from the addressee
Упражнение 5
О the ZIP Code in the return address О the state паше in the mailing address О the house number in the return address О the addressee О the sheet name in the mailing address О the sender
Упражнение 6
О the house number in the return address О the country the letter comes from О the ZIP Code in the mailing address О the sender О the addressee's house number
Упражнение 7
О the town the letter comes from О the country in the mailing address О the addressee's house number О the sender О the country die letter comes from О the town in the mailing address
Выберите слова или словосочетания для заполнения пропусков так, чтобы они отражали особенности оформления служебной записки. Упражнение 13 To: (1) ____, Administrative Assistant (2) ____: Sally Thomas, PA to Chairman Date: 30 August Subject: (3) ___ Many congratulations on recently joining the staff in the Chairman`s office. I hope you will be happy here. I am enclosing a booklet explaining the company`s general rules regarding document formats. (4) _____
Sally Thomas Mandy Lim Inhouse Document Formats From
Упражнение 14 To: William Kheen (1): Dr. Alex Vole (2): Conference Attendance Date: (3) _____ It`s my pleasure to inform you that the Foundation will fund your attendance at the Conference. If you need some help with your visa, please let me know. I can be contacted on (4) ____. Alex Vole
From Subject xx@cam.ac.uk 23 May
Упражнение 15 (1)____: Northwest Area Sales Staff From: Management Subject: (2) _____ (3) ___: 14 February We`d like to quickly go over some of the changes in the new monthly sales reporting system that we discussed at Monday`s special meeting. First of all, we`d once again like to stress that this new system will save you a lot of time when reporting future sales. We understand that you have concerns about the amount of time that will be initially required for inputting your client data. Despite this initial effort, we are confident that you will all soon enjoy the benefits of this new system. (4)
To Date Management New Monthly Reporting System Упражнение 16
Выберите слова или словосочетания для заполнения пропусков так, чтобы они отражали особенности оформления служебной записки:
(2)______: Dolly Dean. Production Manager Date: 31 March Subject: (3) I'm fed up with Bowers. He doesn't care about his job, He doesn't get along with the other people in the office. I can't count on him to be on time - or even to work at all. The point of all this is that the Personnel Department can start interviewing people, because there" s going to be a job opening in the Sales Department very soon.
Упражнение 17 Выверите слова или словосочетания для выполнения пропусков так, чтобы они отражали особенности оформления служебной записки; (1)_________: Heads of Departments
Subject: (2)___ Date: 14 February As you know, the Public Relations Department has been looking into ways to make our company logo more attractive and easily recognizable by customers. Could you please take the following actions in your departments: 1 Encourage staff to share their personal vision of a new logo, whicli will be used on all our products and in ads. 2.Ask staff to put their drawings or descriptions in the box placed in the lobby downstairs. 3.Inform staff that the best drafts will get special gifts. Please contact the (3)______ if you or anyone in your department has any further suggestions.
Раздел 4 Определите, к какому виду делового документа относится представленный ниже отрывок. Упражнение 18 The quality of our products remain the same – only the finest chemicals are used. The new prices are for minimum orders of $ 2.000 and are effective as from 1 January. Immediate dispatch is guaranteed, and we hold ample stocks.
Cover Letter Resume Offer Letter Letter of Complaint
Упражнение 19 We would be pleased to receive details of fax machines which you supply, together with prices. We need a model suitable for sending complex diagrams and printed messages mostly within the UK.
Inquiry Letter Advertising letter Offer Letter Cover Letter
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Упражнение 20 WORK EXPERIENCE
Inquiry Letter Resume Memo Advertising letter
Упражнение 21
О Inquiry Letter О Memo О Resume О Letter of Complaint
Упражнение 22
О Resume О Cover О Letter О Inquiry Letter О Advertising letter
ЧТО ПРОИСХОДИТ, КОГДА МЫ ССОРИМСЯ Не понимая различий, существующих между мужчинами и женщинами, очень легко довести дело до ссоры... ЧТО И КАК ПИСАЛИ О МОДЕ В ЖУРНАЛАХ НАЧАЛА XX ВЕКА Первый номер журнала «Аполлон» за 1909 г. начинался, по сути, с программного заявления редакции журнала... Что способствует осуществлению желаний? Стопроцентная, непоколебимая уверенность в своем... Живите по правилу: МАЛО ЛИ ЧТО НА СВЕТЕ СУЩЕСТВУЕТ? Я неслучайно подчеркиваю, что место в голове ограничено, а информации вокруг много, и что ваше право... Не нашли то, что искали? Воспользуйтесь поиском гугл на сайте: