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Model: The teacher is asking the student.

Is the teacher asking the student?

1) We are preserving plants and animals.

2) The surgeon is exposing the cartilage.

3) I am doing a research on fractures.

4) She is returning from the farm.

5) They are breeding a new breed of horses.

6) You are working at your English now.

Упражнение 6. Поставьте предложения из упражнения 5 в отрицательную форму. Помните, что отрицание “not” ставится после первого эле­мента сказуемого.

Model: The teacher is not asking the student.


Задание 46. Повторите формы глаголов и выпишите сначала номера форм действительного залога в верхней строчке, затем номера форм страдательного залогав нижней строчке. Напоминаем, что форма Passive состоит из формы глагола to be в соответствующем времени + причастие II смыслового глагола (Past Participle):

1) is becoming; 2) is being washed; 3) is treating; 4) are being administered; 5) am recovering; 6) are being preserved; 7) is being used; 8) is producing; 9) is improving; 10) are being continued.


Задание 47. Превратите нижестоящие глагольные формы в пассивные по следующей модели – Make the verb-form Passive:


am treating — am being treated
is finishing — is being finished
are taking — are being taken

Помните о нестандартных глаголах!

1) am considering; 2) is using; 3) are producing; 4) is improving; 5) are including; 6) is selecting; 7) am following; 8) is supporting; 9) are containing; 10) is reducing; 11) is doing; 12) are writing; 13) is keeping; 14) are making


Задание 48. Прочтите предложения и напишите в верхней строчке номера предложений, содержащих сказуемое в Active, а в нижней строчке — в Passive Voice:

1) The clinic is containing surgical instruments.

2) The fracture is being examined by the surgeon.

3) The medicine is being administered now.

4) The surgeons are using new methods of treatment.

5) The iguana is exhibiting the corneal reflex.

6) The fracture is being repaired by the surgeon.

7) The muscles are being dissected by the surgeon.

8) The surgeon is dissecting the muscles.


Упражнение 7. Прочтите вышестоящие предложения. Укажите в каждом предложении форму сказуемого.


Задание 49. Запомните, что в формах Continuous изменяется только вспомогательный глагол «to be». Определите по форме глагола «to be» время (т. е. Past, Present, Future) и запишите соответственно в трех строках номера глагольных форм.

1) was exhibiting; 2) is being made; 3) will be dissecting; 4) was moving; 5) are using; 6) were replacing; 7) shall be exposing; 8) is extending; 9) will be presenting; 10) is healing; 11) were being operated; 12) were using.

Задание 50. Прочтите следующие предложения вслед за преподавателем и переведите их:

1) The surgeon is operating on the animal now.

2) The animal is being operated by the surgeon now.

3) The surgeon was operating on the calf when we came to the clinic yesterday.

4) The calf was being operated by the surgeon when we came to the clinic yesterday.

5) The surgeon will be operating on the calf tomorrow from 1 till 2 o'clock.

Задание 51. Прочтите еще раз, определите время по схеме:

Present Active

Past Continuous

Future Passive


Задание 52. Прочтите предложения вслух и определите форму глагола. Переведите:

1) An iguana was presented for treatment.

2) The reptile was exhibiting the symptoms of a fracture.

3) Its leg was fractured.

4) The surgeon made an incision.

5) The incision was extending along the femur.

6) The surgeon was dissecting the muscles.

7) He was exposing the fracture.

8) He repaired the fracture. The fracture was repaired.

9) The reptile could move its leg. Its leg was moving.

10). Four weeks after operation the iguana was using its leg. Four weeks postoperatively it was using its leg.


Задание 53. Запомните суффиксы существительных:

cartil age, stor age

evid ence, sci ence

inc ision, transfu sion

dissec tion, opera tion, institu tion, circula tion, condi tion

frac ture, su ture ['sju:tsjэ], pic tur e, fu ture

treat ment, move ment, align ment, place ment, equip ment, seg ment

суффиксы прилагательных :

chrom ic, operat ive, digest ive, preventi ve, practic al, surgic al

суффикс наречий -ly:

direct ly, adequate ly, relative ly, consequent ly

Repair of a Fractured Femur in an Iguana1

On October 12, 2009 in the veterinary clinic of Dr. Swails a common iguana was presented for treatment. It was exhibiting palpable evidence2 of a fractured right femur.

The iguana was pre-anesthetized, and the skin incision was made. It was extending from the greater trochanter to the patella, directly over the fascia lata. The surgeon was carefully dissecting the muscles, and the fracture segments were exposed. The fracture was repaired with the aid of a wire sutured with chromic catgut.

Postoperative radiographs showed good alignment3 of the fracture segments and proper placement of the wire. By the time4 these radiographs were taken, the iguana was moving its legs and exhibiting the corneal reflex.

Four weeks postoperatively the iguana was watched by the doctor. Now it is using the leg, so the bone was healing adequately.



1) iguana — (iguana tuberculata) — a large American tropical lizard (ящерица), usually living in trees.

2) evidence — зд. признаки

3) alignment — подгонка, выравнивание по отношению друг к другу

4) by the time — к тому времени, когда

Vocabulary List

Verbs Nouns Adjectives

heal– излечить fracture – перелом proper- правильный

extend – простираться surgeon-хирург preventive – предупре дительный

dissect – разрезать femur - бедро complete - полный

replace – заменять radiograph - рентген


Упражнение 1. Прочтите вопросы и найдите ответы в тексте.

1) What animal was presented for treatment?

2) What evidence was it exhibiting?

3) Was the skin incision made?

4) Where was the incision?

5) What was the surgeon doing with the muscles?

6) How was the fracture repaired?

7) Did the radiograph show good alignment of fracture seg­ments?

8) When was the iguana moving its legs?
9) Was it exhibiting the corneal reflex?

10) What was the condition of the iguana four weeks after the operation?

Упражнение 2. Из данных ниже слов составьте предложения:

1) on, the leg, of, the incision, the surgeon, made, the iguana, by, was.

2) was, the animal, exhibiting, evidence, palpable, a fracture, of.

3) carefully, the muscles, the surgeon, dissecting was.

4) treatment, was, preventive, applied, the veterinarian, by.

5) was, the bone, healing, of, the leg, adequately.

Упражнение 3. Используйте в предложениях формы Continuous действительного залога:

1) The animal (to move) its leg now.

2) By the time the radiograph was taken the iguana (to move) its legs.

3) Tomorrow the surgeon (to operate) the patients from 12 till 4 o'clock.

4) Now the surgeon (to dissect) the muscles.

5) Yesterday between 3 and 5 he (to repair) the fractured bone.

6) The animal (to recover) for about 2 weeks.

Упражнение 4. Используйте в предложениях формы Continuous страдательного залога:

1) Transfusion of blood (to apply) during the operation yesterday.

2) This medicine (to administer) now.

3) These animals (to operate) when we came to the clinic.

4) The evidence of a fracture (to exhibit) now.



One of our former students bought recently an old tourist mini-bus and converted it into a mobile clinic.

There is a new trend in veterinary service now. It is returning to the old house-call style of practice.

The mobile clinic occupies a 24-foot motor home1 and is the first mobile clinic in our district. The clinic is containing sterile surgical equipment, a complete pharmacy and cages for small animals. The clinic is lacking only an x-ray unit.

The motor home was modified and now meets the needs of a veterinary clinic. The dining table was replaced with an examination table. A special counter was installed and it keeps storage units stationary2 while the clinic is moving along bad country roads. The mobile clinic was put into operation as a supplement to the office practice. Older clients were using taxis to bring their pets to the clinic. The cost of a house call by the mobile clinic is about the same as the taxi fee which these clients were paying. And a house call is convenient for these clients, particularly for peasants in the country-side.

The mobile clinic was already operating in December last year. It fits well into the preventive medicine program of safe keeping animals, and the number of new clients is increasing.


1) motor home — автомобиль, оборудованный для жилья

2) it keeps storage units stationary- в нем укреплены все стеклянные сосуды.


Упражнение 1. Прочтите словосочетания и переведите их:

house call, surgical equipment, x-ray unit, examination table, taxi fee, office practice, to meet the needs, to put into operation


Упражнение 2. Ответьте на вопросы к тексту:

1) Who had devised this mobile clinic?

2) Is the veterinary practice returning to the house-call style of practice?

3) What is the mobile clinic containing?

4) What is the mobile clinic lacking?

5) Was the motor home modified?

6) What was the dining table replaced with?

7) Were the clients using, taxis to bring their pets to the clinic?

8) When was the mobile clinic operating?

9) Is the number of new clients increasing?


Упражнение 3. Перескажите текст “ The Mobile Clinic”.


Упражнение 4. Переведите на английский следующие предложения:

1) Хирург сейчас делает разрез над переломом.

2) Разрез тянется по всей конечности.

3) Хирург обнажает кость.

4) Ассистент использует нужные хирургические инстру­менты.

5) Профилактическое лечение сейчас применяется в нашей клинике.


Lesson 10 TISSUES

Задание 54. Прослушайте слова и повторите их за преподавателем. По сходству с каким словом в русском языке понятно значение следующих слов:

structure, function, group, individual, to associate, reproduction, epithelial, muscular, nervous, tract, cubical, column, lymph, material, leucocytes, haemoglobin, physiology, cytology, to class, reaction, granule.

Задание 55. Сравните следующие слова с их латинскими эквивалентами:

cell, multicellular, oxygen, vertebrate

Упражнение 1. Прочтите предложения и назовите значения выделенных слов:

1) Lymph is a fluid

а) твердое тело б) газ в) жидкость

2) Blood is a means of transport of oxygen from the lungs to the organs.

а) цель б) средство

3) Epithelial tissue is investigated in our laboratory

а) ткань б) кровь в) лимфа

4) There are four types of tissues: an epithelial tissue, a muscular­ tissue, a nervous tissue and a connective tissue.

а) эпителиальная б) нервная в) мышечная г) соединительная

5) We study functions of leucocytes in our laboratory. Numerous experiments were made last month.

а) многочисленные б) высокие в) средние


Упражнение 2. Прочтите предложения и переведите их на русский язык. Обратите внимание на значение выделенных слов:

1) Every kind of a tissue has a special function.

2) Epithelial tissue covers the body.

3) Connective tissue binds tissues and organs together.

4) Tissues are formed of cells of similar structure, and function.


Упражнение 3. Прослушайте предложение. Запомните значение наречий.

Epithelial tissues cover the body outside and inside.

outside - снаружи inside - изнутри

above - сверху below – снизу


Упражнение 4. Повторите новые слова. Прочтите предложения и найдите русские эквиваленты подчеркнутых слов.

1) to divide = to separate into classes or categories.

Body tissues are divided into epithelial, muscular, nervous and connective.

а) покрываются б) разделяются в) открываются

2) a lining = material that usually covers the inside of the body;

a lining of a digestive tract — выстилка кишечного тракта.

The inside epithelial covering of the body is called a lining.

3) to discover = to find

Scientists discovered new functions of leucocytes.

4) recent — new, modern
recent news — последние новости. --

Переведите словосочетания: recent data, recent opinion, recent events.


Упражнение 5. Прослушайте предложения и повторите их за преподавателем: Напоминаем, что Present Perfect Tense образуется с помощью вспомогательного глагола to have в форме Present Indefinite и причастия II основного глагола. Переведите их:

1) The veterinarian has come.

2) The student has translated the text.

3) The student has started his work.

4) I have read the book.

5) We have seen the sick animal.

6) We have understood the teacher’s explanations.

7) I have had much work this week.


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