Сдам Сам



Travis is a pop band who / that have had several hits.

My parents gave my brother a bike which / that he really loves.

Did you bring the book which / that I gave you last week?

Jack is a friend who / that I met on holiday last year.

Eva is a very kind woman who / that doesn’t say a bad word about anyone.

9 A 1 which 2 that 3 which 4 which 5 that 6 which 7 who 8 that 9 which 10 that

B 1, 6, 8, 10


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Hallott szöveg értése

1 D 2 E 3 A 4 B 5 C 6 C 7 D 8 C

Olvasott szöveg értése

1 E 2 B 3E 4 B 5 A 6 E 7 D 8 C 9 B

Nyelvtan 3

10 1 which / that 2 who / that 3 which / that 4 which / that 5 who / that 6 -- 7 who / that 8 -- 9 who / that 10 who / that

11 1 whose 2 who is 3 whose 4 who is 5 whose 6 whose 7 who is 8 who is 9 whose 10 who is


12 1 beautiful small black 2 large grey metal 3 entertaining new Irish 4 qualified Spanish 5 colourful plastic child’s 6 large black plastic 7 young friendly German 8 large single

13 A meeting or event 3

Accommodation for rent 8

Work –

For sale 2, 5

Offering a service 4, 7

Lost and found 1, 6

14 A and B Lehetséges válaszok

1 Mountain bike for sale, very good condition. £75. Phone 07765 224876.

2 Found: ring with bright red stone (Saturday near children’s playground in park.) Now at park office.

3 Room available in house 10 minutes’ (walk) from city. Suit student. £55 per week.

4 Flowers Café needs somebody 4-6pm Mondays – Fridays for washing up, making tea and coffee. Good rate of pay. Phone (Mrs Barber) 01445 123990.

Culture focus

1 Thousands – there were over 8,000 visitors the year the article was written.

2 You can do everything from ranch dancing to cow camp cooking.

3 They write about working on the prairies.

4 They come from all over the world.


Unit 4


1 A











B 1 think about 2 vanish 3 scare 4 unhappy 5 disappear 6 wonder 7 sad 8 keep on 9 frighten 10 continue

2 A astonishing, astonished; boring, bored; exhausting, exhausted, fascinating, fascinated; frightening, frightened; interesting, interested; surprising, surprised; terrifying, terrified

B 1 interesting 2 fascinated 3 frightening 4 boring 5 terrifying 6 astonishing 7 exhausted 8 surprised

3 1 enormous 2 fascinated 3 terrifying 4 terrible 5 astonishing 6 tiny 7 freezing 8 exhausted


4 1 have joined 2 haven’t taken 3 have put on 4 Have you run 5 have climbed 6 Have you drunk 7 have been 8 haven’t had 9 has spent 10 has gone / been swimming 11 hasn’t felt 12 Have you been

5 1 have you been 2 since 3 have you worked 4 have had 5 for 6 since 7 have taken 8 for

6 1 He’s just washed his football kit.

2 He hasn’t prepared a snack for the journey yet.

3 He’s already found his passport.

4 He’s already collected Jake’s backpack.

5 He’s just wrapped up the present for his host family.

6 He’s already bought a film for his camera.

7 He hasn’t packed his clothes yet.

8 He hasn’t changed his money yet.

9 He hasn’t left his mum a note with the host family’s phone number yet.


7 1 Tina has never eaten a curry.

2 Has Ben ever done a bungee jump?

3 Have you ever left a scary horror film?

4 My grandparents have never used a computer.

5 People in my family have never learnt to speak a foreign language.

6 Meg has never visited a museum.

7 My father has never driven a car.

8 Have you ever found the perfect holiday resort?


8 1 healthy, low-fat 2 delicious, fresh 3 cheap, spicy 4 sweet, simple

9 1 adore / really like 2 detest / can’t stand 3 really like / adore 4 don’t like 5 can’t stand / detest 6 like

10 1 a 2 e 3 d 4 c 5 d 6 a 7 b

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Hallott szöveg értése

B His master could not say a word because he hated him. 2 D The monster admitted killing the 2 people. 3 E He said he would fight for his life.. 4 G His master wanted to fight with Frankenstein. 5 I Frankenstein just wanted his master to listen to him.

Nyelvtan 2

11 A 1 have worked 2 hasn’t seen 3 went 4 Have you phoned 5 didn’t enjoy 6 left, travelled

B 1 have been 2 has been 3 arrived 4 have ever seen 5 visited 6 had 7 went 8 took 9 was 10 have seen 11 has been 12 worked 13 told 14 was 15 have bought


12 A 1 B 2 E 3 A 4 D 5 C

B 1 No 2 No 3 Yes 4 No 5 Yes

13 A It was great to here = It was great to hear; I hope she was = I hope she is; at London = in London; we were seeing = we saw; I hope you likes = I hope you like

B Thanks very much for your postcard = b; I was sorry = e; I’m just Íráskészség = a; I’m sending you = d; Hope to see you soon = c

C ending the letter 5

explaining why you are Íráskészség 2

changing the subject 4

thanking someone for Íráskészség 1

sympathising --

saying what you have included in the letter 3

Culture focus

1 Once a week.

2 At cattle stations and small towns.

3 The moon.

4 A primary school, a pub and a Flying Doctor service.


Unit 5


1 A 1 sun 2 breeze 3 rain 4 high 5 heavy 6 floods 7 winds 8 fog 9 sunny 10 thunderstorm

B 1 b 2 c 3 a 4 c 5 b 6 a 7 a 8 b

2 1 climate 2 environment 3 forest 4 ground 5 drought 6 oceans


3 1 I’m going to buy a square watermelon.

2 Are you coming to the cinema on Friday?

3 Will people eat more fruit in the future?

4 Kate’s meeting Richard tomorrow at six o’clock.

5 Fruit farmers will produce more square fruit.

6 Mum and Dad aren’t going to move house next year.

7 Mike isn’t coming home at Christmas this year.

8 Is John going to study chemistry at university?

9 Japanese farmers won’t grow square tomatoes.

10 Alison isn’t going to accept the job at the bank.

4 1 Will (scientists) be able 2 will develop 3 will increase 4 won’t stop 5 Will (students) learn 6 will rise 7 won’t improve 8 will help

5 1 What are you going to study at university? / I’m going to apply to Brighton University.

2 Where are you going to travel to next? / I’m going to buy a guidebook this afternoon.

3 Are you going to buy a new car this year? / Yes, I’m going to ask for a loan from the bank.

4 Why are you going to tell lies to the judge? / I’m going to make up a very good story.

6 1 ’m having 2 ’m giving 3 ’m going to 4 aren’t going to 5 am I going to 6 is taking 7’m having 8 aren’t having 9 are coming 10 is happening 11 is happening 12 ’m opening 13 ’m appearing 14 aren’t appearing 15 ’re appearing


7 1 ’m going to do 2 hope to get 3 ’d like to work 4 ’m going to travel 5 ’ll probably go 6 ’d really like to do 7 hope to go 8 ’d like to be

8 A sorrend: 1 B 2 I 3 H 4 E 5 J 6 A 7 D 8 C 9 F 10 G

9 1 great 2 goes 3 all 4 too 5 best 6 success 7 same 8 wishing

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Olvasott szöveg értése

1 A 2 D 3 B 4 H 5 E 6 G

Nyelvtan 2

10 1 mustn’t 2 must 3 must 4 must 5 mustn’t 6 mustn’t 7 must

11 1 have to 2 have to 3 are not allowed to 4 have to 5 are not allowed to 6 are not allowed to 7 have to 8 are not allowed to


12 1 better 2 terrible 3 cold / wet 4 wet /cold 5 disgusting 6 small / dark 7 dark / small 8 boring 9 stupid 10 miserable 11 good 12 perfect 13 hot / sunny 14 sunny / hot 15 delicious 16 big / light 17 light / big 18 interesting 19 funny 20 happy

13 1 and 2 but 3 so 4 because 5 because 6 so 7 and 8 but

14 1 am 2 are having 3 went 4 saw 5 had 6 ate 7 have visited 8 have done 9 are driving 10 will call

Culture focus

1 Many rare animals, such as giant tortoises, sea birds and dolphins.

2 In 1859, when Charles Darwin wrote about them.

3 Ecuador.

4 Illegal fishing, animals that have been brought to the islands and tourism.

Unit 6


1 A 1 abroad 2 first 3 unique 4 last 5 loads of 6 falling

B 1 abroad 2 unique 3 last 4 loads of 5 first 6 falling

2 A 1 f 2 a 3 g 4 c 5 b / h 6 d 7 b / h 8 e

B 1 passed 2 earn 3 provide 4 pay 5 find 6 applied for 7 offers 8 pays

C 1 take part in 2 protect 3 build 4 look after 5 training 6 provide 7 reference 8 apply for 9 take up 10 am looking for 11 work 12 build up


3 1 ’ve been having 2 ’ve been living 3 ’ve been sharing 4 ’ve been doing 5 ’ve been building up / developing 6 ’ve been learning 7 ’ve been trying 8 has been helping / looking after 9 ’ve been spending 10 haven’t been thinking

4 1 Some governments have been trying to protect the environment for twenty years.

2 Have you been working at the TV studios since May?

3 Bill’s been thinking about buying a new car for months.

4 Lesley hasn’t been living in Meg’s flat since last Christmas.

5 You’ve been eating too much since the holiday.

6 We’ve been looking forward to seeing you for weeks.

7 What have you been doing since last summer?

8 I haven’t been learning Spanish for very long.

9 Thomas has been Íráskészség his History essay since Saturday morning.

10 Have you been waiting for me for hours?

5 1 I’ve been wondering 2 has been giving me 3 has sent 4 Have you found 5 have you seen 6 I’ve been having 7 has moved 8 has been trying 9 have watched 10 I’ve been playing


6 1 How can I help you? 2 I’m ringing about 3 What would you like to know? 4 Could you tell me how many hours would be required? 5 what is the hourly rate? 6 necessary to have experience 7 it be possible for you to send me

7 1 Why don’t you (verb)? 2 Maybe you could (verb)? 3 How about (verb + -ing)? 4 I could never do that because... 5 Now that’s more like it! 6 That’s a good idea, but...

8 A 1 C 2 B 3 C 4 A 5 A

B 1 Why don’t you 2 I could never do that because 3 Maybe you could 4 That’s a good idea but 5 How about 6 Now that’s more like it!

Felkészülés az érettségire

Olvasott szöveg értése

1 E 2 I 3 C 4 G 5 H 6 A 7F 8 J 9 B

Nyelvtan 2

9 A 1 interested in 2 good at 3 looking forward to going 4 fed up with 5 correct 6 tired of

B 1 Tony’s keen on swimming after school every day.

2 He’s fed up with cooking lunch on Sunday.

3 He’s good at playing in goal for the football team.

4 He’s tired of helping his mother at home.

5 He’s interested in doing a course on the environment.

6 He’s looking forward to seeing the new James Bond film.

10 1 don’t mind waiting 2 enjoys / doesn’t mind / doesn’t feel like walking 3 can’t help thinking 4 fancy meeting 5 can’t stand / don’t mind hearing 6 don’t feel like going out 7 enjoys / can’t stand / doesn’t mind / fancies listening 8 don’t mind / don’t feel like coming

11 1 Learning how to play a musical instrument can be very hard work.

2 Scientists believe eating the wrong food can damage your brain.

3 I can’t believe that drinking milk is so good for you.

4 Watching a video at home is a good way to relax.

5 Smoking in public places such as restaurants should be stopped.

6 My mother says taking exercise helps you to sleep well.

7 Íráskészség a diary is a great way to practise your English.

8 In most countries wearing a car seat belt is necessary.



12 1 Name 2 19 3 British 4 Permanent address 5 Education and qualifications 6 Maths and Geography 7 December 8 DJ for The Pits Nightclub, Ilford 9 2002 10 windsurfing, films

13 A 1 in 2 to 3 in 4 to 5 for 6 of 7 at / in 8 with 9 of 10 in 11 on 12 to

B 1 Dear Mr Matheson

2 Yours sincerely

3 Steven Brown

Culture focus

1 To raise money for charity.

2 They can meet people and have some fun.

3 Fun runs and hitchhiking.

4 They can help to run an event, or set up a completely new challenge.


Unit 7


1 A People who take part in sports: team, coach, player

People who watch sports: spectator, fan, viewer, (coach)

B 1 team 2 coach

C 1 win 2 spectators 3 train 4 beat 5 joined 6 viewers 7 take part in 8 practise 9 watching 10 game

2 1 roller coaster 2 homework 3 businessmen 4 jetskiing 5 snowboarding 6 pushcart 7 lifestyle

3 Lehetséges válaszok

2 a bit / slightly embarrassed 3 extremely / spectacularly exciting 4 pretty / rather dangerous 5 extremely relaxing 6 rather / pretty easy


4 A 1 had already seen 2 had taken 3 had already told 4 had never experienced 5 hadn’t eaten 6 Had you asked 7 hadn’t bought 8 had already decided

B 1 2, 1 2 1, 2 3 1, 2 4 1, 2 5 1, 2 6 2, 1

5 1 had bought 2 got on 3 was 4 started 5 broke off 6 was 7 started 8 opened 9 saw 10 realised 11 had eaten 12 was 13 woke up 14 saw 15 had written 16 laughed 17 had looked 18 had taken


6 1 What are the adventure sports that you’ve tried?

2 When did you go rafting?

3 How long have you been cycling?

4 Why do you like climbing?

5 What do you need to wear for this sport?

6 Do you have any advice to give us about trekking?

7 A a We wanted to find out b so we c We discovered d Only one person e The conclusion we drew

B 1 ten 2 twelve 3 Three 4 exciting 5 difficult 6 amazing

Nyelvtan 2

8 A tanulók saját válaszai.

9 1 b 2 c 3 b 4 a 5 c 6 a 7 b 8 b 9 c 10 b

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Hallott szöveg értése

1 D 2 D 3B 4 C


10 A 1 b 2 d 3 c 4 a

B 1 No 2 No 3 Yes 4 No (unless students think ‘good shoes and waterproof clothes’ = special clothes)

C Paragraph 1 – c Paragraph 2 – d Paragraph 3 – a Paragraph 4 – e Paragraph 5 – b

11 A 1 Paragliding is the simplest way to fly. / The simplest way to fly is paragliding.

2 You can try paragliding is you’re over 16.

3 I am Íráskészség to tell you about an activity my family enjoys.

4 Don’t try to paraglide if the weather is bad.

5 So why not have a go?

6 You can go paragliding all over the world.

7 You take off from a hill and let the air take you up.

8 It is an amazing way to see the countryside.

9 You have to fly with a teacher at the beginning.

10 It doesn’t take long to learn the basics.

B Lehetséges válaszok

saying why you are Íráskészség 3

background to the activity 1, 6

description of the activity 2, 7, 10

some advice about doing the activity 4, 9

conclusion, recommending the activity to other people 8, 5

C Lehetséges sorrend: 3, 1, 6, 2, 10, 7, 9, 4, 8, 5

Culture focus

1 A mixture of talent and hard work.

2 Baseball.

3 He started playing with his brother, who kept beating him, so he worked hard to become a better player.

4 For his courage, determination and positive approach to life.

Unit 8


1 1 impolite 2 unselfish 3 unlike 4 impossible 5 illegal 6 untidy 7 irresponsible 8 unhappy 9 irregular 10 impractical

2 A 1 puzzled 2 haunt 3 wonder 4 disturbed 5 surprised 6 hunt 7 shocked 8 wander

B 1 quite 2 haunt 3 disturbed 4 missed 5 hunt 6 surprised 7 quiet 8 mist 9 puzzled 10 wander 11 shocked 12 wonder


3 A 1 snows, ’ll make 2 will marry, asks 3 win, ’ll play 4 doesn’t work, ’ll fail 5 will be, don’t tell 6 won’t pass, don’t work 7 don’t come, will they come 8 is, won’t go

B 1 If it’s sunny tomorrow, we will go to the beach.

2 If we get a dog, will you look after it?

3 If Jack doesn’t drive more carefully, he will fail the driving test.

4 If Judith doesn’t find her car keys in the next ten minutes, she will have to take the bus to work.

5 Will you go to the football match on Saturday if it doesn’t rain?

6 Sophie will go to work tomorrow, if she feels better.

7 I won’t come with you tomorrow if my brother visits me.

8 If we get back late from the concert tonight, we ’ll be very quiet.

4 A 1 If I bought the car, I’d be able to drive very fast.

2 If I drove very fast, the police would stop me.

3 If the police stopped me, I’d lose my driving licence.

4 If I lost my driving licence, I wouldn’t need a car.

B A mondatokat minden tanuló maga fejezi be.

1 If I met a famous pop star, I would ask him/her …

2 If I was / were a singer, I would sing with …

3 If I could have any job in the world, I would be …

4 If I saw a robbery, I would tell …

5 If I had a video camera, I would film …

6 If I won the lottery, I would buy …

5 A 1 a see, b will you ask 2 a would buy, b had 3 a will go, b passes 4 a would leave, b won 5 a doesn’t like, b will change 6 a would tell, b knew 7 a would give up, b gave 8 a increase, b won’t buy

B 1 a 2 b 3 a 4 b


6 1 C 2 B 3 A 4 D

7 A 1 d 2 b 3 a 4 e 5 c

B 1 what happened to me last Monday! 2 What? 3 looking out of the window 4 was stealing their computer! 5 What did you do? 6 could I do? 7 phoned the police 8 not going to believe what happened 9 man brought the computer back 10 repaired it!

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Hallott szöveg értése

C Sam drove the car not Becky.

F They had a car radio.

G The man escaped from prison.

H The man had a hook instead of his right arm.

Nyelvtan 2

8 A 1 should / ought to take 2 shouldn’t pay 3 ought to / should take 4 should / ought to be 5 should / ought to see 6 should / ought to pay 7 shouldn’t miss

B 1 She should go to bed early.

2 She shouldn’t drive so fast.

3 He should wear a coat.

4 She should go to the dentist.

Íráskészség a

9 1 was staying 2 had 3 happened 4 were coming 5 was looking 6 belonged 7 remembered 8 told 9 was 10 rented 11 were playing 12 experienced

10 Lehetséges válaszok

1 Melanie and Steve arrived at the pretty hotel and went up to their room, which had an amazing view of the old city.

2 I opened the door slowly to find a young man standing there, holding a faded photograph of my father in his hand.

3 We were driving quickly down the steep hill towards the sparkling sea when my father started shouting.

4 The beautiful girl was sitting on the park bench, singing quietly to herself and throwing pieces of stale bread to the ducks.

11 1 woke 2 was ringing 3 switched 4 saw 5 got 6 went 7 picked 8 was crying 9 said 10 asked 11 stopped 12 didn’t hear 13 seemed 14 went 15 looked 16 wasn’t connected 17 was 18 felt 19 knew 20 had definitely heard

Culture focus

1 Its coastline, the carnival, the statue of Christ on Corcovado mountain.

2 It was built to celebrate 100 years of Brazilian independence.

3 He climbed the statue and parachuted off one of Christ’s hands.

4 Many people were angry because they thought it was disrespectful.

Unit 9


1 A 1 during / in 2 for 3 by 4 at, on 5 in / during 6 until

B 1 a until b at c correct 2 a during / in b correct c in 3 a correct b on c by 4 a for b in c correct

2 A 1 come up with 2 find out 3 set up 4 come out 5 make up

B 1 set up 2 made up 3 find out 4 came out 5 has come up with

C 1 made up 2 set up 3 came out 4 Find out


3 A 1 Emails are sent down telephone lines.

2 Are these shoes made in Italy?

3 Robbie Williams was interviewed on television yesterday

4 The newspaper is delivered to our house.

5 Coffee isn’t grown in Europe.

6 This car is powered by electricity.

7 Was football first played in England?

8 The lottery winners weren’t announced last night.

9 These elephants were kept in a zoo until last year.

10 Was the marathon shown on TV?

B 1 is played 2 was formed 3 is chosen 4 was given 5 are held 6 was made 7 are kept 8 was sent 9 is celebrated 10 was discovered

4 1 French and English are spoken here.

2 The car was repaired last week.

3 The best cakes are made in Germany.

4 Computer games are sold in bookshops now.

5 The article was written in a hotel in Croatia.

6 The aeroplane engines are built in Chicago.

7 The bank in our town was robbed last night.

8 New trees were planted in the parks after the storm.

5 1 America was discovered by Christopher Columbus.

2 Millions of newspapers are sold every day.

3 Sometimes dolphins are caught in fishing nets.

4 A lot of pollution is caused by fumes from cars.

5 The PC was developed by scientists in Miami in 1981.

6 The Mona Lisa was painted by Leonardo da Vinci.

7 Scotland was invaded by the Vikings in the 8th century.

8 Fresh fruit and vegetables are delivered to the supermarkets.

9 This afternoon the winning football team was driven round the city on an open top bus.

10 The wheel was invented over five thousand years ago.

6 1 took place 2 changed 3 was thrown 4 was born 5 called 6 thought 7 were sold 8 were made 9 are used 10 are connected 11 are employed 12 depend


7 A A kép: exercise, don’t smoke, healthy diet, gym, keep fit, walk

B kép: qualifications, questions, application, CV, letter, qualities, job interview

B 1 This picture shows 2 represents 3 She looks 4 I think 5 The second picture shows 6 He looks 7 can be 8 experience

C 1 keep fit 2 gym 3 walk 4 exercise 5 healthy diet 6 don’t smoke 7 CV 8 qualities 9 qualifications 10 application 11 letter 12 questions

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Hallott szöveg értése

1 It’s a waste of money. / Takes a long time / It’s not worth it.

2 solving problems on Earth / pollution / helping the starving

3 Australia

4 People will live there.

5 It would only cost a dollar a year for each American.

6 It’s challenging and exciting.

7 Someone will set foot on Mars.

Olvasott szöveg értése

1 F 2 A 3 G 4 B 5 D

Nyelvtan 2

8 1 worried about 2 angry with 3 good at 4 interested in 5 proud of

9 1 of 2 between 3 to 4 with 5 on

10 1 at 2 into 3 to 4 about 5 on


11 Email 1: A, J, C, E, L, H, N

Email 2: I, K, G, B, D (or D, B), M, F

12 A Dear Mr Hadley

I have written the report you requested on the use of the facilities in Westgate Park. I have attached it to this email. I hope it will be useful for your presentation on the town’s facilities.

Yours sincerely

Fran Smith

B 1 How are 2 are you doing 3 Do you fancy / How about 4 Bye / See you later

13 Dear Cindy

Thanks for your message. Great to hear from you. Let’s meet on Saturday. Are you free? Give me a ring tonight.

Best wishes


Culture focus

1 ‘delicious and refreshing’.

2 ‘Coca-Cola’ has replaced tea as Britain’s most popular drink.

3 ‘Coca-Cola’ sponsors global events.

4 Only a third of the sales are in North America, although it is an American company.


Unit 10


1 1 catch / take 2 take / catch 3 get on 4 get off 5 park 6 ride 7 get into / take 8 drive 9 miss 10 lands

2 1 trip 2 flight 3 ride 4 travel 5 package 6 sightseeing 7 journey 8 tour

3 1 face 2 made our way 3 are manufactured 4 grinned 5 set off


4 1 worked 2 lived 3 were staying 4 hadn’t seen 5 hadn’t enjoyed 6 had played 7 would post 8 wouldn’t want

5 1... if they liked skiing. 2 when we were going on the Geography trip. 3... if I had lived in Berlin for a long time. 4... if they were scared of spiders. 5... how many brothers and sisters he had got. 6... how far it was to the sports centre. 7... if he wanted to see a film. 8... if they had had a good holiday.

6 1 Kay asked Debra if she had had a good weekend.

2 Dan asked Beth if she was coming to the party on Saturday.

3 Our neighbours asked us when we had got back from our holiday.

4 The teacher asked me if I had seen the class register.

5 Will asked the waiter if he could have a large portion of chips.

6 Ben told Paula he didn’t know her email address.

7 1 wanted 2 choose 3 decided 4 asked 5 could 6 told 7 were having 8 said 9 was 10 was taking place / would take place 11 was 12 would look forward to 13 arrived 14 came 15 was wearing 16 was wearing 17 was 18 had said

Felkészülés az érettségire

Hallott szöveg értése

1 simple supper 2 talking quietly 3 enjoy living in 4 it’s heavy

5 help you 6 shouting / arguing


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