Neurologist: S.P. Khomiakova ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 4 из 4 Signature: /Signature/
Stamp: Polyclinic * Federal clinical research center of Dmitriy Rogachev children’s hematology, oncology and immunology center * Ministry of Healthcare of Russia * ID 1027739507212 * for certificates
Federal State publicly-funded institution “Federal clinical research center of Dmitriy Rogachev children’s hematology, oncology and immunology center” Of Ministry of Healthcare of Russia
Date and time: July 04, 2016 2.2 Repeated consultation of medical specialist, doctor of medical sciences (higher doctorate)
Medical records card No.: 41945 Patient’s full name: Filimonchik Viktoriia Alekseevna Age: 21 months 1 week Date of birth: September 26, 2014 Place of residence: Yaroslavl oblast, town of Yaroslavl, ulitsa Uglichskaia Str., house 21, Apt. 14
Complains: of OD redness STATUS OCULORUM: Vis OD = spatial vision Vis OS = spatial vision Deviation: OD – converg to 10 Eyeglobes position in orbit: height OD<OS Eyeglobes mobility: OD limited mobility outwardly. Fine nystagmus is observed periodically in direct look. Eyelids closure is incomplete in OD. On examination: OS is quiet. OD – conjunctival injection. Cornea: OD – multiple areas of keratopathy. Corneal reflex is absent in OD. Pupil: OD<OS. OD – photoreaction is direct and consensual OD<OS. Eye fundus: OD – behind the haze. OS – optic disc is pale-pink, with sharp contours. Pathway and caliber of vessels is almost unchanged. MZ, periphery is without abnormalities. Additional methods of examination: soft contact lens on OD Conclusion: Paresis n.abducens, n.facialis, n.ophthalmicus. No data on intracranial hypertension in eye fundus was obtained. OD – eye fundus is behind the haze. Recommendations: 1. Soft contact lens sph-0,5 BC 8,2 for the right eye (scheduled replacement once every 7-10 days) 2. Corneregel®/ Solcoseryl® 8 times per day into right eye, 3. Complete occlusion of right eye during sleep. 4. VitA-pos® apply on lower eyelid before bed. Date of examination: July 04, 2016 Diagnosis: H49.2 Sixth [abducent] nerve palsy Clinical description: Time of examination: 10:35 Ophthalmologist: O.A. Boginskaia Signature: /Signature/
Stamp: Polyclinic * Federal clinical research center of Dmitriy Rogachev children’s hematology, oncology and immunology center * Ministry of Healthcare of Russia * ID 1027739507212 * for certificates
Federal State publicly-funded institution “Federal clinical research center of Dmitriy Rogachev children’s hematology, oncology and immunology center” Of Ministry of Healthcare of Russia
Date and time: July 04, 2016 Consultation of medical specialist
Medical records card No.: 41945 Patient’s full name: Filimonchik Viktoriia Alekseevna Age: 21 months 1 week Date of birth: September 26, 2014 Place of residence: Yaroslavl oblast, town of Yaroslavl, ulitsa Uglichskaia Str., house 21, Apt. 14 Complains: of disordered motor activity of right limbs, swallowing difficulty, installed tracheostomy. Medical case history: on March 30, 2016 surgical treatment of atypical teratoid rhabdoid tumor was performed, on 5th day tracheostomy was performed due to bulbar palsy development. Feeding is through nasogastric tube and also anatomically naturally. Choking troubles, liquids and solids sanitize from trachea. Currently patient has metastases into spinal cord. Rhinoscopy: nasal respiration: conducted, on right side – nasogastric tube. Nasal cavity mucosa is pale, wet. General nasal passages: without abnormal secretion. Pharyngoscopy: oropharyngeal cavity: palatine arches: contour sharply, of pink color, palatine tonsils: at the level of palatine arches, of elastic consistency. Posterior wall of pharynx is of pink color. On external examination and neck palpation: on anterior surface of the neck at its usual position is tracheostomy with loaded cuffless tracheostomy tube Bivona No5,5. Mother takes care of tracheostomy and tube herself, she is able to change it herself once a week. Conclusion: tracheostomy. Constant bearer of tracheal tube. Dysphagia. Bulbar palsy. Recommendations: Diagnostic fiber-optic laryngotracheoscopy under anesthesia. - Replacement of tracheostomy tube on tube No.4 with a cuff, preferably by Shiley.
Otolaryngologist: O.K. Timofeeva Signature: /Signature/ Stamp: Polyclinic * Federal clinical research center of Dmitriy Rogachev children’s hematology, oncology and immunology center * Ministry of Healthcare of Russia * ID 1027739507212 * for certificates
Federal State publicly-funded institution “Federal clinical research center of Dmitriy Rogachev children’s hematology, oncology and immunology center” Of Ministry of Healthcare of Russia
Date and time: July 06, 2016 2.2 Repeated consultation of medical specialist
Medical records card No.: 41945 Patient’s full name: Filimonchik Viktoriia Alekseevna Age: 21 months 1 week Date of birth: September 26, 2014 Place of residence: Yaroslavl oblast, town of Yaroslavl, ulitsa Uglichskaia Str., house 21, Apt. 14
Examination: child with diagnosis: tracheostomy. Constant bearer of tracheal tube. Dysphagia. Bulbar palsy. Treatment conducted at time of examination: Replacement of tracheostomy tube was performed (cuffless tube No.5,5 was installed) on tube No.4 with expansion cuff system. Procedure went well. Tracheostomy channel is well-formed. Respiration through tracheostomy is satisfactory. Recommendations: - due to mother’s attempts to fees a child through the mouth, it is recommended to try this with expanded cuff. - Consider installation of gastrostomy with treating doctors.
Otolaryngologist: O.K. Timofeeva Signature: /Signature/
Stamp: Polyclinic * Federal clinical research center of Dmitriy Rogachev children’s hematology, oncology and immunology center * Ministry of Healthcare of Russia * ID 1027739507212 * for certificates
Coat of Arms of Russian Federation BIRTH CERTIFICATE
_________________________________ Filimonchik ___________________________________ last name ________ ______________________Viktoriia Alekseevna _______________________________ name, patronymic was born on ______________________ September 26, 2014 ____________________________ date, month, year (in words and in figures) ____________________(twenty-sixth of September, two thousand fourteen) _______________ place of birth: _____________________ town of Perm ____________________________________ __________________________________ Perm Krai_ ____________________________________ ________________________________ Russian Federation _______________________________
the entry whereof was made in the Birth Register on the 01st of October of 2014 under No. 1467 Father _______________________________ Filimonchik ________________________________ last name ________________________________ Aleksei Viktorovich ______________________________ name, patronymic ___________________________________ Russian ______________________________________ citizenship Mother______________________________ Filimonchik _________________________________ last name ___________________________________ Olga Iurevna ________________________________ name, patronymic ____________________________________ Russian _____________________________________ citizenship
Place of state registration: _________ Department of Civil Status Registration Office of town of Perm administration (Ordzhonikidze department) of Perm Krai_______________________ (name of Civil Status Registration Office authority) Date of issue: October 01, 2014
Head of Civil Status Registration Office authority ____/ Signature/____ Iu.V. Melnichuk
Seal: Town of Perm administration * Department of Civil Status Registration Office of town of Perm administration Ordzhonikidze department * Coat of Arms of Russian Federation III-ВГ No. 601860
57 14 183790 |
Sex | Last name, name, patronymic | Date of birth | Personal code |
Female | Filimonchik | 26. 09. 2014 | Signature |
Viktoriia | |||
Alekseevna | |||
Seal: Russian Federation * Federal Migration Service * 760-002 * Coat of Arms of Russian Federation
57 14 183790
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