Chest, abdomen, small pelvis MSCT
Full name: Filimonchik Viktoriia Alekseevna Sex: female Date of birth (age): September 26, 2016 (1 year old) Payment: by patient Contrast agent: consent for contrast administration is received. No abnormal reactions during contrast administration. Ultravist 300 Description: scanning is performed according to standard method with following MR reconstructions in sagittal and frontal planes. Chest: Lungs of usual airness. Postinflammatory areas of pulmonary interstice are observed in upper lobes of both lungs and basal areas of lower lobes. New foci of infiltration of pulmonary tissue are not detected. Trachea and bronchi are patulous, lumens are not deformed, walls are not changed. No free fluid in pleural and pericardium cavity. Mediastinum is in midline, not enlarged. Thymus is of usual location, homogenous. Single not enlarged lymph nodes are visualized in mediastinum. Small number of lymph nodes measuring from 3 to 8 mm is observed in axillary area. Abdominal cavity: Distal end of nasogastric tube is in duodenum. Liver is slightly enlarged (vertical size is 115 mm), of usual location, with smooth sharp contour. Structure is homogenous. Intra- and extrahepatic bile ducts are not dilated. Portal vein is not dilated. Gall bladder of usual location, walls are not thickened, no radiodense concretions in its lumen. Spleen is not enlarged, with smooth contours, homogenous. Splenic veins and mesenteric vessels are not dilated. Pancreas is not enlarged, with smooth and sharp contours, homogenous. Pancreatic duct is not dilated. Adrenal glands are of usual shape and location, homogenous. Kidneys are not enlarged, contours are smooth and sharp. Corticomedullary differentiation is preserved. Renal collecting systems are not dilated. Radiodense stones in kidneys and ureters cavities are not detected. Contrast agent evacuation from both sides is timely. No enlarged lymph nodes are evidently detected in abdominal and retroperitoneal space. Urinary bladder is of adequate content, walls are equal in thickness. No intraluminal mass is detected. No free fluid is observed in abdominal cavity and small pelvis. Bones at the level of scanning are without signs of secondary lesion. Conclusion: postinflammatory changes of both lungs parenchyma. Slight hepatomegaly.
X-ray technician: A. P. Shcherbakov /Signature/ Date: July 09, 2016
Stamp: Polyclinic * Federal clinical research center of Dmitriy Rogachev children’s hematology, oncology and immunology center * Ministry of Healthcare of Russia * ID 1027739507212 * for certificates
Federal State publicly-funded institution “Federal clinical research center of Dmitriy Rogachev children’s hematology, oncology and immunology center” Of Ministry of Healthcare of Russia 117997, city of Moscow, ul. Samory Mashela Str., h.1 Tel.: (495) 937-50-24, fax: (495) 936-22-26, e-mail: info@hiidg.ru Department of functional diagnostics Video-EEG monitoring
Patient’s full name: V.A. Filimonchik Age: 1 year 9 months Date of screening: July 07, 2016 Diagnosis: Malignant neoplasm of brain stem. Condition after surgical treatment. Installed Ommaya reservoir, tracheostomy. Conditions of EEG-monitoring: EEG-monitoring was performed in unipolar lead, electrodes were placed according to international protocol “10-20” with joint referential ear-clip electrodes, with single-channel ECG registration. Sensitivity 10 mkV/mm, speed – 30 mm/sec, High-pass filter – 70 Hz, low-pass filter – 0,5 Hz. Impedance: less than 10 kOhm. Description: EEG-monitoring was conducted with video registration for 30 minutes. There are multiple artifacts in recording associated with rocking a child. Analyzing traces without artifacts, child’s condition is awake: eyes are always open, attention is captured, with provocation testing (rhythmic photostimulation). Sedative therapy: finlepsin, atarax. Conclusion: background activity is dysrhythmical, poorly organized, main cortical rhythm is registered unmodulated in parieto-occipital areas with range and index more in right hemisphere, index is decreased on the left due to registration in fronto-temporal areas high frequency, high-amplitude monographic artifact during the whole period of screening. Frequency-response characteristics of cortical rhythm (frequency 5-6-6,5 Hz) – at the lower margin of age-appropriate norm. Time of age-related electrogenesis maturing – satisfactory. Epileptiform activity during wakefulness and provocation testing is not detected. According to synchronized video registration, no seizures were observed. Few attempts to cry were seen, as so facial asymmetry was reordered, manifesting in flattening of nasolabial fold on the right, shifting of mouth angle, palpebral fissure were not closed – intensification of myographic reset in elecrodes of left hemisphere was detected on EEG. Recommended repeated screening in dynamics in 4-6 months.
Doctor: O.A. Serdyuk Signature: / Signature/
Stamp: Polyclinic * Federal clinical research center of Dmitriy Rogachev children’s hematology, oncology and immunology center * Ministry of Healthcare of Russia * ID 1027739507212 * for certificates
Federal State publicly-funded institution “Federal clinical research center of Dmitriy Rogachev children’s hematology, oncology and immunology center” Of Ministry of Healthcare of Russia Video-EEG monitoring Patient’s full name: Filimonchik Viktoriia Alekseevna; Sex: female; age: 1 year Date of screening: July 07, 2016 Federal State publicly-funded institution “Federal clinical research center of Dmitriy Rogachev children’s hematology, oncology and immunology center” ЧТО ПРОИСХОДИТ, КОГДА МЫ ССОРИМСЯ Не понимая различий, существующих между мужчинами и женщинами, очень легко довести дело до ссоры... ЧТО ТАКОЕ УВЕРЕННОЕ ПОВЕДЕНИЕ В МЕЖЛИЧНОСТНЫХ ОТНОШЕНИЯХ? Исторически существует три основных модели различий, существующих между... ЧТО И КАК ПИСАЛИ О МОДЕ В ЖУРНАЛАХ НАЧАЛА XX ВЕКА Первый номер журнала «Аполлон» за 1909 г. начинался, по сути, с программного заявления редакции журнала... Живите по правилу: МАЛО ЛИ ЧТО НА СВЕТЕ СУЩЕСТВУЕТ? Я неслучайно подчеркиваю, что место в голове ограничено, а информации вокруг много, и что ваше право... Не нашли то, что искали? Воспользуйтесь поиском гугл на сайте: