Сдам Сам



Заняття 2.1 Роль освіти у сучасному світі

Пояснювальна записка

Методичні рекомендації, що містять завдання до практичних занять, складено з метою допомоги студентам І та ІІ курсу спеціальностей «Товарознавство в митній справі» та «Комерційна діяльність» у підготовці до практичних занять з дисципліни «Іноземна мова». До збірника включені теми розділу «Освіта сучасної людини». При складанні рекомендацій використовувалися головні методичні принципи інтенсивного навчання – принципи наступності навчання, рольової організації навчального процесу, сконцентрованості та колективної співпраці.

Основною метою даних методичних рекомендацій є допомога студентам в їх роботі над опрацюванням лексичного матеріалу німецької мови під час підготовки до занять, забезпечення розвитку аналітичного читання, розуміння та перекладу іншомовних джерел.

Дані методичні рекомендації складаються з тем. Кожна тема містить основний текст. Перед читанням пропонується ознайомитися із лексикою, щоб підготувати студентів до активного сприйняття тексту і ціле спрямувати на пошук інформації у ньому. Післятекстові завдання градуйовано за рівнем складності і дозволяють не лише перевірити розуміння і закріпити необхідні лексичні одиниці, але й дати студентам можливість висловити свою точку зору. Основними типами лексичних вправ і завдань є вправи на коментування, вибір лексичної одиниці, кросворд, переклад

Загалом матеріали методичних рекомендацій стимулюють розвиток пізнавальних інтересів студентів та сприяють підвищенню мотивації до вивчення іноземних мов.



Тематичний план

№ теми Назва розділу і теми Кількість годин
Практичні заняття Самостійна робота Усього
Розділ 2. Освіта сучасної людини
1. Роль освіти у сучасному світі      
2. Дошкільна та середня освіта в Україні.      
3. Вища освіта в Україні.      
4. Дошкільна та середня освіта у Великобританії.      
5. Вища освіта у Великобританії.      
6. Порівняльна характеристика систем освіти в Україні та Великобританії.      
7. Роль бібліотеки у вищій освіті.      
8. Сучасні засоби комунікації та технології.      
9. Комп’ютерне обладнання та основні операції.      
10. Всесвітня мережа.      
11. Веб-ресурси. Улюблені сайти.      
12. Електронний лист.      
13. Інтернет-кафе.      
14. Міжнародні програми обміну студентів.      
15. Творчість студентів.      
16. Молодіжні організації у Німеччині.      
17. Самоосвіта – запорука успіху.      
18. Праця – обов’язок кожного громадянина.      
19. Вибір професії.      
20. Різноманітність професій.      
21. Запорука успіху в діловій сфері життя.      
22. У пошуках роботи.      
23. Анкета на працевлаштування.      
24. Резюме.      
25. Співбесіда при прийомі на роботу.      


Розділ ІІ

Освіта сучасної людини

Заняття 2.1 Роль освіти у сучасному світі

Read and translate the following texts. Do the tasks.

Significance of Education in Our Life


Education is the process of learning and knowing, which is not restricted to our school text-books. It is a holistic process and continues through our life. Even the regular happenings and events around us educate us, in one or the other way. It would not be an exaggeration to say that the existence of human beings is fruitless without education. An educated person has the ability to change the world, as he/she is brimming with confidence and assured of making the right moves. The lecture dwells on the importance of education in our lives. Listen to know what meaning it holds for all of us.


a) Find the following English equivalents in the text above:

цілісний; перебільшення; даремний; наповнюватися по вінця; детально зупинятися.


Makes Better Citizens

Education makes a worthy contribution to our lives, by making us responsible citizens. We get to know our history and culture through education and imbibe those values. Education opens our mind and expands our horizon. It enables us to understand our duties as a citizen and encourages us to follow them. There is no denying the fact that an educated person is a better citizen.

b) Find the following English equivalents in the text above:

гідний внесок; всмоктувати (вбирати); заохочувати.


Ensures a Productive Future

Education is futuristic in character, in so far that it ensures that the one who receives good education gets a secure future. Our productivity is increased by acquiring new skills and talents through education. We find ourselves in the most competitive jobs, courtesy the right training and education. The importance of education is evident by the dizzy heights we achieve in life.

с) Find the following English equivalents in the text above:

міфічний; ставитися ввічливо; запаморочливий.


Opens New Vistas

The significance of education, for a great part, lies in its ability to open new vistas for us. It expands our outlook and teaches us to be tolerant towards other views. An educated person will find it easier to understand a different point of view than the one who is uneducated. Education broadens our mental landscape and is the way forward to greater enlightenment - the ultimate goal of every human in life.

d) Find the following English equivalents in the text above:

перспектива; кругозір; освіченість; першочерговий.


Spreads Awareness

Awareness is a virtue in itself, given that the lack of awareness is lamented everywhere. Education spreads awareness, informing us about our rights and the services that we can access. On the most basic notes, it teaches us to differentiate between right and wrong. For most part of our lives, we falter in dichotomizing right and wrong, but the right education gives us the right answers.

е) Find the following English equivalents in the text above:

усвідомлення; чеснота; наголошувати; вагатися; ділитися на дві частини.


Helps in Decision-Making

Decision making is an integral part of our life. We have to take decisions throughout our lives and sometimes, decision making can be a very tough and challenging process. It can leave us perplexed and often wondering, as to what is the right choice. Education is significant, because it enable us to take the right decisions and prevents losses.

f) Find the following English equivalents in the text above:

складний; спантеличений; запобігати.


Bolsters Confidence

An educated person is a confident person. Education fosters a positive outlook and allows us to believe in ourselves. Self-belief is the most wanted trait in a human being and education leads us towards relying on ourselves, making us believe that we are ready to take on the world.

g) Find the following English equivalents in the text above:

сприяти; самовпевненість.

Read and translate the poem

Children Learn What They Live
By Dorothy Law Nolte, Ph.D.

If children live with criticism, they learn to condemn.
If children live with hostility, they learn to fight.
If children live with fear, they learn to be apprehensive.
If children live with pity, they learn to feel sorry for themselves.
If children live with ridicule, they learn to feel shy.
If children live with jealousy, they learn to feel envy.
If children live with shame, they learn to feel guilty.
If children live with encouragement, they learn confidence.
If children live with tolerance, they learn patience.
If children live with praise, they learn appreciation.
If children live with acceptance, they learn to love.
If children live with approval, they learn to like themselves.
If children live with recognition, they learn it is good to have a goal.
If children live with sharing, they learn generosity.
If children live with honesty, they learn truthfulness.
If children live with fairness, they learn justice.
If children live with kindness and consideration, they learn respect.
If children live with security, they learn to have faith in themselves and in those about them.
If children live with friendliness, they learn the world is a nice place in which to live.

3. Choose the correct answer:

1. The children can get to school ten minutes earlier if they take a short … through the park.

a) cut b) link c) pass d) path

2. When Mr. Black was at school, he won first … for good behavior.

a) present b) price c) prize d) reward

3. Little Tom didn’t like his first … at school at all.

a) course b) period c) presence d) term

4. They had lunch together in the school.

a) bar b) café c) canteen d) restaurant

5. It’s your … that we’re late for school again.

a) care b) fault c) mistake d) trouble

6. You are late again – please try to be … in future.

a) accurate b)efficient c)punctual d) reliable

7. An I. Q. test is supposed to measure the … of your intelligence.

a) degree b) extent c)level d) size

8. You are not very … today, Hugh. What’s the matter? I’ve never known you so quiet.

a) chattering b) loud c) speaking d) talkative

9. Patrick … the whole morning looking for his assay, but still couldn’t find it.

a) brought b) had c) passed d) spent

10. Annie is already twelve but she hasn’t learned to … the time yet.

a) know b) read c) say d) tell

11. Rita is not … of doing this work – she should change her class.

a) capable b) fit c) possible d) suitable


I’m a teacher of French and Spanish, and I think foreign languages are one of the areas where it’s good to be creative. Young people need to learn foreign languages by speaking them and doing fun activities like role-plays instead of just doing written exercises. Of course there is some hard work in learning a language, like trying to remember all those verbs, but I think it’s a good idea to try to make classroom activities as enjoyable as possible.


I left school four years ago, and looking back, one thing I’d say about the education system is that there are too many exams. Instead of being able to enjoy learning about something, you’re always worried about when the next test is, what questions are going to be in it, and whether or not you’re going to pass. I also think there should be fewer compulsory subjects. I had to study physics until I was 16 but I never had any interest in it, and I’ve now forgotten everything I learned. It feels like it was a waste of time.


As a teacher for more than thirty years, I think these days there’s too much emphasis on letting young people ‘express themselves’ in the classroom, and not enough emphasis on discipline. Most of my colleagues have problems with pupils who are always messing around in lessons. These kids don’t respect the teachers or the other pupils, and we shouldn’t have to put up with them – it should be easier to suspend or expel them if they don’t behave.


These days you see so many young people who can’t seem to write anything, not even a short email, without lots of spelling and punctuation mistakes. When I was at school the education system used to concentrate on reading, writing and maths – and sometimes, as a parent of young children myself, I worry that we’ve now moved too far away from that.


Read and retell the jokes.

* * *

Professor: You can't sleep in my class.

Student: If you didn't talk so loud, I could.

* * *

Professor's wife (rushing in): My goodness! Our little Molly has been drinking all the ink in the ink-bottle. What shall we do?

Professor (absent-mindedly): I’ll have to write with a pencil, my dear.

Заняття 2.6

Be true to your school

When some loud braggart* tries to put me ___(1)___

And says his school is great

I tell him right away

“Now what's the ___(2)___ buddy?

Ain't you heard of my school?

It's number __(3)___ in the state.”


So be true to your school now

Just like you would to your girl or guy

Be true to your school now

And let your colors fly

Be true to your school


I got a letterman's s__(4)___

With a letter __(5)___

I got for football and track

I'm proud to w__(6)___ it now

When I cruise around

The other parts of the town

I got a decal* __(7)___


On Friday we'll be jacked up* on the football game

And I'll be ready to fight

We're gonna smash 'em* now

My girl will be working on her pom-poms now

And she'll be yelling* tonight


The Beach Boys


7. Match the words from the song and their definitions:

braggart strong and excited
decal defeat
jacked up a person who boasts a lot (talks with unreasonable pride)
smash shouting
yelling a drawing for sticking or printing onto a surface


8. Put each of the following words or phrases into correct place in the passage below:

amount calendar class hours college selecting
course credits curriculum electives  
graduation major number opportunity  
outlines prospectus specified subjects  
requirement technical three week  


Selecting courses

The course given by a … or university are called its curriculum. The … of the institutions … the complete …. It gives the … for entry to each course, as well as the credits given for the ….

Each course is designated as giving a … number of credits. These are usually equal to the number of … devoted each week to the course. For example, a course that meets three times a … usually gives … credits towards graduation. Schools using the semester … require about 120 credits for …. Between 30 and 40 of the required … must be in the student’s … subject.

Schools vary considerably in the freedom given students in … their courses. Almost all schools have a certain … of required …. Students can also usually choose nonrequired courses called …. Liberal – arts college usually students more … to choose than do … schools.

Meaning of Communication

“The single biggest problem in communication is

the illusion that it has taken place.”

George Bernard Shaw


Communication may be defined as – "A process of sharing facts, ideas, opinions, thoughts and information through speech, writing, gestures or symbols between two or more persons". This process always contains the following elements:

Sender – The person who sends the message, also known as the source.

Receiver – The person who receives the message.

Message – Subject matter of communication, which is to be transmitted between sender and receiver. It may contain facts, ideas, feelings or thoughts.

Feedback – Receiver's response or reaction or reply to the message, which is directed towards the sender.

There are various classifications of forms of communication. Basically we can distinguish between two main forms of communication, verbal and non-verbal. When we talk to others or write to them, communication takes place between us. But for such a communication, language is essential. Communication with the help of words, either spoken or written, is known as verbal communication. Similarly when we meet our friends, we shake our hand with them and smile. This is an example of non-verbal communication. Communication without any use of words is called non-verbal communication. It is mostly the body language, which includes: body posture, hand gestures, facial expression,eyescontact and voice.

Means of Communication

“When all other means of communication fail, try words”

There are various ways through which we communicate with each other. These may be called as the means of communication. In face-to-face contact we use different parts of our body or we directly talk to others while communicating our message. Where face-to-face communication is not possible, we take the help of some other means through which we usually convey our messages. For example, we may use letters to convey written messages; talk to others over telephones; send telegrams and use various other modern machines like computers, fax machine, etc. to communicate our messages. The means to be used in our communication process depend upon the purpose of communication. For example, to send any urgent message we generally use telephone; for any important matter for which a written document is required, we use letter, telegram, fax, etc.

Traditional telephone Communication was made very simple when the telephone was invented. It was the first step towards all the modern methods of communication such as electronic mail, cable television and the Internet. Alexander Graham Bell was the first to patent an "apparatus for transmitting vocal or other sounds telegraphically". The first fully intelligible telephone call occurred on March 10, 1876, in Boston, Massachusetts. From this moment the business of providing/offering telephone service was off and running. Telephones were quickly adopted nationwide, and have become a prominent part of the global communication infrastructure. The first public telephone or payphone was invented in 1889. Nowadays payphones are often found in public places, airports or train stations, shopping centres, and on street corners. They are often located in phone booths. The payphones are operated with money (usually coins), a credit card or a phone card. After the 1930s telephones didn’t change much until the introduction of the first digital cordless phone in the 1970s. A cordless telephone is a portabletelephone with a wireless handset and a base station connected to a fixed telephone line, so you can use it around the house or in the garden. Digital telephony opened the era of mobile telephones. Mobilephone Every one of us has heard of mobile phones and using one in our day to day lives. It is a small electronic device that you can carry with you and use at any time anywhere. The first cell phone, dubbed 'the brick' because of its size and weight (about 1, 15 kg) when it came on the market in 1984. The price of this monster of technology was around $3,500. It was only designed for one purpose: to call someone who have similar electronic devises. Gradually phones started getting a little smaller in size and greater in feature options, including multicolored screens instead of the traditional green/black; Short Messaging Services (SMS), Multi Media Messaging Services (MMS). Next came phones with different styles, such as flip phones, and now the touchscreen style. In the past few years, cellphones got even more functionality by adding several other applications and services, such as emailing, Internet access, voice mailing, video calling, playing music and games, GPS locations (global positioning system), photography, paging etc. Smartphone A cellular telephone with an integrated computer and other features not originally associated with telephones is called a smartphone. (Blackberries and iPhones) There are various models of mobile phones available in the market with features like general purpose phone, camera phone, business executive phones, phones for music lovers and game lovers etc. This small electronic device is the most demanding (needing a lot of ability, effort, or skill) item in the electronic field which helps for a better communication.
Pager Pagers are one-way communication devices used to notify an individual of urgent events. They were once quite widely used by people who may not have immediate access to a telephone. Despite mobile phones have largely replaced them for most users, pagers are still widely used among medical and emergency personnel as well as IT support staff. While most people with hearing loss can't take advantage of cell phones, they have access to an equivalent technology called the two-way pager that allows you to send messages as well as receive them.  
  Fax Fax (short for facsimile) is an electronic device that enables instant transmission of handwritten or printed messages like letters, diagrams, sketches (ескіз), etc. By using telephone lines this machine sends the exact copy of the document to another fax machine. Fax is the most commonly used means of written communication in business. It still considered a safer option than the Internet for the transmission of sensitive material.

Computers and the Internet

Computers have helped people move forward in science, medicine, business, and learning, because they let experts from anywhere in the world work with each other and share information. They also let other people communicate with each other, do their jobs almost anywhere, learn about almost anything, or share their opinions with each other. The Internet is the thing that lets people communicate between their computers around the world.

Since the development of the Internet, electronic communication has become almost an essential part of our lives. Social networking websites, instant messaging, video chatting and email are examples of electronic communication. With the expansion of various types of electronic communications, it is easier than ever to keep in touch with friends and family worldwide. Nowadays modern technology has given us a wide option to choose the means according to our requirement and liking. Here are just a few of the possible options for modern communication.

Video chatting

With the development of web cameras video chatting came about. Video chatting, also known as videoconferencing and video calling, mostly involves/includes communication between two people, but can also involve more. Video chat is the newest form of phone conversation. It creates the illusion that the person you are speaking to is directly in front of you.

The most common uses of videoconferencing in corporate environments are training activities and meetings, but videoconferencing is also used for sales, job interviews, customer service, product demonstrations, technical and engineering collaboration, and troubleshooting.

As long as you have an Internet connection, a web cam and video chat software, such as Skype, and computer networking, video chatting allows you to talk to anyone anywhere in the world.

Answer the questions.

1 http://www.theproblemsite.com/easter_eggs.asp?cd=116110101111108104101112In what year was the first fully intelligible telephone call made?

What is 00?

Study the new vocabulary

hardware – апаратне забезпечення, «залізо» spreadsheet – електронна таблиця
software- програмне забезпечення database – база даних
hard disc – жорсткий диск graphic - графіка
floppy disc - дискета computer-literate – той, що вміє користуватися комп’ютером
CD-ROM – компакт диск user-friendly – зручний для користувача
to click on- натискати e-mail – електронний лист
icon – іконка, значок network - мережа
word processing – електронна обробка тексту to crash - поламатися
bug/virus - вірус back-up copy – резервна копія

Operating a computer

Using the mouse, you can do a number of things by clicking on different icons (=moving the mouse to point at different pictures at the top of the screen).

What do people use computers for?

A word processor is a computer used to prepare documents or letters, or the software that is used for this purpose. Many people use their computers for word processing, e.g. writing letters and reports. A lot of business people use spreadsheets (= a program used to enter and arrange number and financial information) and database (= programs which allow you to store, look at or change a large amount of information quickly and easily). Some people also use graphics (= the pictures and symbols a computer program can produce).

Important vocabulary

More and more people are becoming computer-literate (=have experience of working with computers and know how to use them) as many programs and machines are so user-friendly (=easy to use). You can now connect your computer to computers all over the world using the Internet (= a system that allows computers to connect using telephone lines). People send each other e-mail (electronic mail) messages using this system of network. If your computer is slow it may need more memory. It may crash (= stop working) if there is not enough memory or if it has a bug (= a software problem; also a virus). Make sure you make a back-up copy of your work (= an extra copy on a floppy disc).

3. Complete the labels for these pictures.

Конец формы

Answer the questions

1. What brand is your computer?

2. What is the operating system of your computer?

3. Which Web browser does your computer use?

4. How many buttons are there on your mouse?

5. Does your computer have a CD-Rom drive?

6. How often do you write email letters?

7. Are you a member of any chat group?

3. Match the words in the box with their definitions below .

click, menu, cursor, icon, word processor

1)...is a list of computer operations.

2).. is a small picture or symbol.

3).. is software for creating text files (e.g., Microsoft Word).

4).. means to press and release the button on the mouse.

5)... is a little arrow on the screen that moves when you move the mouse.

Text A

21st-century love

Women used to drop handkerchiefs as a way of getting men’s attention. And... men used to pick them up so they had an excuse to talk to women.

That was at the beginning of the last century. Now it’s a completely different world!

Do you use emoticons?


These are called emoticons. Use them when you want to make a point or make sure that your message is understood in the “emotion” you want.

:-) Your basic smiley. This smiley is used to inflect a sarcastic or joking statement.

;-) Wink (something said tongue-in-cheek)

:-( Sad, disappointed face.

‹:-ᴏ “Eeek!”

:’-( User is crying.



Заняття: 2.12 Міжнародні програми обміну студентів

1. Read and learn the following words:

abroad закордоном main duty загальні обов’язки
accommodation житло participant учасник
assist допомагати participate брати участь
babysitting дивитись за дітьми plan ahead планувати заздалегідь
be granted бути нагородженим pocket money кишенькові гроші
day-to-day duties щоденні обов’язки provide забезпечувати
exchange обмін require вимоги
expense витрати responsibilities відповідальність
full day off повний вихідний room and board кімната та харчування
goal/aim/purpose ціль/призначення salary заробітна плата
heavy-duty chores важкі справи social horizons кругозір
host family родина, яка приймає solve problems вирішувати проблеми
household домогосподарство take care of піклуватись про
increase збільшити tolerance толерантність

2. Read and translate the text:

A student exchange program

A student exchangeprogram is a program in which a student chooses to live in a foreigncountry to learn language and culture. These programs are called 'exchanges' because originally the goal was an exchange of students between different countries. Student exchanges became popular after World War II, and have the aim of helping toincrease the participants' understanding and tolerance of other cultures, as well as improving their language skills and broadening their social horizons.

Au Pair is one of the cultural exchange programs that enables young men and women to visit a foreign country, stay there in a family, and take part (приймати участь) in everyday life. The main purpose of the program is to assist families from the receiving countries to solve their problems with babysitting, while providing an opportunity for young people to travel abroad.

Anybody aged 17 to 26 can participate in the program. An au pair should have a good knowledge of the language of the country he/she is going to. Usually, au pairs go to a foreign country for a period of 3 to 12 months. As a rule, if the program is for a year, it will be timed to coincide with the start of the academic year.

The main duty of an au pair is taking care of children (dressing, feeding, playing with them, etc.). In addition, he/she may be asked to perform other day-to-day duties in a host family's household (shopping, dusting, etc.). However, au pairs should not be required to do heavy-duty chores. In general, an au pair works 30-45 hours per week.

All au pairs shall have an opportunity to attend language courses. In such a case, the host family is to pay for an au pair's transportation to and from the place of classes and tuition expense.

Of course, free time is the biggest attractions of the program for an au pair. He/she can go out, meet new people, make friends and have fun. By the contract an au pair shall be granted at least one full day off per week and one-week paid vacation for each six-month period of his/her stay. It is advisable that you plan ahead where and what you will do during your holidays. A host family also has some responsibilities. For example, they (family) shall provide room and board as well as pocket money.

3. Answer the questions using the text and topical vocabulary:

1. What is a student exchange program?

2. What is Au Pair?

3. How long can the program last?

4. What does an au pair commonly perform?

5. How many hours a week should perform an au pair’s duties?

6. What about free time?

7. Will there be language improving opportunities?

8. What can an au pair expect from the host family?

4. Read and translate the text:

WORK AND TRAVEL USA is another popular program of cultural exchange, developed by the U.S. government. The 1-4 year full-time students of any university can take part in the Work and Travel USA. The program lasts 3-4 months and 30 days of travelling to the United States. Participants have the opportunity to work in the amusement parks, golf clubs, fast food restaurants, shops, beaches, factories of light industry, yacht clubs, casinos, etc. Salarie s can range from $7.5 to $12 per hour. Accommodation and meals will be at the expense of a participant and can range from $100 to $300 per month. Being in the U.S. surroundings, the student will be able to look inside the culture of this great country, to improve knowledge of English, to get work experience needed nowadays.

Requirements to participants. You can participate in the program if:

- you are 18 to 26 years old;

- you speak English (medium level required);

- you have no criminal records;

- you have got a good health;

- you have got a secondary education;

- you are an independent, grown-up and positively thinking person.

5. Answer the questions using the text and topical vocabulary:

1. Which programs of students exchange do you know?

2. What is the deferens between Au Pair and Work and Travel programs?

3. Would you like to be an exchange student? Why?

6. Translate into Ukrainian:

understanding and tolerance, to improve language skills, to broaden the social horizons, solve problems with babysitting, to participate in the program, to take part in everyday life, main duty, to take care of children, day-to-day duties, household, heavy-duty chores, to provide an opportunity, to travel abroad, to provide room and board, to have some responsibilities.

7. Match the following English words with their Ukrainian equivalents:

1) An exchange program 2) a foreign country 3) participant 4) increase 5) the main purpose 6) assist 7) the receiving countries 8) abroad 9) amusement 10) accommodation 11) expenses a) витрати b) головна ціль c) допомагати d) житло e) закордон f) збільшувати g) іноземна країна h) країна, що приймає i) програма обміну студентів j) розваги k) учасник


Заняття: 2.13 Творчість студентів

1. Read and learn the following words:

awarded break campaign in competition conduct contest extra-curricular force guide   нагороджений відпочинок брати участь конкурс вести конкурс/змагання поза навчальний примушувати спрямовувати взаємодіяти, opportunity participate present project research run for office staff succeed winner можливість брати участь представляти реферат науково-дослідний управляти тут викладачi мати успіх переможець

2. Read and translate the text:

Learn topical vocabulary

on behalfвід імені






occupationзаняття, фах

fill inзаповнювати



manual workerробітник фізичної праці

tradeпрофесія, заняття, ремесло

jobробота, служба, посада


mental skillsрозумові вміння


Job Definition

architect.................... designs buildings

lawyer........................ represents people with legal problems

engineer.................... plans the building of roads, bridges, machines, etc.

accountant............... controls the financial situation of people and companies

university lecturer.teaches in a university

stock-broker (stock-market)...buys and sells stocks and shares

The armed forces and the emergency services

soldier....................... (in the army)

sailor.......................... (in the navy)

pilot.............................. (in the air force)

police officer............. (in the police force)

fire-fighter................... (in the fire brigade)

10. Complete these definitions.

1. An architect designs buildings.

2. A university lecturer

3. An accountant...

4. A vet

5. A lawyer.......

6. An engineer

7.A bricklayer...

8.A stock-broker.

9.A mechanic....

11. Write down at least one job from exercise VI that would probably be impossible for these people.

1. Someone who didn’t go to university.

2. Someone with very bad eyesight (= cannot see very well).

3. Someone who is always seasick on a boat.

4. Someone who understands nothing about cars.

5. Someone who will not work in the evening or at weekends.

6. Someone who is afraid of dogs.

7. Someone who is afraid of heights and high places.

8. Someone who is terrible at numbers and figures.

9. Someone who can’t stand the sight of blood.

10. Someone who is a pacifist, who is anti-war.


Nikky Becket was yesterday named Businesswoman of the Year. She received her prize at a ceremony in London. At the age of thirty she is a chief executive and founder of a software business with offices in America, France, Germany, and Britain, and a turnover of £50 million. NSB Retail Systems provides software packages to department stores and fashion chains such as Selfridges or Debenhams. The company was founded in 1994 and now employs 600 people.

What is the secret of her success? She has always been ambitious. After school she took a summer job with IBM and stayed for fourteen years. “I then knew I wanted to run a company by the age of thirty-five and after that to have a company worth £ 0.5 billion by 2002.” Another reason is her husband, Geoff, who works part-time for the company and part-time at home looking after their two children. He took early retirement from IBM, which allowed Nikki to concentrate on her career. She doesn’t work at weekends and she takes all her holidays. Her employees can work from home if they want to and she allows them time off for their families when necessary. “I see someone’s career as a long journey. We are long-term employers,” she said, after receiving her prize from the sponsors Vueve Cliquot. These are very strong, old-fashioned values from someone at the head of such a modern, high-tech company.

2. Give English equivalents for the following:

Головний керівник; програмне забезпечення; оббіг; продаж у роздріб; пакет програм; керувати компанією; цінність; частковий; піти на пенсію; службовці; високотехнологічний.


Andrew Klein, the director of Spring Street Brewing Company, (1) …… his company in 1993 with the idea of bringing a Belgian Beer, Wit Beer, to the American market. However, his original approach to finding the necessary capital, by using the Internet, soon made him a pioneer in this new field. He was one of the first to understand the (2) …… of using the Internet as a means to attract investment capital for new business (3) …. for just $200 a month, Klein was able to rent a site, present his products and contact investors all over the world. Following in his footsteps, many other (4) ….. have been able to finance and promote their own business in a similar way. Today, Wit Beer can be found in several major cities in the USA and Andrew Klein (5) ….. that consumer (6) ….. for this company’s products will continue to rise. Indeed Wit Beer already outsells some of the more exotic beers which compete in the (7) …….

5. Give English equivalents for the following:

пивоварна компанія; підхід; капітал; першовідкривач; інвестиційний; підприємство; орендувати; крок; підприємець; просувати; споживач; перевищувати вартість; конкурувати.

6. Complete this table with the information available from the texts above, as in the example:

Name Nikki Becket Andrew Klein
Type of business ownership    
Name of enterprise    
Staring capital    
Number of employees    
Annual sales    

7. Read and translate the text. Write down the short summary of the text.

Seven Key Qualities of Success

According to statistics, more than 100 thousand people become millionaires each year in the United States alone! Overwhelming majority out of them is self-made and owners of business. This means, if you would like to pursue your goal of becoming rich, you have to start your own venture.

There are certain qualities that are absolutely necessary if you would like to become successful in your business.

Common sense.

Common sense is the foundation of the success. Common sense is defined as an ability to make sound judgments on the issues, which you encounter in everyday situations.

Self – confidence

Self-confidence is a key skill for success. Self-confidence is concerned with how a person fells about his ability. You must believe in your abilities and not to be afraid to take risk and take difficult decisions.

Ability to get things done

To be successful you must be persistent and hardworking. Master self-discipline to such extend that if a work is important and related to their goals, they will, eventually, complete it.


Creativity is the ability to use your insights and come up with new solutions to old problems, get things done in a different way or find a totally different approach for conventional things to work together.

Ability to lead

Use a combination of various methods – effective motivation, planning, coaching and evaluation – to lead people.


Take full responsibility for your actions. You must know that what you are today, and what you are going to be tomorrow, depend solely on yourself, as it is the outcome of your own choices and decisions.

Personal and social skills

Ask yourself the following questions about life outside work:

· do you get on well with people?

· are you part of a team, (for example, a sports or quiz team)?

· what are your spare time activities?

Of course, the job you have in mind will impose some extra requirements. Employers as a rule hire people who fit the job, who have a lot of skills and can perform many different tasks. Certain school-leaving qualifications might be needed.

The financial side should be looked at as well as the attractions of different careers. Choose the possibilities which sound right for you. But be aware of the fact that there are "dream jobs" which almost everyone wants to get. Limiting yourself to just one job possibility might prove dangerous. Avoid being inflexible, think in terms of alternatives – this will certainly improve your chances.

There are a number of ways you can search for jobs: through jobcentres, through newspapers, on the internet, by registering with recruitment agencies, in trade journals, through friends and other people you know.

Search the internet

Many companies advertise jobs on the internet through their own websites, recruitment websites or online job boards owned by newspapers.

Local newspapers

Find out which day the local paper comes out and the days it advertises jobs. Newspapers also keep you up to date on which companies are moving into the area and which are expanding. You can use this information to apply to those companies before they advertise to see if there are any jobs available. You may want to contact a company for more details about a job after reading an article in the local press.

Word of mouth

People you know can give you useful information about job hunting. It’s worth talking to them about the type of work you’re looking for, your skills and experience. They may know about a suitable vacancy or think of you when they hear about vacancies in the future. They may also be able to put in a good word for you at the company where they work.

Approaching employers

A large number of jobs are never advertised, so it is worthwhile contacting companies to ask if they have any vacancies. A benefit of doing this is that you’re not competing against a large group of people, like you would if the job was advertised. Employers are used to people asking questions about jobs, so if they can find somebody without advertising it saves them time and money.

Online networks

Some employers now use social network sites such as Facebook and Twitter to recruit new staff. To take advantage of this, make sure you’ve signed up with a relevant social networking site and create a profile that will impress potential employers.

The most successful jobseekers are people who don't give up in their search and know all the places to look for work.

3. Answer the following questions:

What may ad tell you about?

Park Road

Sale M7 9EP

Tim Greenaway

Human Resources

Diamond Services

Woodford Road

London SW12 9AP

16 January, 20___

Dear Mr Greenaway

____________________ (1) the position of admin assistant which I saw advertised in the January 14 issue of The Guardian. I enclose a copy of my CV as requested.

I would like to work for you because I am very interested in working in a travel agency. _________________ (2) is limited, I believe I have the necessary skills for this position.

____________________ (3) from my CV, I have just finished a three month internship at TLC Travel. ______________________ (4) business correspondence and administrative work. ______________(5) English and German, and also speak Spanish. _____________ (6) excellent computer skills and can use Word, Excel, and PowerPoint.

I am a hardworking and reliable person. __________________ (7), in my internship I was given extra responsibilities because the manager trusted my abilities. I also have very good communication skills and a good sense of humour.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely

Alexander Karlsen

Letter of application

ª Addresses and date laid out correctly

ª Opening salutation

ª Body:

Ÿ Paragraph 1

ª reason for writing, where you saw the advertisement

Ÿ Paragraph 2

ª why you are interested in the job

Ÿ Paragraph 3

ª experience, qualifications, skills

Ÿ Paragraph 4

ª personal qualities

ª Closing salutation, signature, and printed name

Заняття: 2.21 Резюме

Discuss the questions.

¿ Why are CVs important?

¿ What information do job applicants put in a CV?

Read the CV.

a Where do the headings go?

a Write them in.



Personal Information

Education and qualifications

Work experience

Curriculum Vitae
Name: Giacomo Marchese
Date of birth: 18 August 1986
Nationality: Italian
Marital status: Single
Address: Via Torino 12 24128 Bergamo
Tel: 035 5580113
Email: giacomomarchese1@excellent.com
  Honours degree in Economics:grade 110/110 Italian High School Diploma ITCPA, Bortolo Belotti Bergamo Cambridge First Certificate in English
    Oxfam charity offices, Oxford, UK: 3 months' voluntary work Duties included conducting research, answering phone, and collating data Green & Hudson,Michigan,USA:3-month internship Duties included market research, researching products, and maintaining client records
  Fluent English and Spanish, conversational Japanese Working knowledge of Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint Good typing skills Driving licence
  Traveling, cinema, tennis, football


When to use a CV

In the United States a Curriculum Vitae is used primarily when applying for international, academic, education, scientific or research positions or when applying f

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