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Are these sentences true (T) or false (F)? If they are false, correct them.

1) NSB Retail Systems has offices in four countries …………………………………….

2) Geoff Becket runs NSB Retail Systems …………………………………………………….

3) Nikki and Geoff both worked for IBM ………………..……………………………………..

4) Nikki often supplies software to retailers ……………………………………………….

5) Nikki often works at weekends. ……………………………………………………………….

6) The Beckets have three children. …………………………………………………………….

7) Nikki Becket likes employees to stay with the company a long time. ……….

8) The competition was sponsored by Moet & Chandon. …………………………….

Use the following words from the text to complete the passage below.

entrepreneurs industry advantage predicts ventures demand founded


Andrew Klein, the director of Spring Street Brewing Company, (1) …… his company in 1993 with the idea of bringing a Belgian Beer, Wit Beer, to the American market. However, his original approach to finding the necessary capital, by using the Internet, soon made him a pioneer in this new field. He was one of the first to understand the (2) …… of using the Internet as a means to attract investment capital for new business (3) …. for just $200 a month, Klein was able to rent a site, present his products and contact investors all over the world. Following in his footsteps, many other (4) ….. have been able to finance and promote their own business in a similar way. Today, Wit Beer can be found in several major cities in the USA and Andrew Klein (5) ….. that consumer (6) ….. for this company’s products will continue to rise. Indeed Wit Beer already outsells some of the more exotic beers which compete in the (7) …….

5. Give English equivalents for the following:

пивоварна компанія; підхід; капітал; першовідкривач; інвестиційний; підприємство; орендувати; крок; підприємець; просувати; споживач; перевищувати вартість; конкурувати.

6. Complete this table with the information available from the texts above, as in the example:

Name Nikki Becket Andrew Klein
Type of business ownership    
Name of enterprise    
Staring capital    
Number of employees    
Annual sales    

7. Read and translate the text. Write down the short summary of the text.

Seven Key Qualities of Success

According to statistics, more than 100 thousand people become millionaires each year in the United States alone! Overwhelming majority out of them is self-made and owners of business. This means, if you would like to pursue your goal of becoming rich, you have to start your own venture.

There are certain qualities that are absolutely necessary if you would like to become successful in your business.

Common sense.

Common sense is the foundation of the success. Common sense is defined as an ability to make sound judgments on the issues, which you encounter in everyday situations.

Specialized Knowledge of your field.

It is easier to start a successful business, if you have deep knowledge of the business field that you decide to pursue.

Self – confidence

Self-confidence is a key skill for success. Self-confidence is concerned with how a person fells about his ability. You must believe in your abilities and not to be afraid to take risk and take difficult decisions.

Ability to get things done

To be successful you must be persistent and hardworking. Master self-discipline to such extend that if a work is important and related to their goals, they will, eventually, complete it.


Creativity is the ability to use your insights and come up with new solutions to old problems, get things done in a different way or find a totally different approach for conventional things to work together.

Ability to lead

Use a combination of various methods – effective motivation, planning, coaching and evaluation – to lead people.


Take full responsibility for your actions. You must know that what you are today, and what you are going to be tomorrow, depend solely on yourself, as it is the outcome of your own choices and decisions.

Which of the following factors motivate you in your choice of a job? Classify them in order of importance. Discuss them with the group mates.

- good administration and good labour relations

- good working conditions

- an adequate wage or salary

- job security

- a challenging, interesting and creative job

- responsibility

- benefits

- authority over others

- promotion prospects or advancement

9. Match the fields of business with careers:

1. Marketing 2. Accounting 3. Management 4. Finance a) bookkeeper b) stockbroker c) distributor d) personnel manager e) researcher f) banker g) analyst h) public accountant i) general manager j) advertiser k) financial l) private accountant m) production manager

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