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FCC - Federal Computer Conference

FDA - Food and Drug Administration

FDDI - Fiber Distributed Data Interface

FDHD - Floppy Drive High Density

FDIC - Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation

FDM - Frequency Division Multiplexing

FDR - Franklin Delano Roosevelt

FEA - Finite Element Analysis

FEDSIM - FEDeral Systems Integration and Management center

FEMA - Federal Emergency Management Agency

FEPC - Fair Employment Practices Commission

FERS - Federal Employees Retirement System

FET - Federal Excise Tax

FET - Field Effect Transistor

FFA - Future Farmers of America

FFT - Fast Fourier Transform

FHA - Federal Home Administration

FHA - Future Homemakers of America

FIB - Focused Ion Beam

FICA - Federal Insurance Contributions Act

FIDO - Fog Investigation Dispersal Operation

FIFO - First In First Out (as in registers and buffers)

FILO - First In Last Out (see also FIFO)

FIMS - Forms Interface Management System

FINE - FINE Is Not Emacs

FIO - Frequency In and Out

FIPS - Federal Information Processing Standard

FIR - Finite Impulse Response

FIRMR - Federal Information Resource Management Regulation

FIT - Federal Information Technologies, inc.

FL - Florida

FLACC - Full Level Algol Checkout Compiler

FLOPS - FLoating-point OPerations per Second

FLRA - Federal Labor Relations Authority

FM - Frequency Modulation

FMB - Federal Maritime Board

FMCS - Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service

FMS - Financial Management Service (Treasury Dept)

FMS - Forms Management System

FO - Foreign Office

FO - Forward Observer

FOAC - Federal Office Automation Center

FOB - Free On Board

FOC - Free Of Charge

FOIA - Freedom Of Information Act

FOIMS - Field Office Information Management System


FOR - Free On Rail

FORCS - Faa's Operational Reporting Communication System

FORD - Fix Or Repair Daily

FORD - Found On Road Dead

FORTRAN - FORmula TRANslator

FOSE - Federal Office Systems Exposition

FOT - Free On Truck

FOV - Field Of View

FPA - Floating Point Accelerator

FPC - Fish Protein Concentrate

FPE - Floating Point Engine

FPHA - Federal Public Housing Authority

FPLA - Field Programmable Logic Array (see PLA)

FPM - Feet Per Minute

FPO - Field Post Office

FPO - Fleet Post Office

FPS - Feet Per Second

FRACTAL - FRACTional dimensionAL

FRED - Fred Resembles Emacs Deliberately

FRG - Federal Republic of Germany (West Germany)

FROG - Free Rocket Over Ground

FRPG - Fantasy Role Playing Game

FRS - Federal Reserve System

FSF - Free Software Foundation

FSK - Frequency Shift Keying

FSLIC - Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation

FSS - Federal Supply Service

FSW - Forward Swept Wings

FT - Foot

FTAM - File Transfer And Management

FTC - Federal Trade Commission

FTL - Faster Than Light

FTP - File Transfer Protocol

FTS - Federal Telephone System

FUBAR - F***ed Up Beyond All Recognition

FW - Fringeworthy

FWD - Front Wheel Drive

FWHM - Full Width at Half Maximum

FX - Foreign eXchange

FY - Fiscal Year

FYI - For Your Information

GA - Gamblers Anonymous

GA - General Assembly

GA - General Average

GA - General of the Army

GA - Georgia

GAAP - Generally Accepted Accounting Principles

GAN - Global Area Network

GAR - Grand Army of the Republic

GATT - General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade

GAW - Guaranteed Annual Wage

GB - Gangbusters

GB - GigaByte

GB - Great Britain

GBIP - General Purpose Interface Bus

GC - Garbage Collection (LISP)

GC - Gas Chromatograph (or Chromatography)

GCA - Ground Controlled Approach

GCC - Gnu C Compiler

GCD - Ground Controlled Descent

GCL - Graphics Command Language

GCM - General Court Martial

GCR - Group-Coded Recording (magnetic tape, 6250 bpi)

GCT - Greenwich Civil Time

GDB - Gnu DeBugger

GE - General Electric

GEM - Graphics Environment Manager

GHQ - General HeadQuarters

GHz - Giga HertZ (unit of frequency, 1,000,000,000 cycles per second)

GI - Galvanized Iron

GI - Gastro Intestinal (as in upper GI)

GI - General Issue

GI - Government Issue

GIF - Graphics Interchange Format

GIGO - Garbage In Garbage Out

GIN - Graphics INput

GISS - Goddard Institute for Space Studies

GKS - Graphical Kernel Standard

GM - Game Master

GM - General Manager

GM - General Motors

GM - Guided Missile

GMBH - Gesellschaft Mit Beschraenkter Haftung

GMT - Greenwich Mean Time

GNP - Gross National Product

GNU - GNU's Not Unix

GOES - Geostationary Orbiting Environmental Satellites

GOSIP - Government OSI Profile

GP - General Practitioner

GPI - Graphics Programming Interface

GPIB - General-Purpose Interface Bus

GPO - General Post Office

GPO - Government Printing Office

GPS - Global Positioning System

GQ - General Quarters

GRB - Gamma Ray Burst(er)

GREP - Global Regular Expression Print, g/re/p, (UNIX command)

GRO - Gamma Ray Observatory

GS - General Schedule

GS - Glide Slope

GSA - General Services Administration

GSA - Girl Scouts of America

GSBCA - General Services administration Board of Contract Appeals

GSFC - Goddard Space Flight Center

GSTS - Ground-based Surveillance and Tracking System

GT - Gross Ton

GTE - General Telephone and Electric

GTSI - Government Technology Services, inc.

GUI - Graphical User Interface

GW - Gamma World

GWEN - Ground Wave Emergency Network

H - Harn

H - Height

HACD - Home Area Customer Dialing

HAL - Heuristically programmed ALgorithmic computer (2001)

HAM - Hold And Modify

HBM - Her British Majesty; His British Majesty

HBO - Home Box Office

HC - Holy Communion

HC - House of Commons

HCFA - Health Care Financing Administration

HCL - High Cost of Living

HD - Hard Disk

HD - Heavy Duty

HDA - Head Disk Assembly (in winchester disk drives)

HDBV - Host Data Base View

HDL - High Density Lipoprotein

HDLC - High-level Data Link Control (IBM network stuff)

HDTV - High Definition Television

HE - His Eminence; His Excellency

HEAO - High Energy Astronomical Observatory

HEMP - Help End Marijuana Prohibition

HERO - Hazards of Electromagnetic Radiation to Ordnance

HF - High Fantasy

HF - High Frequency (3-30MHz)

HFE - Human Factors Engineering

HFS - Hierarchical File System

HI - Hawaii

HIIPS - Hud Integrated Information Processing Services

HLL - High-Level Language

HMOS - High performance Metal Oxide Semiconductor (see MOS)

HMS - His/Her Majesty's Ship

HMT - His/Her Majesty's Transport

HNPA - Home Numbering Plan Area

HOBIS - HOtel Billing Information System

HOL - High-Order System

HP - Hewlett Packard, inc.

HP - High Pressure

HP - Higher Power (sort of an AA "in" term, usually God)

HP - Hit Points

HP - HorsePower

HPGe - High Purity Germanium

HPL/T - High-Productivity Languages/Tools

HQ - HeadQuarters

HR - House of Representatives

HRH - Her Royal Highness

HRH - His Royal Highness

HS - High School

HSB - Hue, Saturation, Brightness

HST - Hawaiian Standard Time

HT - High Tension (as in electric power transmission)

HTK - Hits To Kill

HUAC - House Unamerican Activities Committee

HUD - Heads Up Display

HUD - Housing and Urban Development

HVAC - Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning

HW2000 - Highway 2000

HWM - High-Water Mark

Hb - HemogloBin

Hz - HertZ (unit of frequency, cycles per second)

I/O - Input/Output

IAEA - International Atomic Energy Agency

IATA - International Air Transport Association

IBM - International Business Machines, inc.

IC - Integrated Circuit

ICB - Interstate Computer Bank

ICBM - InterContinental Ballistic Missile

ICE - In-Circuit Emulator

ICI - Imperial Chemical Industries

ICJ - International Court of Justice

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