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Ex.8. Write the appropriate word or phrase in the following spaces. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian.

1. Many young people are taking jobs in the rapidly growing … … – banking, computer programming, financial services.

2. The computer … needs more people with advanced technical skills.

3. Wood is the … … used to make paper.

4. … … is the right to buy, own, use and sell almost any item.

5. She is … her own interest.

6. She … a bookstore.

7. The workers in that factory … trucks.

8. His … is located in the financial district.

9. … don’t allow workers to use company cars for personal use.

10. … of the banks is done by the government.

11. He … … his computers after going out of business.

12. The … … is powerful in the USA.


Sold off, regulation, restrictions, enterprise, assemble, owns, pursuing, private property, raw material, industry, service sector, electronic sector.



Ex.9. Fill in the missing prepositions.

To say that privatization is unpopular … Britain is to say nothing. Every week brings fresh outrage tales … bosses … privatized firms picking … huge pay rises while sacking employees and cutting the pay … those who remain.

The ordinary man, who has never liked privatization, wants the water and electricity industries to be renationalized. So what can be said … defence … privatization? Actually a great deal. A few years ago many Britain’s firms working … public sector were losing large sums … money.

After they were privatized, most companies became more profitable. Most had higher sales and a higher share price than … their first year after privatization.

(in-4, up, of-5).


Ex.10. These words are often confused:

To find – to found

to find – to discover by searching or by chance
to found – to establish


Complete these sentences using the correct form of one of the words above. Make your own sentences to show that you understand the difference in their meaning.

1. Who were the … of the European Union?

2. I … $ 10 on the sidewalk.

3. Economists … money in the budget to increase help to the poor.

4. We … our partners waiting for us at the restaurant.

5. His grandmother … this company.

6. The … of that bank was a wealthy businessman.

7. I was lost but finally … my way back to the hotel.

8. Have any new multinationals been … recently?

9. He … a new job.

10. I … the purse lying in a telephone box.


Exercises in Comrehension


Ex.1. Answer the following questions:

1. What principle may businesses be classified to?

2. What companies work in the manufacturing sector?

3. What companies work in the service sector?

4. What companies work in the private /public sector?

5. What is a private enterprise?

6. When is a private company considered to be nationalized?

7. When is a company considered to be privatized?

8. What companies are the first to be sold off in a privatization programme?


Ex.2. What is the difference between:

a manufacturing sector – a service sector;

a private sector – a public sector;

nationalization – privatization.


Ex.3. Sum up what the text says about business organizations and the economy.


Grammar Revision


Past Simple and Past Continuous We use the Past Simple: sfor events or actions in the past In her youth she worked hard at English. sfor events that happened one after another I finished my translation and sat down to watch TV.
We use the Past Continuous: sfor actions in progress in the past I was doing the translation all afternoon. sfor action that was in progress when another action happened. The second action is in the Past Simple. When we came she was interviewing a new secretary.
sfor actions in progress at the same time in the past The wind was blowing and it was raining heavily.


Ex.1. Choose the correct variant

1. He became/was becoming a very rich man when he was just 25.

2. The weather was terrible, it rained/was raining the whole day.

3. While Maria was writing the report, Henry looked/was looking for more information.

4. At 7 o’clock this morning she studied/was studying.

5. The student was reading a magazine while the professor spoke/was speaking.

6. Henry ate/was eating a snack at midnight last night.

7. It snowed/was snowing heavily when he was waking up/woke up.

8. He often borrowed/was borrowing from me when we were students.

9. When he was young he was going/went swimming every Sunday.

10. When I was shopping in Richmond Street I saw/was seeing a car accident.

11. I talked/was talking to my boss when you rang.

12. Last year they were dividing/divided their business into two.


Ex.2. Complete these sentences using the correct form (Past Simple or Past Continuous) of the verbs in brackets.

1. While my brother (study) for his exam, I (translate) a newspaper article into Ukrainian.

2. Tom (write) a letter to his family when his pencil (break).

3. When I (clean) the house, I (find) some old letters.

4. The doorbell (ring) while I (have) a bath.

5. They (build) a new bank when I (be) there last year.

6. My friend (own) this company but the state (buy) it and (bring) into public sector.

7. I (phone) my parents when the door bell (ring).

8. We (not hear) the phone because we (sing).

9. During his visit to Switzerland he (go) skiing every weekend.

10. While he (watch) television he (hear) a loud cry for help.

11. They (establish) the company in the 1990s.

12. When the phone rang, I (talk) to a client.


Ex.3. True or false? Correct where necessary.

1. As a child I never was staying up later than ten o’clock.

2. He was probably working in the office when we rang.

3. She talked to someone on the phone when I came.

4. I tried to learn the rule while someone outside played the guitar.

5. French hypermarket companies were beginning their operations in the Spanish retail sector.

6. Public sector pay was rising by only 3 per cent last year.

7. Analysts predicted continued growth in the service sector last month.

8. Many people in the private sector were having to take very low pay increase last year.

9. With a degree in business studies, she was hoping to find work in a multinational corporation.

10. In an effort to improve its image, the company launched a new public relations campaign.


Ex.4. Translate into English.

1. Вони дивилися телевізійну програму, коли прийшла мати і розповіла їм багато цікавої інформації.

2. Англія закупила товарів на ₤ 2 мільйони в минулому місяці.

3. Він не виконав роботу вчасно і тому залишився в офісі після роботи.

4. Його родина приватизувала декілька великих магазинів нашого міста два роки тому.

5. Він припинив постачання обладнання для нашого заводу ще у минулому році.

6. Вона прилетіла в Київ о десятій годині ранку і одразу зателефонувала на фірму.

7. Поки вона вчилась на менеджера, вони ліквідували її фірму.

8. Коли вони почали розширювати свій бізнес, вона була володаркою власної корпорації.

9. Ми добре навчилися задовольняти потреби наших клієнтів, коли намагалися стати лідером у секторі послуг.

10. Коли він постачав вам сировинні матеріали, він переслідував свої власні інтереси.

11. Ми обговорювали наші плани щодо розширення бізнесу, коли зателефонував наш клієнт.

12. Я не знаю, хто заснував цю компанію.


Speech and Discussion


Ex.1. Talk to your groupmate:

s Which is the most interesting to work in:

a manufacturing sector, a service sector.

s Choose one of the sectors and speak about the advantages and the disadvantages of working there.


Ex.2. If you were to choose where to work, would you prefer a public sector or a private sector? Why?


Ex.3. Discuss with your groupmates the advantages and disadvantages of:

s privatization

s nationalization


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