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Ex.1. Complete these sentences using can, could, may and be able to, or be allowed to in the correct form.

1. When I pass my driving test, I ______ hire a car.

2. When he first came to London, he ____ read English but he (negative) ______ speak.

3. When we were in the old office, we ______ access all the files.

4. This sweater was priced at $ 50, but I _______ get a discount because of this little mark on the sleeve.

5. Students _______ bring notes into the exam tomorrow.

6. My sister never ________ to travel alone.

7. ______ I send him a message? He is at the meeting at the moment.

8. ______ you phone the boss today?

9. He _______ solve this problem yet.

10. “Could I borrow your car? No, you _______.”

11. Who _______ appoint the receivers to find someone to rescue the company?

12. _______ he pay off the debts of the company?

13. I’ve been looking for your papers but I ______ find them yet.

14. If he doesn’t tell me what his problem is, I ______ (negative) help him.

15. She ______ to raise money for her failing company.


Ex.2. Translate into English:

1. Я б із задоволенням прийняв ваше запрошення, але я не можу відмінити свою зустріч.

2. Якщо він щось вирішив, то ніхто не може на нього вплинути.

3. Я дуже ціную вашу допомогу. Я знав, що я можу довіряти вам.

4. Чи можу я сказати йому всю правду? Я впевнений, що він нічого не знає про важкий фінансовий стан компанії.

5. Коли я там працював, то тільки головний менеджер міг підписувати такі документи.

6. Працівникам нашої компанії не дозволяється палити в офісах.

7. Тільки суд може призначити ліквідаторів неплатоспроможної компанії.

8. Ця компанія на межі банкрутства; їй не дозволяється працювати з клієнтами.

9. Ви можете залишити всю інформацію у секретаря.

10. Їм не дозволили відстрочити платежі.

11. Якщо ви зможете врятувати цю компанію, ви отримаєте подяку від президента.

12. Якщо вони не зможуть розрахуватися з боргами протягом місяця, їх оголосять банкрутами.



Speech and Discussion


Ex.1. Discuss with your groupmates:

s how voluntary bankruptcy is different from involuntary bankruptcy;

s how bankruptcy is initiated and resolved.


Ex.2. Go to the library and research a firm that is presently in bankruptcy. Describe the type of bankruptcy and trace the major activities of the firm since the day the bankruptcy papers were filed with a bankruptcy court.


Ex.3. Familiarize yourself with the following idioms. Consult your dictionary and translate the sentences into Ukrainian. Think of situations where you could use them.

1. Our new office manager needs to get organized and get some work done. For two weeks, she’s just been spinning her wheels.

2. In order to accomplish our goals and succeed, everyone in the company has to put their shoulder to the wheel.

3. John had to wheel and deal to get the new contract signed.

4. When we decided to develop this product, our first goal was to create something original and innovative. We did not want to reinvent the wheel.

5. He lost his job but landed on his feet by finding a better one.


Ex.4. Comment on the following:

“The shortest way to do many things is to do only one thing at once.”

(Samuel Smiles)





Choose the word or word combination to match the definition.

1. The property of a company, person etc. that has value and can be sold to pay the debts.

a) liquid profits b) liquid liabilities c) liquid assets


2. Money spent regularly to keep a business running.

a) overheads b) costs c) profit


3. General term used for all types of stocks and shares.

a) investment b) income c) securities


4. Reduced in value (about currency).

a) devalued b) cheap c) declined


5. Money owed by a company; a debt.

a) assets b) liabilities c) costs


6. Money that is owed to a business.

a) reception b) receivership c) receivables


7. An amount of money spent.

a) income b) expenditure c) loss


8. A sum of money paid into a bank.

a) departure b) deposit c) debt


9. Buildings and the land they occupy.

a) precaution b) premium c) premises


10. The amount of money moving into and out of a business at a particular point in time.

a) cash flow b) cash sale c) cash deal


11. A rise in prices and lowering of currency's value.

a) injunction b) inflation c) insolvency


12. Offering company shares for sale to the public or on a stock exchange for the first time.

a) share register b) share splitting c) share flotation


13. A person or an organization that lends money and charges interest on the repayments.

a) tender b) lender c) licensor


14. A market where the general level of share prices is falling.

a) target market b) bear market c) bull market


15. A person or organization that buys and sells stock and shares.

a) stockbroker b) dealer c) market-maker


16. Contracts that give the right to buy and sell currencies and commodities at an agreed time in the future at a price agreed at the time of the deal.

a) options b) futures c) swaps


17. A group of different investments held by a private investor, or a financial organization.

a) gilts b) treasury bonds c) portfolio


18. A long-term loan from a bank for buying property, which is used as security.

a) turnover b) revenue c) mortgage


19. A summary list of income and expenses for a business.

a) cash flow statement b) income statement c) balance sheet


20. A person who examines the accounts of an organization to check they are true and correct.

a) auditor b) accountant c) administrator


Unit v accounting

Lesson 1

Text: The Field of Accounting

Grammar: Modal Verbs. Obligation and Necessity


Terms to remember:


record (v) реєструвати; фіксувати
growth зростання
decline занепад
certified public accountant (AmE) /chartered accountant (BrE) дипломований бухгалтер вищої кваліфікації; бухгалтер-ревізор
private accountant приватний бухгалтер
handle (v) мати справу з (чимось)
financial records фінансова документація, фінансові звітні матеріали (документи)
government accountant урядовий бухгалтер
monitor (v) контролювати, перевіряти, спостерігати
receipt одержання
layoff звільнення (звич. під час скорочення виробництва), скорочення персоналу
work load робоче навантаження


Remember the difference:

Accounting is a comprehensive information system for collecting, analyzing and communicating financial information.

Bookkeeping is just one phase of accounting – the day-to-day recording of accounting transactions.


The Field of Accounting


Accounting offers the qualified person an opportunity to move ahead quickly in today’s business world.

Accounting is a basic and vital element in every modern business. It records the growth or decline of the business.

The field of accounting is divided into three broad divisions: public, private and governmental.

A certified public accountant (CPA) – AmE or a chartered accountant – BrE must pass a series of examinations, after which he or she receives a certificate. The simple fact of having passed the certifying examination gives them an advantage over those who haven’t.

CPAs can offer their services to the public on an individual consultant basis for which they receive a fee. Some CPAs perform work for firms, corporations or government offices and receive a salary.

Private accountants, who are employees of individual businesses, handle the financial records of a business. They are responsible for preparing the financial statements and are salaried rather than paid a fee.

Government accountants are employed by governmental agencies. They are responsible for monitoring the receipt and payment of funds. All of these accountants work on a salary basis.

Salaried positions with business or government offer strong security, since salaried accountants are not affected by layoff or seasonal changes in the work load as are industrial or clerical workers.



Exercises in Word Study


Ex.1. Form nouns from the following verbs:

qualify, grow, divide, certify, examine, consult, employ.


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