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Ex.3. Decide if each of the phrases is correct, and if it is not, correct it.

1. Have you bought today’s newspaper?

2. Tomorrow conference has been cancelled.

3. My office is about ten minutes drive from my house.

4. Ukraine imports have fallen lately.

5. The personal manager’s assistant looks through all the application forms.

6. Those are two friends’ of my boss.

7. Is that E-mail address yours or your friends?

8. This company is the country top suppliers of software.

9. This radio station will be broadcasting our Managing Director speech at 2 p.m.

10. The employees’ salaries will be increased twice.

11. A shareholders’ meeting will be the last this fiscal year.

12. The manager reaction was unexpected.


Ex.4. In a department store you often see signs like “Men’s Shoes” or “Children’s Toys”. Think of some other things that are just for men, women, children, etc.


Ex.5. Look through a newspaper article and underline possessive forms of nouns.



Speech and Discussion


Ex.1. Give your opinion about some of these topics:

s computer games

s E-mail

s information technology


Ex.2. You have just received the e-mail from your business partner, confirming his visit. Send the e-mail to him. In your reply you should:

s thank him for the message

s apologize

s explain that he will have to change the time of his visit; give a reason

s apologize again

s end the message appropriately


Ex.3. Familiarize yourself with the following idioms, consult your dictionary and translate the sentences into Ukrainian. Think of situations where you could use them.

1. Don’t spill the beans about how much money I make; I don’t want him to know.

2. She plans events ahead of time and is well organized.

3. The corporation went under last year.

4. He is very clever and will go far in life.

5. After he was caught in a lie, he worked under a cloud because no one trusted him.


Ex.4. Comment on the proverb:

“Time heals all wounds”.


Lesson 4

Text: Doing Business on the Internet

Grammar: Numbers (fractions, decimals, percentages)


Terms to remember:


enquiry запит; запитання
corporate website корпоративна веб-сторінка
publicity реклама, рекламування; пропагування
E-commerce/online trading електронна торгівля
bricks-and-mortar традиційна торгівля
clicks-and-mortar поєднання електронної торгівлі з традиційною
time-saving method метод, що заощаджує час


Doing Business on the Internet


Companies can use their presence on the Web to access the growing number of websites of interest. There are different ways in which businesses can benefit from its functions:

s Businesses use e-mail to deal with customers, to make and respond to enquiries quickly and to communicate with employees.

s A corporate website may be used for publicity, for selling or for sharing information.

s E-commerce or “online trading” has proved to be very successful for some companies. One of the advantages of this form of trading is that users can come to the website 24 hours a day. E-commerce has even acted as a form of advertising and increased levels of business in traditional bricks-and-mortar shops. But to succeed, a company needs a combination of traditional retailing and e-commerce: clicks-and-mortar.

s Marketing on the Web can be achieved by setting up a website and making it attractive to visitors.

s The Internet is a powerful tool for gathering data. Companies can use it to look up other companies and their products, access financial information, find market information, foreign exchange rates and so on.

s Using computer networks to transmit audio and video data between two or more people in different locations (video-conferences) is a time-saving method of communication.

s Many companies place their recruitment needs on their own websites or on the websites of recruitment agencies.

s Large corporations place their annual reports on their websites in order to provide a service to their shareholders.



Exercises in Word Study


Ex.1. Form verbs from the following nouns:

presence, response, publicity, trading, location, recruitment.


Ex.2. Give the English for:

робити запит; спілкуватися з працівниками; корпоративна веб-сторінка; ділитися інформацією; електронна торгівля; перевага; збирати дані; валютний курс; комп’ютерна мережа; відео-конференція; метод, що заощаджує час; річний звіт; надавати послугу; акціонери, традиційна торгівля, поєднання електронної торгівлі з традиційною.


Ex.3. Match words from list A with words from list B that have a similar meaning.

access benefit respond gather transmit e-commerce bricks-and-mortar online trading broadcast collect traditional retailing answer gain enter


Ex.4. Find suitable opposites to the following words and phrases:

quickly, successful, advantage, attractive, “bricks and mortar” trade.


Ex.5. Write the appropriate word or phrase in the following spaces. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian.

1. Recently there has been considerable expansion of … businesses which provide integrated media services through networks such as the Internet.

2. … has become a major online service; it reduces company costs.

3. The product has sold well considering it was not given much advance ….

4. Our … is used for delivering stock and bond information.

5. … represents 30 per cent of our total business.

6. The firm tried to avoid adverse … about its faulty products.

7. … is a traditional business that does not operate on the Internet.

8. … on the Web can be achieved by setting up a website and making it attractive to visitors.

9. A database of employees is maintained on your ….

10. He is the owner of a new … service, specialising in providing a variety of foodstuffs which can be ordered on the Internet.

11. Cybercash could provide an important stimulus to … sales.

online (2); PC; marketing; online trading; corporate website; publicity (2); e-commerce; multi-media, bricks-and-mortar.


Ex.6. Fill in the missing prepositions:

Financial services companies are rushing to provide teenagers … easier ways … spending their savings online.

Teenagers are just the sort … people an Internet retailer wants to sell …, and the things they want to buy – games, CDs and clothing– are easily sold … the Web.

But paying online is a tricky business … consumers who are too young to own credit cards.

… most cases, parents pay … these purchases … credit cards, an arrangement that is often unsatisfactory … them and their children.

One way to help them convert notes and coins … cybercash is … prepaid cards such … Internet Cash … the US and Smart cards … the UK.

(with (2), of (2), to, on, for (3), in (3), into, through, as)



Exercises in Comprehension


Ex.1. Answer the following questions:

1. How can companies use their presence on the Web?

2. What do businesses use the e-mail for?

3. What may a corporate website be used for?

4. What is one of the advantages of the E-commerce?

5. What are bricks-and-mortar shops?

6. What does a company need to succeed in trade?

7. How can marketing be achieved on the Web?

8. What can companies use the Internet for?

9. What is a time-saving method of communication?

10. How can companies use the Web for recruitment purposes?

11. Why do large corporations place their annual reports on their websites?

12. Do you shop on the Internet? What are the advantages and disadvantages?


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