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Task 4. Match the verbs given on the left with the nouns on the right to form word combinations. Make up sentences with the phrases you’ve got.

commit sentence
carry out trial
make crime
put to case
try execution
stand death
pass prison
send to mistake


Task 5. Discuss the problem in a group or with your partner

Capital punishment is the only way to deter criminals from committing crimes,

it must not be abolished.


Give arguments for and against

For: Against:
According to a 1990 study by Professor Toru Machigai of the University of Hawaii, 67 people convicted of capital crimes in the United States of America between 1900 and 1986 were actually innocent. There’s a claim that it is more expensive for the state to execute a criminal than to imprison him for life. That is not entirely true. It is very expensive to hold someone in prison for life. Life prisoners stay in prison on average for 30 to 40 years at a cost of $40,000 to $50,000 per year.



(4 hours)


(A – 2 hours) Warming up

1. How do you understand the term Family law?

2. What is the legal marriageable age in Kazakhstan?

3. Is domestic violence a serious crime? Do you think it must be prosecuted?

4. What reasons do you think are valid to start divorce proceeding?

5. What leagal instrument do you know which protects the rights of family members in Kazakhstan? When it was adopted?


Task 1 Read the definition. How do you understand it?

Family law is a comprehensive body of law that deals with family relationships. It stipulates the rights and obligations of parties in domestic relations. Family law covers a wide range of topics, including marriage, divorce, child custody, visitation, alimony, and adoption.

from: USlegal dictionary

Task 2 Read the text and pay attention on the new words and expressions:


Here, we will look at how the law sees the family a special institutions; how some legal systems treat married couples and their children differently from unmarried; the process of divorce; custody of and responsibility for children; and protection from violence in the home. Finally, we will consider the rights of succession to the property of a family member when they die.

Beyond the mere function of providing a new generation of children, the family is often promoted for its moral contribution to society. Despite a growing labor shortage, the Japanese government has passed very little legislation challenging the assumption that mothers should stay at home rather than go out to work. In Ireland, which is strongly influenced by the doctrines of the Catholic Church, divorce remains illegal.

In some societies the family is thought to be so important that there is very little legal intervention in family life. In many Islamic co untries, for example, fathers, brothers and sons are allowed considerable authority over the females in their family. As late as the 1970s, the male head of the household in Switzerland was deemed to represent the interests of everyone within that household, and, consequently none of the women could vote in national elections. But in many parts of the world, the law now promotes the rights of individuals within the family unit, and regulates family relations through legislation. Raised from the taxes of the working population as a whole, child benefit is paid directly to the mother, and retirement pensions are paid to grandparents, so that they are less dependent upon financial support from a family member. In Sweden, parents can be prosecuted for physically punishing their children and children have a limited capacity to divorce their parents. In Britain, as in many countries, there are special family courts with very strong powers to control and transfer private properly in the interests of children. Much of the work of other courts is also directly relevant to family life.[12]

Learn the new words

English Kazakh Russian
institution (n) мекеме учреждение
custody (n) қорғаншылық опека
protection from violence күш көрсетуден қорғау защита от насилия
rights of succession мұрагерлік құқық права наследования
property (n) меншік собственность
generation (n) ұрпақ поколение
to promote (v) қолдау (осы контексте) поддерживать (в данном контексте)
shortage (n) жетіспеушілік, кемшілік нехватка, недостаток
to challenge (v) қарсы келу бросать вызов
assumption (n) болжам предположение
legal (adj) заңды законный
intervention (n) қол сұғу вмешательство
islamic (adj) мұсылмандық, исламдық мусульманский, исламский
authority (n) билік власть
female (n) әйел адам существо женского рода
male (n) ер адам существо мужского рода
to deemed to сену, санасу, есептесу полагаться, считаться
through legislation заңды түрде законодательным путем
taxes (n) салықтар налоги
child benefit балаға төлемақы пособие на ребенка
retirement pensions қартаю бойынша зейнетақы пенсии по старости
be prosecuted сотпен қуғындауға ұшырау подвергаться судебному преследованию
punish (v) жазалау наказывать
capacity (n) қабілет способность
directly relevant тікелей қатысты прямо относящийся к

Task 3. Answer the questions:

1. What is the main idea of the text “The Law and the Family”?

2. What is the family promoted for?

3. Is there much intervention in family life in Islamic countries?

4. What courts control private property in the interests of children in Britain?

Task 4 Create four sentences using the following words and expressions

Legal intervention in family life; to represent the interest of every one within the hosehold; to promote the rights of individuals within the family unit; to punish physically

Task 5. Find in the given text the English equivalents of the following words and expressions

Kazakh Russian
қарау Обращаться
үйленген жұптар женатые пары
жауапкершілік ответственность за
жұмыс күшінің жеткіліксіздігі нехватка рабочей силы
католик шіркеуі католическая церковь
олай болса Следовательно
сайлауда дауыс беру голосовать на выборах
салықтар жинау собирать налоги
тәуелді болу быть зависимым от
материалдық көмек материальная поддержка
үлкен өкілеттіктер большие полномочия
жеке меншікті беру передавать частную собственность
мәселені қарау рассматривать вопрос

(B – 2 hours)


Warming up

1. What is generally the basis of marriage in the Republic of Kazakhstan?

2. How do customs and traditions influence on marriage?

3. What must a marriage be in the Republic of Kazakhstan to be legally valid?

4. Whose consent to marriage does a person under the age of eighteen need to obtain in thе Republic of Kazakhstan?

5. How do you understand the term bigamy? Is it legally allowed in the Republic of Kazakhstan?

Learn the new words

English Kazakh Russian
bigamy (n) бигамия, екі әйел алу бигамия, двоеженство
valid (adj) нақты действительный
custom (n) салт обычай
tradition (n) дәстүр традиция
influence (n) әсер влияние
average age орта жас средний возраст
bride (n) келін невеста
consider (v) қарау рассматривать
relatives (n) туысқандар родственники
sex (n) жыныс (ер, әйел) пол (муж., жен)
adoptive parents асырап алушылар усыновители
adopted children асырап алынған балалар усыновленные дети
incapable (adj) қабілетсіз неспособный
consequence (n) зардап последствие
mental disease психикалық ару психическое заболевание
dementia (n) жарымес слабоумие
matrimony (n) жұбайлық супружество
spouse (n) жар, зайып супруг(а)
premarital last name қыз кезіндегі тегі добрачная фамилия
be obliged міндетті болу быть обязанным
dissolution (v) бұзу расторжение

Task 1. Read the news and answer the questions:

1. According to Tengrinews.kz what is the average age of women getting married in 2011?

2. What is the legal marriageable age in Kazakhstan?

3. Are marriages done by priests and imams valid?

4. When marriages are considered valid in Kazakhstan?

"The average age when Kazakhstan women got married in 2011 made 24.3 уears, Tengrinews.kz reports, citing Kazakhstan Statistics Agency. About 33,100 women (24.4%) under 20 got married in 2011. A larger part of the women (75,700 women - 55.8%) who got married in 2011 were aged between 21 and 25. Only 26,900 women (19.8%) aged 26 and up got married last year. According to the Agency, the average age of the brides did not increase very much in 2011. The average age of women who got married for the first time in 2009 made 24.2 years. Marriages in Kazakhstan are registered in Civil Registry Office. Young people can get legally married only after they reach the age of 18. Religious marriages done by priests or imams are welcomed in Kazakhstan, but are not considered official unless registered in the Civil Registry Office in Kazakhstan". [13]

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