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Restore the word order in the following statements.

Restore the word order in the following statements.

1) Segmentation different groups of customers in the is the act of distinguishing among market. 2) Targeting of customers the organization can serve is the act of choosing which groups effectively. 3) Positioning clearly positions the company in relation to competitors is the act of creating and communicating a message that.

Translate the text from English into Russian.

Marketing strategy.

The marketing process is divided into a strategic and a tactical phase. The strategic phase has three components – segmentation, targeting, and positioning (STP). The organization must distinguish among different groups of customers in the market (segmentations) and choose which groups it can serve effectively (targeting). A key step in marketing strategy, known as positioning, involves creating and communicating a message that clearly positions the company or its brand in relation to competitors. Thus, Volvo (Sweden) has positioned its automobile as the “safest”, and Daimler- Benz(Germany), manufacturer of Mercedes-Benz vehicles, has positioned its car as the best “engineered”. Some products may be positioned as “outstanding” in two or more ways. However, claiming superiority along several dimensions may hurt a company`s credibility because consumers will not believe that some company can do better than others in all dimensions. Further-more, although the company may communicate a particular position, customers may perceive a different image of the company as a result of their actual unpleasant experiences with the company`s product or through word of mouth.

Agree or disagree with the following statements.

1) Strategy is a well-planned series of actions for achieving an aim, especially success against an opponent.2) The marketing process is not divided into any phahes.3)The strategic phase has two components.4) Segmentation is the act of dividing something into smaller parts.5) Target is an object, person, or place that is deliberately chosen to be attaced.6) Position is the place where someone or something is, especially in relation to other objects and places.7) Credibility is the quality of deserving to be believed and trusted.8) Claiming superiority along several dimensions may hurt a company`s honesty because consumers will not believe that some company can exceed the rest in all dimensions.9) Although the company may state a particular position, customers may receive a different image of the company as a result of their real experiences with the company`s product or through word of mouth.

Translate the following and phrases from Russian into English.

Маркетинг; конкурент; таким образом; проводить различие; воспринимать; отличающийся; лицо; репутация; результат; самый безопасный; производитель; автотранспортное средство; проектировать; выдающийся; несмотря на это; предъявлять претензию; превосходство; измерение; повредить; правдивость; потребитель; стратегия; ход развития; делиться на; фаза; составная часть; сегментация; покупатель; рынок; выбирать; обслуживать; эффективно; включать в себя; создание; послать сообщение; недвусмысленно; занять позицию; фабричная марка; по отношению к; полагать; кроме того; несмотря на то, что; определение цели; позиционирование; фактически существующий.

Complete the following statements.

1) The marketing process is divided into … 2) The strategic phase has …3)Segmentation is …4)Targeting is …5)Positioning involves …6) Some products may be positioned as …7)Claiming superiority may … because …8) Customers perceive … as a result of …



Restore the word order in the following statements.

1) Tactical deals marketing with product. 2) Tactical marketing with price deals. 3)Tactical marketing with deals place. 4) Engineers a product based on their own preferences, interests, or expertise design. 5)Marketers customer desires to the engineers who design the product are to communicate. 6) Engineers expect marketers as many customers as possible to buy to find their product.

Translate the text from English into Russian.


Having developed a strategy, a company must then decide which tactics will be most effective in achieving strategy goals. Tactical marketing involves creating a marketing mix of three main components – product, price and place. Before assembling a product, the marketer`s role is to communicate customer desires to the engineers who design the product. This is in contrast to past practice, when engineers designed a product based on their own preferences, interests, or expertise and then expected marketers to find as many customers as possible to buy this product. The second marketing-mix element is price. A Mercedes-Benz vehicle is generally considered to be a high-quality automobile, and it therefore can command a high price in the marketplace. On the other hand, in order to gain market share, some companies have moved to “more for the same” or “the same for less” pricing, which means offering prices that are lower than those of their competitors. Place, or where the product is made available, is the third element of the marketing mix. When a product moves along its path from producer to consumers, it is said to be following a channel of distribution including, for example, food- processing plants, warehouses, wholesalers, and supermarkets. Because of this, some marketers may decide to skip steps in the channel and instead market directly to buyers through direct mail (advertisements that are sent by post to many people), telemarketing (a method of selling things in which you telephone people to see if they want to buy something), door-to-door selling (visiting each house in a street or area, to sell something), shopping via television, or factory outlets.

Agree or disagree with the following statements.

1) Salesmen employ all sorts of tricky and fraudulent tactics to try and persuade customers. 2) Tactical marketing creates intentionally false information about products and prices. 3)Marketers` role in the marketplace is to hide the truth or confuse people. 4) Marketers deliberately intend to deceive people. 5) Marketers are to express customer desires to the engineers who design the product. 6) Engineers should not design a product based on their own preferences, interests, or expertise. Engineers expect marketers to find as many customers as possible to buy their product. 8) High-quality products can command a high price in the marketplace. 9) Companies have to offer lower prices than their competitors to gain market share.

Complete the following statements.

1) Tactical marketing involves …2) Nowadays the marketer`s role is …3) It is now a thing of the past, when engineers designed … and then expected …4) The second marketing-mix element is …5) … is generally considered to be …6) AMercedes-Benz vehicle can command …7) In order to gain market share, some companies offer …8) Place is …9) Channels of distribution include …10) Direct mail is … 11)Telemarketing is …12) Door-to-door selling is …13) Shopping via television is … 14) Factory outlet is …

In this exercise you have to the underlined words are right or wrong.

Restore the word order in the following statements.

1) Segmentation different groups of customers in the is the act of distinguishing among market. 2) Targeting of customers the organization can serve is the act of choosing which groups effectively. 3) Positioning clearly positions the company in relation to competitors is the act of creating and communicating a message that.

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