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Methods of the knowledge and skills assessment rating system


The department … has established the following distribution of values based on the 100-valuet scale:

88 values – maximum semester module grade for all academic modules within a semester.

12 values – maximum examination grade.

The semester module grade is the sum of all the total module grades, the assessment of each module being made on a single principle based on the 88-value scale.

The total module grade is determined in values and national scale grades as the sum of the current module grade and the test module grade (Table 4.1.)



4.2.1. Grading of different kinds of academic work performed by a student is done in accordance with Table 4.1.


Table 4.1.

Grading of different kinds of academic activities performed by a student


9 Semester
Module №1 Module №2 Module №3 Мах Grade
Kind of Academic Activities Мах Grade Kind of Academic Activities Мах Grade Term Paper (Мах Grade)
Carrying out and defense of laboratory work №1.1-1.2 №1.3-1.4 №1.5-1.6 №1.7-1.8 (4×7)   Carrying out and defense of laboratory work №2.1-2.2 №2.3-2.4 №2.5-2.6 №2.7-2.8 №2.9 (5×5)      
For carrying out module test № 1, a student must receive not less than 16 values For carrying out module test № 2, a student must receive not less than 15 values
Module Test №1   Module Test №2  
Total for module №1   Total for module №2  
Carrying out and Defending the Term Paper  
Semester Graded Test  
Total Semester Grade  


4.2.2 The minimum number of positive marks of the current Module Grade for each of the modules that allow students to get a positive grade is determined by the total for each application listed in Table 4.1.

Completed academic activity is reckoned to a student if he/she got a positive grade at the National Scale according to table 4.2



Table 4.2

Correspondence between the Grades and the National Scale


Grades National Scale
Carrying out and defense of laboratory work №1.1-1.4 Carrying out and defense of laboratory work №2.1-2.5 Module Test №1 Module Test №2
      9 - 10 Excellent
    7 - 8   Good
4-5     6 - 7 Satisfactory
under 4 under 3 under 6 under 7 Bad

4.2.3. Evaluation of the term paper (Table 4.3) is performed in correspondence to the rating system according to the criteria: the correspondence of the completed work to a given task and entirety of its performance; correctness and completeness of made decisions; the correspondence of the presentation of a explanatory note to normative documents; the completeness and thoroughness of report, completeness and logicality of answers to questions during the defense (Table 4.4).


Table 4.3

Correspondence between Grades for carrying out and defense the Term Paper and the National Scale


Grades National Scale
defense the Term Paper carrying out and defense the Term Paper
  15-16 Excellent
6-7 12-14 Good
  10-11 Satisfactory
under 5 under 10 Bad


If the student has performed and defended term paper out of a fixed data for the disrespectful reasons the maximum grade can be equal "good" by the National Scale.


Table 4.4

The system of results evaluation

of carrying out and defending the Term Paper


Term Paper carrying out
№   Criteria Мах Grade
1.   2. 3.   4. Correspondence of the paper content to its objective and revelation …………………………………………………………………………….… Correctness and revelation of decision making ……………………… Correspondence of reference notes to DSTU and other normative documents requirements …………………………... The Term Paper defense: quality of presentation, and answers to the questions when defense procedure      
Maximal Grade  


Attention! Minimum positive assessment by criteria 13 is 5 points. If a student has zero measure at least one of the assessment criteria 13 or less than 5 points for criterion 4 (defense of term paper)Table. 4.4, the term paper is not taken into account.


4.2.5. If a student has successfully done all kinds of academic work within the given module and has got a positive Current Module Grade – not less than satisfactory according to the national scale – (see Table 4.2), he/she is allowed to take his/her module test.

4.2.6. Students have their module test in a written form. The procedure, which lasts up to two academic hours, is held by a commission headed by the head of the department responsible for the subject.

4.2.7 The sum of the current module and the module test grades forming the total module grade. The correspondence between Module Grade values and the National Scale is shown in Table 4.5.

Table 4.5

Correspondence between the Total Module Grades and the National Scale


Module №1 Module №2 Module №3 National Scale
33-37 32-35 15- 16 Excellent
28-33 26-31 12 - 14 Good
25-27 22-25 10 - 11 Satisfactory
Under 25 Under 22 Under 10 Bad


4.2.8. A Module Test Grade that a student can be given after the second testing cannot be higher than ‘good’ according to the national scale, i.e. the grade value presented in Table 4.4 is reduced by 1.

4.2.9. A student is considered to have passed the module if both his/her Current Module Grade and Module Test Grade are positive, i.e. higher than ‘bad’ according to the national scale (Tables 4.2 and 4.5), which yields a positive Total Module Grade (Table 4.5).

4.2.10. If a student has missed the module test due to any reason (being ill, debarred, etc.), the entry ‘absent’ is made against his/her name in the column ‘Module Test Grade’ and the entry ‘unclassified’ – in the column ‘Total Module Grade’.

The student is considered as not having an academic incomplete if he/she is allowed to take his/her module test but has missed it due to a valid reason. Otherwise he/she is considered as having an academic incomplete.

Further testing the student in this module is done in accordance with the established procedure.

4.2.11. A student is not allowed to increase his/her positive Total Module Grade by taking a repetitive test.

4.2.12. The Semester Module Grade is calculated as the sum of the Total Module Grades. The correspondence between Semester Module Grade values and the National Scale is given in Table 4.6.

4.2.13. A student having a positive (higher than ‘bad’ according to the national scale) Semester Module Grade is allowed to take a semester exam (or differentiated test).

4.2.14. Students have their semester exam in a written form. The procedure, which lasts up to two academic hours, is held by a commission headed by the head of the department responsible for the subject.

4.2.15. A student who has got a positive (higher than ‘bad’ according to the national scale) examination grade (Table 4.7) is considered to have passed the semester course in this discipline.

Otherwise the student is to be re-examined in accordance with the established procedure.

4.2.16. An Examination Grade obtained by a student in the result of re-examination cannot exceed 10 (‘good’ according to the national scale), i.e. the grade value presented in Table 4.7 is reduced by 2.


Table 4.6 Correspondence between the Semester Module Grades and the National Scale   Table 4.7 Correspondence between the Graded Test, Grades and the National Scale
Semester Grades National Scale   Graded Test Grades National Scale
79-88 Excellent   11-12 Excellent
66-78 Good   9-10 Good
53-65 Satisfactory   7-8 Satisfactory
under 53 Bad   ­­- -


4.2.17. The Semester Module Grade and the Examination Grade together make up a Total Semester Grade whose correspondence to the National Scale and the ECTS Scale is shown in Table 4.8.

Table 4.8

Correspondence of Total Semester Grades to the National Scale

and the ECTS Scale


Total Semester Grades National Scale ECTS System
ECTS Grade Explanation
90-100 Excellent A Excellent (excellent performance with insignificant shortcomings)
82 – 89 Good B Very Good (performance above the average standard with few mistakes)
75 – 81 C Good (good performance altogether with a certain number of significant mistakes)
67 – 74 Satisfactory D Satisfactory (performance meets the average standards)
60 – 66 E Sufficient (performance meets the minimal criteria)
35 – 59 Bad FX Bad (bad performance; a second testing is required)
1 – 34 F Bad (very bad performance; a student shall retake the course)


4.2.18. A student has the right to get his/her Total Semester Grade without taking a semester exam if, throughout the whole semester, he/she has done all the kinds of academic work in time and has got a positive (higher than ‘bad’ according to the national scale) Semester Module Grade.

4.2.19. To be allowed not to take the exam, a student shall submit a written application to the Dean of the Faculty. A specimen of the application is given in Table 4.8.

4.2.20. A student who, throughout the whole semester, has done all the kinds of academic work in time (without delays) and without repetitive module tests, has got a positive (higher than ‘bad’ according to the national scale) Semester Module Grade, and has decided not to take the exam gets his/her Total Semester Grade as the sum of his/her Semester Module Grade and the minimal Examination Grade established for each category of Semester Module Grades (11 for “Excellent”, 9 for “Good, and 7 for “Satisfactory”).

For example, if a student’s Semester Module Grade is 71 (‘good’ according to the National Scale), then 9 is added to 71 giving the Total Semester Grade equal to 80, which is “Good” according to the National Scale and “С” – to the ECTS scale (Table 4.7).


4.2.21. If a student who was obliged to take an exam has missed it due to any reason (being ill, debarred, etc.), the entry ‘absent’ is made against his/her name in the column ‘Examination Grade’ and the entry ‘unclassified’ – in the column ‘Total Semester Grade’.

In this case the student is considered as not having an academic incomplete if he/she is allowed to take his/her exam but has missed it due to a valid reason. Otherwise he/she is considered as having an academic incomplete.

Further testing the student in this module is done in accordance with the established procedure.


4.2.23. A student is not allowed to increase his/her positive Total Semester Grade by taking a repetitive test or exam.

4.2.24. The Total Semester Grade is entered into the Examination Register and into a student’s record book in values, National Scale grades, and ECTS Scale grades.

4.2.25. The Total Semester Grade is entered into a student’s record book, for example: 92/Ex/А, 87/Good/В, 79/Good/С, 68/Sat/D, 65/Sat./Е, etc.



(Ф 03.02 – 01)


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(Ф 03.02 – 02)

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