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Creating a table «Lecturers»


Picture 4 Microsoft Access ContactManagement.


To begin designing the database, please click-on Tables in the left border and then click-on the button «Design» at the top or double click-on «Create table in Design view» in the "white" area.


Picture 5 Design view



There are three things: Field name, Data Type, and Description, and, in the lower half of the window Field Properties.

Addsome field name for creating the table «Lecturer»:


Table 3 Structure of the table «Lecturers». Part 1.

Field name Data Type
ID lecturer Number
Last name Text
First Name Text
Middle name Text

Now notice in the lower part of the screen, under Field Properties, that a box appeared when you selected the Text Data Type. This box is "tailored" to the Text Data Type that you selected above:

Picture 6 Field Properties for Text Data Type.


Field Size: Is currently set to 50 characters. That's pretty large for a name. So, click-in this area and change the number to 15 (you can make this larger or smaller later if you have to). Also you should change this area for First name and Middle name:

Table 4 Field name and its properties.

Field name Field Properties
ID lecturer (Number) Field Size: integer or Autonumerical
Last name (Text) Field Size: 15
First Name (Text) Field Size: 13
Middle name (Text) Field Size: 15


Before saving the table we need to assign a primary key. Click on the name of the field that will be the primary key (ID lecturer). Click on the Primary key button on the toolbar. On the left of the field name will appear a key indicating to us that this field is the primary key of the table.

Save this table.

Then add some field name more:

Table 5 Structure of the table «Lecturers». Part 2

Field name Data Type
Date of birth Date/Time
Position Lookup Wizard…
Experience Number
Department Text
Phone Text
Pay Currency


Some annotations:


- Date of birth: type- Date/Time.

We'll use an Input Mask for Date of birth for the convenience of date input:

Picture 7 Field Properties. Input Mask.


Сlick-in the area to the right of Input Mask and write: 99.99.99 or click-on the button «the three dots» and select any form by the Input Mask Wizard.


- Position:

Field Size: 25

Create a combo box for this field.To start the wizard you will need to position yourself in the design window of the table over the type of data field («Position») that will contain the data extracted from the list and select Lookup wizard... Select «I will type in the values that I want». A second screen appears where we need to indicate the values filling the column:


· Professor

· Associate professor

· Senior lecturer

· Assistant


Once we have introduced all of the values press the Next> button to continue to the next screen where we can type a name for the column.


- Experience. Type: Number.


Field Size: integer

Also this value should be >0. For this:


Picture 8 Field Properties. Validation rule and Validation text


Validation rule: This property permits us to control the entry of data according to a specified criteria.The criteria must to be typed to ensure that any value introduced into the field is good.

Write in this area: >0, so when data is entered and not matches the condition, an error message will be displayed.


Validation text: In this property we will write the text which we wish to appear in the case of us trying to introduce a value into a field that does not comply with the validation rule specified before.


Write this area: Erorr- Length of service shuold be >0.


- Phone: type – Number.

Field Size: 9

Use Input Mask for this field: 999-99-99


In the end you have the table «Lecturers»:

Table 6 All structure of the table «Lecturers»


Field name Data Type
ID lecturer Number
Last name Text
First Name Text
Middle Name Text
Date of birth Date/Time
Post Lookup Wizard…
Length of service Number
Department Text
Phone Text
Pay Currency


Save this table.

Creating a table «Students»

Table 7 Structure of the table «Students

Field name Data Type
ID student Number
Last name Text
First name Text
Middle name Text
№ group Number
Address Text
Phone Text
Medallist Text

Some annotations:

- ID student

This field will be the Primary key for this table.

Field Size: Integer or Autonumerical

- Last name and Middle name

Field Size: 15

- First name

Field Size: 12

- № group

Field Size: Integer

- Address

Field Size: 30

- Phone

Use for this field a Input Mask: 999-99-99

- Medallist

Field Size: 4

Create a combo box

· Yes

· No

Also make «No» - default value


Picture 9 Field Properties. Default Value.


Save this table.

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