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Income statement: purpose and structure. Its connection with the balance sheet.

The income statement, also known as a profit-and-loss statement, shows total revenues and total expenses over a specific time period. Accountants typically prepare income statements on a monthly, quarterly and annual basis.

The income statement shows whether the company is making a profit or not. It sums up all the company's revenues and subtracts all of its expenses. Whatever is left is a profit or loss. Managers must know how their business is performing and if it is profitable. If not, changes must be made, or the company will go out of business.

Managers use the income statement to analyze the profit and expense performance of their businesses.

The balance sheet and income statement can be used together to evaluate the efficiency of a company's operations.Another way to use the income statement and the balance sheet together is to analyze a company's ability to pay its debts.


The purpose of a balance sheet and income statement is to let managers know how their businesses are performing and whether they need to take corrective actions.



Statement of changes in shareholders’ equity and statement of cash flows: purpose and structure.

The statement of cash flows shall report cash flows during the period classified by operating, investing and financing activities.

Cash flows from operating activities are primarily derived from the principal revenue-producing activities of the entity.

Examples of cash flows from operating activities are:

(a) cash receipts from the sale of goods and the rendering of services;

(b) cash payments to suppliers for goods and services;

(c) cash payments to employees;

(d) cash receipts and cash payments of an insurance entity;

(e) cash payments or refunds of income taxes.


Revenue recognition. Accounting for receivables.

revenue recognition

Revenue from the sale of goods shall be recognized when:

(a) the entity has transferred to the buyer the significant risks and rewards of ownership of the goods

(b) the amount of revenue can be measured;

(c) it is possible that the economic benefits will flow to the entity; and

(d) the costs incurred can be measured.

Accounting for receivable.

One of the widely used methods of estimating uncollectible accounts classifies accounts receivable into various groups on the basis of their age. According to this approach, the longer the period for which an account receivable remains outstanding, the less the chances that it will be collected.

The procedure of classifying accounts receivable into various age groups is known as aging the accounts receivable.

Under this approach, a percentage of uncollectible accounts in each age group is determined separately. This percentage is estimated on the basis of past experience and current economic conditions of the areas in which the company operates.

11. Законодательно-нормативное регулирование бухгалтерского учета в РФ.

1 уровень – законодательные документы, устанавливающие общие обязательные правила и методологическую основу организации учета

2 уровень – Положения по бухгалтерскому учету

3 уровень – методические указания, инструкции, рекомендации, утвержденные Минфином РФ, Центральным Банком РФ, отраслевыми министерствами.

4 уровень – внутренние документы конкретной организации, утверждаемые руководителем.

Цель данного Федерального закона -установление единых требований к бухгалтерскому учету, в том числе бухгалтерской (финансовой) отчетности, а также создание правового механизма регулирования бухгалтерского учета.

Учет денежных средств.

Денежные расчеты осуществляются в форме движения наличных денег и денег в безналичной форме.

Каждая организация должна иметь кассу, в которой могут находиться остатки наличных денег в пределах установленного лимита. Всю денежную наличность сверх лимита остатка денег в кассе необходимо сдать в банк.Накопление наличных денег в кассе сверх лимита допускается в дни выплат заработной платы, стипендий и т.д., и в выходные, нерабочие праздничные дни.

Организации имеют право производить расчеты наличными деньгами между юридическими лицами в размере не более 100 тыс. руб. в день по одному платежу. Из касс наличные деньги выдаются по расходным кассовым ордерам или другим документам с наложением штампа с реквизитами расходного кассового ордера.

Кассовые документы подписываются главным бухгалтером или бухгалтером, а также кассиром.

Все поступления и выдачи наличных денег учитываются в кассовой книге, которая открывается только одна в организации.

Подотчетное лицо обязано в срок (не более 3 дней после дня истечения срока) предъявить главному бухгалтеру или бухгалтеру авансовый отчет с прилагаемыми подтверждающими документами.

Выдача наличных денег под отчет проводится при условии полного погашения задолженности по ранее полученной под отчет сумме наличных денег.

Помещение кассы должно быть изолировано.

При смене кассира, а также в сроки, установленные руководителем организации, производится инвентаризация кассы.


Accounting for foreign exchange rates.

Functional currency is the currency of the primary economic environment in which the entity operates.

Foreign currency is a currency other than the functional currency of the entity

Closing rate is the spot exchange rate at the end of the reporting period.

Exchange rate is the ratio of exchange for two currencies.

Exchange difference isthe difference resulting from translating a given number of units of one currency into another currency at different exchange rates.

Monetary items are units of currency held and assets and liabilities to be received or paid in a fixed or determinable number of units of currency.

A foreign currency transaction is a transaction when an entity:

(a) buys or sells goods or services whose price is denominated in a foreign currency;

(b) borrows or lends funds when the amounts payable or receivable are denominated in a foreign currency; or

(c) otherwise acquires or disposes of assets, or incurs or settles liabilities, denominated in a foreign currency.


Purpose and types of financial analysis.Solvencyratios.

The purpose of financial analysis is to provide information on the financial position, profitability, operating, investing, and financing activities. There are some types of financial analysis: liquidity, profitability, activety,


Solvency ratio- Ability to meet its obligations
1. Equity ratio=total equity/Total asset
Measures the amount of assets that are financed by owners investment

2. Debt ratio= Total liabilities/total asset
Measures the amount of assets financed by company’s obligations

3. Debt to equity=total liability/total equity
Indicated the relative proportion of equity and debt to finance a company’s asset


Company’s liquidity is its ability to meet its current obligations/liabilities and a mediate of financial health

Working capital (собственныеоборотныесредства)= All current assets - current liabilities

If a business has a positive WC it indicates that in case of emergency the entity can pay all of its ST debts.

2. Cash ratio (коэффициентабсолютнойликвидности)= Cash and cash equivalents + marketable securities/financial assets/ST investments divide by current liabilities

This signifies a company’s ability to meet its ST liabilities with its cash marketable securities.

Must be more than 1 (in Russia more that 0,2 or 20%)
0,2 is a benchmark.

ИзвсейдоликраткосрочныхобязательствможетпогаситьХ (наличными)


3. Quick ratio= (Cash + cash equivalents + marketable + AR)/current liabilities

Shows abilities of a company to meet its current liabilities with cash, marketable securities and AR
Must be More than 80%

4. Current ratio= Current assets/current liabilities
Must be more than 1



Show a company’s ability to generate profits from operations. Focus on returns on investment in inventory and other assets. How well a company can achieve profits from their operations

1. Return on assets ROA=net income/average total assets
How much net income a company generates for 1 dollar of total asset

2. Return on equity= net income/average total equity

3. Profit margin (Рентабельностьпоприбыли)= operating income/revenue
How much oper income is earned for 1$ revenue

4. Gross profit margin= gross profit/revenue

5. Net profit margin= net income/revenue
How much net income earned on 1$ revenue


measure the efficiency of the company in using it’s resources

1. AR Turnover ratios reflect the number of times assets flow into and out of the company during the period

AR turnover = revenue/average AR (in times)

Shows how many times AR are created and collected during the period

2. Days to collect AR = 365/AR turnover
How many days it takes for company to get money from customers

3. Inventory turnover= COGS/average inventory

Shows how many times inventory is created and sold during the period

4. Days to sell inventory = 365/inventory turnover

5. Asset turnover. = revenue/average total assets
Is a measure of how well a company uses its assets to generate revenue
Cents per dollar of total assets

6. Equity turnover= revenue/average total equity

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