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Ex.15. Translate into English.


Принято считать, что профессионально составленное резюме обычно содержит следующие разделы:
- общие данные о кандидате — возраст, адрес проживания, контактная информация;
- образование — как основное, так и дополнительное;
- профессиональные умения и навыки;
- трудовая биография в обратном хронологическом порядке (последнее место работы — сначала);
- личные данные о кандидате, его увлечения;
- пожелания кандидата относительно будущей должности, уровня компенсации, возможного района или региона работы.
Если резюме в достаточной мере освещает указанные выше разделы, это уже плюс кандидату.
Если резюме хорошо отредактировано и правильно оформлено, изложено грамотным русским или иностранным (чаще английским) языком, его легко читать, то это уже два плюса кандидату.
Если резюме является приложением к сопроводительному письму, в котором кандидат сообщает, почему он претендует на эту должность и приводит краткие, но убедительные доказательства своих претензий, то в лучших российских и западных компаниях, где принята подобная этика деловой корреспонденции, он получит третий плюс.
Специалист по подбору персонала обязательно выделит такое резюме из общей массы полученных откликов, прочтет его до конца и после первичной сортировки, несомненно, вернется к нему вновь. Такое развитие событий значительно повышает шансы кандидата быть приглашенным на работу, так как резюме весьма положительно характеризует его.


Ex.16. Fill in the blanks with topical words.


When a company needs to _____or _____new people, it may decide to advertise the ____or _____in the appointments section of a newspaper. People who are interested can then ____ the job by sending in a _____or _____ and a_____ or _____containing details of their education and experience. A company may also ask candidates to complete a standard_____. The company’s _____department will then select the most suitable applications and prepare a short list of _____or_____, who are invited to attend an_____. Another way for a company to _____is by using the services of a _____ or _____ who will provide them with a list of suitable candidates.


Ex.17.Render into English.


Одно из направлений деятельности отделов профориентации выпускников вузов - работа с компаниями по заявкам. Выпускники направляются на работу в ту или иную компанию на рекомендательной основе, в соответствии с реалиями современного рынка труда. Не каждого студента можно рекомендовать от имени вуза на серьезную позицию в престижную фирму: общественное мнение о вузе, его рейтинг не в последнюю очередь складываются благодаря выпускникам. Как найти и рекомендовать студента или выпускника, удовлетворяющего требованиям работодателя?

Отделы создают собственную интерактивную базу данных, которая будет содержать резюме студентов и выпускников.

По оценкам консультантов службы занятости, лишь 15% выпускников являются «карьеристами», то есть имеют высокий уровень мотивации к достижению успеха. Они уже выбрали направление, в котором хотели бы найти работу, могут аргументировать свой выбор, у них есть необходимые теоретические знания, практические навыки, определенный набор личных качеств, позволяющий достичь успеха в жизни. Это золотой фонд любого вуза, на который сейчас крайне высокий спрос среди работодателей. Но есть и другие выпускники, от которых нередко приходится слышать: «У меня нет опыта работы. Меня никто не возьмет на работу».

Конечно, не любое предприятие готово пригласить молодого специалиста, но есть компании, которые интересуются именно выпускниками с минимальным опытом работы или даже без него. Одна из задач вузовских подразделений профориентации - поиск таких компаний, установление долгосрочных отношений с ними. В основном это западные фирмы - мощные отраслевые производственные комплексы, производители товаров народного потребления, консалтинговые компании и т.д. У них давно сложилась культура приема на работу выпускников и их дальнейшего обучения. Но примечательно, что в последнее время и российские компании все активнее проявляют интерес к молодым специалистам.


Ex.18. Read the advertisement and write your resume and a letter of application, describing yourself and explaining why you are the right person for the job.



What is Internship?

A program (usually from 6 weeks up to 3 months) when students join P&G for salaried full-time positions during their University vacations. Internships are an integral part of P&G full-time recruiting strategy. They provide an opportunity for the student and the Company to evaluate each other over an extended period.

What is good in it?

• The best way to discover P&G from inside

• Get real business experience

• Opportunities to work with different people from other Departments

• Opportunity to transform a successful internship into a full-time job


We are looking for mature and reliable people who are able to work independently. You must be a 3-4-5th year University student, with native Russian and excellent command of English. More important, you should be a leader, an intelligent, ambitious, and responsible person with a strong record of achievement.


Apply online at www.procterandgamble.ru or fax your resume to (095) 258-5791

Unit III



This is the last, and often the most important, stage in getting a job.

If an employer has seen that you're not at all what he's looking for from your application you will not be called in for an interview. So if you are called in for an interview you might say you already have one foot in the door. But he won't only have called you in. So this is the critical moment — what you do, what impression you make will either make or break you. The employer will be judging you by the way you look, your attitude, personality and if he thinks you can cope with the job. It is always best to find as much as possible about the company you are being interviewed by. And about the job for which you are applying. This will help you understand the questions asked and should arm with some intelligent questions to ask in turn. Interview etiquette revolves round honesty, a show of confidence and a common courtesy.


Ex.1. Read the text and answer the questions.


What to wear

The type of job you are applying for will obviously have considerable bearing on what you choose to wear. You should think about whether your interview is going to be held in the executive's office or on the factory floor. Most interviews take place in an office and in these circumstances the interviewee should be smartly dressed; men should wear suits or at least a jacket and a tie, and a woman should choose comparably smart clothes - a suit or dress.

However smart your clothes are you should not let them smother your character. Men can hint at their more eccentric or imaginative streak by their choice of tie, by having a brightly coloured handkerchief in their top pocket, or simply by the colour of their socks. Women can achieve the same effect with accessories and jewellery, although ornate and very showy jewellery can be off-putting. While women should not deliberately choose dowdy clothes, they should avoid wearing overtly sexy clothes.

In short, interview clothes should say something about yourself while helping you to exude an air of confidence and professionalism. The most important thing about interview clothes is that they should be comfortable. If you buy an outfit especially for an interview, make sure you wear it in first so that it is comfortable and feels familiar.

Arriving for interviews

You should always leave time to arrive punctually at interviews, but do not arrive early. If you have time to spare, spend it collecting your thoughts before presenting yourself for the interview. If you present yourself too early you will appear a little desperate and insecure, and you will give yourself time to get nervous while you sit and wait. While you are waiting to go into your interview take a few deep breaths to calm yourself and think over the questions you would like to ask your interviewer.

When the interviewer arrives or when you are shown into his office, smile and make eye contact. If he or she offers a hand to shake, take it firmly, but don't wag it briskly. Make sure you get the interviewer's name, and use it at intervals during the interview. If you are offered a cup of tea or coffee, don't resort to saying, ‘I don't mind’ or ‘only if you're having one’; although accommodating, these are indecisive answers that will not impress a prospective employer. Whether or not your interviewer is drinking anything, it is a good idea to accept the offer of a drink; this is an indication that you feel comfortable, and having the drink may help you to relax.

Talking shop

The main object of an interview is for the prospective employer to let you know about the job in question and to size you up. If the interviewer talks at length, concentrate on what he or she is saying: everything the interviewer tells you about the job should help you plead your own case as a prospective employee. If you concentrate, you won't be caught out if he or she suddenly says 'do you agree?'

If you disagree with something the interviewer has said, say so (always remember that he or she may have deliberately said something contentious to see whether you had the nerve to stick to your opinion). Be yourself and be honest about yourself; if you have to lie or change yourself to get a job, you are unlikely to be successful or happy in it. Give honest answers to questions even if you think you are not saying what the interviewer wants to hear; it is better to say 'this may not be what you want to hear, but...' than to lie.

When the interviewer asks you a difficult question, don't be afraid to take your time in answering. You may even give them a wry smile or admit 'that's a difficult one', but don't let yourself be rushed into answering straight away.

Never forget that you are sizing the company up just as much as they are sizing you up. You should always have questions ready to ask them. A lack of interest and curiosity in the company and the job would not be a good sign. But you should not ask questions about working hours and time off; that would indicate a negative attitude to the work.

Leaving the interview

At the end of the interview the interviewer will usually thank you for coming, and will say that the company will be getting in touch to let you know whether or not you have the job. This is your cue to leave, and you should not linger on after it. As you get to your feet, you should thank the interviewer for agreeing to see you and make a final remark about how much you would enjoy being a part of the company.

Try to put your hand forward to shake hands before the interviewer does; this is a positive, assertive gesture. As you leave the room, don't just walk out and close the door behind you, but turn round and offer them one last smile before you leave.


1) Why is an interview necessary on top of the application?

2) What is the most important thing to remember when you go into a job interview?

3) What might you be asked during an interview?

4) What can you ask during an interview?

5) Why can the interviewer say "Don't call us, we'll call you?"


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