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Выберите правильное местоимение.

1.... time I see her she speaks about her dog.

a) every

b) any

c) some

2. The play... was interesting but the acting was poor.

a) herself

b) itself

c) oneself

3.... has lived in this house for years.

a) nowhere

b) no one

c) nothing

4. It’s rather a good book, but I don’t like... of the stories here.

a) some

b) anyone

c) no

5. Are there...mistakes in your dictation?-Yes, there are....

a) any

b) some

c) no

6.... knows that.

a) everything

b) every

c) everybody



1. Every time I see her she speaks about her dog.

a) every

b) any

c) some

2. The play itself was interesting but the acting was poor.

a) herself

b) itself

c) oneself

3. No one has lived in this house for years.

a) nowhere

b) no one

c) nothing

4. It’s rather a good book, but I don’t like anyone of the stories here.

a) some

b) anyone

c) no

5. Are there any mistakes in your dictation?-Yes, there are some.

a) any

b) some

c) no

6. Everybody knows that.

a) everything

b) every

c) everybody

Insert “much”, “many”, “little”, “few”, “a little”, “a few”.

Вставьте местоимения “much”, “many”, “little”, “few”, “a little”,

“a few”.

1. There is so... snow on the roof. 2. I can’t drink this tea. There is too... sugar in it. 3. I saw Ann... days ago. 4. Do... people know about this new shop? – No, only... 5. How... pieces of sugar do you put in your tea? 6. Her English is very good. She makes... mistakes. 7. She didn’t eat anything, but she drank... water.


1. There is so much snow on the roof. 2. I can’t drink this tea. There is too much sugar in it. 3. I saw Ann a few days ago. 4. Do many people know about this new shop? – No, only a few. 5. How many pieces of sugar do you put in your tea? 6. Her English is very good. She makes few mistakes. 7. She didn’t eat anything but she drank much water.

Translate into English using “some”, “any”, “much”, “many”, “little”, “few”, “a little”, “a few” or their derivatives..

Переведите на английский язык, выбрав правильное местоимение или его производное.

1. У него очень много книг. 2. Я хочу тебе кое-что рассказать. 3. Она мало говорит, но много делает. 4. Сколько у них детей? 5. Мы потратили очень много денег. 6. Хотите кофе? – Да, немного. 7. На этот вопрос может ответить любой ребенок. 8. Кто-то звонил нам сегодня и хотел тебе что-то сказать.


He has so many books. 2. I want to tell you something. 3. She talks little, but does much. 4. How many children do they have? 5. We spent so much money. 6. Would you like some coffee? – Yes, a little. 7. Any child can answer this question. 8. Somebody called us today and wanted to tell you something.


Complete these sentences using “to be going to” construction.

Составьте предложения, используя оборот “to be going to”.

1. I (to play) the piano.

2. My friend (to pay) for the trip.

3. We (to become) famous lawyers.

4. John (to write) a report.


I am going to play the piano.

My friend is going to pay for the trip.

We are going to become famous lawyers.

John is going to write a report.

14. Disagree as in the model, using both, neither... nor.

Выразите свое несогласие, используя модель (both, neither... nor).

model: We need both fruit and vegetables.

We need neither fruit nor vegetables.


1. They will go to both Canada and Australia.

2. She drinks both water and coffee after lunch.

3. Ann and Jill both are fond of honey.


1. They will go to neither Canada nor Australia.

2. She drinks neither water nor coffee after lunch.

3. Neither Ann nor Jill is fond of honey.

15. Express the same idea in English (either... or).

Скажите это по-английски.

1. Он будет или адвокатом, или ученым.

2. Купи либо яблоки, либо апельсины.

3. Сделай это либо сегодня, либо завтра.


He will become either a lawyer or a scientist.

Buy either apples or oranges.

Do this either today or tomorrow.

Read the text.

Прочтите текст.

Smart Guy.

One morning a well-dressed gentleman of aristocratic bearing accompanied by his manservant entered a jeweller’s shop in Bond Street in London.

The gentleman wore his right arm in a sling. He began to examine the rings and when he selected a couple of rings to the value of one thousand pounds, he put his hand into his breast pocket, as he wished to pay for the rings at once.

“Oh, hang it! I must have left my wallet at home. Here, Daniel,” he said to his servant, “take the car, drive back to my wife and ask her to give you the money. Oh, Mr... just oblige me with a sheet of notepaper to write a few lines, please.”

The jeweller at once complied with the request, and the gentleman tried to write, but found it difficult, as his hand was bandaged and quite painful.

“No, I cannot manage it. Would you please write it for me?”

So the jeweller took the pen and paper and at the dictation of the gentleman wrote:

“Kindly send me a thousand pounds, via bearer – Theophilus.”

“What a strange coincidence,” observed the jeweller. “My name is Theophilus, too.”

“Ah, I am glad to hear it,” replied the gentleman while his man took the note and left by the swanky car outside the door.

The jeweller and the gentleman waited for a very long time, until the latter began to yawn and show signs of impatience, and after a further wait he said:

“I must go home and see what has caused the delay. Keep the rings for time being, and tomorrow I shall call for them and take them away.”

When the jeweller arrived home in the evening he told his wife that he did a fair stroke of business with a strange gentleman.

“Indeed?” his wife replied. “But why then did you send home for a thousand pounds?”

“What? I... didn’t... ”

“What on earth’s the matter with you?” interrupted his wife. “That’s your handwriting, isn’t it? And that’s your notepaper, isn’t it?”

The jeweller fainted.

Translate the text into Russian in written form.

Письменно переведите текст.


Однажды утром хорошо одетый джентльмен, с аристократическими манерами, сопровождаемый слугой, зашел в ювелирный магазин на Бонд Стрит в Лондоне.

Правая рука у джентльмена была подвязана. Он начал рассматривать кольца и,когда выбрал пару колец стоимостью 1000 фунтов стерлингов, он сунул руку в нагрудной карман, так как хотел оплатить их сразу же.

- Тьфу! Я должно быть забыл свой кошелек дома. Даниель – сказал он своему слуге, - возьми машину, съезди назад домой к моей жене и попроси ее дать тебе деньги. О, Мистер … сделайте мне одолжение, дайте мне пожалуйста лист бумаги, чтобы написать несколько строк.

Ювелир сразу же исполнил просьбу, и джентльмен пытался что-то написать, но это вызвало затруднение, так как его рука была забинтована и все еще продолжала болеть.

- Нет, не получается. Не могли бы Вы написать за меня?

Ювелир взял ручку, бумагу и начал под диктовку записывать:

- Дорогая. Пришли мне тысячу фунтов стерлингов через посыльного – Теофилиуса.

- Какое странное совпадение, - заметил ювелир. Меня тоже зовут Теофилиус.

- Рад слышать это – ответил джентльмен, в то время как его слуга взял записку и уехал на обалденной машине.

Ювелир и джентльмен ждали очень долгое время, когда последний начал зевать и показывать знаки негодования, и сказал:

- Я должен поехать домой и узнать причину задержки. Придержите кольца некоторое время, а завтра я заеду за ними и заберу.

Когда ювелир прибыл вечером домой, он рассказал жене о том, как он совершил необычную сделку со странным джентльменом.

- Правда? – воскликнула его жена. - Но почему тогда ты присылал домой за 1000 фунтами стерлингов?

- Что? Я не присылал.

- Что это с тобой? - перебила его жена. - Это твой почерк, не так ли? И это твоя бумага, не так ли?

Ювелир потерял сознание.

18. Make up all possible types of questions (general, alternative, disjunctive, special,question to the subject).

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