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Research conference of GRIAT professors




Research conference of GRIAT professors


Conference program


May 23rd, 2016


Table of content

1. Programme committee………………………………………...4

2. Conference program at a glance …………………….…….……... 5

3. Conference venue ……………………………….………….…….... 5

4. Sections of conference ……………………………………….…….. 6

5. Abstracts……………………………………………………… 7

Section 1. “Aircraft Еngines and Еnergy Installations, Aircraft Engineering”…………………………………………………….. 7

Section 2. “Communications and Signal Processing”………….. 10

Section 3. “Communications and Signal Processing”………….. 13

Section 4. “Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, Chemical and Energy Engineering”……………………………. 16

Section 5. “Embedded Systems, Research in Computer and Systems”……………………………………………….……..… 19

Section 6. “Micro- and Nanoelectronics”………………….....… 22

Section 7. “Vision Сomputing”………………………………… 26

Section 8. “Research in Computer and Systems Engineering”… 29


Programme committee

Conference chair: Gilmetdinova Alsu

Section leaders: Sultanova Alina, Pavlov Vitaly

(chair, moderator) Veselova Ekaterina, Rakhimov Damir

Dunaeva Oksana, Gaysin Artur

Bikmukhametov Airat, Altunin Konstantin

Gabitova Renata, Kirsanov Alexander

Gilmetdinova Alsu, Kadushkin Vladislav

Zhukova Olga, Snegurenko Alexander

Yakhina Rouzilya, Valitova Natalya

Support staff: Veselova Ekaterina, Dunaeva Oksana, international and GRIAT students of KNRTU-KAI


Conference chair: oversee and monitor conference activities

Section chairs: upload all presentations ahead of time, explain time-limits for each presentation, and introduce the section moderator, maintain the program schedule

Section moderators: introduce the session topic and speakers, pass out surveys, prepare discussion questions, together with section chair choosing the best presentation of the speaker and the best question from the audience, manage Questions and Answers (at the end of each presentation), and prepare concluding remarks of the section to be shared at the conclusion of the conference

Support staff: register participants, provide logistic support, organize a coffee break, give the tour

If you have any questions about the conference, please call at 231-16-23

Conference program at a glance

09:30-10:00 Registration Recreation hall, 3rd floor
10:00 Welcome speech of the rector of KNRTU-KAI Gilmutdinov A. Kh. Gubanov hall
10:15 Introduction of GRIAT Week activities, GRIAT director Mokshin V.V. Gubanov hall
10:45 Introduction of Research conference activities, Head of the Office of International Affairs Gilmetdinova A.M. Gubanov hall
11:00-12:30 Research conference of GRIAT professors See below p. 4 “The sections of conference”
12:30 Coffee-break Recreation hall, 3rd floor
12:45-13:00 Concluding remarks of section moderators. Award ceremony for the best presentation and the best question from each section Gubanov hall
13:00-13:30 Tour of the GRIAT facilities Quantum center, Nanotechnology center, etc.

Conference venue

GRIAT, 18a, Chetayeva-str., Kazan, Russia

Conference language: English

Sections of conference

No. Names of the sections Room No.
1 Aircraft Еngines and Еnergy Installations, Aircraft Engineering Section leaders: Sultanova Alina Petrovna Pavlov Vitaly Vladimirovich Gubanov hall
2 Communications and Signal Processing Section leaders: Veselova Ekaterina Valer’evna Rakhimov Damir Raisovich 356
3 Communications and Signal Processing Section leaders: Dunaeva Oksana Georgievna Gaysin Artur Kamilevich 355
4 Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, Chemical and Energy Engineering Section leaders: Bikmukhametov Airat Rashidovich Altunin Konstantin Vitalevich Simonov hall
5 Embedded Systems, Research in Computer Systems Section leaders: Gabitova Renata Takhirovna Kirsanov Alexander Yurevich 354
6 Micro- and Nanoelectronics Section leaders: Gilmetdinova Alsu Makhmutovna Kadushkin Vladislav Valerevich Silaev hall
  Vision Сomputing Section leaders: Zhukova Ol’ga Gennad’evna Snegurenko Alexander Pavlovich  
  Research in Computer and Systems Engineering Section leaders: Yakhina Rouzilya Raifovna Valitova Natalya L’vovna  





Section 1. “Aircraft Еngines and Еnergy Installations, Aircraft Engineering”

Section leaders: Sultanova Alina Petrovna

Pavlov Vitaly Vladimirovich

Gubanov hall

  Vladislav Varsegov, PhD Associate professor Title: Theory of aircraft engines and energy Installations.
Abstract: Aircraft engines cover different types of engines: turbine, gas turbine, turbine jet engines, etc. The objective of our work is to optimize engine parameters using a comparative approach. The comparative approach implies analysis and description of mathematical models used when comparing different engine parameters. Engine parameters are optimized considering the purpose of an aircraft.
  Farid Valiev, PhD Associate professor Title: Features of toxic substances in burning fuel spraying liquid.
Abstract: We study a process of formation and release of toxic substances in combustion chambers of gas turbine aircraft engines. Analysis of exhausted toxic substances is based on a simple model that provides simple analytical relations for the laws of combustion and release of hazardous substances but it reflects the main features of the combustion of liquid fuel spray.
  Eduard Simkin, PhD Associate professor Title: Monitoring and control of carbon buildup on the flanks of the fuel nozzles of TV3-117 engine in operation.
Abstract: This research deals with the problem of identifying carbon buildup on the flanks of the fuel nozzles of TV3-117 engines in operation and the number of carbonized nozzles on the basis of the diagnostic indicators. The presentation suggests methods for determining the degree of overlap of the exit section of the fuel nozzles with the overlap of air distribution holes of the swirler without removing the engine from the aircraft, on the helicopter base. Also, the presentation provides a brief description of the reasons for carbon buildup and suggests the solutions to the problem of carbon buildup, one of which is a traditional and up to date issued of alternative fuels.
  Vladimir Yavkin, PhD Associate professor Title: Numerical simulation of workflows of gas-turbine engines.
Abstract: One of the directions of numerical simulation aims to solve practical problems. Optimized exhaust gas turbine installations significantly reduce noise level and hydraulic losses which result in increasing efficiency. The outcomes of the calculations depend on a turbulence model notably; the model modification provides a more adequate behavior of the model, especially in the separation area. The simulation results compared to experimental data are in good agreement with the latter.
  Ayzada Magsumova, PhD Associate professor Title: Improvement of composite parts manufacturing processes.
Abstract: This report focuses on improvement of composite parts manufacturing processes. The technological problems of composite manufacturing and the reasons of reducing mechanical properties are considered briefly. The ways for adjustment of interfacial interaction and technological processes are discussed in composite manufacturing. The chemical and physical modifications of epoxy compounds are demonstrated. The role of surface free energy in adjustment of wetting, spreading, impregnation and adhesion are shown.
  Liia Makarova, PhD Associate professor Title: Aerodynamic configuration of transport and passenger category of aircrafts.
Abstract: The aim of the project is to develop a procedure for selecting design parameters of aircrafts on the basis of modern requirements for configurations of transport and passenger category of aircrafts. The task of the project includes creating testing mathematical models of selecting the design parameters of transport and passenger category aircraft.
  Vitaly Pavlov, PhD Associate professor Title: Vertical take-off and landing vehicle.
Abstract: Airplane and helicopter exist separately, perform different tasks, and almost do not replace each other, although there is such a need when there are no exact runways, and goods cannot be shipped by air directly to their destination. Instead in large airports the goods are moved from airplanes to helicopters with small payload, range, and speed. On the basis of proposals of the author a new type of airplane is designed integrating capability of airplane and helicopter. This presentation discusses the research of the rotating disk wing proposed by the author. During take-off or landing blades are extended from wing, transforming it into rotor.


Section 2. “Communications and Signal Processing”

Rakhimov Damir Raisovich


  Pavel Denisenko, PhD Associate professor Title: Optoelectronic systems for polyharmonic probing and description of the brillouin gain contour in single-mode optical fiber.
Abstract: We address principles of construction and ways of analyzing electro-optical probing and characterizing the Brillouin gain contour, based on the methods of poly-harmonic probing radiation and evaluation of the parameters by estimating envelopes of its beat frequencies at stages of searching the center frequency, determining the maximum power and width of the contour as basic characteristics of measuring temperature variations and distortion of tension/compression in a single-mode optical fiber. The purpose is to improve metrological, technical and economic characteristics of electronic-optical systems of this type.
  German Ilyin, PhD, DSc Professor Title: External amplitude-phase modulation of laser radiation.
Abstract: We present an overview of the basic structures, element base and directions of development of microwave photonics systems. The objective of our project is to define the parameters of external amplitude-phase modulation as the key process for radio frequency signal generation in the optical range and poly-harmonics laser radiation with components, lying within the radio frequency range.
  Aleksey Ulanov, Research assistant Title: Application of statistical methods to improve the reliability of the detection of heart disease.
Abstract: The human organisms a complex system that consist of a large number of interrelated parts. To improve the accuracy of heart diseases detection we have to analyze a large number of medical parameters. The doctor cannot do it quickly, so there is a need for special algorithms to convert a large number of recorded parameters into small number which have the greatest amount of information. The report focuses on the issue of the possibility of applying multivariate statistical analysis to process diagnostic ECG parameters and certain heart diseases.
  Stanislav Sedov, PhD Associate professor Title: Detection and analysis of low amplitude potentials appearing in electro cardiac signal.
Abstract: The focus of our research is electro cardiac signal (ECS) and low amplitude potentials (LAP) appearing in ECS. Detection of LAP is very important to estimate the human heart state. We have used the standard Simson’s method of high resolution electrocardiography in our work to allocate LAP from noises. We included an original statistical algorithm to the Simson’s method to define the temporal position of the QRS-complex more accurately. As a result the precision of the Simson’s method has been increased in detection of LAP.
  Denis Vedenkin, PhD Associate professor Title: Antennas focused on the near radiated field zone.
Abstract: Antennas and antenna arrays take one of the most important places among different kinds of modern technical and technological equipment. Properties and characteristics of antenna systems define possibilities of microwave technological complexes. Focus on electromagnetic waves in the bounded area helps us improve qualities of modern microwave systems. Of course, optimal characteristics of these kinds of antenna systems can’t be solved without fundamental properties of focused antennas.
  Damir Rakhimov, Lecturer, PhD student Title: Statistical signal processing in communication systems.
Abstract: Working conditions of communication systems are characterized by rapid and arbitrary changes of the medium of transmission and the presence of random noise in the channel. Therefore, studying the theory of random variables and functions is especially important in training students. This report discusses ways of representing random variables and methods of statistical modeling of communication systems. Furthermore, the methods of calculating the probability density function after nonlinear conversions of random variables are also covered.

Section 3. “Communications and Signal Processing”

Gaysin Artur Kamilevich


  Elena Spirina, PhD Associate professor Topic: Development of unified detection, planning, optimization, adaptive usage of resources and routing algorithm in broadband wireless access networks.
Abstract: We deal with analyzing and increasing broadband wireless access networks efficiency through development and research of effective planning, optimization, adaptive usage of resources and routing methods based on new classes of channels’ stochastic models using GIS technologies and unified receiving algorithm synthesis.
  Sergey Kozlov, PhD, DSc Associate professor Title: Multi-Markov poly-Gaussian models of wideband systems.
Abstract: We describe a new subclass of poly-Gaussian models – multi-Markov poly-Gaussian models, optimized for describing signals transduction environment in systems with wideband signals. Based on the developed model, the algorithm for the signals reception has been synthesized and subsequently analyzed for its efficiency with signals of CDMA One standard. The data obtained confirmed both the capability of the model to provide adequate description of the signal environment and the efficiency of the developed algorithm.
  Adel Nadeev, PhD, DSc Professor Title: Theory and applications of Markov-mixed random processes in signal processing
Abstract: Model, based on the mixture of Gaussian distributions or Poly-gaussian model, can be used for representation of probability distributions of signal and interference in real radiochannels. Poly Gaussian approach allows us to obtain analytical solutions for different types of signal processing algorithms in non-Gaussian formulation. We have proposed an approach based on combining of capabilities poly-Gaussian and Markov models, so called Markov-mixed poly-gaussian probabilistic model. Generalized classification algorithm, based on the Markov-mixed poly-gaussian probabilistic model, has a recurrent form of the likelihood ratio. The algorithm combines the properties of parallelism and recurrence.
  Dmitry Danilaev, PhD Associate professor Title: Automated organizational management systems.
Abstract The approach to adaptation of collaborative processes in organizational systems is considered in this report. It is based on the information technology use. The methods of structural adaptation and processes for self-adjusting are offered. The mathematical models of collaborative decision-making support are presented based on fuzzy logic methods. The developed mathematical models are convenient to algorithmize. They allowed developing solutions for support expert subsystem. The designed expert subsystem software module allows completing the existing automated system functionally. An integrated information system design and technical solutions are discussed.
  Aleksey Korobkov, PhD Associate professor Title: Probability density of polar coordinates of random vectors with random fluctuations of their Cartesian coordinates.
Abstract: The report provides a new approach for describing the probability density of polar coordinates of random vectors. If Cartesian coordinates of random vectors have Gaussian distributions with zero means and the same variances, then distributions of their polar coordinates are known. But the density distribution of the polar coordinates of random vectors with Gaussian coordinates and not the same variances are unknown. In the report the results of modeling of a new approach are provided.
  Artur Gaysin, Lecturer, PhD student Title: Estimation of quality of service parameters in mobile communication networks.
Abstract: The report presents the main stages of the methodology for assessing the QoS parameters of mobile networks. This methodology is based on measuring energy parameters of the radio interface and assessment congestion of channel resources. We present probabilistic relationships that take into account multiple classes of subscribers’ traffic. It can be used in constructing models of mobile cells and assessment of current load.

Section 4. “Electrical Engineering and Information Technology,
Chemical and Energy Engineering”

Simonov hall

  Iskander Gilmanshin, PhD Associate professor Title: Landfill energy complex based on the renewable energy installations.
Abstract: We analyze standard approaches to degassing landfills and existing methods of degassing landfills. We implement a series of parallel studies in the framework of achieving a common goal to reduce the anthropogenic pressure on the ecosystem of the region due to the need for disposal of solid waste. We aim to develop the target problem-oriented management techniques and an effective energy complex to solve the existing problem of landfill degassing.
  Ruslan Isakov, PhD Associate profes-sor Title: Effect of the static synchronous compensator on the distance protection of the transmission line.
Abstract: The presence of FACTS devices such as a shunt-connected STATCOM on a transmission line has a great impact on the measured impedance at the relaying point which in turn affects the performance of the relay. The new algorithm uses synchronized data sampling of the STATCOM current at the relay location. According to that, the measured impedance is corrected and the actual distance to the fault is calculated. This algorithm is more flexible as it requires only voltage and current measurements during the fault and no pre fault measurements are entailed.  
  Olga Egorova, Senior lecturer Title: Detecting heavy metals IN metropolis ecosystems.
Abstract: My research places emphasis on the environmental monitoring of air conditions and various types of contaminants which influence metropolis ecosystems. The method of detecting heavy metals as contaminants which allows giving a comprehensive assessment of the state of a metropolis ecosystem is being developed and, therefore, timely measures to reduce bad impact of mobile sources on the environment are being taken.
  Svetlana Shavaleeva, PhD Associate professor Title: Glass waste recycling.
Abstract: Collecting and recycling glass waste being of great importance contribute to the decreasing of bad influence on the environment. This project presents the results of modern technologies working on the principle "Waste makes income". There is a high-temperature waste treatment process called “fuzing”. Applying this technology allows achieving these goals. Stained-glass windows resulting in glass wastes are recycled into glass jewelry; glass container wastes are recycled into souvenir products.  
  Ellina Gogol, PhD Associate professor Title: Environmentally safe manufacturing establishments for sustainable development.
Abstract: Environmentally safe and effective development is a major challenge for sustainable development. One way of solving this problem is the creation of new technologies to increase their environmental safety. The importance of environmental issues and potential impacts associated with manufacturing and consumption of products, increases interest in methods to assess and mitigate these effects, in particular in the assessment of the life cycle.  
  Guzel Gumerova, PhD Senior lecturer Title: A new approach to the determination of the dioxins.
Abstract: Dioxins and dioxin-like compounds are by-products of various industrial processes, such as production of plastics, pesticides, herbicides, metals, paper, waste incineration. The modern methods of determination of dioxins are very costly and time consuming. Based on this, a new method for determination of dioxins using the enzymatic biosensors was developed. This method greatly simplifies and reduces the cost of the analysis procedure.  
  Konstantin Altunin, PhD Associate professor Title: Research projects in the GRIAT “Chemical and Energy Engineering” MSc program.
Abstract: The MSc program offers several courses including «Mechanical Process Engineering» that are devoted to mechanical processes that can have place in other media and include particle interactions, powders, nanoparticles, aerosols, particle size distribution, physical particle properties; combination of comminution and separation processes; particle mixing and agglomeration, etc. The report also highlights innovative research of the author, such as elaboration of new sprayers for aircraft, burners for heat plants and home stoves, new internal combustion systems, etc.
  Marina Rumyantseva, PhD Associate professor Title Extrascientific factors of scientific knowledge
Abstract The problem of scientific knowledge is old and young at the same time. Each epoch brings some new traits to it. But the essence of it is constant – does it give us the real vision of the world or is our knowledge a sort of fantasy or fallacy? The answers can be found in different fields. One of them is the notion of science itself


Section 5. “Embedded Systems, Research in Computer Systems”

Kirsanov Alexander Yurevich


  Igor Vershinin, PhD Associate professor Title: Principles of associative steganography.
Abstract: Data protection with the use of masking device which is used with two-dimensional associative processing of stylized binary images, is considered to be used in the sphere of steganography. Applied to mapping the suggested approach of stegoprotection has got an unconditional stability. The method which is under review belongs to the probabilistic types of protection. Randomnicity is used with special mechanisms of spatial clustering of objects masking their binary representations and randomization.  
  Aydar Nasybullinor, PhD Associate professor Title: Microwave technologies in information measuring and energy applications.
Abstract: The report focuses on the scientific research connected with application of microwaves in industry and measurement systems. Microwave industry technologies include manufacturing materials which require heating and chemical transformations under the influence of the microwaves. Microwave measurements include the development of new types of microwave sensors based on resonant periodic structures, and the research of electro physical parameters of materials and mediums in the microwave range.
  Rafael Sagdiev, PhD Associate professor Title: New conception of multipoint temperature measurements.
Abstract: A new method of multipoint temperature measurement on the basis of quartz sensors is discussed. The main features of the method are: • Minimum Amount of Communication Lines • Considerable Maximum Distance between Sensors and Registration Unit (communication cable length up to 100 meters) • Precise Temperature Measurement (resolutions up to 0.01°C) • High Long Term Stability of Transformation Characteristic • Wide Operating Temperature Range (from -269°C to about +500°C).
  Alfia Salakhova, PhD Associate professor Title: Three-beam triangulating sensor.
Abstract: The project tells us about a new high precision triangulating sensor for measuring distance and/or inclination angle with a high temperature stability for a wide range of technical and technological applications. The corresponding measurement algorithm is considered and hardware allowing its implementation is developed. The preferable embodiment of three beam triangulating sensor comprises three laser radiation sources, CCD-array based image sensor including optical system, and control electronic unit.  
  Evgeny Denisov, PhD Associate professor Title: PEMFC operation mode monitoring based on electrical fluctuation analysis.
Abstract: One of the most promising power sources is the proton exchange membrane fuel cell (PEMFC). In spite of the fact that PEMFC has high efficiency and produces low pollution, PEMFCs available in art have insufficient operational characteristics regarding reliability and longevity. The diagnostic method based on information features of intrinsic electrical fluctuations was developed to solve the problem. The main advantages of the method consist of high diagnostic capabilities and the absence of PEMFC operation interruption.
  Alexander Kirsanov, PhD Associate professor Title: Automated control system of a rotor position by means of active magnetic bearings.
Abstract: The report describes the project of developing and building the system for automated position control of the rotor of centrifugal air compressor. The main feature of the system is that the rotor doesn’t have necessary contact with other elements of the compressor. Because the rotor is suspended in air by means of active magnetic bearings, that generates forces through magnetic fields. A special advantage of these unique bearings is that the rotor dynamics can be controlled actively through the bearings. The first goal of the magnetic bearing control is that the unstable rotor motion must be stabilized in the equilibrium position.


Section 6. “Micro- and Nanoelectronics”

Section leaders: Gilmetdinova Alsu Makhmutovna

Silaev hall

  Timur Ayupov, PhD Associate professor Title: The development of sensors for the tasks of the dielectric radiospectroscopy.
Abstract: An important problem is the development of sensors for the measurement of electromagnetic parameters of substances and materials. Currently the project team is working on the development of the sensor to study the properties of transformer oils. In future we plan to manufacture a low cost instrument for rapid analysis of the quality status of transformer oil, motor oil and gasoline, which is important for the Republic of Tatarstan.
  Zaur Idiatullov, PhD Associate professor Title: Electromagnetic compatibility of electronic devices made on the basis of micro and nanoelectronics.
Abstract: Devices based on micro- and nano-electronics operating in harsh environments affect the temperature, pressure, humidity, chemicals, dust, acceleration, shock and the like. Electromagnetic fields from other devices have a great influence on their work. This may lead to a partial loss of functionality or destroy elements of the device. The report focuses on the problem of electromagnetic compatibility of devices and solution methods.
  Irek Nizameev, PhD Associate professor Title: Systems of self-ordered nanowires of some metals.
Abstract: One-dimensional thin-layer (2−5 nm) parallel strips of Pt on a graphite surface have been synthesized via a template-directed chemical deposition of Pt. The templates are a surface micellar strip of cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) at highly ordered pyrolytic graphite. The concentration and temperature-dependent morphology of surface micellar strips of CTAB is elucidated at the graphite/aqueous solution by using the atomic force microscopy (AFM) soft contacting techniques.
  Rashid Faizullin, PhD, DSc, Professor Title: Poly-Gaussian methods and devices for multiuser-detection in mobile communication systems.
Abstract: This report places emphasis on the study of post-correlation models’ development, methods and technical solutions. The research has provided improvement of basic characteristics in communication systems with mobile units, working on non-Gaussian channels. The current research focuses mainly on Interference immunity, throughput, objects’ identification reliability. The present project reveals the development of multiuser signal performance algorithms with multiple access interferences cancellation and implemented adaptive estimation of probability characteristics of communication channels and statistical interference parameters. The structure of multiuser receiving devices is elaborated and their performance in challenging interference conditions is evaluated.
  Konstantin Gerasimov, PhD, Associate pro-fessor Title: Rare-earth elements is basic elements of quantum memory.
Abstract: Dielectric crystals doped with rare earth ions are promising materials that can be used for the implementation of photon echo-based quantum memory. In this work we have performed high-resolution magneto-optical spectroscopy studies of the hyperfine structure of several transitions of 167Er3+ and 166Er3+ in isotopically purified 7LiYF4 crystal in the external magnetic fields up to 0.7 T have been performed for the first time. The obtained results of our measurements are successfully interpreted in the framework of the generalized theoretical model. A number of the observed transitions appears to be promising for use in Raman quantum storage at the telecommunication wavelengths due to their rather narrow linewidths.
  Mikhail Morozov, PhD Associate professor Title: Synthesis and characterization of nickel micro- and nanowires for electrodes of batteries.
Abstract: Nickel fibrous structures with roughened surface were synthesized via the reduction of nickel chloride with hydrazine under the influence of magnetic fields. Fibrous structures consist of submicro- or microfibers with surface covered by nanocones. Studies show that magnetic fields result in increase of roughness of the fibers’ surface and in increase of specific surface area. The obtained material may have a large potential and wide applications in batteries and electrochemical sensors.
  Vladislav Kadushkin, Research Assistant, PhD student Title: Synthesis of the Poly-Gaussian mixed multiuser detection algorithms for CDMA mobile communications.
Abstract: A combined Poly-Gaussian (PG-MMSE) algorithm for CDMA mobile communications has been proposed that meets the following requirements: low (polynomial) computational complexity for easier implementation, smaller BER (comparing in comparison with the existed MUD algorithms), able to work in the complex conditions of radio environment. It allows increasing the capacity and throughput of contemporary mobile communication systems.



Section 7. “Vision Сomputing”


  Bulat Eminov, PhD Associate professor Title: Software PrintControl.
Abstract: PrintControl intended for audit printing and preventing leaks of confidential information in printed form is discussed. PrintControl allows controlling the desired phrases, marking documents, to save electronic copies of printed documents. Functional features of PrintControl are drawing information about document on the pages, control of phrases in the document. Products’ features are working with archive of printed documents, full-text search, marking pages of documents, and the ability to ban printing documents.
  Mikhail Shleymovich, PhD Associate professor Title: A brief overview of research in the area of Image Processing and Computer Vision at the Department of Automated systems of information processing and control.
Abstract: The report contains basic information about scientific activity of the Department of Automated systems of information processing and control. This include the following: research in the scientific field of Image Processing and Computer Vision at the Department of Automated systems of information processing and control; history, tasks, methods, tools of Image Processing and Computer Vision; examples of projects for image compression, image filtering, face recognition, automatic license plate recognition, object detection; main scientific results; publications; academic subjects for bachelors and masters related to Image Processing and Computer Vision.
  Vladimir Mokshin, PhD Associate professor Title: Development of algorithms for intelligent navigation of mobile objects in a noisy environment.
Abstract: Intelligent video surveillance, adaptive tracking of multiple moving objects are key issues. The project suggests a method based on the analysis of the sequence of video frames. Motion detection is performed by subtracting the background. The system can monitor several objects with higher performance. The method is resistant to mutual occlusion and can be used for intelligent video surveillance systems.
  Vladimir Tregubov, PhD, Associate professor Title: The new discrete stochastic optimization methods for simulation models.
Abstract: The report places emphasis on the study of new discrete stochastic optimization methods for simulation models. This presentation tells about the research interests of the speaker. His position is the Director of Institute of Information Technology and Information Security of KNRTU-KAI. The new discrete stochastic optimization methods for simulation models are discussed and their effectiveness is shown. Automated control systems of complex organizational systems that have also been developed are presented and new educational technologies are considered in the IT training.
  Liudmila Pshenichnikova, Head of International Students' Department Title: The International Students' Department of KNRTU-KAI.
Abstract: This study is devoted to the work of International Students' Department of KNRTU-KAI and its activity. This work includes interaction with university's departments and official organizations, Association of International Students and PhD-students. We make international students' life better and easier, create favorable conditions to study in Kazan and at KNRTU-KAI. All these allow increasing the number of foreign students and number of countries represented at KNRTU-KAI.  
  Alexander Snegurenko, PhD, Associate professor Title: Introduction to Computer Vision.
Abstract: Interaction between computers and humans is limited because computers lack the ability to "see". Cameras and video recorders capture visual information without understanding the information they capture. The goal of computer vision is to discover from images what is present in the world, where things are located, what actions are taking place. In our everyday life we apply and use computer vision in different areas: sport, medicine, shopping, security, etc.


Section 8. “Research in Computer and Systems Engineering”

Valitova Natalya L’vovna


  Sergey Zaydullin, PhD Associate professor Title: The problems of creation and maintenance of the Master's curricula in Computer Science.
Abstract: The Computer Science is one of the most quickly growing fields of the Economy. A great number of new technologies is appearing every year. All these technologies are learnt by the students. It's not a simple task for universities because they have to satisfy different limitations and requirements of State and standards employers. We are going to discuss the experience and perspectives of KNRTU-KAI in resolving this problem.  
  Shamil Galiev, PhD, DSc Professor Title: Optimization of packing and covering bounded domain.
Abstract: Mathematical models and numerical methods of optimization of packing and covering bounded domains are presented. The developed new models, methods and algorithms are used for investigation of different systems: satellite telecommunication, navigation, multiple observation of Earth surface, early detections of forest fires, arrangement of ambulance stations, cut plugs of oil lines from very expensive steel sheet, etc.  
  Igor Anikin, PhD Associate professor Title: Research project topics of the Information security systems department.
Abstract: This report is about Information Security Systems Department which runs the “Research in Computer and Systems Engineering” Master’s program. The report includes a quick review of the Department, its educational programs and basic laboratories. Is also includes a review of main research project topics which are performed by ISS Department. The main scientific directions are information security, AI systems, big data and data mining.
  Elza Takhavova, PhD Associate professor Title: Automated design of the fuzzy rule base.
Abstract: Forming of fuzzy rules on the basis of experimental results is an alternative to the expert methods. According to this approach, the series of experiments were conducted to get the set of values of the factors that must be represented in the form a fuzzy variable. Then obtained data set was used by the program for forming membership forming as input data. Output data of the program was the membership function for the terms of linguistic variables. Turning membership function and improvement of inference algorithm may be the future subject to explore.
  Natalya Valitova, PhD Associate professor Title Research in Computer and Systems Engineering.
Abstract: Inverse problems appear in many areas, they are known as identification problems. In Aircraft Design, such a problem is defining stress-strain diagrams of materials of a construction. To address this problem, several methods from aircraft design, control theory, numerical mathematics have been composed. Also, a direct strength problem has been solved with unusual methods which has much fewer dimensions and more accurate than classical schemes. The new approach has been implemented in specialized systems of computer mathematics.  
  Svetlana Novikova, PhD, DSc, Professor Title: Neural network modeling of environmental processes.
Abstract: Tasks of the environmental process modeling with the help of neural networks are considered. New intelligent models are developed for the following objectives: 1) Multi-network expert - the hybrid neural network model consisting of a set of neural network models. This model can make a calculation of the air pollution level on the basis of heterogeneous data on weather conditions. 2) Neural Network cascade can make a calculation of the air pollution level where there is no information about the dependencies of input and output data.3) The team of competing neural networks. It is used to test hypotheses about the approaching environmental disaster.


The conference organizers would like to express their gratitude to:

Rector Albert Gilmutdinov for encouragement and financial support of the conference

Vice-Rector for development Victor Gureev and Vice-Rector
for Academic Affairs Nikolay Malivanov
for academic support of the conference

Vice-Rector for Administrative Affairs Aleksey Ogonev for logistic support

Head of the Curriculum and Instruction Office Nikolay Filonov for curricular support

Head of the PR department Naylya Badykshanova for media support

Head of the KNRTU-KAI publishing house Vladimir Milyekhin for printing materials.





Research conference of GRIAT professors


Conference program


May 23rd, 2016


Table of content

1. Programme committee………………………………………...4

2. Conference program at a glance …………………….…….……... 5

3. Conference venue ……………………………….………….…….... 5

4. Sections of conference ……………………………………….…….. 6

5. Abstracts……………………………………………………… 7

Section 1. “Aircraft Еngines and Еnergy Installations, Aircraft Engineering”…………………………………………………….. 7

Section 2. “Communications and Signal Processing”………….. 10

Section 3. “Communications and Signal Processing”………….. 13

Section 4. “Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, Chemical and Energy Engineering”……………………………. 16

Section 5. “Embedded Systems, Research in Computer and Systems”……………………………………………….……..… 19

Section 6. “Micro- and Nanoelectronics”………………….....… 22

Section 7. “Vision Сomputing”………………………………… 26

Section 8. “Research in Computer and Systems Engineering”… 29


Programme committee

Conference chair: Gilmetdinova Alsu

Section leaders: Sultanova Alina, Pavlov Vitaly

(chair, moderator) Veselova Ekaterina, Rakhimov Damir

Dunaeva Oksana, Gaysin Artur

Bikmukhametov Airat, Altunin Konstantin

Gabitova Renata, Kirsanov Alexander

Gilmetdinova Alsu, Kadushkin Vladislav

Zhukova Olga, Snegurenko Alexander

Yakhina Rouzilya, Valitova Natalya

Support staff: Veselova Ekaterina, Dunaeva Oksana, international and GRIAT students of KNRTU-KAI


Conference chair: oversee and monitor conference activities

Section chairs: upload all presentations ahead of time, explain time-limits for each presentation, and introduce the section moderator, maintain the program schedule

Section moderators: introduce the session topic and speakers, pass out surveys, prepare discussion questions, together with section chair choosing the best presentation of the speaker and the best question from the audience, manage Questions and Answers (at the end of each presentation), and prepare concluding remarks of the section to be shared at the conclusion of the conference

Support staff: register participants, provide logistic support, organize a coffee break, give the tour

If you have any questions about the conference, please call at 231-16-23

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