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Section leaders: Zhukova Ol’ga Gennad’evna

Snegurenko Alexander Pavlovich


  Bulat Eminov, PhD Associate professor Title: Software PrintControl.
Abstract: PrintControl intended for audit printing and preventing leaks of confidential information in printed form is discussed. PrintControl allows controlling the desired phrases, marking documents, to save electronic copies of printed documents. Functional features of PrintControl are drawing information about document on the pages, control of phrases in the document. Products’ features are working with archive of printed documents, full-text search, marking pages of documents, and the ability to ban printing documents.
  Mikhail Shleymovich, PhD Associate professor Title: A brief overview of research in the area of Image Processing and Computer Vision at the Department of Automated systems of information processing and control.
Abstract: The report contains basic information about scientific activity of the Department of Automated systems of information processing and control. This include the following: research in the scientific field of Image Processing and Computer Vision at the Department of Automated systems of information processing and control; history, tasks, methods, tools of Image Processing and Computer Vision; examples of projects for image compression, image filtering, face recognition, automatic license plate recognition, object detection; main scientific results; publications; academic subjects for bachelors and masters related to Image Processing and Computer Vision.
  Vladimir Mokshin, PhD Associate professor Title: Development of algorithms for intelligent navigation of mobile objects in a noisy environment.
Abstract: Intelligent video surveillance, adaptive tracking of multiple moving objects are key issues. The project suggests a method based on the analysis of the sequence of video frames. Motion detection is performed by subtracting the background. The system can monitor several objects with higher performance. The method is resistant to mutual occlusion and can be used for intelligent video surveillance systems.
  Vladimir Tregubov, PhD, Associate professor Title: The new discrete stochastic optimization methods for simulation models.
Abstract: The report places emphasis on the study of new discrete stochastic optimization methods for simulation models. This presentation tells about the research interests of the speaker. His position is the Director of Institute of Information Technology and Information Security of KNRTU-KAI. The new discrete stochastic optimization methods for simulation models are discussed and their effectiveness is shown. Automated control systems of complex organizational systems that have also been developed are presented and new educational technologies are considered in the IT training.
  Liudmila Pshenichnikova, Head of International Students' Department Title: The International Students' Department of KNRTU-KAI.
Abstract: This study is devoted to the work of International Students' Department of KNRTU-KAI and its activity. This work includes interaction with university's departments and official organizations, Association of International Students and PhD-students. We make international students' life better and easier, create favorable conditions to study in Kazan and at KNRTU-KAI. All these allow increasing the number of foreign students and number of countries represented at KNRTU-KAI.  
  Alexander Snegurenko, PhD, Associate professor Title: Introduction to Computer Vision.
Abstract: Interaction between computers and humans is limited because computers lack the ability to "see". Cameras and video recorders capture visual information without understanding the information they capture. The goal of computer vision is to discover from images what is present in the world, where things are located, what actions are taking place. In our everyday life we apply and use computer vision in different areas: sport, medicine, shopping, security, etc.


Section 8. “Research in Computer and Systems Engineering”

Section leaders: Yakhina Rouzilya Raifovna

Valitova Natalya L’vovna


  Sergey Zaydullin, PhD Associate professor Title: The problems of creation and maintenance of the Master's curricula in Computer Science.
Abstract: The Computer Science is one of the most quickly growing fields of the Economy. A great number of new technologies is appearing every year. All these technologies are learnt by the students. It's not a simple task for universities because they have to satisfy different limitations and requirements of State and standards employers. We are going to discuss the experience and perspectives of KNRTU-KAI in resolving this problem.  
  Shamil Galiev, PhD, DSc Professor Title: Optimization of packing and covering bounded domain.
Abstract: Mathematical models and numerical methods of optimization of packing and covering bounded domains are presented. The developed new models, methods and algorithms are used for investigation of different systems: satellite telecommunication, navigation, multiple observation of Earth surface, early detections of forest fires, arrangement of ambulance stations, cut plugs of oil lines from very expensive steel sheet, etc.  
  Igor Anikin, PhD Associate professor Title: Research project topics of the Information security systems department.
Abstract: This report is about Information Security Systems Department which runs the “Research in Computer and Systems Engineering” Master’s program. The report includes a quick review of the Department, its educational programs and basic laboratories. Is also includes a review of main research project topics which are performed by ISS Department. The main scientific directions are information security, AI systems, big data and data mining.
  Elza Takhavova, PhD Associate professor Title: Automated design of the fuzzy rule base.
Abstract: Forming of fuzzy rules on the basis of experimental results is an alternative to the expert methods. According to this approach, the series of experiments were conducted to get the set of values of the factors that must be represented in the form a fuzzy variable. Then obtained data set was used by the program for forming membership forming as input data. Output data of the program was the membership function for the terms of linguistic variables. Turning membership function and improvement of inference algorithm may be the future subject to explore.
  Natalya Valitova, PhD Associate professor Title Research in Computer and Systems Engineering.
Abstract: Inverse problems appear in many areas, they are known as identification problems. In Aircraft Design, such a problem is defining stress-strain diagrams of materials of a construction. To address this problem, several methods from aircraft design, control theory, numerical mathematics have been composed. Also, a direct strength problem has been solved with unusual methods which has much fewer dimensions and more accurate than classical schemes. The new approach has been implemented in specialized systems of computer mathematics.  
  Svetlana Novikova, PhD, DSc, Professor Title: Neural network modeling of environmental processes.
Abstract: Tasks of the environmental process modeling with the help of neural networks are considered. New intelligent models are developed for the following objectives: 1) Multi-network expert - the hybrid neural network model consisting of a set of neural network models. This model can make a calculation of the air pollution level on the basis of heterogeneous data on weather conditions. 2) Neural Network cascade can make a calculation of the air pollution level where there is no information about the dependencies of input and output data.3) The team of competing neural networks. It is used to test hypotheses about the approaching environmental disaster.


The conference organizers would like to express their gratitude to:

Rector Albert Gilmutdinov for encouragement and financial support of the conference

Vice-Rector for development Victor Gureev and Vice-Rector
for Academic Affairs Nikolay Malivanov
for academic support of the conference

Vice-Rector for Administrative Affairs Aleksey Ogonev for logistic support

Head of the Curriculum and Instruction Office Nikolay Filonov for curricular support

Head of the PR department Naylya Badykshanova for media support

Head of the KNRTU-KAI publishing house Vladimir Milyekhin for printing materials.


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