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There’s no exaggeration in saying that … - Нет никакого преувеличения, что

It goes without saying … - Само собой разумеется

to gain popularityзавоевать популярность

to be famous for … - быть известным

The best place to go to find out more about … - Лучшее место для посещения, чтобы узнать больше о …

Let’s stay for a while on (at) … - Давайте остановимся ненадолго на (в)…

We also invite you to …- Мы также приглашаем вас в

No doubtнесомненно

Perhaps the best place to end the excursion is … - Вероятно, самое лучшее место для завершения нашей экскурсии …

I hope the excursion was very broadeningНадеюсь экскурсия была очень познавательной

The Revolution square

We’ll start from the heart of the Old Town – the Revolution square (old name – Alexeyevskaya – in honor of St. Alexi). It was intended for trade and after a fire in the end of the 19th century it has become a public place. In 1889 a monument to Alexander II was erected in the centre of the square. The emperor was presented in an overcoat. At the bottom there were 4 figures, which personified 4 historical events: a release of peasants, conquest of the Caucasus, liberation of Bulgaria from the Turkish occupation, gain of Central Asia. In 1918 a sculpture and all bronze details were removed. The square got the new name “Revolution square”. In 1927 the sculpture of Lenin was put up to the pedestal.

Leningradskaya Street

Revolution square is located at the crossroads of Kuibyshev and Ventseka streets. We’ll follow Kuibyshev Street (old name – Dvoryanskaya) which is also called sometimes “Minor Nevsky” for its resemblance to the main street of St. Petersburg. This street, as well as Leningradskaya Street attracts the citizens with a large variety of different shops and boutiques, cafes and restaurants. Walking along it, you will see many historical buildings of all kinds of styles, from classical Russian to gothic, have a chance to visit a movie theatre and museums, take a walk in the shady Strukov Garden.

Strukov Garden

It was called so in memory of the former chief of the Salt Department Strukov. His garden was confiscated and granted to the city. By the end of the 19th century the garden became one of the best parks on the Volga River.

The Drama theatre

At the end of Kuibyshev Street, on the right of the Strukov Garden we can see the Drama theatre and the Monument to Chapaev. The building of the theatre was designed by the architect M. Chichagov and was constructed in 1888, on one of the best places on the bank of the Volga River. The building was built in two different styles – classicism and Moscow medieval architecture style. An interesting fact about the Monument to Chapaev (erected in 1932) is that it has a twin-brother, which you can see now in front of the military academy in ST. Petersburg.

Kuibyshev Square

Kuibyshev Square, the main city square, occupies the territory of 575х325 m. Its old name is Sobornaya Square. In May 1869 the construction of a beautiful cathedral in the Byzantine style by the architect E.Zhiber was started on it. The cathedral was very large – with the capacity of more than 2500 people. The construction was finished on April 1894. However, the cathedral was destroyed in 30s of the 20th century. Sobornaya Square was renamed into Kuibyshev Square, and in three years the monument to V.V.Kuibyshev was placed there. The temple ceded the place to the Opera and Ballet House. During the World War II the Bolshoi Theatre staged its performances here.

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