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Тема занятия: Рецепт любимого блюда The recipe of a favourite dish

Цели занятия

образовательная: приобретать знания о стране изучаемого языка; совершенствовать культуру обучения, что проявляется в специфических коммуникативных умениях: умение начать разговор, поддерживать его, проявляя внимание, заинтересованность, завершить разговор

развивающая: развивать логическое мышление студентов на иностранном языке; развивать навыки говорения на иностранном языке; развивать готовность к дальнейшему самообразованию в иностранном языке

воспитательная: воспитывать ответственность, дисциплинированность, добросовестное отношение к выполняемой работе; проявлять уважение к людям, терпимость к другим культурам и точкам зрения;

практическая: сформировать умения применять приобретенные знания и умения в практической и повседневной жизни (подготовленная речь)


1. Освоить лексику по теме: manner of eating, uncouth, manner of service, slovenly outlandish fashion, no finger glass, patched tablecloth, neatness, cookery, chaotic entertainment, prevalent, greasy, fat, to apply, to appaul, to be dressed, boarding houses, to stab with a fork, to shovel the food, common table, family style, common dishes, setting, to reflect, to experience, to testify, celerity, coach traveler, table manners, to diminish, to observe, "eating Americans."

2. отвечать на вопросы перед текстом; понимать основное содержание текста, извлекать необходимую информацию из текста «American food and their manner of eating»; выписать незнакомые слова; составить вопросы к каждому абзацу к тексту и задать их одногруппникам;

3. ответить на вопросы в упражнении № 2 после текста;

4. выполнить упражнение № 3;

5.детально понимать рецепты; объяснить способ приготовления любимого блюда; ответить на вопросы одногруппников; написать рецепт своего любимого блюда;

6. перевести на родной язык рецепт национального блюда страны изучаемого языка;

7. выполнить упражнение № 10 на аудирование;

8. выполнить упражнения № 15, 16 по грамматике;

Самостоятельная работа

Составить и написать рецепт любимого блюда.

Дидактический материал к занятиям 3.3.1, 3.3.2, 3.3.3

Lesson 3.3.1. Peculiarities of Russian and other cuisines


What food preferences do different cultures have? Speak on the preferences of food in different cultures.

What do you know of Russian cuisine? What are the most famous dishes?

Have you ever tasted any other ethnic food? (e.g. Chinese, Japanese, Indian, French, etc.)? Did you enjoy it? Can you enumerate any prominent features of them?

What food do you prefer? What is a typical breakfast to you? What time do you usually have breakfast? Which is the main meal of the day? When do you have it? How often do you have snacks during the day? What do you usually have?


Ex 1. Read and translate the text. Write out new words. Make up a question to each paragraph. Ask the questions to your groupmates.Peculiarities of national russian cuisine.

Russian cuisine, which by the way is inseparable from Russian festivals, is perhaps, one of the most colorful in the world. Each dish of Russian cuisine is a special masterpiece of culinary art. However, it was not always like this. The evolution of Russian cuisine was long and original. It has absorbed the best traditions of other peoples. It managed to preserve the most characteristic national features – the abundance of food on the table, diversity of starters, adherence to bread, blini (pancakes), kasha’s; originality of first liquid cold and hot meals, variety of fish and mushroom dishes, wide offer pickled vegetables and mushrooms as well as vast choice of sweet stuffs like jams, cookies, gingerbreads, cakes etc.

A traditional meal in Russia is composed of three dishes. The first – a meat soup with vegetables and grains (borsch, solyanka, or shchi), second – fish or meat with garnish (rice, buckwheat, potatoes, pasta, stewed cabbage), and the third – a beverage: compote, mors, kissel or juice.

The starters might be pancakes with caviar, herring “under fir coat”, pickles, sauerkraut, pickled vegetables, salad of tomatoes and cucumbers with sour cream. There are also pies with cabbage, minced meat or potatoes. Bread at all times occupies the main space during the meal.

Soups always predominated over the Russian board. Before the XVIII century all liquid dishes were called «khlebova». All khlebovas could be divided into schi (soups made of cabbage or other herbs), kallya (soups made of salted cucumbers), ukha (fish soups), solyanka (spicy soups with herbs), borsch (beetroot soups), and pokhlyebka.

The second place, on the basis of its importance among Russian dishes is occupied by kasha (porridge). Originally porridge was a ritual festive dish that was mainly consumed during holidays and feasts. The variety of porridges was based on the diversity of grain-crops growing in Russia.

One of the oldest Russian dishes is blenny (pancakes). Nobody knows when blenny appeared on the Russian table but it is a well-known fact that pagan Slavonic tribes used blenny as a ritual dish. One of the traditions kept till today and connected with blenny is a Pancake Week that is an ancient pagan holiday.

And of course, speaking about Russian meals, we can’t forget to mention pies – one of the most famous and favorite dishes in the Russian cuisine. Since ancient times pies have been cooked during different holidays. As proof of this a Russian word «pirog» (a pie) was derived from the word «pir» (a feast).

The Soviet epoch made Russian cuisine on the one hand more simple as the list of some ingredients became quite scarce and deficit, but on the other hand it became enriched with the traditions of other nationalities of the former USSR. So Ukrainian borsch, Siberian pelmeni, Kazakh manty, Uzbec plov, and Caucasian shashlyk can be added to the Russian menu. All these dishes made Russian cuisine one of the most multifarious cuisines in the world. The main advantage of Russian cuisine is its variety and readiness to borrow and creatively process different culinary traditions.

(E. Emelianova http://www.allcafe.info/english/readingroom/cuisines/russian/365/)

Vocabulary Practice

Ex 2. Fill in the correct words from the list below using the text. Use the words only once: main special multifarious liquid vegetables breadstarters food “under fir coat” culinary

1. … cuisine 2. … advantage 3. pickled … 4. diversity of … 5. … dishes 6. the abundance of … 7. adherence to … 8. … masterpiece 9. herring

10. … traditions

Language Development

Ex 3. Act out Dialogue


Fred: Say, John, what about a drink?

John: Will a duck swim?

Fred: Here, down this.

John: To you, Ann.

Ann: No, thank you. I never take wine.

John: It's good to be in a company like this.

Ann: Let me help you to some salad. John.

John: Please do. That's quite enough, thank you.

Ann: Some soup, John?

John: Why, yes! I think. I could manage a plateful.

Ann: How do you find it?

John: Awfully nice, really. Don't you think so, Fred?

Fred: Yes, it is indeed. Pass me the salt, Ann, will you?

Ann: Here you are. Some more bread, Fred?

Fred: Yes, please. What comes next, Annie?

Ann: Chops with roast potatoes, fish.

John: Apple dumpling, and with whipped cream! My, isn't that fine!

Ann: I am happy that I've suited your taste, John. Do you take milk in your coffee, John?

John: Yes, I do. (Ann hands him a cup of coffee.)Thank you.

Fred: Well, John, what about a cigar?

John: With great pleasure.




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