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Mr and Mrs Smith are out celebrating their wedding anniversary.

It's 8pm. Mr Smith (Jack) and Mrs Smith (Jill) are celebrating their 10th wedding anniversary. They have just arrived at the restaurant.
Mr Smith: Well here we are. What do you think?
Mrs Smith: It's lovely Jack. Are you sure we can afford it?
Mr Smith: Well I may have to do some washing up, but you're worth it.
  The waiter arrives.
Waiter: Good evening sir, madame.
Mr Smith: Good evening. We have a reservation for a table for two in the name of Smith.
Waiter: Yes sir. May I take your coats?
  Waiter takes their coats and hangs them up.
Mr & Mrs Smith: Thank you.
Waiter: Your welcome. Would you like to come to the table or would you prefer to order in the bar?
Mr Smith: I wouldn't mind an aperitif. We'll order in the bar.
Waiter: Please follow me, I'll bring you the menu in a moment.


Mr & Mrs Smith order their drinks at the bar and sit down to look at the menu.  
Mrs Smith: Oh dear Jack, it's all in French!  
Mr Smith: Well that's what we're paying for. Don't worry I've got an idea.  
Waiter: Are you ready to order sir?  
Mr Smith: Not really. Could you recommend something.  
Waiter: Certainly sir. The fresh lobster is particularly good this evening, and for starters may I recommend a light consomme?  
Mr Smith: Sounds lovely, what do you think dear?  
Mrs Smith: Oh yes, I love lobster.  
Waiter: So, that's two consomme and two lobsters. Would you like to look at the wine menu?  
Mr Smith: Why don't you bring us what you think will go best. Nothing too expensive though.  
Waiter: No problem sir. I'll call you as soon as your table is ready.  
  The waiter walks away.  
Mrs Smith: You are clever Jack, but what about dessert.  
Mr Smith: Don't worry, they bring round a sweet trolley, so we just point at what we fancy!  
  A while later Mr & Mrs Smith have finished eating and are drinking their coffee.
Waiter: Was everything to your satisfaction?  
Mr & Mrs Smith Yes, lovely thank you.  
Mr Smith: The whole meal was delicious, our compliments to the chef. Unfortunately we have to be back for the baby-sitter so could we pay now?  
Waiter: Certainly sir, I'll bring you the bill. Would you like me to order you a taxi.  
Mr Smith: Yes that would be great, thank you.  
Mrs Smith: What a nice man, we must leave him a good tip.  
Mr Smith: Yes of course.    

Ex 3. In pairs, act out similar dialogues on the topic “At the restaurant”

Use phrases from the list below.

Booking a Table Placing Your Order Complaining
  • I'd like to reserve / book a table for four at 8pm, please.
  • I'd like to reserve / book a table for a party of six at 8pm, please.
  • I'd like to book a table for two at 8 in the name of Hand, please.
  • Could we have a table by the window, please?
  • Could we have a non-smoking table, please?
  • Could we have a table away from the kitchen/toilets, please?
  • Could we have a booth, please?
  • Could you make sure it's a quiet table, please?
  • I'd like the.............., please.
  • For starters I'll have the soup and for the main course I'd like the roast beef.
  • Could I have chips instead of new potatoes, please?
  • What is the house special today?
  • Is there anything you would recommend?
  • Could I see the wine menu, please?
  • I'll have a bottle of the South African Cabernet Sauvignon.
  • I'll have a glass of house red/white, please.
  • Which wine would you recommend?
  • Excuse me, but my meal is cold.
  • Excuse me, we've been waiting for over half an hour for our drinks.
  • I'm sorry but I ordered the side salad not the vegetables.
  • Excuse me this steak is over done, I ordered rare.
  • I'm afraid this wine tastes corked.
  • Excuse me this wine isn't chilled properly.
Arriving at the Restaurant During/After the Meal Paying
  • Good evening, the name is Hand. I have a table booked for six.
  • Do you have the menu in English/German/French..., please?
  • Do you have a high chair for young children, please?
  • Could we have a table over there, please?
  • I'm sorry but I asked for a table by the window.
  • Could we have an extra chair, please?
  • Could we have some more bread, please?
  • Do you have a pepper mill?
  • Could I have some dressing, please?
  • Could you pass me the salt, please?
  • That was delicious. My compliments to the chef.
  • Could I have the bill, please?
  • Do you take Visa?
  • We'd like separate bills, please.
  • Is service included?
  • No, please. This is on me. (When you wish to pay for everyone.)

Ex 4. Mini-project: "Poll"/mini-project: “Opinion poll”.

Students with higher language starting level (2, 3 persons) make interrogation in English among other students on a theme “What should a good fast-food restaurant have?” Each student works with his/her micro-group. Then they calculate the results and make their speeches for (5 minutes). Cards specially prepared by the teacher with questions and phrases on following parametres are used: 1.Food and prices 2.Service 3.Atmosphere.

Ex 5. Fill in the gaps with a, the, some

1. a) Give me___water, please. I am thirsty. b)___water in this river is always cold. c) ___water is necessary for animals and plants.

2. a) Do you like___brown bread? b) Please go to the shop and buy___brown bread.

3. a) He likes___modern music. b) I should like to listen to___music. с) I don't

like___music, it is too noisy. Switch off the radio, please,

4. a) Ann has bought___cheese, b) Where did she put___cheese? c) Give me___cheese, please.

5. a) Yesterday she invited us to dinner. It was___ good dinner. b) I cannot forget___dinner we had at the Savoy.

1. We use___pencils or___pens when we write. 2. He was reading___book when I came into___room. 3. Give me___water to drink, please. 4. At what time

Ex 6. Fill in the gaps with a, the, some

will___meeting begin? 5. Do you find___English difficult? 6.1 got___letter from my brother yesterday. 7. I had___bread and___butter and___egg for___breakfast this morning. 8. Here is___book that you left on my table yesterday. 9. ___men saw___boat on___river. 10. Can you give me___match? 11. I get___long letters from my mother, but only___postcards from my brother. 12. The waitress put___salad into each plate. 15. When did___lesson begin? 14, Children must go to___school. 15, Pass me___piece of___bread, please. 16. Do you like___cucumbers? 17, We bought___cucumbers at___market.

1. ___cats like___milk. 2. They stopped in___front of___house where Tom lived. 3. I showed him___way to___station. 4. What is___name of___street in which you live? 5. I want to say___words to your sister. 6. ___tea in this glass is cold. 7. ___sun was high in___sky. 8. Oh, there are___apples in___vase:___children have eaten all of them. Please put___apples into___vase. 9. Yesterday we had___fish for dinner. 10. He gave me___coffee. 11.1 drank___cup of___coffee after___dinner. 12. She bought___new books yesterday. 13. Where are.„ books which you brought from___library yesterday? 14. Did you buy___apples when you were at___shop? 15. We could not skate because there was___snow on___ice. 16. ___house must have___windows. 17. Most people like___music. 18. There was___meat on Nick's plate and___fish on Tom's, 19. We saw.. houses in the distance.

Ex 7. Fill in the gaps with much or many.

1. Please don't put___pepper on the meat. 2. There were___plates on the table. 3. I never eat I___bread with soup. 4. Why did you eat so___ice-cream? 5. She wrote us___letters from the country. 6. ___of these students don't like to look up words in the dictionary. 7. ___in this work was too difficult for me. 8. ___of their answers were excellent. 9. ___of their conversation was about the institute. 10. There are___new pictures in this room. ll. There are___teachers at our school, and___of them are women. 12. ___of these plays are quite___new. 13. Thanks awfully for the books you sent me yesterday. — Don't mention it, it wasn't___bother. 14. ___of her advice was useful. 15. He had___pairs of socks.

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