From E to E.R. – It’s impossible to know what are you buyingE is indisputably a dangerous drug for many people. Even more dangerous is the stuff that is sold as E but is something else. The majority of people who end up in the E.R. (emergency room) of hospitals, have not taken E. They have been tricked and have taken fake E, containing cheaper and more dangerous chemicals than those in E. According to the time magazine, as demand for E has grown, so has the incentive to manufacture fake E, especially for one-time raves full of teens who won’t see the dealer again. Ex 4. Read the text and answer the questions: 1. Is it ever safe to take Ecstasy? 2.Under what circumstances is the drug most dangerous? 3. What does the drug do? 4. What can be done to minimize the number of young people who die each year from Ecstasy and other drugs? Ex 5. Work with your partner and make a list of five activities which you do in your free-time and which you never do? Tell your group mates about them. What activity is the most / least popular in your group? Listening Ex 6. Listen to the results of a survey of leisure activities and complete the missing information
Speaking Ex 7. Compare the results of the survey with your activity list (from Ex. 6). What are similar / different? Talk about them. Тема 5.3. Увлечения молодёжи Passions of young people Занятие 5.3.1. Спорт Sport Цели занятия: Образовательная: расширять лингвистический кругозор через страноведческую информацию развивающая: развивать речевые способности вступать в иноязычное общение воспитательная: воспитание культуры общения практическая: развитие умений диалогической речи, развитие навыков аргументации Задания: 1. Освоить лексику по теме «экстремальные виды спорта»: skydiving, rafting, rock-climbing, paragliding, bungee jumping, skysurfing, snowrafting, ice diving horse riding, fun, boring, energetic, relaxing, dangerous, competitive, challenging, violent 2. Научиться извлекать необходимую информацию из аудиотекста «Two champions». 3. Прочитать текст «Extreme sports» и ответить на вопросы по тексту. 4. Выполнить упражнения № 4-6. 5. Написать эссе-сравнение на тему «Professional sport and fitness». Самостоятельная работа Cделать мини - доклад на одну из предложенных тем: «Выдающиеся спортсмены», «История олимпийских и параолимпийских игр», «Спорт как основа здорового образа жизни». Занятие 5.3.2. Музыка Music Цели занятия: Образовательная: расширять лингвистический кругозор через страноведческую информацию развивающая: развивать речевые способности вступать в иноязычное общение воспитательная: воспитание культуры общения практическая: развитие умений диалогической речи, развитие навыков аргументации Задания: 1. Освоить лексику по теме «музыка в нашей жизни»: modern music, classical music, pop/rock music, folk music, dance music, rap, heavy metal, tuneful, fascinating, dreadful, appealing, cello/cellist, violin/violinist, piano/pianist, guitar/guitarist, saxophone/saxophonist, drum/drummer. 2. Прочитать текст «Music in our life» и ответить на вопросы по тексту. 3. Выполнить упражнения № 4-6. 4. Прочитать текст «Enrico Caruso» и выполнить задания по тексту в группах. 5. Написать эссе о роли музыки в нашей жизни. Самостоятельная работа Написать эссе о роли музыки в нашей жизни. Занятие 5.3.3. Театр и кино Theatre and cinema Цели занятия: Образовательная: расширять лингвистический кругозор через страноведческую информацию развивающая: развивать речевые способности вступать в иноязычное общение воспитательная: воспитание культуры общения практическая: развитие умений диалогической речи, развитие навыков аргументации Задания: 1. Освоить лексику по теме «музыка в нашей жизни»: adventure film, cartoon сomedy, dating show, detective film, documentary, horror film, quiz show, science fiction film, soap opera, author, screenwriter, scene, stage, audience, spectators. 2. Научиться извлекать необходимую информацию из аудиотекста. 3. Выполнить упражнения № 3, 4. 4. Научиться: пригласить друга в кино или в театр, принять/отклонить предложение, рассуждать о предпочтениях в кино, аргументировать своё мнение. 5. Научиться переводить на родной язык письменные и устные рецензии и аннотации к фильмам. Самостоятельная работа сделать мини- доклад на одну из предложенных тем: «Основные этапы развития театра и кино», «Киноиндустрия в России и за рубежом».
Дидактический материал к занятиям 5.3.1,5.3.2,5.3.3 Lesson 5.3.1. Sports Lead-in
Ex 2. Can you think of any other extreme sports and hobbies? Which would you like to do and why? Reading Ex 3. Read this text about extreme sports. Choose the most suitable heading (A – D) for each part (1 – 4). Extreme sports 1. Speed, excitement, danger. You can find all these in the different extreme sports that have become popular last 10 years. Take bungee jumping. You jump off a bridge and you fall and fall, and then, just before you hit the ground or water, an elastic rope pulls you back. In skysurfing you jump out of aeroplane and use a board to "surf" the air, doing gymnastics in mid-air! And extreme sports on land can be just as dangerous. 2. Winter sports have always an element of danger. For example snowboarding, which has all the excitement of surfing but on snow, is more dangerous even than skiing. Probably the most dangerous of all the new winter sports is snowrafting. You sit in a rubber boat and sail down a mountain at great speed - and you can`t control the boat! 3. Of course, water sports have always been fun. Ice diving, for those people who are absolutely crazy. You put on diving equipment and dive under a frozen lake. And, if that`s not enough, you try to walk upside down on the ice! I feel cold just thinking about it. 4. A lot of people are not fit nowadays. It`s a big problem today. If you want to feel fit you'd better go in for one kind of sport or another. I think that everyone must do all he can to be healthy. Good health is better than the best medicine. All kinds of physical exercises are very useful to make our bodies strong and to keep ourselves fit and healthy. To tell the truth I don't do sports regularly and it is not an essential part of my daily life. In the morning I do some exercises just to awake. In summer I go swimming as there is a beautiful lake with pure water where my Granny lives. In winter I swim in the swimming pool. I like to ride the bike. I shouldn't call myself a sports fan. Of course, I like to watch sports competitions on TV, like hockey or football. Also I admire skiing championships, biathlon, swimming. Doing sports a man become strong, healthy and gay. He begins to take care of his health. (www.study.ru) Ex 4. Match the numbers to the letters. 1. popular a. be in good physical condition 2. dangerous b. ice-covered 3. frozen c. widespread 4. be fit d. wear 5. essential e. full of unexpectedness 6. put on f. necessary Ex 5. Read the following information and decide what hobby/sport would be best/worse for each person, giving reasons as in the example. Then say which hobby/sport you would like to do and why. 1) Jim likes adventures a lot and is in excellent physical condition. He works well with others but he is impatient. e.g. I think that the best hobby for Jim would be rafting because you have to be fit and cooperative. I think that fishing would be the worst hobby for him because he isn’t patient. 2) Antony is a very active person and quite fit, but he can’t afford to buy expensive equipment. 3) Peter is a very energetic person who enjoys taking risks. He loves anything to do with the sea. 4) David is very adventurous. He loves being close to nature, especially in the mountains. (copyright Enterprise 3 Course book, Unit 15, p. 68, ex. 10) Ex 6. Fill in the missing information in the table and talk about each sport.
(copyright Enterprise 3 Course book, Unit 15, p. 68, ex. 11) Listening Ex 7. Listen to the text “Two champions” and complete following sentences. 1) this text is about one famous …. 2) He went to a restaurant …. 3) At the door he left his …. 4) He didn’t want anybody to take it so he wrote on a piece of paper that …. 5) When he came back he found …. 6) He read that a famous … had taken his thing and he …. Writing Ex 8. Write an essay comparing professional sports and fitness. Use words like: fun, boring, energetic, relaxing, dangerous, competitive, challenging, violent ect. Lesson 5.3.2. Music Lead-in Ex 1. Think about styles of music you know. Which of them are more/less popular in our days in Russia, in Britain, in America? Reading Ex 2. Read the text. Music in our life Can you think of a day without music? We can hear music everywhere: in the streets and at home, over the radio and on TV, in the shops and in the parks. People all over the world are fond of music. They listen to music, they dance to music, they learn to play musical instruments. But what is music? Specialists explain that music isn't only a combination of pleasant sounds. It is an art which reflects life. There are a lot of different kinds of music. Some of them appeared long ago, and some are modern. For example, folk music appeared long ago, but it is still alive. Folk songs are very tuneful and pleasant to listen to. Classical music is often associated with the music of the past. However, this style also includes music being written now, and we may speak of modern classical music. Rap is a modern musical style where the singer speaks or shouts the words in time to music with a steady beat. Great Britain has produced more popular music stars than any other country. Over the last 30 years rock and pop music have been very popular in Britain. The Beatles, with their style of singing and exciting, is still one of the most popular groups. British groups often set new trends in music. Many of the new bands have been able to use the changes in technology to develop their music. Computerized drum machines, synthesizers and other electronic instruments are now just as popular as the piano and electric guitars. My favourite style of music is pop music, because it is breathtaking and full of energy. When I listen to pop music it makes me remember happy times and forget the problems of everyday life. It helps me to relax when I'm tired, and entertains me when I'd like to have fun. My favourite group is Abba. It was formed in 1973 in Sweden. Their most famous songs ("Waterloo", "Money, Money, Money", "Knowing Me, Knowing You", etc.) often topped European charts. Though the group doesn't exist any more, it is still popular with people of all ages. I admire their style of singing. I find it fascinating and overwhelming. When I have free time I listen to their records. I also like having background music while I am working. I don't mind listening to dance music, especially when I go to disco clubs. This style of music is catchy and I like catchy tunes. It makes me more energetic. It's a pity that many young people like to listen only to modern music. As for me, I also enjoy listening to classical music. I find it tuneful and appealing. Classical music is always a complex of emotions. The music I hate is heavy metal. I find it noisy and dreadful. When I listen to this style of music it presents to my mind pictures of dark days. Though some young people are fond of this style of music, it is not to everyone's taste. To my mind, music too loud can destroy our ears. I am indifferent to other styles of music. For example, I don't mind listening to jazz. Improvisation is an important part of this style, that's why a jazz song may sound a little different each time it is played. I think that jazz is a mixture of many different kinds of music, but I consider it a bit complicated. My mother and father approve of my tastes in music. Though they prefer to listen to classical and "bard music", they think that, on the whole, modern music is not too bad. My parents agree that each generation has its own tastes. It goes without saying that music plays a very important role in people's lives. It reflects our moods and emotions. Music appeals to our hearts and transforms our feelings. Besides, listening to music is the perfect way to spend free time and not to feel bored. You can hardly find a person who doesn't like or need music and who never sings or dances. Music is beauty in sounds; it is our magic source of inspiration. (www.study.ru) Ex 3. Tick the correct sentences: 1) We seldom can hear music outdoor. 2) Classical music is music of the past and it isn’t being written now. 3) Great Britain is the country which often set new music styles. 4) Heavy metal music is tuneful and appealing. 5) Adults think that all modern music is awful. 6) Listening to the music is a good idea of fun and relax. Ex 4. Fill I the correct prepositions, then make sentences using the completed phrases. 1) … the radio; 2) … TV; 3) to be fond … smth.; 4) a complex … smth.; 5) to be … one’s taste; 6) to approve … smth.; 7) to appeal … smth. Ex 5. Make up a dialogue. Ask your partner about his/her preferences in music. Tell about music styles you like. Use words like: to be fond of, don’t mind, to one’s taste, tuneful, pleasant, appealing ect. Ex 6. Fill in the table. Write the musical instruments you see at the pictures and the people who play these instruments.
Ex 7. Work in teams. The text is divided in six parts, each part is given to the students separately. The first team reads the first part and tries to guess the missing word at the end. Then the second team reads the second part and so on. Enrico Caruso The famous Italian singer Enrico Caruso sang in many countries of Europe. He visited Russia, France, Germany, Spain and many other countries. Everywhere he was a great success and his name was well known all over the ______(world). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Caruso knew that he was famous, but he liked to repeat the sentence: “No man is so well known as he thinks he is”. Once he was invited to the USA to give some concerts. When he was driving to New York, his car broke and he had to stay at a farm-house. Caruso could not _______ (repair) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- his car and asked the farmer to help him. The farmer agreed to do it. While the farmer was repairing the car, Caruso was invited into the house to have a rest. When the farmer finished the work, he entered the house, too. He informed the great singer that his car was ready and he could drive _____ (on). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Caruso was very glad to hear it. He paid the farmer for the work and gave him a photo. It was a picture of Enrico Caruso. On the back side of the photo Caruso wrote his name. He thought it would be _______ (pleasant) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- for the farmer to have a picture of the famous singer. The farmer took the picture, looked at it very attentively, then he looked at Enrico Caruso. He realized that it was the picture of the ma whose car he had repaired. He wanted to know the name of the man, so he read what was written on the _______ (back) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- side of the picture. After that he cried out: “How lucky I am! You are Robinson Crusoe! I’ve never dreamed of receiving the greatest traveller in the world in my poor house!” Ex 8. Write an essay telling about role of music in your life. ![]() ![]() ЧТО ТАКОЕ УВЕРЕННОЕ ПОВЕДЕНИЕ В МЕЖЛИЧНОСТНЫХ ОТНОШЕНИЯХ? Исторически существует три основных модели различий, существующих между... ![]() ЧТО И КАК ПИСАЛИ О МОДЕ В ЖУРНАЛАХ НАЧАЛА XX ВЕКА Первый номер журнала «Аполлон» за 1909 г. начинался, по сути, с программного заявления редакции журнала... ![]() ЧТО ПРОИСХОДИТ, КОГДА МЫ ССОРИМСЯ Не понимая различий, существующих между мужчинами и женщинами, очень легко довести дело до ссоры... ![]() Что будет с Землей, если ось ее сместится на 6666 км? Что будет с Землей? - задался я вопросом... Не нашли то, что искали? Воспользуйтесь поиском гугл на сайте: