Youth in America and Britain
Ex 5. Read the text again and write A for American, B for British 1) Young people want to be a success. 2) They know that good exam result get them better job. 3) Hard work is a part of their dream. 4) Their society doesn’t like those who have achieved nothing. 5) Young people life became harder now. Ex 6. a) American and Britain youth want to get a diploma and a good job. But sometimes they haven’t enough money to live in big cities and they need to do part-time jobs. Read the information and decide which jobs these teenagers do: babysitter, shelf stacker, paper boy, cook, shop assistant b) Add the sentences in the text: a) But I don’t like getting them to bed! b) I’d like to serve the food. c) Then I can have a laugh with my mates. d) On Sundays the papers have extra sections and they are really heavy. e) He bought a printer too. JOB: 1.................................................................... Wednesday I’ve got a new job. I work at the supermarket. I hate it. I work three evenings a week, from six to ten. I have to put products on the shelves. The staffs aren’t allowed to have a chat except in the breaks. […] I earn £4 an hour, which is OK. But it’s hard doing my homework before I go out to work. JOB: 2.................................................................. Friday I’m so tired. I’ve worked three evenings this week in the local fast food restaurant. I come home and have a shower before I go to bed because my clothes smell of grease. My job is to cook the burgers and chips. All evening! We have to wear a special uniform which I hate too. I get paid badly, but I do it so I can go out with my mates.[…] It must be better than making the food. JOB: 3....................................................................... Tuesday Hi, there. I’m back from my paper round. I’mexhausted. I do this five times a week. I get up at6.00 am. I have to get to the paper shop early toget the newspapers. I always deliver to the samestreets so I know which house has which paper. […]Why do people want to read more on a Sunday? Iearn £25 a week. JOB: 4................................................................... Saturday Hi! I’m writing this at 11 o’clock at night. I dobabysitting, and I’ve just got back! I love children –I like playing with them. […] Once they’re in bed, Ican watch TV. This evening I did my homework.The family I babysit for left me a pizza and a cola.They brought me home too. I get £3.50 an hour forbabysitting – I think it’s good money. I’m saving fora new computer. JOB: 5..................................................................... Saturday Well, it’s 7.00 a.m. and I have ten minutes before I leave! I work in a computer shop. I do it because I know a lot about IT. I like helping the customers, even the rude ones! I get extra money if I sell a computer, which is brilliant. Yesterday I sold a laptop to this guy. […] I never get bored. Well, I’m working with computers – and I love them. I’d like to work here when I leave my college. Ex 7. Fill in the words from the list, then make sentences using the completed phrases: to do, to go, to have, to wear, to be, to help, to earn, to get, to be, to save….. a chat 2.….. £ 4 an hour 3. ….. bored 4. …… exhausted 5. ….. the customers 6. …. Tired 7. ….. a special uniform 8. …..babysitting 9. …. for a new computer Ex 8. Make the sentences using the prompts
Listening Ex 9. а) This song is telling you what to do if you have a problem. Each verse has four lines but they are not in the correct order. Listen to the song and put the lines in the correct order. A PROBLEM SHARED
If you’re having problems Are you feeling all right?
You mustn’t be uptight
If they’re shared between two Famous people do too But problems seem smaller Everyone has problems
Chorus A problem shared is a problem halved If you share your problems They get smaller each day If you share your problems They will soon go away Write to a problem page That’ll stop you feeling blue They tell you what to do Problems with your parents?
Your homework gets you down Your parents make you frown You hate your sister and You love your friend’s brother (Chorus) Find a solution and Ask your friends for advice Your life will feel so nice Don’t worry, be happy
Don’t stay at home and cry Get a friend to listen It’s easy if you try Talk your problems over (Chorus) б)Do you think this song would be helpful if you had problems? Why?/Why not? Writing Ex 10. Write an essay about youth problems
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