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Тема 8.2. Специфика профессии.

Занятие 8.2.1. Профессии и профессиональные задачи, характеристика занятости, качества, требования, социальный пакет

Цели занятия:

Образовательная: сформироватьумения поведения в ситуации иноязычного общения по теме.

Развивающая: развивать логическое мышление на иностранном языке;

Воспитательная: воспитывать понимание важности всех профессий; воспитывать ответственность, дисциплинированность, добросовестное отношение к выполняемой работе; воспитывать умения постановки профессиональных задач.

Практическая: сформировать навыки применять лексику и грамматику


1.Выучить лексику: mechanic, engineer, publisher, editor, lifeguards, bodyguards, librarian, bookseller, journalist, newsreader, astrologer, astronomer, weather presenter, meteorologist, fisherman, fishmonger, bullfighter, pilot, clown, doctor, fashion model, businessman; мужскиепрофессии; женскиепрофессии; лексикапостановкизадач: get one’s foot in the door, novice, confidence, socialize, courage, a champion’s mentality, to win the legal right etc.; лексика, характеризующаяквалификации: brave, imaginative, courageous, helpful, careful, fit, cheerful, patient, original, hard-working etc.

2. Прочитать текст и определить его жанр, выполнить упражнения после прочитанного текста.

3. Прослушать текст и понять информацию о профессии и карьере;

4. Сформулировать собственное мнение на основе прочитанного текста о правильности/неправильности выбора профессии; подготовить высказывание о карьере и разных видах профессий, о их преимуществах и недостатках

5.Составить план карьерного роста.

Самостоятельная работа.

Изучить информацию на сайтах кадровых агентств, составить список «ТОП 10» самых востребованных профессий и сделать презентацию, разработав список профессиональных задач.


Занятие 8.2.2. Квалификационные требования к специалистам. Профессиональные и личностные качества специалиста. Qualification’s demands for specialists. Professional and private qualities of a specialist.

Цели занятия:

Образовательная: сформировать представления о профессиональных и личностных качествах специалиста, о квалификационных требованиях к специалистам.

Развивающая: развивать логическое мышление; формировать умения и навыки самостоятельной работы.

Воспитательная: воспитывать понимание необходимости квалификационной и профессиональной пригодности специалиста; воспитывать ответственность, дисциплинированность, добросовестное отношение к выполняемой работе;

Практическая: развитие умений подготовленной монологической речи.


1.выучить лексику: responsible, decisive, bossy, energetic, ambitious, self-centered, determined, careful, reserved, mean, generous, intelligent etc.; лексика, характеризующая характер и внешность человека: short, slim, friendly, kind, tall, plump, fairhairetc.; название квалификаций: manager; scientist; researcher; student; postgraduate student; engineer; teacher; lector etc.;

2. Прочитать текст, содержащий информацию о характеристиках специалиста, понять его основное содержание

3. Прослушать текст и понять информацию о квалификационных требованиях;

4 Высказать собственное мнение о качествах, предъявляемых к специалисту, а также о необходимом уровне квалификации;

5. Написать сочинение о знаменитом человеке;

Самостоятельная работа.

Изучить информацию на сайтах кадровых агентств, составить описание востребованного специалиста (личностные и профессиональные качества).

Занятие 8.2.3. Зарплата и социальный пакет. Преимущества будущей профессии. Salary and benefits package. Advantages of a future profession

Цели занятия:

Образовательная: сформировать представления о преимуществах будущей профессии (зарплата, соцпакет и т.п.)

Развивающая: развивать логическое мышление, формировать умения и навыки самостоятельной работы.

Воспитательная: воспитывать адекватное отношение к наличию преимуществ и недостатков той или иной профессии; воспитывать ответственность, дисциплинированность, добросовестное отношение к выполняемой работе;

Практическая: формировать умения диалогической речи.


1.Выучить лексику: salary; wage; perks, bonus, payment, employee, employer, extra hours, post etc.

2. понять на слухмвопросы работодателя и дать на них ответы;

3.Прочитать текст, описывающий преимущества и недостатки работы;

4.составить интервью между работодателем и соискателем; подготовить дискуссию о взаимосвязи зарплаты работника (и других преимуществ: соц. пакет, бонусы, жилье, машина и т.п.) и эффективности труда работника;

5. Написать эссе о материальной и социальной защищенности молодого специалиста;

Самостоятельная работа.

Изучить информацию на сайтах кадровых агентств, составить рейтинг «ТОП 10» профессий и сделать презентацию о преимуществах и недостатках данных профессий.


Дидактические материалы к занятиям 8.2.1,8.2.2, 8.2.3

Lesson 8.2.1. Professions and professional duties. What professions do you know?

Lead in

Ex 1. Look at the pictures and answer the following questions:

1) What jobs are shown in the pictures? Which of these jobs are dangerous?

2) Which of these jobs do you need to be well-qualified to do?

3) Do you think there are jobs that should be done only by men? Why? Why not?

4) What qualities do you need to be a bullfighter?

Ex 2. Read the following summary of the text, then listen to the tape and fill in the gaps.

Cristina Sanchez went to a bullfighting school in Madrid. Then she trained with 1) …. Sanchez is very popular with the 2)…. Sanchez is elegant and moves more like a 3)… than an athlete. Bullfighting is a tough world for a 4)…. Although Spanish women won the right to fight bulls with men in 5)…, some men still refuse to fight in the same ring as them. Sanchez's family lives in 6)…. She has a tough fitness routine — running, working out in the 7)… and practising with her father. Cristina doesn't drink, 8) … or socialise but she travels a lot in order to fight. She has been injured in the leg and the 9)… but this hasn't kept her away from the ring. Her manager, Simon Casas, says she has a 10)… mentality.


Ex 3. You are going to read a newspaper article about a young persons’ career. For questions 1-6, choose the answer (a,b,c or d) which you think fits best according to the text.

Living by the Sword

When Cristina Sanchez told her parents that she wanted to become a bullfighter instead of a hairdresser, they weren't too pleased. But when she was eighteen her parents realised that she was serious and sent her to a bullfighting school in Madrid, where she trained with professionals.

Since last July, Sanchez has been the most successful novice in Spain and is very popular with the crowds. After bril­liant performances in Latin America and Spain earlier this year, Sanchez has decided that she is ready to take the test to become a matador de toros. Out of the ring, Sanchez does not look like a matador. She is casually elegant, very feminine and wears her long blond hair loose. She seems to move much more like a dancer than an athlete, but in the ring she is all power.

When she was fourteen, Sanchez's father warned her that the world of bullfighting was hard enough for a man and even harder for a woman. It seems he is right. "It really is a tough world for a woman," says Sanchez. "You start with the door shut in your face. A man has to prove himself only once, whereas I have had to do it ten times just to get my foot in the door."

In perhaps the world's most masculine profession, it would seem strange if Sanchez had not met problems. But even though Spanish women won the legal right to fight bulls on equal terms with men in 1974, there are still matadors like Jesulin de Ubrique who refuse to fight in the same ring as her.

Sanchez lives with her family in Parla, south of Madrid. Her family is everything to her and is the main support in her life. "My sisters don't like bullfighting, they don't even watch it on TV, and my mother would be the happiest person in the world if I gave it up. But we get on well. Mum's like my best friend."

When Sanchez is not fighting she has a tough fitness routine -running, working out in the gym and practising with her father in the afternoon. By nine she is home for supper, and by eleven she is in bed. She doesn't drink, smoke or socialise. "You have to give up a lot," says Sanchez. "It's difficult to meet people, but it doesn't worry me - love does not arrive because з you look for it."

Sanchez spends most of the year travelling: in summer to Spanish and French bullfights and in winter to Latin America. Her mother dislikes watching Sanchez fight, but goes to the ring when she can. If not, she waits at home next to the telephone. Her husband has had to ring three times to say that their daughter had been injured, twice lightly in the leg and once seriously in the stomach. After she has been wounded, the only thing Sanchez thinks about is how quickly she can get back to the ring. "It damages your confidence," she says "but it also makes you mature. It's just unprofessional to be injured. You cannot let it happen." Sanchez is managed by Simon Casas, who says, "At the moment there is no limit to where she can go. She has a champion's mentality, as well as courage and technique."


1. When Sanchez told her parents that she wanted to become a bullfighter they

a) felt a little pleased.

b) thought she was too young.

c) thought she had a good sense of humour.

d) Тheywere initially opposed to the idea.

2. Sanchez thinks that

a) living in today's world is difficult for woman.

b) bullfighting is a difficult career for women.

c) it is almost impossible to succeed as a female bullfighter.

d) women have to demonstrate their sk as much as male bullfighters do.

3. Sanchez's mother

a) is everything to the family.

b) prefers to watch her daughter on TV.

c) supports her more than the rest of her family.

d) would prefer Cristina to leave the ring.

4. What does "it" in line 37 refer to?

a) the fitness routine

b) not socialising

c) giving up

d) smoking

5. Sanchez doesn't socialise often because

a) she doesn't like cigarettes and alcohol

b) her work takes up most of her time.

c) she is worried about meeting people.

d) it's too difficult to look for friends.

6. What does Sanchez think about after being injured?

a) her next chance to fight bulls

b) her abilities

c) her development

d) her skills

Vocabulary practice

Ex 4. Look at the words in bold in the text and try to explain them.

Ex 5. Fill in the correct word(s) from the list below: get my foot in the door, confidence, socialize, novice, professional, mature, face, support, courage, masculine

1.Doctors don't have much time to............ as they work very long hours (mix with people).

2.The experienced chess player easily beat the ……., who was still learning the rules of the game (beginner).

3.After months of training the young fire­ fighter was ready to…… a real fire (deal with).

4. There aren't many female boxers as it is a very ……sport (male).

5. The contacts I had, helped me when I was looking for a job (get started).

6. My parents were a great ……….to me when I lost my job (help).

7.My tennis coach is a...............; he has been playing in international matches for years paid (expert).

8.Working as a chef for five years gave Brian the …. to open his own restaurant (sense of self-worth).

9. Fire-fighters need a lot of ……., as their work is often very dangerous (bravery).

10.The manager didn't hire the young man, as he didn't think he was …... enough to deal with the stresses of the job (emotionally developed).

Ex 6. Fill in the correct word(s) from the list below. Use the words only once.

a champion's,to wear to win, to prove limit tough, to damage, to give, popular,

to take, on equal terms, casually

1. A............... world 7....... elegant

2....... sb the chance to 8........ a test

3.......... the legal right 9. to fight ……with

4........ your confidence 10. …. my hair loose

5. there is no...... to 11....... himself

6............. with crowds 12. to have …….mentality

Ex 7. Fill in the correct word: profession, job, career, occupation

1. Her.......... as a dancer came to an end when she broke her leg.

2. My father has been unable to find a … for the past two years.

3. You must write your name, age and … on the application form.

4. John is a doctor by., and has his own practice in London.

Ex 8. Fill in the correct particle.

1.She gave............... eating fatty foods when she went on a diet (stopped).

2.Spies gave.............. top secret information during the war (revealed).

3. Although it looked as though Steffi was winning the match, Monica refused to give…. (surrender).

4. The charity gave............ food to the poor and needy (gave freely).

5. For such a small electric fire, it gives a lot of heat (emits).

6. Their food supplies gave.. before they reached the summit of the mountain (came to an end).

Ex 9. Fill in the correct preposition, then choose any five items and make sentences.

1)to be serious. sth; 2) to be popular … sb; 3) to decide … sth; 4) to warn sb…sb; 5) to be worried................... sb/sth; 6) to think... sb/sth; 7) to live… sb; 8) to arrive … a city; 9) to arrive................... the office; 10) a limit sth; 11) to be pleased … sb/sth; 12) to succeed …sth;13) to prefer sth …sth; else;14) to socialize …people

Ex 10. a) Read the text about Cristina Sanchez again and make notes under the following headings. Then, talk about her career.

training; problems she faced; fitness routine; dangers; qualities needed

b)Can you think of any other dangerous jobs?

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