Technology for fermentation and wine- makingSpecializations: Technology for beer and nonalcoholic production Technology for alcohol, distillery production and bakery yeast In the course of studies students learn biochemical and microbiological fundamentals of fermentation processes; technology for alcohol, distillery and bakery yeast production (beer, kvass, mineral water, soft drinks, wine, distillery production, baking yeast); equipment, processes and devices employed in foodstuff production; designing of food industry enterprises; get acquainted with methods of foodstuff storage and methods of Its analysis; study bases of rational nutrition and ecologically pure foodstuff production. Technology for wood chemical processing Specializations: Chemical technology for pulp and paper manufacture Students study theoretical bases of chemical technologies for complex processing of vegetable raw material (mainly wood), technology for pulp and paper, hydrolytic and wood-chemical manufacture; fundamentals of scientific research and designing of wood chemical processing enterprises, devices and equipment employed in such enterprises. Technology for bread, confectionary and macaroni production During training students study scientific and technological fundamentals of bread baking, farinaceous and sugar confectionery, peculiar features of macaroni production; flow properties of raw material, intermediate and ready for use products; processes and devices employed in foodstuff production; manufacturing equipment; economics and organization of production.
Power stations Students receive knowledge in information technologies in electric power systems, administration of different types of power stations, networks and systems, power engineering economy, manufacture occupational adaptation. Power supply Students of this specialty study mathematical modeling in power supply systems, use of computer engineering, energy savings, economics, marketing. Our engineers know the present state and solution methods of all problems in power economy. Thermal power stations The main fie d the specialists work in is power stations, power engineering administration and industrial plants. Students receive grounding in heating engineering equipment operation, study water and fuel preparation technology; assembling, repair and setting up of heat power stations thermal equipment. Heat power engineering Provides engineers for work in industrial plants, especially of power-consuming ones - in metallurgy, petrochemistry and timber industry; in energy plants, conservancies, planning and research institutes. Students get training in the following specializations: industrial heat-and- power plants and heat supply systems, energy savings and engineering ecology. Electric drive and automation of industrial installations and technological complexes Engineers of this specialty are specialists in the field of automated electric drive and industrial plant automation systems. They solve problems of research, design, assembling, and setting up and operation of electric drives and administration systems based on electromechanic facilities, power and microelectronics, conversion and measuring equipment and information processing in modern information technologies. Electric transport Provides engineers for work in industrial plants, scientific and design organizations in the field of operation, setting up, assembling, planning, elaboration and examination of electric transport facilities. The engineers work with different types of municipal electric transport and means of maintenance of transport systems perfect functioning. Insulation, cable and capacitor engineering Prepares engineers for work in the sphere of designing and making cable wares for modern communication channels and multi-channel control systems, medical equipment, production administration systems where fiberoptic, miniature and subminiature conductors, wave guides, surface wave lines and radiant cables are used. Radio engineering Students study socio-economic sciences, ethic and ecological disciplines, principles of production group administration. Engineers work in tie field of elaboration and operation of computer techniques, receiving and transmitting deuces, radio systems of different function-radar aid radio navigational systems, systems of receiving information from artificial satellites. The Departmert has been training engineers since 1963. Chairs of the Department have prepared a! most a thousand of engineers. Students are provided with good facilities for studying, research and other activities. In order to make academic process successful libraries of the Department ate supplied with modern equipment and new computer techniques. Apart from the academic staff, top-level practitioners are involved as trainers as well. Students of the Power Engineering Department can participate in research work on chairs end continue their education in postgraduate programs at our university, institutions of the Academy of Sciences and other academies. Our graduates work successfully in many branches of national economy verifying their professional skills; they are ii great request in the labor market.
Lesson 8.1.2. New Education Concept Ex 1. Read the following summary, then listen to the tape and fill in the gaps. The idea remains that students are 1) …….. containers which a teacher fills with knowledge. However, this approach no longer works. The teacher's role is no longer simply to feed information to students. Facts are available in 2) ……… on CD ROMS and on the 3) …….. What students need are the 4) …….to find this information. Cooperative learning encourages 5), tolerance and helpfulness towards others. Students work in pairs, in threes and in 6) ….. of four. The teacher is the 7) ……, not the master. Brett Melville, a pupil, says: "In our class, we have time to discuss issues and 8) …….. in detail. "Lynne Gedye, a teacher says "The children's response was 9) ……. "Cooperative learning turns the classroom from a competitive arena into a place where learning facts and life skills is 10) … and effective. Reading Ex 2. You are going to read a text about a new teaching method. Seven sentences have been removed from the article. Choose from the sentences A-H the one which fits each gap (1-6). There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use. There is an example at the beginning (0). Cooperative Kids The concept of cooperative learning is alien to all of us who were taught the traditional way,-but it offers our children the adventure of finding their own answers. Di Lilford reports. If you took a doctor from the 19th century and put her in a modern operating theatre, she would have no idea what to do, but if you put a teacher from the 19th century into a modern classroom she would be able to carry on teaching without pause.
The idea remains that students are empty containers which the teacher fills with knowledge, and that all students have to do is listen and write. Education consultant Alyce Miller says: "This approach does not work in today's changing world. We are not teaching creative problem-solving. We encourage competition, believing that this brings out the best in people." But this is not so. She goes on to say that the teacher's role is no longer to feed students with information. "The facts are available in libraries, on CD ROMS and on the Internet. What students need are the skills to find this information, to use it and to think creatively in order to solve the problems of our world." Miller believes that cooperative learning is the future of education and thinks of it as the best way to encourage responsibility, tolerance and helpfulness towards others. In cooperative learning classes, the traditional classroom physical layout is abandoned. Pupils learn to work first in pairs, then in threes, and finally in teams of four. Students are required to participate actively in discussing and shaping their own knowledge. The teacher, who is still very important to the process, becomes the helper rather than the master. Aarnout Bromhanher head of the mathematics department at Westerford High School, says: "The incorrect assumption that many people make about cooperative learning is that it is merely group work. It is much, much more. With this technique, moot of the time in the classroom is spent teaching them these skills - life skills." Brett Melville, a 17-year-old pupil at the school, agrees. "You learn-the same material as you would using the normal method, but this way you learn how to work with others at the same time. In our class, we are given enough time to discuss issues and problems in detail." One teacher, Lynne Gedye, has been using cooperative learning in her classes for two years. She says, "This year we have several pupils in the class who can hardly speak a word of English. I was tearing my hair out, wondering what to do, but I need not have worried. The children's response was amazing. All in all, it seems that cooperative learning turns the classroom from a competitive arena into a place where learning facts and life skills is both more fun and more effective for pupils and teachers alike.
A. Children do not sit in straight rows of desks facing the teacher, but rather face one another to make it easier to share ideas.
B. The strong ones coacher the weak ones endlessly so that they could participate in the question time too.
C. However, she believes that this method is not suitable for all pupils.
D. Teaching methods have hardly changed in one hundred years.
E. She says that good relationships are the key to effective learning.
F. Encouraging children to concentrate on getting the best marks destroys motivation and takes the fun out of learning.
G. He adds that it might take longer than simply listening to the teacher lecture, but the students remember much more afterwards.
H. It recognises that pupils do not have the skills to work together Vocabulary Practice Ex 3. look at words in bold on page 121 and try to explain them. Ex 4. Fill in the correct word(s) from the list below: concentrate on, issues, motivation, tolerance, abandon, concept, participate approach, merely, skills 1. Reading and writing are two of the …… which are considered to be most important in life (learnt abilities). 2. The Parent Teacher Association meets monthly to discuss …… concerning the school (topics). 3. A very complex subject is best taught using a simple appibach, (method). 4. When reading a text, language learners need to ……… the sentence structure and prepositions, as well as the vocabulary (pay full attention to). 5. Teaching a subject in a lively interesting way increases a student’s …….. to learn (willingness). 6. Miss Dean has so much ……… that she can handle even the most difficult of students (patience). 7. Many teachers want to ……… continual testing and concentrate more on teaching (stop doing). 8. If you want to ……….in this game, you must listen to the instructions first (take part). 9. Arithmetic is ………the introduction to advanced mathematics, but it learnt thoroughly (just). 10. The ………of fonnal examinations dates back to ancient China (idea). Ex 5. Fill in the correct word(s) from the list below. Used the words only once: education, life, to solve, to go on, to tear, to work, to share, operating, mathematics, to feed, changing, cooperative 1 …….. learnig; 2. …….. sb with information; 3. ……theatre; 4. …. Skills; 5. ….. consultant; 6. …… to say; 7. …..ideas; 8. ….. in pairt; 9. a(n) ….world; 10. ….. the problems; 11. …… department; 12. …… may hair out Ex 6. Underline the correct item. 1. A new teacher is joining our English part/department/ section this term. 2. Cookery is a useful subject for girls and boys like/alike/likely. 3. My brother, who speaks fluent French, coached/studied/practised me in the subject before the exam. 4. The student paused/stopped/ended before answering the question. 5. Her teaching process/technique/way involves getting to know each student's needs. Ex 7. Fill in the correct preposition, then choose any five items and make sentences. 1) alien ….. sb; 2) to concentrate ….. sth; 3) to feed sb ….. sth; 4) to be responsible ….. sth/sb; 5) to share sth ….. sb; 6) to be the key ….. sth; 7) to participate ….. sth; 8) to discuss sth ….. sb; 9) to be important ….. sb/sth; 10) …..detail; 11) all ….. alt; 12) ….. my own; 13) to be suitable..... sb/sth Talking Points Ex 8. Read the text again and make notes under the following headings, then talk about cooperative learning. · students' role · teacher's role · benefits · classroom layout Ex 9. What skills do the pupils gain from cooperative learning? Would you enjoy being taught this way? Ex 10. Look at the list of qualities below. Which, m your opining, are the most important ones needed to be a good teacher? Listen to the tape and tick the ones which are mentioned. A good teacher should: a speak clearly b establish a friendly relationship with students с have a lot or confidence in front or large groups d understand students' individual needs e encourage students to be creative f keep tight control of a group or students g give students a lot of praise and support h attend refresher courses regularly i spend time preparing lessens thoroughly j punish students who don't work herd enough ![]() ![]() Система охраняемых территорий в США Изучение особо охраняемых природных территорий(ООПТ) США представляет особый интерес по многим причинам... ![]() Что способствует осуществлению желаний? Стопроцентная, непоколебимая уверенность в своем... ![]() ЧТО ПРОИСХОДИТ ВО ВЗРОСЛОЙ ЖИЗНИ? Если вы все еще «неправильно» связаны с матерью, вы избегаете отделения и независимого взрослого существования... ![]() ЧТО И КАК ПИСАЛИ О МОДЕ В ЖУРНАЛАХ НАЧАЛА XX ВЕКА Первый номер журнала «Аполлон» за 1909 г. начинался, по сути, с программного заявления редакции журнала... Не нашли то, что искали? Воспользуйтесь поиском гугл на сайте: