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Раздел 4. Static and dynamic prepositions. Предлоги статики и динамики

1. Предлоги статики (места ) – предмет не двигается, расположен на определенном месте в пространстве:







near = at


behind – сзади   in front of – перед   between – между (2-мя предметами)   among – между (множеством предметов)  

2. Предлоги динамики (движения ) – предмет движется в каком-то



along – вдоль

across – через (пересекая поперек)

through – через (сквозь) On (движение на поверхность)


off (движение с поверхности)



into (движение внутрь)



out of (движение изнутри)


to (движение к предмету)


from (движение от предмета)


3. В следующих случаях, как правило, употребляются:

a) с днями недели и датами – on

on Sunday

on the 10th of June


b) с расположением в помещении – at

at work – на работе

at hospital – в больнице

at home - дома

at the office – в офисе


c) с часами и минутами – at

at 5 o’clock

at 7.40 p.m. (a.m.)


d) с месяцами, сезонами и временем cуток – in

in April

in summer

in the morning


e) наречия there(туда) и here(сюда)без предлога

Go there!

Come here!

А также, Go home!


Упражнение 4.1

Заполните пропуски предлогми:

1) Fred, take that long pencil … … your bag and put it … the table.

2) The black pen is … the table. The brown pen is … my bag.

3) Take these books … the table, please.

4) Go... the blackboard, please.

5) Close your book and put it … your bag. It is … the bag now.

6) Pete, go … the door and close it.

7) Ben, put a spoon … your cup.

8) Go … the room, please!


Упражнение 4.2

Заполните пропуски предлогами:

1) The walls … the rooms … my flat are yellow and blue.

2) Take a piece … chalk … the table.

3) Write these words … the blackboard.

4) Go … the class-room.

5) Come … here!

6) Don't go … there!

7) The blackboard is … the wall … our class-room.

8) Open that book … page eight.

9) Look … the blackboard.


Упражнение 4.3

Переведите предложения на английский язык:

1) Сна­чала мы пошли в лес.

2) В лесу было прохладно.

3) Потом мы подошли к реке.

4) Мы плавали в реке. Наша бабушка си­дела у реки на траве.

5) Вечером мы поехали в город.

6) Летом они всегда ездят на юг.

7) Мой папа работает на заводе.

8) Мой старший брат учит­ся в университете.


Контрольные упражнения и тесты

Упражнение 4.4

Заполните пропуски предлогами:

1) Take a pen … that student, please.

2) Fred is … his room now.

3) Jane, take your pen … the table and put it … your bag.

4) Go … your table and take your book … … your bag.

5) Look … the blackboard! Now go … the blackboard.

6) Take the cup … Jane and put it … the table.

Упражнение 4.5

Заполните пропуски предлогами among, between:

1) Differences in pronunciation___British English and American English are numerous.

2) For her there is not much choice___Paul and Nick.

3) She could see him ___people in the crowd.

4) You may divide this money ___you both.

5) There is an oak tree___birches and pines near my house.

6) Tom is the smartest___the other students.

Упражнение 4.6

Выберите правильный вариант предлога:

1) There are too many people (on/in/by) the bus. I want to go (on/in/by) a taxi.

2) Did you go there (on/in/ by) foot or (on/in/by) car? — I went (on/in/by) Peter's bicycle.

3) It is too hot to be (on/in/by) the sun at noon. We have been sitting (on/in/by) the beach for three hours. Let's sit (on/in/by) the shade.

4) We travelled (on/in/by) 9.45 plane. There was a good lunch (on/in/by) the plane.

5) She didn't want to go (on/in/by) underground, so they came (on/in/by) a taxi.

6) Have you ever ridden (on/in/ by) the elephant?

Упражнение 4.7

Подберите начало предложения в колонке А и окончание предложения в колонке В и запишите соответствующие цифру и букву:


1. He put his pen and pencils... a) on a small table
2. There is a cat... b) into the pencil-box
3. There is a TV set... c) on the wall
4. There are green curtains … d) in the garden
5. There is a round table... e) in the garden
6. There are some pictures... f) across the street
7. The children are playing... g) round the table
8. There are four chairs... h) near the writing-desk
9. The children like to run... i) on the windows
10. The bus-stop is... j) on the roof of the house

Упражнение 4.8

Заполните пропуски предлогами in, into, to, at, on, out of, from, off:

1) He took the wallet___of his pocket, opened it and put the cheque___it.

2) He took his suitcase___ the rack and got___the train.

3) She got___the car and went___the club.

4) Go___the mirror and have a look___yourself.

5) Get___the bus. It will take you___ the Green Park.

6) I haven't heard___him for ages. He went___Canada two years ago, but I don't know if he is,___Canada now or somewhere else.

Test – минимум 4

Заполните пропуски предлогами:

1) When he came ___home, he took___his coat, hang it___the hook and sat ___the armchair.

2) A lot of tourists ___ different counties arrive___Moscow every year.

3) He's never been___any foreign country.

4) Welcome___ Egypt! A flight___this wonderful country will take you about four hours.

5) A sparrow flew___the room through a window.

6) What time does this train get ___Scotland? — It arrives___Glasgow at 10.25 p.m.

7) When you leave the building, turn___the left___ the High Street.

8) Take the hat___the boy. Don't you see what he is doing with it?

Тест 4

1. Заполните пропуски предлогами:

1) Don't go … there!

2) Put that cup … the table.

3) Put that cup …here.

4) Whose copy-books are … the table?

5) Put … the spoons … those white cups.

6) Go … the room, please.

7) Where is the red pencil? Is it … the copy-book? — No, it is not. It's not … the copy­- book. It's … it.

8) Bob, go … the table and sit …, please.

9) Ben, open your book … page six.

10) Where is Jack? — He is … the table.


2.Переведите на английский язык:

1) Он вынул часы из кармана и положил их на стол.

2) Этот поезд останавливается на каждой станции.

3) Во время каникул я побывал в Риме.

4) Он перепрыгнул через забор (fence), прошел через лужайку (lawn) и от­крыл дверь своим ключом.

5) Вор (thief) проник в дом через окно, вынул драгоценности (jewelry) из сейфа, сорвал картину со стены, а затем ушел.

6) Я люблю путе­шествовать на велосипеде.

7) Ирландское море нахо­дится между Ирландией и Великобританией.

8) Он приедет домой на рождественские праздники. В Рождество все дети приезжают к родителям.

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