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Words and words combinations to be remembered

1. afterward позже
2. nearby близлежащий, ближайший
3. sole единственный, одиночный
4. avenue of research путь исследования
5. to pursue выполнять, совершать
6. audiophile слушатель
7. to frustrate расстраивать
8. wear and tear износ, амортизация
9. stylus пишущий элемент (перо, магнитная головка и т.п.)
10. sketch out делать набросок
11. to envision представлять себе, рисовать в своем воображении
12.replay проигрывать снова (пластинку, магнитофонную запись и т.п.)
13.achieve достигать
14.familiar привычный
15. binary двоичный код
16. to store запоминать, хранить
17.film плёнка; тонкий слой чего-л.
18.to be succeeded in иметь успех, достигать цели
19. playback system система (управления) с обратной отработкой
20. photosensitive platter диск (компакт-диск)
21. binary patterns двоичная модель
22. to convert превращать, преобразовывать
23. to fit подходить, быть подходящим для (чего-л.)
24. to imitate подражать, копировать
25. inspiration вдохновение, воодушевление
26. to refine повышать качество, улучшать
27. implication последствие
28. to purchase a license купить лицензию
29. storage system запоминающее устройство
30. bar code штрих-код
31. liquid crystal shutter лазерный принтер
32. to claim заявлять
33. to stack up накапливаться, собираться


Read and translate the text:

James Russell, who invented the digital compact disc in the late 1960s, was born in Bremerton, Washington in 1931. He got a B.A. in Physics from Reed College in Portland in 1953. Afterward, he went to work as a physicist in the company General Electric's (GE) nearby labs in Richland, Washington.

At GE, Russell initiated many experimental instrumentation projects. He was among the first to use a color TV screen and keyboard as the sole interface between computer and operator; and he designed and built the first electron beam welder. In 1965, Russell started to work as Senior Scientist at the Pacific Northwest Laboratory in Richland. He already knew what avenue of research he wanted to pursue.

James Russell was an avid music listener. Like many audiophiles of the time, he was continually frustrated by the wear and tear of the vinyl phonograph records. He was also unsatisfied with their sound quality: his experimental improvements included using a cactus needle as a stylus. Alone at home on a Saturday afternoon, Russell began to sketch out a better music recording system - and was inspired with a truly revolutionary idea.

Russell envisioned a system that would record and replay sounds without physical contact between its parts; and he saw that the best way to achieve such a system was to use light. He was familiar with digital data recording, in punch card or magnetic tape form. He saw that if he could represent the binary 0 and 1 with dark and light, a device could read sounds or indeed any information at all without ever wearing out. If he could make the binary code compact enough, Russell saw that he could store not only symphonies, but entire encyclopedias on a small piece of film.

After years of work, Russell succeeded in inventing the first digital-to-optical recording and playback system (patented in 1970). He had found a way to record onto a photosensitive platter in tiny "bits" of light and dark, each one micron in diameter; a laser read the binary patterns, and a computer converted the data into an electronic signal - which it was then comparatively simple to convert into an audible or visible transmission.

This was the first compact disc. Although Russell had once envisioned 3x5-inch stereo records that would fit in a shirt pocket and a video record that would be about the size of a punch card, the final product imitated the phonographic disc which had been its inspiration. Through the 1970s, Russell continued to refine the CD-ROM, adapting it to any form of data. Like many ideas far ahead of their time, the CD-ROM found few interested investors at first; but eventually, Sony and other audio companies realized the implications and purchased licenses.

By 1985, James Russell had earned 26 patents for CD-ROM technology. He then founded his own consulting firm, where he has continued to create and patent improvements in optical storage systems, along with bar code scanners, liquid crystal shutters, and other industrial optical instruments. His most revolutionary recent invention is a high-speed optical data recorder/player that has no moving parts. Russell earned another 11 patents for this "Optical Random Access Memory" device, which is currently being refined for the market.

James Russell has many interests beyond optical data devices. In fact, he has claimed, "I've got hundreds of ideas stacked up - many of them worth more than the compact disc. But I haven't been able to work on them." Digital engineers and consumers alike will be lucky if he does find the time.

After you have read:

14.1Make up a sentence of two parts:

1.Afterward, he went to work as a physicist in the company   1. by the wear and tear of the vinyl phonograph records.
2. Like many audiophiles of the time, he was continually frustrated 2. his experimental improvements included using a cactus needle as a stylus.
3. He was also unsatisfied with their sound quality: 3. General Electric's (GE) nearby labs in Richland, Washington.
4. He was familiar with digital data recording, 4. inventing the first digital-to-optical recording and playback system.
5. After years of work, Russell succeeded in 5. a high-speed optical data recorder/player that has no moving parts.
6. By 1985, James Russell had earned 6. in punch card or magnetic tape form.
7. His most revolutionary recent invention is 7. if he does find the time.
8. Digital engineers and consumers alike will be lucky 26 patents for CD-ROM technology.

14.2Fill in the blanks with words from the text:

1. James Russell, who …the digital compact disc in the …, was born in Bremerton.

2. He was … the first to use a color TV screen and … as the sole … between computer and …; and he … and … the first electron … welder.

3. He already … what avenue of … he … to pursue.

4. Russell … to sketch out a … music recording system - and … with a truly … idea.

5. Russell … a system that … record and replay sounds without physical contact … its parts.

6. Through the 1970s, Russell … to refine the CD-ROM, … it to … form of data.

7. Like many ideas far … of their time, the CD-ROM … few … investors at first; but …, Sony and other audio companies … the implications and … licenses.

8. Russell … another 11 patents … this "Optical Random Access Memory" device, … is currently … for the market.

9. But I … able to work … them.

10. Digital … and consumers alike.. be.. if he … find the time.

Make up 5 general and 5 special questions to the text.

14.4 Give the negative and question form of the following sentences:

1. He got a BA in Physics from Reed College in Portland in 1953.

2. He was among the first to use a color TV screen and keyboard as the sole interface between computer and operator.

3. Russell began to sketch out a better music recording system.

4. He had found a way to record onto a photosensitive platter in tiny "bits" of light and dark.

5. The most revolutionary recent invention is a high-speed optical data recorder/player.

6. James Russell has many interests beyond optical data devices.

7. Russell earned another 11 patents.

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