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Укажите номера пропущенных предлогов; переведите данные предложения на русский язык.

1. Food is considered high or low... carbohydrates according... their amount to its total weight. 2. To meet the requirements of the body... energy food must be high... carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins and minerals. 3.... means of these experiments we shall define the amount … starch in this substance. 4. Starch is a carbohydrate more complex... nature than any of sugars. 5. A number... food constituents have a part... stimulating and regulating body processes. 6. The utilization of organic acids in the body for energy is similar... that of starches and sugars. 7. Any kind of sugar is responsible... a sweet taste of certain foods.

l. by 2. for 3. in 4. to 5. of

3.Переведите на русский язык данные словосочетания, учитывая много­значность слов «part» и «mean».

Ø part часть, доля; участие/доля/ в работе; роль

1. parts of a body, the part of grain, parts of the plant;

2. to take part in research, to have a part in producing sugar;

3. to play a significant part in the food industry; they took an active part in the investigation.

Ø mean I. значить, иметь значение 2.средний

means средство/а, способ

1. the term "sugar" to most people means cane or beet sugar; the word "vitamin" means "very important for life"; the word "enzyme" comes from the Greek word meaning "in yeast";

2. mean consumption of sugar; mean daily need for energy; mean level;

3. means of production; means of living; means of analysis; an effective means;

by means of synthesis; by means of heating; by no means; by all means.


1. Прочитайте текст и составьте план на русском языке.

2. Кратко изложите текст на английском языке, пользуясь планом.

Among common carbohydrates are sugar and starch. Although these substances differ widely from one another in properties and constitution, they show a very definite point of resemblance. They are all composed of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen, and the hydrogen and oxygen are always in the sane ratio to one another as in water, i.e.1, two of hydrogen to one of oxygen. The name, therefore, of carbohydrates was given because these compounds seemed to be built up of carbon and water in different proportions. Thus glucose, as sugar, has a formula C6H12O6 – which might be represented as 6C+6H2O. It may be pointed out that this last method of representation is only referred to for the purpose of showing how the name arose.

There is hardly a plant that does not contain either sugar or starch or cellulose or even all the three of them. The sugar and starches are among our most common foods, and the celluloses though not useful as a food, are found the main constituents of wood, paper, cotton and other fibres or fibrous materials.

Our ordinary everyday life leads us to think that there is only one sugar, viz2., that we use as a sweetening agent for tea. In fact there are many sugars, they are glucose (so called dextrose or grape-sugar), fructose (also called levulose) and galactose.

Glucose or grape-sugar is found in large quantities in grapes. When these are dried in the sun to form resins, the glucose in the juice separates out as hard brown nodules3. It is frequently found mixed with fructose in the juice of fruits, in the roots and leaves of plants and in honey. It can also be obtained from cane sugar and starch. Glucose is soluble in about its own weight of water and is not so sweet as ordinary cane sugar.

It readily ferments with yeast and yields principally alcohol and carbon dioxide.

Fructose occurs with glucose in the juice of sweet fruits and in honey. It is more soluble in water than glucose, and is about as sweet as the latter. It ferments with yeast but not as rapidly as glucose.

1- id est – то есть

2- viz.=videlicet – а именно

3- nodules – (зд.) масса=комочки



Письменно переведите текст на русский язык.

Carbohydrates commonly occur as starch and sugar. The chief function of starches and sugars in our lives is to produce energy. If we eat them and then if we don’t utilize their potential energy they are stored usually as fat. If ordinary sugar molecules are eaten they are split in two to give the simple sugars, glucose and fructose. Starches end up as glucose.

In the body metabolism, fats and carbohydrates play more or less interchangeable roles, but it is generally considered that health is best served if 40% to 50% of the total energy value of the food is in the form of carbohydrates, and 30% to 35% in the form of fats.


Кратко расскажите по-английски:

а) об образовании крахмала в растении;

Б) о роли сахара в жизни организма.







Active Vocabulary:

fat - жир,

fatty - жирный;

to protect - защищать,

protection - защита,

protective - защитный;

to derive – происходить, производить (от чего-либо),

derivative - производный,

derivation - происхождение;

to deplete, depletion – истощать, истощение;

layer - слой;

amount - количество;

excess - избыток;

equipment - оборудование;

knowledge - знание;

essential - незаменимый;

extreme – крайность, крайний;

to include - включать,

to perform - исполнять,

to refuse - отказываться,

to call on - обращаться;

to prove - доказывать;


oil – масло/растительное или минеральное/

phospholipids – фосфолипиды

sterol – стерин

linseed - льняное семя

linoleic/linolenic acid - линолевая/леноленовая кислота


1. Переведите на русский язык данные словосочетания.

to store the excess as fat, to be a characteristic of most living matter, including plants, when armed with all the equipment and knowledge in the world, our animal lives, to do without, to protect from shocks, extreme irritability, to be due to the depletion of fat, derived compounds, entire nervous system, for we make fat out of the carbohydrates we take in, unanswerable, observation of facts, to call on other animals, to manufacture itself, to get their names from linseed.

2. Пользуясь моделью, переведите данные словосочетания на русский язык.

Ø fat-soluble - жирорастворимый/тот, который можно растворить/

water-soluble vitamins; water-soluble compound; acid-soluble material; alcohol-soluble substance; fat-soluble vitamin

semi-automatic - полуавтоматический

semi-stable; semi-solid; semi-dry; semi-lequid; semi-official; semi-frozen; semi-finishd goods; semi-synthetics; semi-starvation

3. Следуя модели, переведите следующие предложения на русский язык.

One may say... можно сказать… One must know… нужно знать… One can see... можно видеть… One might/could suppouse… можно было бы предположить... One should remember… следует (следовало бы) помнить…

1. 0ne can see that the results of this experiment are of great importance. 2. One might argue about the significance of their research. 3. 0ne must admit that fats play a great part in the human diet. 4. One may say that life without food is impossible. 5. One should know that all fats are divided into two kinds – those of plant and animal origin.

It is necessary.. Необходимо... It was impossible... Было невозможно... It should be noted... Следует отметить…

1. It is necessary to know that foods rich in carbohydrates, proteins and fats are essential to the nutrition of any living organism. 2. It was impossible for chemists of the past to understand chemical reactions in food taken in by a body. 3. It should be known that the excess of sugars and starches is stored as fat.


Animals, human beings included, take in sugars and starches and store the excess as fat. The ability to make fats from carbohydrates or similar materials seems to be a characteristic of most living matter including plants. But man hasn’t been able to perform this task in the laboratory, even when armed with all the equipment and knowledge in the world. The microscopic walls of plant cells are much better laboratories than our scientists have yet been able to make.

The fatty foods perform some very important function in our animal lives; to do without them can be dangerous. Fats form a protective layer around the nerves, apparently to protect them from shocks. One of the characteristic results of semi-starvation is extreme irritability. It has been suspected that this may be due to the depletion of fat around the nerves.

Fats in the form of their derived compounds – phospholipids – also play an important part in our brain and entire nervous system. Another class of compounds derived from the fats and known as the sterols is also essential for the living organism. So one may say that, in its higher forms, life without fat is impossible.

Even admitting these facts, however, one might argue that they do not prove that a diet should contain any large amount of fat, for we make fat out of the carbohydrates we take in, hence sugars might be all that would be necessary to supply energy. As an argument this is unanswerable – but as an observation of facts it is a hundred per cent wrong. There are some necessary fats that our bodies refuse to, or cannot, manufacture and we need to call on other animals, such as cows, to help us out. Moreover, without fats in the diet we could not get a sufficient amount of the fat-soluble vitamins A, D and E.

There are two fatty acids, linileic and linolenic, which the body must have and which it cannot manufacture itself. These fatty acids get their names from linseed: oil in which they were first discovered. There are several other fats and fatty acids which are essential and which we do not make in our bodies.



1. Ответьте на вопросы:

1. What functions do fats perform? 2. What kind of derived conpounds of fats are known? 3. What fatty acids are essential for a human body? 4. Out of what can a human body make fat? 5. Why must we call on animals to help us in fat manufacture?

2. Заполните пропуски и переведите предложения на русский язык.

a/ depletion, b/ depleted, c/ depleting

1. Inadequate diet may result in... fat around the nerves. 2. The fat... around the nerves cannot protect them from shocks. 3. The... of fat in a body is extremely dangerous.

a/ performed, b/ perform, c/ performance

1. Fats... different functions in the body. 2. The... of the protective function by fats is very significant. 3. One of the function … by fats is the protectione of the nerves from shocks.

a/derivatives, b/derivation, c/derived

I. The word "vitamin" is... from Latin. 2. It was necessary to study the... of some compounds from fats. 3. They were given the task of finding some... of fats.

3. Найдите в тексте синонимы выделенных слов.

both animals and human beings consume sugars and starches and keep the surplus as fat; the capacity to make fats from carbohydrates is a property of most living matter; fatty acids carry out some very important function in our animal life; as an argument this is indisputable but as a notice of facts it is a hundred per cent incorrect; fats in the form of compounds obtained from them perform a significant role in our brain and entire nervous system; we are forced to appeal to other animals; we could not get an adequate quantity of fat-soluble vitamins; there are two fatty acids which the body cannot produce itself; several fats and fatty acids are necessary for the human body

4. Укажите номера пропущенных слов.

1. Animals and human beings... sugars and starch and store the excess as fats. 2. A characteristic of most living matter is the... to make fats from carbohydrates. 3. Sugar is very important for the nutrition of our … system. 4. Carbohydrates and fats are... for the living organism. 5. The sterols... from the fats are also essential for the living organism. 6. Without fats in the diet we could not get a... amount of fat-soluble vitamins. 7. … foods perform some very important functions in animal life. 8. Our body... to manufacture some necessary fats. 9. Fats form a... layer around the nerves. 10. We need to call on animals as a human body cannot... some essential fats and fatty acids.

1. sufficient, 2. derived, 3. refuses, 4. take in, 5. brain, 6. protective, 7. manufacture, 8. fatty, 9. ability, 10. essential


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