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Anatomy and Functions of Urinary System

The main function of the urinary system is to excrete urea.

It is nitrogen-containing waste- product of protein metabolism. Urea is formed in the liver. It is carried in the bloodstream to the kidneys.

The urinary system includes the kidneys, the right and the left; the ureters (renal ducts); the urinary bladder which is a hollow muscular sac for temporary collection of urine and the urethra which is a tube through which urine is discharged from the urinary bladder and passed out of the body.

The kidneys are bean-shaped organs embedded in a cushion of adipose tissue and located behind the abdominal cavity. They consist of an outer cortex part and an inner medullar part. The kidneys perform the filtration of waste products from the blood. The process of filtration and formation of urine takes place within the tiny tubules of the kidney. Besides, renal functions include participation in the control of: volume of blood and other fluids of the body; protein, lipid and carbohydrate metabolism; arterial pressure; coagulation of blood and some more functions.

Depending on the water balance in the organism, the kidneys produce diluted and concentrated urine. The volume of urine discharged by a healthy individual may vary widely and depends on the condition of water balance. The colour of the urine depends on the diuresis and the excretion of pigments; it changes from light yellow to orange.

Functions of Kidneys.

The kidneys are involved in the following processes:

1. Excretion of unwanted substances such as waste products from cell metabolism, excess salts, and toxins.

2. Maintenance of water balance.

3. Regulation of acid-base balance.

4. Production of hormones:

- renin, which is important in the regulation of blood pressure;

- berythropoietin, which stimulates the red bone marrow to produce red blood cells and thus prevents anemia.

Ex.4. Suggest the Ukrainian for:

the main function of the urinary system; to excrete urea; nitrogen-containing waste- product of protein metabolism; is formed in the liver; is carried in the bloodstream to the kidneys; a hollow muscular sac for temporary collection of urine; a tube through which urine is discharged from the urinary bladder and passed out of the body; bean-shaped organs embedded in a cushion of adipose tissue; an outer cortex part and an inner medullar part; the filtration of waste products from the blood; the tiny tubules;: volume of blood and other fluids of the body; protein, lipid and carbohydrate metabolism; arterial pressure; coagulation of blood; depending on the water balance; the excretion of pigments.

Ex.5. Give the English equivalents for:

сечівник; квасолеподібний; жирова тканина; внутрішній мозковий шар нирки; виділяти сечовину; позаду черевної порожнини; виконують фільтрацію; крихітні канали; залежно від водного балансу; колір сечі; утворюється в печінці.

Ex.6. Fill in:

1. The main function of the urinary system is to excrete....

2. Urea is formed in the... from ammonia. 3. The... is carried in the bloodstream to the kidneys. 4. The kidneys are bean-shaped organs embedded in a... of adipose tissue. 5. The kidneys perform of waste products from the blood. 6. Depending on the in the organism, the kidneys produce diluted and concentrated urine. 7. The volume of urine discharged by a healthy individual may and depends on the condition of water balance. 8. The colour of the urine depends on


Ex.7. Say if it is true or false:

1. The main function of the urinary system is to excrete urea.

2. Urea is formed in the kidneys.

3. The urinary bladder is a hollow muscular sac for temporary collection of urine.

4. The kidneys are bean-shaped organs embedded in a cushion of connective tissue.

5. The kidneys are located in front of the abdominal cavity.

6. The process of filtration and formation of urine takes place within the tiny tubules of the kidney.

7. Depending on the salt balance in the organism, the kidneys produce diluted and concentrated urine.

Ex.8. Answer the questions:

l. What is the main function of the urinary system? 2. Where is urea formed? 3. What does the urinary system include? 4. What are the kidneys like? 5. Where are the kidneys located? 6. What do the kidneys perform? 6. What does the renal function include? 7. What urea do the kidneys produce? 8. What does the volume of urine depend on?

Task. Be ready to speak about the urinary system.


Ex.9.Make up your own sentences:

I insisted on my going there.
He looked forward to his being sent there.
The nurse thought of her seeing the operation.
We objected to our being given this task.
You dreamed of your being invited to the party.
Students     their giving injections.


I am pleased with my giving injections.
He is sure of your having said it.
The nurse are surprised at his having been praised.
We was proud of our playing so well.
You were   their seeing the operation.
Students       Jane’s having won the match.



Ex.1. Read the words and translate the text:

inflammation – запалення;

nephron – нефрон;

complications – ускладнення;

retention – затримка;

leak out – витікати;

to require – вимагати

Ex.2. Read and memorize the expressions to the text:

autoimmune disorders – автоімун. порушення;

major organs – головні органи;

rare cases – рідкі випадки;

genetically inherited – генетично успадковані;

life-threatening symptoms – загроза для життя;

sudden stroke – раптовий інсульт;

is referred to as – називається;

surgical intervention – хірургічне втручання;

pus accumulation – накопичення гною;

admitted to the hospital – поступати у лікарню;

Nephritis i s inflammation of the nephrons in the kidneys. Nephritis can be caused by infection, but is most commonly caused by autoimmune disorders that affect the major organs. In rare cases nephritis can be genetically inherited. Complications. Nephritis is the most common producer of glomerular injury. This can lead to reduced glomerular blood flow, leading to reduced urine output (oliguria) and retention of waste products (uremia). As a result, red blood cells may leak out of damaged glomeruli, causing blood to appear in the urine (hematuria). Nephritis is a serious medical condition which is the eighth highest cause of human death. As the kidneys inflame, they begin to excrete needed protein from the body into the urine stream. This condition is called proteinuria. Loss of necessary protein due to nephritis can result in several life-threatening symptoms. Most dangerous in cases of nephritis is the loss of protein that keeps blood from clotting. This can result in blood clots causing sudden stroke.

Pyelonephriti s is an inflammation that results from a urinary tract infection that reaches the pyelum (pelvis) of the kidney.

It is a form of nephritis that is also referred to as pyelitis. Severe cases of pyelonephritis can lead to pyonephrosis (pus accumulation around the kidney), urosepsis, kidney failure and even death.

Pyelonephritis presents with fever, accelerated heart rate, painful urination, abdominal pain radiating to the back, nausea, and tenderness at the costovertebral angle on the affected side. Pyelonephritis requires antibiotic therapy, and sometimes surgical intervention.

Causes Most cases of pyelonephritis are due to bowel organisms that enter the urinary tract. Many cases of pyelonephritis start off as lower urinary tract infections, mainly cystitis and prostatitis.

People with acute pyelonephritis that is accompanied by high fever and leukocytosis are typically admitted to the hospital for intravenous hydration and intravenous antibiotic treatment.


Ex.3. Give the Ukrainian equivalents:

Inflammation; nephron; complications; retention; leak out; to require; autoimmune disorders; major organs; rare cases; genetically inherited; life-threatening symptoms; sudden stroke; is referred to as; surgical intervention; pus accumulation; admitted to the hospital

Ex.4. Give the English equivalents:

запалення; нефрон; затримка; вимагати; порушення; генетично успадковані; загроза для життя; раптовий інсульт; хірургічне втручання; накопичення гною; ускладнення; головні органи; рідкі випадки; називається; витікати; поступати у лікарню

Ex.5. Answer the questions:

1. What is nephritis?

2. What is nephritis caused by?

3. What is nephritis the most common producer of?

4. Why is nephritis a serious medical condition?

5. In what can result loss of necessary protein due to nephritis?

6. What is most dangerous in cases of nephritis?

7. What is pyelonephritis?

8. What does pyelonephritis require?

9. How are people with acute pyelonephritis treated?

Ex.6. Say if it is true or false:

1. Nephritis is inflammation of the nephrons in the kidneys.

2. Nephritis can be caused by infection, but is most seldom caused by autoimmune disorders that affect the major organs.

3. Nephritis is the most common producer of glomerular injury.

4. Nephritis is a serious medical condition which is the second highest cause of human death.

5. Pyelonephritis is an inflammation that results from a urinary tract infection that reaches the pyelum (pelvis) of the liver.

6. PyeIonephritis is a form of nephritis that is also referred to as pyelitis.

7. Pyelonephritis requires antibiotic therapy, and sometimes surgical intervention.

8. Most cases of pyelonephritis are due to bowel organisms that enter the urinary tract.

9. People with acute pyelonephritis that is accompanied by high fever and leukocytosis are treated at home.


The urine is a yellowish liquid that is about 95 per cent water and 5 per cent dissolved solids and gases. The amount of these dissolved elements is indicated by specific gravity. The urine has a specific gravity that normally varies from 1002 (very dilute urine) to 1040 (very concentrated urine). The normal substances, found during the test of the urine, are nitrogenous waste products, electrolytes, and yellow pigment.

Urine examination is one of the most important parts of an evaluation of a person’s physical state. Here is a list of the most significant abnormal substances found in the urine:

1. Glucose (an indicator of diabetes mellitus). The presence of glucose in the urine is called glucosuria.

2. Albumin (indicates a kidney disorder). The presence of albumin in the urine is called albuminuria.

3. Blood (indicates nephritis or other urinary disorder). The blood in the urine is called hematuria.

4. Ketones are seen in diabetes mellitus or starvation.

5. Pus (гній), white blood cells, is the evidence of infection. Pus in the urine is called pyuria.

6. Casts (циліндри) indicate disease of nephrons.

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